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February 23, 1929 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-23

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.......A. ...... . A.Y..23,.... .............

Wes tern'

Con''fere cHad o d Re Presents Jumble CADRTSND
INOTICE - Rome Laundry --eSftfs


s., - a --- - ate.-- -- - --- _-- - - - -- -- . ---I

Ltf _SA VN T N NEW YORK, Feb. 22-Joe Scib- [RP O N IZ HraDw mn and Al Spiegel EEBt Associated Pe s) four catchers and four fielders.
ner of Detroit, and Mort Lindscy have their eyes on the National "Y" Manager Connie Mack, of the Mickey Coch one, star catcher of
of Stamford, Conn., wil meet next Doubles championship when the Philadelphia Americans, is not I the Philadelphia Athletics, declared
Wisconsin To Make Desperate Bid' month in a 6-game bowling W{ill Arrive At Wstern Training! tournament emracing that title worrying mutch about holdouts, but today that he would not join the
To Retain Top Berth match for the championship of the Camp Tomorrow Morning; opens next week at the 'Y."hc declares that the action of some1 team at its southern training camp
Over pur~ple United States, according to an an- Three Missing( Right now, however, Dwornan of them are irrtating, to say the unless his terms are met by Man-
nouncement made public today by and Spiegel are occupied 'with an-I least. alter Connie Mack
PUD LY UPE Frank A. Dwyer, owner of the, nexing the state A. A. U. doubles! Tree of Mack's squad, Mickey Cochrane is reported to have
____Broadway Academy in this city. A!PICES ROE AL j title. Cochrane, "the most valuable play- ; asked for $3,000 a year more to sign
purse of $2,000 also will be at stake., Ic'1ToT~,D* This pair survived the, second II er inl the American League," Bill; a new contract tojeplae his three-
Wihtetrelaesi h ig Tit games will be rolledI in! SeilT h al- round of the state tourney at the 'Shores and Stewart Bolen, the two I year agreement which expired last
Th tefo thebleas hain-etoirtyo Mrc2Triee more. pitchers will join Cadillac club last night, defeating last named returning to the big fall.
Teonsi rac o he bsedt mttblchnetroi0 t n eMarh2ad 3, andeythethe Detroit party at Dallas, Texas, Ferguson and Seager, 21-5, 21-11. league for trials, are classed as I Imd y demands to the At-
pionhipschdule tomee th othi' 0 a th Brodwa aleysin ltic," ochane aid "Cnni
netthree in the games this wee- New York on March 10 and 11. today, and the advance squad will; Results of other matches were: holdouts. ;eis"Ccrn ad Cni
en, lms aytin ayhape crbnr lim te a ionl be complete. (Dowd and Markey defeated Brochu "I won't pay a nickel more to I Mack made his reply. I don't ac-
tnd throstheaythinoma happenrcrmibnericasetfhe aionale The entire day is being spent in and Micus, 21-12, 21-4 and Stan anybody on the club than I have cept his terms. If I go South it will
jumle hanat present. cent victory over Adolph Carson, Texas. Tonight, the party arrives Spiegel and Cohn defeated M- offered,"'the veteran manager said be because I won my argument. If
junle than .crack Chicag bowler. Preioulni San Antonio for a six-hourstoArthiey and Reilly. today as he prepared for theAh-jdo'tenMcdestacp.
Only one thing is certain. Wis- Carlson had claimed the title., to break the monotony of the jour-' etis' first workout at their spring If I play ball, the fans can be told
consinn not betope from at Lideyhsbenpomnn a'ny.oPoeiAri. Saturday training camp here. "We pay every that I have been given what I
l es aesor firstopla enrs a bowlser for 15 years and has1 will be spent in travel The squad UU penny in salary that we can .give. asked. If not, then I didn't get it"
inth gme tda. owve, efatd om o te es pnienarrives in Phoenix early Non#IundaFIRS It's up to the ball player whether --________________
should the Badgers lose to North- p h onr.mrig he wants to play for that salary. ___________________
westrnonigt,_heyillbepace "I've had my last say. If they
j tr oihthywl epae i h onr oNin Report Early rvednP1o ehonmn AM[ want to 'play ball, all right. I need
igrvdagrodehoeetThursday was spent in St. Louis FUHTH k..LU K19IL
ight thi game with Purdue Monda them all, but ri'm paying the. sal- ,1 i
niht and nine members of thdvnecisan__koha angv
Somre of the results of todaysguardris.portheoMnwer ptchlersB sscaedPes and they don't. The claims of some
games are briefly as follows: Wis- prFCBRT I ffA a isn lm Vnildher AVALON, at aaia Is of them are 'so ridiculous that they
SPR A S O ASnaCtln sadycousin, Michigan, and Purdue may METil 110[ SaIm UUGereSith, Ead Vito dSrel, Cal., Feb. 22.-The Chicago Cubsl are really funny." vtrn
tie for fir st place; Michigan, Pur- TerGeorge mtwoad catr SRyondhvellhi s am fte1 rois r t h tltc
due, Iowa and Ohio State m ay be IH y otIad Lar o d l, o e 19 9 s a o c m Theyn clden, 1 3 it cers d
therrow n t oictohesa atied for lasecondr Som ew hatofthe toenrk escheedt by A hexpes'ith owoutfielderr se ond SonathannrchStonep r andfi ___anLaryWodal,_o e_129_eas n._cmp . Thein lude 13_itc ers
A'onors, and then again, the teams, ence gained in the two Conference twohGergeSctrie, andI Continuing to harden the Cub .
may ra k eactly as they do now. meets last week, the Michigan Ben Myr. Tee ptesichsadcthrMngr
Unless the hands of the sport gods fencing team leaves this morning nyFranikBarnies ee, Johnny hePrudhomm thre Joee McCarthyth yesterdaya ordered a
perform in some such systematic for East Lansing where the Wol- - i tnr r oji nDl aet idu h a' work- Fresh Carload
manner, as above, the Conference verines will cross weapons with the andLiStnraetojninDl out. Captained on one side by PatI-
teams may experience a terrible. Michigan State artists this after- las today. Jack Zeller will accom-f Malone and the other by "Gabby" Oranges" Grapefruit
