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February 24, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-24

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~I v(kAssociatccl Pres
Discussion of tentative arrange- -,.
met' o tenx aunirin A UR A K EVANSTON, 1l1., Feb. 23.--Wis-
ments for the next alumni Trien- consin continued its leadership in
nial which will be held in Cleve- the Big Ten basketball champion-
land in the spring of 1931 will take ship race by defeating Northwest-
Lp the principal part of Field Sec-er 31 to 25, in a close, rough bat-
reayHawley Tappig's trip to [R:ji MA Chri ong o,400a spectators tonight.
consult with members of the Uni- The victory gave the Badgers a
versity of Michigan club of Cleve- season's record of eight won and
land e will leave this afternoon SEN TO SUBSTITUTE FOR one lost, whereas the rivals, Mich-
land I will e tisy afternoon IOMER SAINT-GAUDENS igan and Purdue, are deadlocked
rind will return Tuesday afternoon.NUMBER OF FEB. 27 for second place with seven vic-
it was announced yesterday. I tories and two defeats each.
r Ti r h iCo dii h '- V'itATA Ir( ' W ,? V ?p 1rTW TEh4 mn i


WORKKP S RTjlng, wo is tLn T LEJAD ART.L' VNIUL Taonigiti s nattie, the second in
DA S WORK KEPT'SECAlumnus during the next six!_aweek between the powerful CONTEST IS MARKED BY SE
months while Wilfred B. Shaw is Subject Is "Looking Backwrd teams, was anybody's game until
Annuities, Germany's Capacity To away on a leave of absence, is al- From the Arctic In the Year the last few minutes when Wis- By Morris Quii
Pay, and Total Reparations ready planning for the next trien- 3000 A. D.,, consin pulled away. The Badgers Combining a deliberate and accurate
Occupy Committee nial which he hopes will be even came from behind to lead, 12 to 8, of the most uncanny sort and a pract
s Pbetter than the one which was Another. opportunity to hear one at the half-way mark. Michigan's basketball team staged a sen
(By Associated Pvcsstaged in Chicago last May of the world's leading explorers Foster caged five field goals and in the feld house before one of the lar
PARIS,j Feb. 23.-All fouteen May.e how oledi id-
deeates Fe expert comi eenwill be given the public and stu- two free throws to lead in mdi- turn back the determined Hawkeye invader
delegates to the experts commit- Sdents in Ann Arbor when Dr. vidual scoring, while Reil and tain their pace in the close race for the C
tea on reparations spent the entir;de Fridtjof Nansen appas nHl asalsoe ee onsec The Wolverines flashed a complete n
dy n1 auditorium as the seventh feature for Northwestern. the Hawks for the second time this season
d enesto ttotiment iof the current Oratorical Associa- tories to seven and thereby remain dead
the next move in the statement in
th omittee's work which has{
eted fommithe'pstwek.whic hasLion lecture series, it was announe-; i second place just one game behind.th
edyesterday by officials of the GION W LL tGoing into the lead shortly after the
htassociation upon the completion of ilized a tantalizingly deliberate passing
Th-o annuities or Germany's;1(ascainuo hecmltoto+EB
caaiy}opy wihamn h arrangements for his appearancel and short shots to pile up an impressive
capacity to pay, which among the
nation's engaged in the delibera-.. . . .. ..ere..Theminvaders were unable to penetrate th
in jSocialist Candidate for President Dr. Nansen, who will speak here and scored only two baskets and one free
tions will take the initiativen iktoinalistCEdeoT Pesk mon March 20, has been substituted to trail the winners 15-5 at half time.
defending the annuities, and what; In Last Election To Speak HmrSitGuesdrcP G ati co etteWle no
total amount of reparations must I. .In. Science Building rHmr am-udsdr-CptiMcysntheWveit
tota amod nre pahe tionsustnSnsl gtor of Fine Arts at Carnegie Insti- --- minute of play with a sensational long sh
be paid were the threequestions TEute and a recognized authority on Speaker Is Feature Of Convocation well beyond the foul line and Chapman d
whicnto k uptencomplea ynIS NOTED PROGRESSIVAmerican and International Art, Being Presented In same spot shortly afterwards. Nelson cou
ooileo oa bi-(The latter was to appear here next ill Auditorium in for a 'dog' after stealing the ball from
mittee of five as well as in private Veteran Wolverine forward who "Norman Thomas, socialist can- Wednesday, Feb. 27, but his en- The Wolverine lead was increased b
conversations among the other ; turned in a remarkable exhibitioni didate for president in the last +agement has been canceled and A E WILL PLAY dropped in aher 'longmTo om e
delegates. of floor work in last night's ic- elcin will speak on "The Need no association lecture will be given ! ALI ILL PLAV ORGAN, with a nice basket from center court.
Late this afternoon M. Gutt of tory over the Hawkeyes in addi- for a New Party," at 8 o'clock to- until March 20. - --l
Belgium, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht of tion to accounting for five points, morrow night in the Natural' To Honor Saint Gaudens Tickets( "Personal Religion in a Social to elm
Germany, and Sir Josiah Stamp ___ . ; Science auditorium. His talk will Tickets for Saint-Gaudens will World" wil. be the topic of Kirby tered
of Great Britain met to draw up be given under the joint auspices be honored for the Nansen lecture Pe aImade
a definite and final proposal of the i TddPages address at an al-student .foull
oGraHIIUI i LIIINIof the Round Table club and the as were the Madam Sun Yat-Sen l-tdn on foulI1
method of procedure to be placed tLi Student Christian association. tickets for the Lowell Thomas lec- tonvocation at 11 o'clock this lead
before a full session of the experts Thomts is one of the leading hure last week, according to offi- morning in Hill, auditorium. The iO
Monday .morning. I SOThmsion oftelaigacrngoDiin
d m gprogressivesin the country. He cials in charge of the course. convocation is part of the program mn
Ask Young's Advice I 10i has been connected with labor and Dr. Nansen has been called the of the state-wide conference spon- anUhot
