- ~-----~ TV SDAY, ERTUAY12, 102 'tHE MICH-fIGAN DA,1L- .. -.., _ __ _--_. VARIT C [R HI10 1VARSITY TANKERS DEFEATHOOSIERS a (Continued From Page Six) ..To B.1 , I N LEA 104: yard free style-Won by ston (I) ; Reif (M), second; 0. Goldsmith (M), third. Time--:25.6. 200 yard breast stroke-Woii by Thlompson (M); Lauter (I), second; Mertz (M), third. Time-2:46. 440 yard free style-Won by Mc- Donald (M) ; McCaffree (M), sec- ond; Hlog ess (T), third. Time-- 5:44.. Ment. Buy Your Shirts at Wholesale prices ! CLASSIFIEDDET1N Shipp (R, third. Time ---:54.6. 50 yard free style-Won by Win- NOTICES (Continued Fr om page' Six) things all sewed~ up at half' time with a comfortable 19-10 margin. At the~ begin-ning of the final pe- riod, however, the Wolves encoun- teredi a, stum~bling block in the stubborn Scarlet and Grey defense which~ completely cec oked the scor- ing of the Big Ten pace' makers for seven minutes of play. Erwin Shows Well Erwin, flashy sophomore forward, dropped in a field goal for the Bucks, and then Truskowski broke the ice by duplicating the. feat. Chapman added three more points on a~ close in-shot and a free throw, while Orwig: increased the margin' to 28-15 by sli'pping two more bas-'! kets through the meshes. Coach George Veenkar' tested his. reserve strength toward the middle of the second half, sending Cush- ing in' at guard for"Rose. Still later Lovell replaced Captain' McCoy at the' other guard position, and "Whittle and Kanitz took charge- of the' forward. berths. BOX SCORE, 1VTIUtAI( T 1 _.__ . we } , - , , o s 'y7{'-'l1 .. New Club Plan Saves, You Money Groups of col~te eici. all over the country are taking dvnaeof Our new (cli lt ,a~. Here's an oppor tu iiiy to obtLain th e finest quality shirts from one of the largest man factUrers in. the country at pric:es whieli represent a substantial discount. Complete Selection to choose from. Broadcelothi, Madrats and novel mixtures. 'Writes and the new c oors. Every conceivable pattern, Suede (leather) Jackets, Corded Riding Breeches, Work and Flannel Shirts I NOTICE-Board with private fam- ily. Room for two or three. Rates reasonable. Call 7086. 95,96,97 NOTICE WP- BUY USED CLOTHING H. IBENJAMIN 210~ E,.Washington Phonie 4310 T.T.Fr. c cleaned,- repaired. Large stock, best service, conslderate pries. Phone 6615. 0. D. Morril1l, 17 Nickels Arcade.r NOTICE -- We are clos~iig out our1 full line of Dresses' ana Wardrobe aTrunks at cost. Koch- & Heirne. NOTICE--Dial 3916, Moe Laund~ry, 204 N. Mvain St., for latudry 6er- vice with real personal' attenition like received at home. C WANTED WANTEb-Fif teen young girls to train and appear in; a special production. Apply at Parris Dance Studio, Nickels Arcade. George C. Payne, director. 94, 95, 96 310 S. State. AdRNCY) Phone 7927 T. T.S., c EThis club plan is simple and is spe- c ially suitable for fraternities and other dollar for shirts, mail the coupon below and get full details of this money-saving plan. TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuf. Dial 9387. c T'YPEWRITER SERVICE-New Cor- ona, Royal, Underwood, Reming- ton portables, also used large and portable typewriters of all makes bought, sold, rented, exchanged, MAIL COUPON FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION FOR- RENT Dept. C. N. 3 PARMODE CO. Lesser Bldg. St. Louis, Mo. *Gentlemen: Without obligation send nee full details of your plai whereby f can sava money oan ny shirts. NVamne.......................... .......... ........., Address ................. ......... Subscribe to, The Michigan liDail TYPEWRITERt REPAIRING All makes of ma- cines, Our equip- * .. Iment and person- nel, are considered ... among the best. in' the State. The result of, twenty years' careful hild ug. [ 0. D.oMOR RILL 117 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615 Orwig, R......... Vruskowski , L F.... Chapman,,C... . Rose, LO........ McCoy, RG ......... Cushing,,,LG.. ...... Kanitz, LF .... Lov'el'RG . .. ... Whiittle, RF........ 3 0 1l 0 0 0 Q FT 0 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 TP' 12 121 7' 0 0 KNXHT CHARTER OUSE SUITS--TOP COATS and all other fixings for Spring. 14 01410 STATE Evans, RP.. . .....1 Erwin, LF.!..... ..4 VanHeyde, C ........ 2 Fesler, LG .......... 2 Latkin, RG........ 0 Hinchman, RGS......0O Little, A..........1 0 2' 1 .9' 2 6 1 5! 0 0' 0 0 0 2 INNNARINCE1891 The greatestI lore for men 322-.324 S. Main St. .Room on second floor with, boarda $9 per.. Very centrally located, facing Women's League building, 911 East Washington. 94, 95,. 96 FOR RE~NT-One large suite for 2 or 3 students, and one single or double room.. Price reasonable. Also garage. 425 5S. Divis~ion. 2-2352. 95,96,97 FOR RENT--One. doufble and one' single room, $3.00" each . Warm' and light. Two blockis from Cam- pus. 555 S. Divisioni. Dial 8072. 95,96 F1OR RENT--Comnpletely furnished' 3-room apartment. Steam heat, bath including' shower. Also gar- age. 42217E. Washington. Dial 8544 or 9714. 95,96,97 F OR RE N T--Single room for, teacher," graduate, or. business, girl. Steam heat. 422 E. Washing- ton'. Dial 8544 oir 9714. 95,96,97 FRON'T SUITE- Single or double or couple. 537 Elm Street. Rhone 5291. 95 FOR RENT"-- Laig'&," pleasant. room on first; floor for one girl One block from Caimpus. 725' Haven. 95,96,97 FOR RENT - Cheap - Attractive single room near Campus for a rman. 609' East "university. 95 FOR RENT-Double front room, private family, steam heat, well lighted, reasonable rates. 1106 . Forest. C FOR~ SALE' FrOR SALE&"-$5 Beacon Ba~njo, will- sell-;for less than' half price. Call at,51~5 F-. Williamn St. or' phone 55i16. 95>96~ FOR A LEAniuenice pieces, large Sheraton chest-sofa refin-- fished; serving tables,, clocks, ma- hogauy. Entire and hooked' rug. Ph one 8891. 95~ 10' 4' 24 OCfvial : Ref ereec--Feezb'e (But- ler); 'ln pire-Mitler (rIndiana).. fi ff . .. , . , I F; ..fumCL Ipai st, -Y/d, . ri z What good will this do me?" T Hl? next time some subject seems .