juggling. non.piny them on board. Zeller is De- Harnett, the practice contest wound Cm ov nFrt cwc
The Pudue Oho Stae gamelast Tis WoverineSparttroitt'sr minormin leaguee representativepwith uporwith5 a 3scorevoofome ton 3ninrsfavorwee
Th uru-hi taegmels Ti Wlein-patn metwho xwill assist in coaching recruits of Malones en et Jefl eontaedWillriam tm
night ill u ndutyelyclear som e - w~ras'originally scheduled for the' get fullopeckstree-ripeafrui
oftesoeadhz rm aopenring tilt for Michigan but was atPonxIhe pca oce a aiorgthne e- for 65c. Just right for your
this condition. A lose for Purdue:l postponed until today. In the jare acarrying the party through ular, pitched what approximated rooms. Sweet and juicy. Five
may mean a drop to third place orl meantime the Wolves encountered ,Txs Itreinig.Echsd asa- (ays off tre.
a mr orwy tefrscn iatro hi rpls ek Three Coaches Needed - lowed six outs per inning. JoeI
place. urwaA lvictoryonddmeansr nathpossiblest emeetingoe idefeatEchatdebothal IllinoisaySuand T Thlaee AcoacheseansareosnecessarygdefetcatboBushliand ndArtt'Neh oachtwor nothery bvet-hanOprtnNhAllwoDayervSundayTOJA
tie for the lead. 'Chicago. The one consolation of ' cause of the size of the party. Fred rans of the Cubs' hurling staff, I-------
western fiveWsoni their hold dfas on the top in ee w experiencec which s was sorelyices have a Pprs coach to ms himsgelf. He isanpposuogecoinh
row- is assured for at least two' needed by the Michigan squad. brother of George Pipgras of the through in great shape, and the T,
days when they will meet the What the Wolverines will do in! New York Americans. He looks as' idea was prevaent that he is get- U N CI I'NAN ARE El-
lengthy Purdue aggregation. How- the meet today is something, of a! big as Brother George. Fred stands; tmg back to his old form. The At- - TANA S AR ED to
ever, the Wildcats have lately been question in as much as their per- six fet four inches and he weighs lant Rookie, Tom Angley, gave ;at tle- thmoteain
dubbed the "giant killers" and the( formances in the first two meets of 220. He appears to weigh at least the audience a few thrills in the-A eye, and to please the hard-
.agr have. been beaten before, the season were quite erratic. In1 300. ;way he swung on the pellet., ,Armoy ; l^fotwt es-o
Northwestern's chances for' the; the Illinois meet the epee and sabre E -"a ofot he o
til r i otepoint of in-, men made the best showing, while iLU HRN O HVEBOl wea e nfe or firstnpaor
visibility but what they may still: at Chicago they experienced a re-j-, Daw n D 0 fl TO t rSnWcBOesday and n ot Boseern ans n your f t.,
do to the leaders is filing a big versal of form and were decidcdly Y WIH11WALKER FOR TILE l d 4W d edyado otnasoytrCe,
space betwveen the ears of certain; overshadowed by the work of the -- ; 1 * thcvy'll e as good] as sold.
Big Ten coaches, foils ment. (Byv Associated Prss) Te!at rfS aturdlay Nite , And teir costis solow you
IT ePate fo-Michigan and Purdue, b eing in a While the respective powers of:i Promoter Paddy Harmon lof the ;; can easly have two pairs
tle for second place, are subject to, the Illinois and the Chicago teams Chicago stadium today hoped to your Coff eePla instead of on.
the same~ conditions. A victory fori undoubtedly had something to do; get Tommy Loughran's signature r park Ply 1
either of. them may place them inI with this unsteadiness on the partI to a contract, calling on him to at Breakf ast ______
a.N two way or a three way tie fori of the Wolverines, their erratic-1 defend his light heavyweight title Wahr's Shoe Store
first place, a lone hold on second n less was so marked that this is not1 against Mickey Walker, March 13. Our IBismarks and liaised = Everybody;.
.honors or a. maintenance of their a sufficient explanation. Inexperi-! Fresh from two victories in the Donuts at all the Stores -j1$0 S. ain
tieforths psiion A os mensence is the other plausable explan. xwest, Loughran and his manager, ai et1rit.W lo e-
a drop to third place or a two oriation. Joe Smith, were to arrivetoa. Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii today.______________________________________________________
three way tie for the second berth, Only one change will be made ire - -- - --- - .. -- =-
or a drop to third place,. the Michigan lineup for this mnatch
Iowa and Ohio State, by defeat- according to an announcement of
ing "Michigan and Purdue respec-j Coach Johnstone yesterday. Dow-
tively, .nmay jump into second place sett, a new man on the squad, will S A rgi'asnl li otidrpaeWnri h e ND-v.L. ~"
or gan-asnl li otidIrpaeWnri hpeevent. SUNDAYCHURCH SERVIC
place. A defeat for either may IWiggers will be the other Wolver-
leave them in third or fourth. ins representative in this eventI
-, - ~~~~Stolpiman, Schutz, and Captain j~- ~~- ~-~~------ - - -
.:TICiKETS & RESERVATIONS ;Lazar heave retained their berths cISifHDS IS BPITCU~ EhEEMFRT CNRGTOA
LacaOeau n prInesi'the team and will make the trp to ISI ETO S FRTBP STCU H'E'IL MIS ON EG INA
rac~doears i eet the Satasin the foils nEs uon eo tt
T n"" rus: e prtans CHURCH anEs uoblwSaeEVANGELICAL CHURCH ornr State and Wiliam s
H SG ,e benQdK e ri teGord oande t Ho ilos ttamm e w ill f com p n -whrise C a . S te nd r D D W s i g o i t .R .E w d S yl , M n st r( v g l ca S n d of N A )
G 601sF.. htronPh. 6ory1 , opposto ntesabre di- Arthur IW. Stalke, l., Mnser Howard R. Chapman, Univerity (vnglca yodo N .
Atar ARBOR vision. Samuel J. Harrison, Associate. Pastor Fourthi Ave. between~ Packard Allison Ray Ilaps, Minister
_____________________________________________________ Minister anid Student Drector 10:30-Mr. Sayles will preach. and Williams