of E shot, 4Twice during the day the advice social movements ever since 1918, "world's greatest living explorer" sored by the Student Christian as-wshut,-
of Owen D. Young was re- when he founded "The World To- and the substitution promises to sociation, and is open to all stu-- pass f
quested during a three-hour meet- ____morrow," a liberal publication be a profitable one. -The noted *dents on the cambus. Excessive Roughness Is Frowned ;score
ing. Thomas W. Lamont, alter- devoted to economic and interne- Norwegian is to lead the Aero-Arc- The convocation will oen with Upon.; Object to Class : o
{ A.cuoon And Wlheco alproblems. The present edi- tic Expedition which will go by the "Oh Worship the King," with Franz Interruption by R
called in but what questions were rOcussifns And Election tor of the mabazine is Kirby Page, Graf Zeppelin to make a detailed Dalies at the organ. The prayer broke
discussed remained a deep secret. ; e who will speak at a convocation in;scientific exploration of the Arctic. will be offered by Chester C. Ben-
"Nothing has beniven out andHill auditorium , this morning The title of his address is."Look- nett 29 and will be followed by ENDERS THREATEND feet p
nothing will be given o ntil ATTENDANCE RECORD SEI o s continued his tal woUwr om A t ro te
aoiting 'ekli ie s .deided," - !becoming an' asso6 cate editor °of the Yar 0A. address wl'a'e he ast numb :.. x mgo iita-the
correspondents were told by a With a final session of technical "The Nation," in 1921. A year Was Government Official the program. 'Martin J. Mol '30. tion' pgrams of the many frat- Sta
spokesman for the Bplgian delega- ater he gave - up the position to N~t only as an explorer has Dr. president of the Se C. A, wiii pre- ernitle on the campus, the Sen- secon
tdon. become executive director of the Nansen gained fame, but has been side ate Committee on Student Affairs pulled
All the delegations agree that a highway engineering yesterday League' for Industrial Democracy, one of the most noted members of Page has been in Ann Arbor for has issued a statement regarding Wolve
crucial week in the negotiations; morning, what was said to be the which position he still holds. The the Nrxwegian government. .He several daysin connection with thePa the control of Hell Week activities. much
will open on Monday. If the sub- ; greatest of all conferences of its motto of the League is "Education served as the first minister of Nor- conference. He is an outstanding The statement contains a clause rest c
committee presents a report ac- kind held at Michian came to for a New Social Order based on way to England and was later a progressive leader, and is editor of regarding the probability of dis-' able 1
ceptable to' the plenary session, iroduction for use d not f representative of Norway to the "The World Tomorrow." le is the ciplinar'l action against these I lead
then the outl)ok will be favorable close. The fifteenth annual von- Lot r gueofNations.Duringthe The omos rowkin fraternities whose programs are in th
fer nc o h gh ay en in er ng p ofi,"Le g' e f aton . ur ng the atho r of several books. incl uding 1f a e nii s w o evrg a sae
for continuance of the delibera-I ference on highway engineering, Thomas opened his political war he was chairman of the Nor- "Recent Gains in American Civili- objectionable.vader
tions in an atmosphere condusive in session here since. last Wednes- career in 1924, when he ran for wegian-American Commission for zation" and "Makers of Freedom." , . In. the form of a letter to the this
to reaching an understanding. Onday, under the direction of the 'governor of New York state on the negotiations of food supplies and the last in colloboration with fraternities, the statement con- Ka
the other hand should the final| College of Engineering in coopera- socialist ticket. A year later he was lauded throughout the world Sherwood Eddy. tains a reference to the adoption Kan
report of the sub-comnittee be I tion with the Michigan State High- , was the party's nominee for mayor for repatriation of prisoners of The conference, which opened on by the National Interfraternity the M
found uxacceptable Monday morn-|way department' and the Michigan of New York city. He is the author -war. F -iday night, continued yesterday,I Conference of a resolution strong- eye of
ing, then it is felt successful con-:Association of Road Commissioners of a great many books, including In addition to serving as a mem- with several informal group discus- ly condemning rough house initia- cox, N
elusion of the present conference ; and Engineers broke all records for "The Challenge of War," and "Is' ber of the faculty of the Univer- sions, led by Page. Last night, a tions, and suggests that programs short
will be greatly endangered. :attehdance with more than 700 Conscience a Crime?" At present, .sity of Christiania as professor of 'Lake Geneva banquet was held at be confined within reasonable lim- the ic
.One of the delegates of an Allied , present at the various meetings of Thomas lives in New York and is: zoology and oceanography 'he !the First Methodist church, Ruth its. yAccording to the letter pro- side o
power told the correspondents this the conference. 1 a contributing editor of "The Na- gained fame when he provided food Parsons, of Albion College . being bation week activities should be 'McCo
evening: "We do hope some way , The program which included men tion," "The New Leader," and sev- and protection for half a million toastmaster. The dinner was a re- free from any practices which in- baske
may be found to reach a basis and from all parts of the . Middle eral other liberal publications. Christian refugees from Asia Min- union for those who have attend- volve the physical mistreatment of guard
complete the negotiations success- ; West was concluded with a discus- Since the election, Thomas has or following the war. He was ed the conferences at Lake Geneva, initiates, the destruction of prop- court.
