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October 07, 1928 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-07

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Play By Play How Gembis place-kicked the goal for
the extra poit.
yiuoXeslevan Wins Score: Michigan 7, Ohio Wes-
O e W ovi leyan 7.
/Ver O Vrlne Gembis kicked off to Waid, who
returned the ball to the Wesleyan
BiresCwas tackled by Cornwell for 30-yard line. Waid was tackled by
one-yard loss. Cornwell for a -five-yard loss.
Mcneycd tesl. Breese made 20 yards around
lt cMiney carried the alelMichigan's right end giving Wes-
through Michigan's right tacklele yan a first down on its own 45-'
wKhin one foOt of the goal lne. yard line. Both sides were off side
McKinney failed by inches to and Haliday was stopped for no
make a touchdown but Breese gain. Breese gained a scant yard
p ppged over on the next play. through center.
Rice went in for Thomas and Wheeler punted on first down to
kicised the goal for the extra point. Waid who was tackled in his tracks
gcore: Ohio Wesleyan 7, Mich- by Cornwell on Wesleyan's 44-yard
lgan O' . line. Pommerening recovered for
Waid was sent in for Rice imme- Michigan. Under the 1928 rules
diately after the kick. Gembis Pommerening was not allowed to
kicked off but was returned to run with the ball after recovering.
Wesleyan's 26-yard line. A line Gembis was forced out of bounds
play failed. Waid gained a scant for no gain. Wheeler's long pass
yard, at Michigan's right side. was grounded. Gembis hit right
Breese punted and Campbell down- tackle for one yard. Gembis at-'
ed the ball on Michigan's 43-yard tempted a long pass from a
line. fake kick formation which fell
Score: Ohio Wesleyan 7, Mich- incomplete, and Wesleyan took'
igail p"the ball on downs on its own 44-

more. tackle for five yards and Glancy ment from Michigan's 26-yard ommittee
Wheeler placed a beautiful punt added five more through center. line, inaking the score 17-i in
out of bounds at Wesleyan's six- Breese got of a long kick, the ball favor of Wesleyan. Prepares Program
yard line. Glancy went through roiling to Michigan's five-yard Glancy's kickoff went over the
the center of the Michigan line for line where it was downed by a goal line and Michigan took the The program for the extension
33 yards and a first down on the Wesleyan man. ball on her own 20-yard line. division of the Student Christian
Wesleyan 39-yard line. Holmes was smothered trying to I Wheeler failed to gain off tackle. association is now being prepared
Abbey recovered a fumble for an circle his own left end and then His pass to McCoy was imcomplete
eight-yard loss. Breese failed to Wheeler punted to Breese who on the next play, and then he and will be completed in a short
gain. Wesleyan took time out. dodged his way for nearly 20 yards punted, the ball rolling to Wesley- while. This department sends ftP-
Niancy was injured, but resumed to the Michigan 26 yard mark. an's 35 yard line where it was dent speakers to address high
playing. Franz gained three around his own downed by Orwig. school and o t h e r gatherings
Breese punted to Wheeler, who left end. Glancy was stopped at Wesleyan drew another five-yard throughout the state. All those'
received the ball and was tackled center with no gain and Breese penalty for off-side. Breese made who are interested in making any
in his tracks by Blair on Michigan's made a yard through the line. a yard through the line and Glancy of the trips should call at Lane
35-yard line. Holmes hit inside of Then Glancy, the Wesleyan cap- hit center for four more. Breese -fall between 1 and 5:30, some time
right end for three yards. Wheeler tain dropped back five yards and punted on the next play to the within the next few days. Harold
punted to Breese who signaled for with Halliday holding the ball, Michigan 17-yard line. Michigan Husband, '29, is chairman of the
a fair catch on his own 25-yard scored a perfect goal from place- I had the ball at the final gun. extension division committee.
line as the quarter ended. -_ _
Score: Ohio Wesleyan 14; Mich- ___ __ _ __ ___ __ __ _
igan 7. -



At the start of the second half,
W. A. Brown replaced Bovard atl
center and Cragin went in for!
Steinke at Michigan's right guard.1
Gembis' kick off went over theI
goal line and Ohio Wesleyan put
the ball in play at its 20-yard mar-
ker. Running from punt forma-
tion Breese rounded Michigan's
right end for five yards. He faked
another kick and then passsed but
it fell incomplete.
Breese Intercepted Wheeler's
pass and returned it to Wesleyan's
43-yard line. Breese hit Michigan's
line for six yards. Waid failed to
gain. Straub' was injured and took
time out.
Wesleyan was penalized five;
yards. Danny Holmes replaced
Straub at quarterback for Mich-j
igan. Poorman was sent in for
Squier at Michigan's right tackle.f
Holmes intercepted a pass
thrown by Halliday in midfield and
ran 43 yards to Wesleyan's two-
yard line, where he was forced out
of bounds. Rich hit center for one'
yard. Gembis was stopped for no
gain at Wesleyan's left guard. Rich
plunged through right guard for a

yard line.
Wesleyan was penalized five
yards for being offside. Breese
faked a punt and then passed to
Haliday who caught the ball and
ran 57 yards for a touchdown.
Glancy kicked the goal.
Score: Ohio Wesleyan 14, Mich-
igan 7.
Halliday was aided by splendid
interference on his run for the
Gembis' kick off went into the
stands at the end of the field and
the ball '-was put in p lay at the
20-yard line. Breese rounded
Michigan's right side for two yards.
Glancy added two more through
Hozer replaced Gembis at full-
back. Rich hit left guard for three
yards. Holmes added two more
through left tackle. Hozer strug-
Igled through the right side for two
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Waid fumbled and Holmes re-
covered for Michigan on Wesley-
an's 22-yard line. Hozer made five
yards in two plays through right'
Glancy was held to one yard on
a center rush. Breese bunted out
to Wheeler who caught the ball on
his own 38-yard line, and a brilli-
ant return to the Wesleyan 39-
yard line. Franz went in for Waid.
Orwig and McCoy replaced
Truskowski and Cornwell at the
ends for Michigan. Holmes' pass
to Orwig was hurried and went wide
of the receiver. Glancy intercept-
ed Wheeler's pass on his own 30-


yard line.:
Wesleyan drew
alty for offside.