,NOTICE-'-Dal396 Moe Laundry
204 i4; aiii St., for laundry ser -
ice with meal personal attention
like i'ecelve at home. e
TYtPIN-Theses -A specialty. Fair
rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 387.
310 S. State. Phone 11927
T,T,S, c
Corona, Royal; nderwood, Rem-
ington portableb, also used large
and portable typewriters of all
meakes bought and sold, rented,
exchanged, *laned, repaired.
Large stock, best service, consid-
erate prices. Phone. 6615. 0. D.
Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade.
NOTICE-Beautiful 'spring lne - of
Axiniinister and aWilton ugs.
Koch & Hienne. -c
W A N T E D-Roommate to share
apartment. Half block from Cam-
pus. No one else in house. Call
4205 for Catchipole, afternoons.
SWARTMD-Exeiienced cook wans
fWork in sorority or fraternity.
2-1530. ,103,4,5
FOR RENT-Suite for two or three
men. Running water lin bedroom.
Two blocks from Campus. , 815
E. -Huron. 104,5,6
FOR RENT-One-Half of two-room
suite. Independiently furnished,
warm, reasonable renit. One miin-
ute from Camnpus. 707 Tappan..
FOR RENT-Comnpletely furished
three-roomn housekeeping apart-
ment. Single "for girl. Also garage.
422 East Washinagtont. Dial 9 544
or 9714. 10456
FOR RENT-Double front room
private family, steam heat, will
lighted, reasoniale rats. 116
Forest. 'c
FO R SAL E-Highest offer taes
EVega banjio, excellent coditin
LOST-Black. and white Shaeffer
pen with nam , on side, soe-
where between Campus and 1805
Washte awt. Reward. Phone Earl
L. Reeves, 9717. 1045
LOST-Vauabie 'papers in manila
folder marked "Carr Sociology."~
Probably left in: campus building
LOST-An oval "amthysi; and pearl
pin in Thompson,: State a n d
Catherine section. Adequate re-
ward. Phone 617. 710 E. Cathe-
lire. 1345
LOST-Pair of brown shell rimmed
glasses betieen Michigan The-
rt'er & Ufnion. Finder please call
LOSTLady's vwrist watch Turs-
day in Newbsery Auditorium or
in front of Angell Hall. Reward.
Tel. 6641. 15

