,;; "HE MICHIGAN .AIL SATUJ2DAY, rrRUTTA~tV ', 1 ?' TH~ MICHIGAN DAILY F.~r DAILY OFFI CIAL BUL'LETIN P$Iblication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m.' (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Hoover Inspects Reconstruction Work ' f AMAI! Judge Accused Of EDUCATION CHIEF Accompanied By Governor Of Florida Irregular Conduct WILL SPEAK HERE Tern rni Tr n111 ITU i lin0iinr Hu IMAIU1NIIV HUM1 Vol. 39. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1929 No. 105 University Loan Committee: The University Loan Committee. will 23, at 9:00 a. .m., in room 2, University All students applying for loans from arrange to appear before the Committee; meet on Saturday, February' Hall. the University funds should at this time. J. A. Bursley I University Lecture: - Mr. Cuthbert Kelly of the "English Singers" will lecture at 4:15 p. m., Monday, February 25, in the Natu al Science Auditorium, on "The Singing of Elizabethan Madrigals." Mr. Kelly will be assisted by Miss Nellie Carson, contralto, who will illustrate the lecture with songs. The public is cordially invited.' F. E. Robbins Matinee Musicale: Under the auspices of the Study Group of Matinee Musical, the following program will be given Mnday evening, February 25, at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Rene T .lamon: Mozart Sonata, Number 12, Schumann Sonata in A-m'nor. aul Crieg Sonata in F-minor fort violin and piano, Louise Nelson and Thelma Newell. Mr. Philip Cuikin will sing a group of Schumann songs, and Otto Stahl will give a short discussion of harmonic developnen. All members of Matinee Musicale are eligible to attend. Mrs. Rene Talamon, President P obat ion or "Hell-week" at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity on 'he corner of Washtenaw and SouthI University avenues, took on a novel ispect when neophytes were called out at 8:30 yesterday morning to fight a fire which had broken out between the partitions of the walls. rrhe origin of the fire could not be determined nor the amount of the damage done. The fire had gotten quite a start when it was discovered, and the freshmen were called outs as firefighters. The firej department was almost immediate- ly summoned and spent about an hour and a half fighting the flames which were entirely within the building and its walls. It is sus- pected that the fire was started by1 the combustion of the soot in a de- fective chimney, although there is little evidence to substantiate the belief. The faculty of the School of Education are having a luncheon in his honor on the same day ai the Union. He will also speak at the initiation dinner of Phi Deli a Kappa, national honorary educa- tional fraternity, later that even; ing. Mr.. Cooper has becomo we'l known as one of the leading edu- cators of the country, according to Dr. George E. Myers, of the School of Education, and it is generally considered by those who know Mr. Cooper that his appointment to a national position was well made: charges of irregularity in bank- ruptcy cases lodged against him by Rep. Fiorello H. LaGuardia of New York. William John Cooper, state super- intendent of the public institutions of California and recently appoint- ed United States Commissioner of Education, will speak here at 4 o'clock on Friday, March 1, in the auditorium of the University High School, on some phase of modern -ducational problems. Subscribe to the Michigan Daily $2.25 for the half year. t E E I Judge Francis A. Winslow Of New York, who has retained counsel to defend him against a Seniors and Graduate Chemicale , E J e drs: dh President-elect Herbert Hoover and Governor Doyle Carleton of Dr. E. A. Rykenboer, Production Superintendent of the Roessler Florida, extreme right, snapped at South Bay, Fla., as they made a and' Hassbacher Chemical Compan rt, Niagara Fals, N. Y., will be in tour with two members of the Flo rida drainage board, inspecting the Room 2028 East Engineering building today, February 23, to inter- reconstruction work in the flood district of Lake Okeechobee. view candidates for positions with his firm. This company manufac- tures metal cyanides, metallic sod lum, and a wide line of chemicals A. 11. White Philiie Problem made a special study of the ques- 5-5--tion. Stamp Collectors: Will Be Considered The forums are held bi-weekly _, i 4 The regular meeting of the Ann A bor Stamp Club will be held Saturday, February 23, in room 408 of