a five-yard pen-





Breese ran off



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Subscribe to The Michigan Daiy
I -
announces th openin of
at corner of
For the convenience of those going to the
Intramural Building, Tennis Courts
and Golf Links
Next to Arcade Theater--State and Packard
"From Freshman Cap to Cap and Gown"
I ii1i J illlIl 111 lllllllll llillI1 l IIllilllllll lllllllll ll1lI1I1hli 111111111 m'
ClassifiAed Ads Pay

NOTICE-Good roo moffered in ex-
change for boy looking after fur-
nace. Phone 9421. 13
NOTICE-To young men who want
extra .inoney, write; Harvey B.
Rced, 600 Postal Bldg., Chicago.
DINNER Served Every Evening
from six to seven. Good southern
cooking. Only 65c. Sunday 75c.
At 1001 Forrest Ave. 11,12,13
BOARD--Strictly home-cooked food
by week. 508 Elm St. Second
house from Geddes. Phone 7592.
LOST-Strayed or Stolen. Boston
bull terrier. Black with white
markings. Finder call 9534. Re-
ward. 12,13
LOST-ZBT fraternity pin, dia-
mond shape. Finder please return
to R. J. Livingston, phone 3590.
Reward offered. . 12,13,14
LOST-White gold wrist watch
trimmed with black enamel, ini-
tials 'T. M. M. on back. Please
return to Thelma M. Meyer, 909
East University. Phone 21136. Re-
LOST-Or stolen, large white Col-
lie dog. Reward for information
leading to his return. Call 21517.
FOR RENT-423 S. Division. Two
rooms for housekeeping. One
room with double deck bed $5.00.
Tel. 4593. 13
FOR RENT-1127 East Ann. Will
sublet my attractive bachelor
apartment in new planada with
private bath and shower. Apply
apartment 32 or Janitor. 13,14,15
FOR RENT-Two large room apart-
ment with shower on first floor.
Private entrance. Everything
furnished for three people. Also
a vacancy in a large suite. 720
So. State. Dial 6826. 12,13,14
FOR RENT - Large front room.
Married couple or graduate stu-
dents preferred. On first floor.
Inquire 330 Thompson. 12,13
FOR RENT-A very desirable room
for two or three boys. Mrs. Prask,
735 Haven Ave. Phone 6544. 12
FOR RENT-Large, airy room, two
blocks from campus. Very rea-
sonable rent. 314 E. Liberty. Call
8117. 12,13,14
FOR RENT-Very pleasant single
room, strictly modern. 802 Moh-
roe St. Call 8117. 12,13,14
FOR RENT - Delightful double
room, one block from campus. 612
Church St. Call 8117. 12,13,14
FOR RENT-Chair and lovely suite
Girls' League House. Only six
other girls. Two minutes from
the campus. 224 S. .Thayer. Dial
4093. 11,12,13
nished 'for two, no other students
in the house, 513 Thompson St.
Dial 7958. 11,12,13,14,15,16


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ii1 iiii :si iililii iiliillllli lllllllillillillfll11lliim ll11l~ilillll , 11I !;,ilii
"The food is
_ always so good
s .
and hot."
R. W. '31 _
Lunch 35c
Dinner 50c a-d ,1p
Over Slater's
5 11 il l11111 n 1111111111 11111911111 1m ll i lll l tll H i illilil1 li itiliiilrif ililliia
itillfll llll ililllt~ IIII i iI; lli tilllllil i1tt ilillillll ll 1 l1111li Ii t1 111111111LP y
A TALK IT OVER with the
When you are ready to build that new hone. When you
wish to select your building site. If you want improved prop- 5
erty, get in touch with us. You can be sure of efficient and

FOR SALE-One imported evening
dress, size 18, one pair brocaded
slippers, size 5, one riding habit.
Phone 3163. 13
FOR SALE-Two weeks old Detroit
Jewel stove at great sacrifice.
Suitable for fraternity, sorority
or boarding house. Call Meyer
3590. 13,14,15
FOR SALE-Two concert tickets
for Wednesday, Oct. 10th. Main
Floor. Phone 3105 Monday.
FOR SALE-Sweet cider, grapes
and grape juice. Call R. E. Wag-
ner, 9534 or 22413.
FOR SALE-Piano; good condition.
Call 6013. 10, 11, 12, 13
WANTED-Tutors. Proficient and
experienced in any University
course. Phone 7927 between 9
and 5 daily. 13,14
WANTED-Experienced young man
to care for furnace and walks in
exchange for quiet room. Call
at 1014 Church St. Sunday or
evenings this week. 13
WANTED-Tutors. Proficient and
experienced in any University
course. Phone 9727 between 9
and 5 daily. 12,13
WANTED-Girl to work for room
and board. Phone 21588.
% ~11,12,13,14,15
NOTICE-H. W. Clark Shoe Fac-
tory, corner of South University
and Forest. Let us save you 20,
percent on your repair work.
Only one shoe factory in town.
Riding boots from $10 up; golf
shoes from $8 up: moccasins in
ten different leather styles, $6.
All kinds of shoes made to your
measure. C
WANTED-A girl to work for room
and board, caring for child after-
noons. Call 4731 morning or eve-
heat;'always hot water. 311


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