C -*vm

v I

William Hochreiin &ions
Plumbing, teamn and Hot. Water Heating,
Phone 5014 - 211 S. FouthA Ae.

10:30 a.- -Moring Worship.
"Our Possible Selves," sermon
subject by Rev. Dir. Dwight H.
12 M.--Biblc Classes for Students
at Wesley Fall.
6 p. m.-Wesleyan Guild Devo-
tional Meeting at Wesley hall.
7:30 p. in. -Evening Worship.
"Mrs. Zebedee," Rev. Mr. Har-
rison's sermon subject.
Huron and Division Sts.
M~erle 11. iAnderson', 1iis
,"mo.Dale 11, MoFore, Associate
Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwecll, Secretary
W® I for Womed
10-Student class in Auditorium.
Speaker, Mr. Win. Laird, past,
Prosecuting Attorney of Wash-
tenaw County.
10.45---Morning Wors-tp. 3q'v-
mn.n "The Christian's Job,
S5:30--Social hour for young peo-
I6..30 -Young people's imeeting.
01,41F, UTlersUty Dlal 3779

Broken Lois of
Being Closed Out For a Few Days At

Topic, "The Narrowness of
12--Church Bible School.
12-Student group will meet at
Guild House for' discussion.
Mr. Chapman in charge.
5:30-Friendship hour for all
young people.
6:30--Devotional Meeting. Ira D.
Hirschy will lead. Subject,
"Sharing Our Best Expei'i-
State and Huron Stheets
10:45--Moriiing service'. Presi-
dent C. C. Little will speak on
"fliology and Religion."
5:045-Young People's Tteligiouls
iion upp-ejr.
Washington St. at Fifth Ave.
T. C. Stellhiorn, castor
': irt5tltt~ay 5chuol-

Theodore .It. S'zhn-te
9--Sunday school.
10-English service. "Essentia-ls
of Christian Growth."
11--German service. "Recality of
7-Young People's discussion.
409 S. Dlivision St.
10:30 a,. in. - Regular Morning
service, Sermnon topic, "Mind."
'11:45 a. 11A.-Sunday Schuo1 foil

6:30--Discussion, to be led by
-Professor Ward. Topic, "Sonic
-of, the Inadequencies of or
Contemporary Religions."
Division rai1d Catherine Sts.
R1ev. I .i emry Lewis, Rector
Rev. Mr ~i. 'Ui'. L. Hlarris, Assistant
8l:00-1-101Y , l Communion
int 11arrijs 1all1Chapel,-
11:00--Morning service. The Rev'.
Arthur Rogers, D.D., of Evans
tonl ,l1.11
6:-30-.;-ttIde-,t Supp er.'
Dr Rogers --
7:30-Evening Service.
Mr. Lewis.
(Missouri Synod)
Third and W~est Huron Streets,
C . 11. Brauer, Pastor
Phone '3141


"How Shall MWe'Think of God."
0 : 30-Church -i school,
5: 30-- Fellowship supper.




' -. .. l




These are $10.00 and $11.00 Values


1 'Onpn hnimp nfi thF

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