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r,7- 'IDAY rr.T-;r, tT ry
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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)
22, 1929
No. 104
meet on Saturday, February
the University funds should
at this' time.
J. A. Bursley
Mr. Cuthbert Kelly of the "English Singers" will lecture at 4:15
p. in., Monday, February 25, in the Natu°al Science Auditorium, on
"The Singing of Elizabethan Madrigals." Mr. Kelly will be assisted by
Miss Nellie Carson, contralto, who will illustrate the lecture with songs.
The public is cordially invited.
F. E. Robbins
Fellowships in Sociology and Social Work:
I am in receipt of the announcement of a considerable number
of fellowships and scholarships in other institutions in phe fields of
sociology and social work. Students interested in these opportunities
should see me at my office hours, Friday, 2 to 4.
A. E. Wood
Hygiene Lectire for Men:
'The fourth lecture in Hygiene for men will be given in Waterman
Gymnasium, Monday and Tuesday, February 25 and 26, at 3-4-5 p. m.
This requirement includes all freshmen in the regular physical training
classes and others that have been excused from these classes.
Geo. A. May
Polish 142:
Reference books for Monday's assignment are on the reserve shelf
in the lower study hall at the main'library. Read either lecture 4 and
Vin "Periods of Polish Literary History" (R. Dyhaski) or the chapters
on Modern Polish Comedy and Mo dern Polish Drama in "Modern
Polish Literature" (R. Dyhaski).
Cecilia D. Wells
Psychology 110:
Miss Huddleston will be in 208 Pharmacology Saturday morning of
this week at 10:00 to assist any member of the class who is having
difficulty with the problems.
C. H. Griffitts +
To All House Presidents:'
The December and January signing out slips are due at the League
office this week. Please see that they are turned in immediately.
Elizabeth Wellman, Chairman House Organization Coin. -
Matinee Musicale:
Uhder the auspices of the Study Group of Matinee Musical, the
following program will be given Monday evening, February 25, at 8
o'clock, at the home of M-s. Rene Talamon: Mozart Sonata, Number
12, Schumann Sonata in A-minor, and Grieg Sonata in F-minor for
violin and piano, Louise Nelson and Thelma Newell. (Mr. Philip Culkin
will sing a group of Schumann songs, and Otto Stahl will give a short
discussion of harmonic development. All members of Matinee Musicale
are eligible to attend.'
Mrs. Rene Talamon, President {
Varsity Band:
Formation in uniform at Yost Field House Saturday (tomorrow)
night at 7:15 sharp to play for the Iowa game. Morris Hall will be open
from 7 to 7:10 for removal of drums, etc. Roll will be taken. Bring
coupon books.
Gilbert B. Saltonstall, Student Mgr. #
Masonic Students:
The regular meeting of the Craftsmen Club will be held in thec
Large Lodge. room of the Masonic Temple immediately after the Bas-c
ketball game at 9:00, Saturday evening, February 21. All Master Masons
are urged to be present.
R. W. Webster, President r
Stamp Collectors: 4
The regular meeting of the Ann Arbor Stamp Club will be heldc
Saturday, February 23, in room 408 of the Romance Languages Build-k
ing at 8:00. Visitors and collectors invited. Over 75 lots will be auc-
tioned after the meeting.
S. B. Conger, Secretary
PROMNENT R[~[JQO Banquet Tonight Opens Annual State.
Convention Under Leadership Of Page
'T h-IE[ nual state convention, author of many books, including
sponsored by the Student Clris- "Recent Gains in American Civili-
tignassociation will get under way zation," and "Makers of Freedom,"
at 6 o'clock this evening, when the last in colloboration with
4T C NF[HNCEH[R.1!iabout 200 delegates, representing Sherwood Eddy. Page will speak
15 Michigan state colleges will at- on "Personal Religion in a Social
STATE REALTORS ASSOCIATION tend a banquet at the First Meth- World" at a student convocation
AND BUSINESS SCHOOL odist church. Ralph Hollinger, na- at 11 o'clock Sunday morning.
WILL CONVENE tional field secretary of the Y. M. The convention will give over
C. A., will deliver the opening ad- most, of Saturday to discussion pe-
FISESHER ARRANGES PLANS dress of the conference which will riods led by Page. In the evening,
last for three days. !a Lake Geneva rally banquet will
Harold L. Reeve, BMake Snyder The convention will be under the be held at the First Methodist
Harold L . eevelas Sny , direction of Kirby Page, editor of church, for those who have at-
And Don A. Loftus Among "The World Tomorrow" and the tended the conference at the Wis-
consin camp, and for those in-
Many national authorities in real Argentine Laments terested in the project. Sunday
estate and related fields have been gonvogation andeve ton
scheduled to address sessions of the National Isolation onvocation, and the convention
fourth annual Joint Conference on will be closed in the afternoon, y
real estate to be held Feb. 28 and -'. Page. Morning workshop periods
March 1 at the Union between the It is too bad that the people of on Saturday and Sunday will be
Mrch1at Bthes AdmUnirtionbn ethe United States and the Argen- led by Milton D. McLean, of the
School of Business Administrationi
and the Michigan Real Estate asso- tine know so little about each University of Chicago S. C. A.
