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February 24, 1929 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-24

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In view of the unfortunate incidents that have often resulted from'
too drastic "Hell Week" programs in the past, and in view of the strong
condemnation of "rough house initiations" adopted by the National
Interfraternity Conference in 1920 and unanimously reaffirmed in 1928.
the Senate Committee on Student Affairs u ges the cooperation of all
fraternities in keeping their probation week activities free from any
practices which involve.
a--The physical mistreatment of initiates
b-The destruction of property and public disturbances
c-The interruption of class attendance
Fraternities violating the spirit of these suggestions will be liable
to disciplinary action.

Mr. Paul H. Roberts, supervisor of the Sitgreaves National Forest EQUIPMENT FOR TALKING MOVIES
in Arizona, is visiting the various Forest Schools as an official repre-
sentative of the U. S. Forest Service and will be in Ann; Arbor Monday People who complained psome regime, considering the episo [LI)
and Tuesday, Feb. 25 and 26. He will lecture to all. interested in time ago about the distance of last fall when not so silent appr
Forestry as follows: the Wuerth theater from the cam- ciation drew 2950 pennies from on,
Monday at 9--Lecture, room 2039 Natural Science Building pus did not know when they were person. It is probably Butterfield's
Monday at 10-11-Informal conferences well off. The complaints, which aim to foster a conference penny- Retlaion
Monday at .1-Lecture, room 2039 Natural Science Building. were raised at the announcement pitching championship team y - thi1I Eli2
Tuesday at 9-Lecture, room 2039 Natural Science Building that the Wuerth was. to go "Tal- letting his "talkie" heroines shout ,
Tuesday at 10-11-Informal conferences kie," apparently have influenced bloody murder to draw on a show-"impo tn
Tuesday at 11-Lecture, room 2039 Natural Science Building. the Butterfield interests to install er of cent-pieces. Or maybe he tagafto thi
Robert Craig, Jr., Secretary of Faculty a like emporium of the spoken intends, after a particularly often- t'e will b~
word at the Michigan theater, or sive piece of acting, to call out his 4:15 o'cloc
at least that is what was an- Janitors to sweep up the stage, so the Natur
Botanleal Seminar: nounced by cinema-manager Ger- ! that all pennies thrown can be C tUchbhrt
ry Hoag. jused to pay for that Essex he gave tor of ti
Botanical Seminar meets Wednesday, Feb. 27, at 4:30, room 1139 Hoag announces that the theater away during Joy-Month. organizati
N. S. Bldg. Paper by C. D. Erlanson-"The Flora of Greenland." will be completely wired up for the At any rate by the end of the inOwn.
B. M. Davis presentation of Vitaphone and I Easter vacation the "Talkies" will Illustrat
Research Club: ovietone opera by April 10 in; be in Ann Arbor and the cinema 1y Miss
accordance with the policy of the audiences will learn that ingenues %ill be i
The Research Club will meet in room 2528 East Medical Building coming regime -"talking where have bass voices, that the cowboy Kelly has
on Wednesday, Feb. 27, at 8 p. m. The following papers will be pre- talking is best; silence where it is here lisps and cries "fudge" when ject "The
sented: most appreciated." This must also he points his shooting irons, and rigals."
"Valuation and Depreciation of Public Utilities," by Professor E. have been the policy of the past that movies are no longer to be "The En
-. Goddard.-}-classed as amusements but as or- of three i
"Motor Fuel," by Professor G. 0. Brown. . Mathematics Group Ideals. compaed
A meeting of the Council will be held at 4:30 p. m. in room 1053:nusins
To SlectCouses~RADI OR !-IITR Ito instrur
East Physics Building. To Select Courses

. _,.

of the music and poetry
:abethian period, and the
e of the music as a her-
he English speaking peo-



e treated in a lecture at
k tomorrow afternoon in
al Science auditorium by
Kelly, founder and direc-
hle "English Singers", an
on of international re-
ions by the speaker and
Nellic Carson,. contralto,
used in the lecture. Mr.
announced as his sub-
Singing of English Mad-
nglish Singers", composed
men and three women, are
to their field of vocal
the Flonzaley quartet is
mental chamber music.