fully. We can't afford to let this I sion of automatic signals on state led the movement for the forma- awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Wisconsin, and the program for erty,, the creation of public dis- Mic
opportunityslide to terminate the and county highways, by Prof. ion of new party, out of the 1922 the men and women's conferences turban es, and the interruption of two w
liquidation of the war." Then he Roger L. Morrison, of the depart- wrecks of the Democrats and the for the coming season were plan- regular class attendance. ingly
hesitated and added, "But it seems i ment of highway engineering; an 'left wing of the Republicans. WITNESSES CALLED IN ned. The conference will continue No particular incidents on the while
to us neither can the Germans."- explanation of the methods of TTXE today with a group meeting both campus within recent years have taliati
Perkins Is Welcomed railroad, crossing protection, by SCORES TO' R EA before and after the convocation, brought on this form of action,: his ox
MeanIhle the American delega- Robert H. Ford, assistant chief BASKETBALL - E The convention will come to a close i according to J. A. Bursley, dean of 10 mil
tion, between consultations of the engineer of the Chicago, Rock I WAHINGTeN.fFeb.cg,.-AI- at 4 o'clock this afternoon vith an students, but in vie of the unfor-. ing,
sub-committee and conferences land and Pacific railway, and a talk ' y .\ociated Pres <aching the end of its exhaustive address by Page. All the meetings tunate incidents which have often before
among themselves, was busy wel- on airports given by Stanley E. MICHIGAN 25, Iowa 18. study of the rate sections of the except the convocation are being occurred in other colleges because selves
coming Thomas N. Perkins, one of i Knauss, of the Stout Air Service, Indiana 32, Illinois 22. tariff law, the House ways and held in Lane hall. . of too drastic "Hell Week" pro- MeC
the tvo American alternate del- Inc., of Detoit. 'Chicago 33, Minnesota 25. means committee called its lasti - o grams some action was deemed short
egates, who reached France early' At a business meeting of the Wisconsin 31, Northwestern 25. witnesses late today to wind up its AWile. cthrow
this morning. During the day the commissioners' and engineers' asso- -, hearings on revision of the free DAILY ERRS "While conditions created by then
delegation also saw . S. Parker Gil- , ciation held Friday afternoon list. probation week programs are not drop
dertgetenealfo r Prerti- George W. McCalla, of Ypsilanti BRIDGE TOURNEY Only the administrative provi- The Daily regrets an error 'iiyalways entirely satisfactory on the ling w
who, is ful recovered 'after an s and a member of the Washtenaw sions remained to be taken up after in last Friday's issue, when it ° campus, their only flagrant dis- Iowa
attack of grippe. Mr. Gilbert was county road commission, was elect- Although the official regisIj the free list and these will be tack- was erroneonsly stated that turbance with which we are con- charit
to have left for Berlin this even- ed president of the organization tration period for the Union led next week, probably the entire Leonell C. Strong was made- as- fronted each year is the interrup- linga
ing, but it was understood that he for the coming year. Otto H. Hess, bridge tournament ha0 been ,week being devoted to their consid- ! sistant professor of anatomy.- tion of class attendance," Dean -fouled
had ostoned his departure until of Grand Rapids, was selected to fill'i closed, \vith about 70 teams r eration. Professor Strong already has Bursley stated after
Monday afternoon. This is inter- the position of vice-president, while scheduled to play, late entrants Canada figured largely in today's the rank of associate profes- I The full text of the letter appears
preted as indicating that the con- K. I. Sawyer, of Escanaba, was may register Monday afternoon testimony, American newspaper i sor, and the report should have in the Daily Official Bulletin of'
ference will not move to Berlin chosen secretary-treasurer. W. J. i in the student offices of the 1 publishers urging continued free stated that Leon H. Strong was this issue of The Daily, and copies
next week and' also that Mr. Gil- nBarber, of Muskegon, and Edwin Union, according to William E. entry and redefinition in the law of advanced from the rank of in- have been sent to all fraternities. Orwig
bert eect tnd ballefr th e;Mr Sch-Barem, of Musk om ontEd : Nissen, '29. president of the newsprint papers and various lum- structor to that of assistant ___________Trusk
Brt expects to be called before thet Schuneman, of McComb county Union ber interests proposing a duty of 25 professor of anatomy. ahap
committee Monday. This will not { were the men elected to fill the iprdn nalclse flme.ooMAINE WITHDRAWAL IS McCo
happen, however, unless 'the re- other positions on the board of di- E per cent on all classes of lumber. .-A---- WTD o
port' of the sub-committee on the rectors. KSEit
future basis of procedure is found: Prof. Morrison was the generalNEW'WOMEN'S LEAGUE AUDITORIUM TO FACILITATE
.several members of the ivs PRESENTATION OF CAMPUS DRAMATIC PRODUCTIONS .aWHINGToN,Feb.t23.-AdmTin
TH" W AT E faculty were active. c--se ae a d ei ntd fr m he I a
THEWEATHER__ torium will be forthcoming within tion system which provides for the Senate and eliminated from the Twog
By Pierce Rosenberg the near future. entrance of pure air through the Navy department appropriation Nelso
(Bi Associated Press) nhMARONS DOWN GOPHERS Realization of the dreams of The auditorium proper will seat top and its exit through lower out-. bill the surprise amendment added Wilco
Snow Sunday or - Sunday night FOR FIRST WIN OF YEAR many gwho have hoped for better more than 700 persons. The main lets, thus avoiding drafts often I- yesterday providing for the Kinna
and probably on Monday, except ;facilities for campus dramatics will floor measurements are approxi- found in auditoriums. All the air withdrawal of American marines