the Romance Languages Build- Maximino G. Bueno, Grad., will ing at 8:00. Visitors and collectors invited. Over 75 lots will be a1e- speak on, "A New Aspect of the tioned after the meeting. Philippine Problem," at the first S. B. Conger, Secretary international student forum of the semester at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow International Forum: afternoon in Lane hall. Bueno has, by the Student Christian associa- tion, and are for the purpose of enabling students to discuss 'in- ternational problems in an in- formal meeting. The conferences are open to all men and women students on the campus. N E. ,~'. #, fey I ! I , , The first meeting of the International Forum this semester will be held Sunday, February 24, at 4:15 p. m. in the lib:ary of Lane Hall. Mr. Maximo Bueno will lead an informal discussion on "A New Aspect of the Philippine Question." Mr. Bueno has made an intensive study of this field. All interested students and faculty members are cordially invited to attend. .John M. Brumm William B. Palmer MU M I IBridge Tournament Entries Close Today IN All those desiring to enter the all-campus bridge tournament to be held under the auspices of the Moving pictures of the points of, Union will have their final oppor- interest in the University Museums tunity to do so today. A booth is iuilding were recently shot by the being maintained fromm3 to 5:30 camera men who are preparing the o'clock this afternoon at the side movies to be included in the cur- pos the Union lobby for this rent issue .of the University mov- A total of fifty student teams, ing pictures. have thus far signified their in- The pictures were taken in the [tention of competing, and those research laboratories and in the who will play their first matches on Monday will be notified by tele- exhibition rooms. A shot of Prof. phone previous to that time. The R. C. Hussey of the geology depart- matches will be played at the Un- ment, lecturing to students in a ion with the winners of each to be , course in historical geology in front' determined by three out of five rubbers. Silver loving cups will be of a huge skull in the paleontology; .g exhibition room was obtained, given to members of the winnin An terestingsht was takenoftam, hile those placing second convalescent children from the h rceive a season pass to Mimes branch hospital being conducted on' Registration in the Union all- a tour through the building, campus billiards tournament will These children were brought into continue until at least 75 have en- the museum in wheel chairs, on tered. At the present time 35 haveI crutches, and even on wheeled signed up. Forty singles and twelve beds: doubles teams are .taking part in - the bowling tournament, but the COLORADO-Sunday movies and opportunity for entering will be Sunday pool playing are banned held open for several days yet, ac here because the Law Enforceme.nt cording to William E. Nissen, '29, 1 League believes that "Sunday president. amusements lead to deadly sins." r""" M"'m rr liii 1111111 I~~~~It lilIl 11111 1111 11III111li ii , u~ w ~ ,,,, 11 :=i ;s' =. : ::.;: ., ,_., :r=: 'r: : :. !. i}'.: T t TTITIT7 FOR THE GENTLE COMFORT OF APPLIED HEAT AN ELECTRIC HEATING PAD ! The electric heating pad is always ready for instant service where aches and pains will yield to the gentle comfort of applied heat. It will supply its soothing heat for hours at a time, at a cost of less than one cent an hour. Being soft and -flexible, an electric heating pad is the most effective means of applying heat at the exact spot needed- quickly and continuously. The electric heat- ing pad is as essential to every household as the medicine cabinet. WHAT A TREAT! COMING "The Clicquot Club Eskimos' NEXT WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 from 8 till 12 GRANGER'S, $1.50 per couple i { ELECTRIC HEATING P A DS WESTINGHOUSE $6.50 Mm {"I MI IT I ! 711 !! i M7 ,I = 7 SIMPLEX " "$150 Convenient terms at a slight additional charge. New York Listed Stocks Private wires to all Markets Conservative margin accounts solicited Brown-Cress & Co., Investment Securities SECOND SEMESTER TEXT BOOK NEW AND SECOND HAND 'THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY I Telephone 22541 UNIVERSITY IV AHR'SBOOK STORE 7th Floor First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Al 11 Comedy Club PRESENTS LAST TIME TONIGHT 66 Mimes Theatre LAST TIME TONIGHT 9:00 P. M.