University Lecture:
Mr. Cuthbert Kelly of the "Engl kh Sing ers" will lecture at 4:15
p. m., Monday, February 25. in ti e Natu ttl Science Auditorium, on
"The Singing of Elizabeth'n Madugis." Mr. Kelly will be assisted by
Miss Nellie Carson, contralkt who will illu2Itrete' the lecture with songs.
The public is cordially invited.
l'. E. Robbins j
The University Symphony Orchestra, Samuel Pierson Lockwood, con-
ductor, assisted by Albert Lockwood, pianist and Nicholas Falcone, clar-
inetist, will give the following program in the faculty concert series
in Hill Audito,,ium, Sunday, February 24, 1929, at 4:15 o'clock. The gen-
eral public, with the exception of small children, is invited. The public
is requested to come on time as the doors will be closed during num-
Mendelssohn: War March of the Priests, from "Athalia"; Mozart:
Clarinet Concerto in B flat, (Mr. Falcone); Bendel: German Fairy Tales,
Op. 135, Nos. 1 and 2, Saint-Saens: Rhapsodie d'Auvergne, Op. 73; de
Falla: Nights in the Gardens of Spain; Liszt: Fantasia on Motives from
Beethoven's "Ruins of Athens", (Mr. Lockwood).
Mr. McCluskey's Classes in Education:
Mr. McCluskey will not meet his classes in Education Monday, Tues-
day, and Wednesday, February 25, 26, and 27.
Howard McCluskey
College of Engineering, Lecture:
Under the auspices of the Transportation Club, the New York Cen-
tral Ry. Co. will present a lecture and film upon modern car retardation
and centralized dispatch control, Wednesday, Feb. 27, at 4:15 p. m., in
room 1042 East Engineering Building. All interested are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Clarke Harris, President
Lecture and Educational "Talkie":_
Dr. J. 0. Perrine-of the American Telephone and Telegraph Conn-

Everett S. Brown

To focus the work of the Mathe- WILL PLA Y HERE
matics department for next year --
Ac c~fia i _r b fn r

Qamiianr flat Tina nrieg V21khfin i- nnliia +

memmr, rvygie ne a nts au Z ean: n a general announcement of
o Granger's will present the nation-ure
Seminar class will be held at Dr. Sappington's, 900 Forest Avenue, courses that will meet the needs$ ally known radio dance orchestra,
Monday, February 2,, 5 p. m. of the various colleges and schools the Clicquot Club Eskimos, in at
M. P. IsamIger of the campus, a special commit- four hour dance program from 8
Aeronautical Society: tee has been appointed by Prof. until 12 o'clock Wednesday night.j
James W. Glover, head of the de- The orchestra, which until now has'
There will be an important meeting of all committee men on partment. The mathematics de- been confined to the work in the:
Tuesday, February 26, at 7:30 p. in., in the Engineering Society Room. partments of all colleges of the broadcasting studio, is now being
L. M. Ball, Acting President University have been recently unit-, booked for dances on a special tourt
ed into one department, and .its of the United States on which Ann
Chemical Engineering Seminar: central supervisions of mathema- Arbor is one of the first stops.
.hd tics courses will be executed for the The Eskimos, who have become
Mr. C. L. Nickolls will be the speaker at the Seminar on Monday, first time next year. r ominent by advertising a well-!
February 25, in room 3201 East Engineering Building. His subject is, Memrote cmteakare:pkomnt bradvftging aelre
"TheReltio ofFue Voatiityto oto Peforanc.,,Members of the committee are:f known brand of ginger ale, are
"The Relation of Fuel Volatility; to Motor Pe formance." Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, chairman; lunder the direction of Peter Van
Alfred 11. White Prof. Carl J. Coe, Prof. Harry C. Steeden. Mail from radio fans has
'Varsity Band: ,Carver, Prof. John W. Bradshaw, been so constantly in demand for
Formation in uniform at Yost ,Field House Monday (tomorrow) Cyde E. Love. iouconitee will the orchstat the manaemete o
night at 7:15 to plgy for the Minnesota game. Instruments may be araneEfor.Thistmte ed-ialtr ed withetheome
removedbfrom Morris Hall from 7 to 7:10. Roll will be taken. Bring arange fourses in mathemasched a trip e npped with e costuF
Gilbert B. Saltonstall, Stu. Mgr. the entire University. eskimo garb. will be worn on all
__As far as is feasible the same occasions for which they will fur-
Matine Musicale: standards will be required of like nish music while on tour.
courses through the University, it The management of Granger's
Under the auspices of the Study Group of Matinee Musicale, the is the intention of the department. dancing academy has been able to'
following program will be given Monday evening, February 25, at 3 Although the courses- offered for secure the services of this orches-
o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Rene Talamon: Mozart Sonata, Number the various colleges will be arrang- tra for only one night.
12, Schumann Sonata in A-minor, and Grieg Sonata' in F-minor for ed for the needs of the respective -------- - - -
violin and piano, Louise Nelson and Thelma Newell. Mr. Philip Culkin schools, all courses on the same M A
will sing a group of Schumann songs, and Otto Stahl will give a short subject will be conducted on the N)./$ ' \
I s.....t..._#s. , «. ...r._.._._ - s.----'-- ...,'- : z nw~.v7u .h /tl \ s/I-~U6l Y