passing game with shooting
ically impregnable defense,
sational comeback last night
est crowds of the season to
s by a 25-18 score and main-
3onference championship.
eversal of form in downing
to increase their list of vic-
ocked with the Boilermakers
e Meanwell-coached Badgers,
opening tip-off, the Wolves
game featured by both long
e lead during the first half.
e stubborn Michigan defense
throw in the opening. period
the van after less than a
ot from the side of the court
uplicated it from almost the
nted first for Iowa, dribbling
y two points when McCoy
side, and Farrao countered
Rose executed a perfect pivot
de the Iowa defense and regis-
a 'dog' shot and Chapman
good on an attempt from the
ine .to give Michigan a 9-4
Michigan Leads At half
a perfect pass from Chap-
Rose counted another 'dog'
and then Orwig took another
rom the Michigan center to
a difficult one-handed shot.
x reduced the Wolverine lead
.e when McCoy fouled him,
ose offset this effort when he
fast to receive Orwig's per-
ass for his third 'dog shot of
tlng with a rush after the
d period op ned, the -awks
up within four points of the
s, but although they showed
greater accuracy during the
f the game, they were un-
to overcome the substantial
piled up by the Wolverines
e opening period. The 4n-
s outscored Michigan 13-10 in
mitz Replaces Truskowski
itz replaced Truskowski in
ichigan lineup and the Hawk-
dense began to function, Wil-
elson and Farroh counting on
ones before Chapman broke
e with a short shot from the
f the court on a pass from
Y. Farroh scored his third
t -of the game on a short, un-
ed shot from the side of the
higan's lead was increased by
'hen Orwig tipped in a seem-
impossible one-handed shot
off-balance. Twogood re-
ed with a pair of free throws,
mly scores of the game. With
nutes of the contest remain-
lichigan spurted to lead 24-15
the the Hawks found them-
oy totalled three points on a
shot from the side and a free
after Wilcox fouled him and
Rose took Orwig's pass to
in another 'dog' shot. Sprad-
as substituted at forward for
and Kinnan converted two
y shots into counters. Sprad-
added another when he was
I by Roi. but Orwig retaliated
Farroh had fouled him.
gan (25) G. FT TP
, rf... . .. .. . ... ....2 1 5
owski,4lf..... ...0 0 0
man, c . . .....2 1 5
y, rg (Capt.).......3 1 7
lg. .............4 0 8
;z, lf ............0 0 0
als ..............11 3 25
oodrf ...........0 2 2
n, If .............2 0 4
x, c .............1 1 3
an, rg ..............0 2- 2
ih, lg..............3 0 6

1--7 Pnr vl:n 9'.iT s. Yia n wiTT b ± wa.¢]'rnai by w ._. P

li ,1 ........... ........ U . I.


rain ur snw in exue e suu - por-
tion; slightly warmer Sunday; C (HIyAssociated
colder Monday in north pr is CHICAGO, Feb. 23.--
portions. sity of Chicago's wea
(I team won its first
FRATERNITIES I starts in the Big Ten
I defeating Minnesota3

-The Univer-,
ry basketball
game in ten
race tonight, I
33 to 25.

seem to be in the immediate future IatVeIy 80uy OU ee; ute acutori---- " "fron Nicaragua.
to any one who chooses to wander um- will be the equivalent of more being run over coldhwater before
truhteayeuniihdad-than three stories in height. being used in the theater. President Coolidge was reported' Totals...........-.6 6 18
through the as yet unfinished audi-t.to. have sent word to the capital Free throws missed: Michigan-
torium in the new Women's League Fine walnut panels will cover A 30 foot proscenium arch is tis morning that he considered Truskowski, Chapman.
building. Complete in every detail, the sides of the auditorium to the the exterior view of the stage. Fixr the Senate decision of last night ar
possible in the planning of a first height - of the balcony, above of all there is the usual asbestos reflection on his foreign policy, but' Referee-Schommer, Chicago.

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