'They have limited themselves to
the pa.':,formance of part-songs,
madrigals, glees, and the like,
chosen largely from the music
fwritten during; the latter part of,
the sixteenth and early seven-
tcenth centuries.
The English composers who were
contemporaries to Shakespeare led
th e 'world of music of those days.
Unfortunately, it is pointed out,
most of this music was forgotten
and lost sight of in the interven-
ing, years.
Subscribe to the Michigan Daily.
Only $2.50 for half year.
Fresh Carload
Oranges - Grapefruit
Cone down on First, between
West Jefferson and William and
get a full peck tree-ripe fruit
for 65c. Just right for your
rooms. Sweet and juicy. Five
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Open All Day Suvi'ay

pany, will talk on "The Photoelectric Cell and its Uses in Communica- discussion of narmonic development. All members of Matinee Musicale
tion." He will bring with him a portable sound projector and show with are eligible to attend.
it, an educational "talkie," a film which the A. T. & T. have produced Mrs. Rene Talamon, President
on carrier-current telephony. Wednesday, Feb. 27 in the Natural Science
Auditorium at 8:00 p. m. All interested are cordially invited to attend. Bookshelf and Stage Section-Faculty Woman's Club:
W. R. ilough, Chairman of A. I. E. E. The Bookshelf and Stage section of the' Faculty Woman's Club will
meet with M. s. Emory Sink, 1540 Packard Strcet, on Tuesday, February
Fellowships in Socilogty and Social Work: "6at245p.m
I am in receipt of the announcement of a considerable number 24irs. R. D. T. Hollister, Secy.
of fellowships and scholarships in other institutions in the fields of
sociology and social work. Students interested in these opportunities Tau Beta Pi:'
should see me at my office hours, Friday, 2 to 4. The regular meeting will be at 6:15 Tuesday, in the MichiganI
A. E. Wood Union.
W. R. Houwh .Reeording Secret..

same plan.


New York Listed
Private Wires all
nservative margin aeconts
rown-Cress & Co.,
Investment Securities
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. _g , y' v a u ' cC v u.J* u Uvt * .
Hygiene Lecture for Men:
The fourth lecture in Hygiene for men will be given in Waternan Hindustan Club:
Gymnasium, Monday and Tuesday, February 25 and 26, at 3-4-5 p. m-' A general meeting of the Hindustan Club of the University of Michi-
This requirement includes all freshmen in the regular physical training gan will be held on Sunday, Feb. 24, 1929, at 2:30 p. m. at Lane Hall.
classes and others that have been excused from these classes. (Those who have received the announcement through mail will please'
Geo. A. May note the change in time.)
All those who are interested in the aims and objects of the Club
Philosophy 31A-Seating List: are cordially invited.'
The seating lists of Lecture Sections I and II are posted in the S. F. Husain-Khan. Pres.
respective lecture rooms. They will be taken down one hour before theI---- --- ---- ----- - - - -
Tuesday lecture and posted again an hour after the lecture. Any omis-_
sions or necessary changes will be taken care of Wednesday at 4 inE
204 S. W
John Kuiper JUST RECEIVED---Another Sh
Zoology 32 (Heredity):
The seating list will be posted Monday afternoon in a case in the"7
corridor near room 2091 N. S. Please ascertain your number some-
time on Monday, then go to the lecture room and learn precisely where M chiganF vorte
your seat is. This is important to prevent confusion and delay Tues-
day morning.i
The seating list will be removed before 9 a. n., Tuesday, and will
,.,..4 hoi err. cihla nt the 1~eturp. hut. wilho. nngf r n"-in n~ f'n,' tthr, i-n.

Wednesday, Feb. 27, 1929
4 Dancing 8-12 $1.50 per couple
Tickets at Slater's






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says I I[ E L 1- - I



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