ciation, it was announced yester- 1 ether," said Dr. Ernesto Nelson, di- All students who are interested
day by Prof. Ernest M. Fisher, of i rector of secodary education in the in the confeerence are urged to
the real estate department. Argentine, in a talk at Natural register at Lane hall as soon as
"University professors and state I Science auditorium yesterday aft- possible. The registration fee is
realtors hold this annual confer- ernoon. Dr. Nelson is president of $1.50. The committee in charge of
ence in the belief that it is of value the Argentine mission to t h er
enc inth beieftht i isofvale' United States and spoke on "Ar- I local arrangements is headed by
to both parties concerned," said Chester C. Bennett, vice-president
Professor Fisher. "It enables real gentine Education as Seen Through of the S. C. A.
estate men to keep in contact with North American Eyes."
the work the Business Administra- The primary school system in'
tion school is doing, Argentine was taken from America Pick Dana To Judge
bi he Judge v(nmo .n
Registration for the all-campus
bridge tournament to be held
under the auspices of the Union
Medical School Head Tells S. C. A. will continue today and tomorrow
Changed Generation Obviates according to William E. Nissen, '29,
Accepting Dogmas president. A booth is being main-
tained from 3 to 5:30 o'clock each
SAYS BELIEFS ILLOGICAL afternoon at the side desk in the
Union lobby for the purpose of
"Faith today doesn't mean what registering student teams.
it did many years ago," Dr. Hugh Competition in the tournament
Cabot, dean of the Medical school,1 will begin Monday. All matcljes
stated in a talk yesterday on "The are to be played in the Union with
Basis of Faith" in the second of a l three-out of five rubbers determin-
series of twelve student forums't ing the winner. Silver loving cups
sponsored by the Student Christian are to be presented to the mem-
association. "In the agehof Em- bers of the winning team and sea-
merson, faith meant that you son passes to the Mimes theater
didn't have the courage to say that will be presented to the members
you didn't believe what you had of the second place winners.
been told to believe. At that time,
people saved themselves from using
mental energy by the use of faith Library Secures
instead,' he continued.
Now, Dean Cabot believes the Srchers
AT mu IBridge Registration
CCABt SAYSiusatuUNion
situation is entirely different, and
the younger generation, being
brought up in the age of scientific
investigation, has a different idea
of faith.
"I have the gravest doubts as to
whether anyone comes to conclu-
sions by reasoning along logical
lines. Most people get their con-
clusions first, and then make up
reasons to convince the other fel-
s e h v d ae aiiua ssm asy ys emw . . low. Many of us are troubled by
speakers who have promised to at- taken from Europe, he stated. One Essay Competition conclusions for which we have no
tend are: Harold L. Reeve, a Chi- the differences education logical explanation. Most of us, if
cago attorney and instructor in from that in this country is in DTnot all, reach our conclusions sub-
caoatre n ntutr ilw Dr. Nelson went on. "In j enSme .Dno h onsciouslyadntb loil
Law at the Real Estate school con- lac, and not be logical
ducted at the Chicago College of ngland and to some degree in the School of Forestry and Conserva- methods," he went on to say.
Commerce by the Chicago Real Es- United States they do not bother tion, has been announced as on-wide "Moreover, I am unable to speed
tate board, who will speak on look at the philosophy of law, of thjd e for a the up my mental processes, and I
"Some Legal Problems of Real Es- as they do in the Argentil'a and say c tAbyth doubt whether anyone can," he
tate Brokerage"; Blake Snyder, di- the Latin countries," he said. ciety of American Foresters on de- said. "I just pour the facts into'
rector Douglas L. Elliman & corn- Another difference that he point- ribin the present forestry sit-'the hopper of my mind and then
pany, Inc., New York City, who will ed out was the fact of the open- oerjude ieaphae ,o the wait for the conclusion to pop out.
speak on "Creative Real Estate, ness of the universities in the er ju ge is Raphael Zon, of the I havent't the slightest idea as to
Brokerage"; and Don A. Loftus, United States. "You carry out an 'sae States Forest Experiment how I reach that conclusion and
president of Parma-Heights Devel- extensive educational program I n, n
opment company, Cleveland, who while we carry out an intensive Prizes of $1,000 and $250 have ting my answer reasons that I
will speak on "The Subdivider's one. We cannot admit everyone been donated to the society of make up afterwards. Sometimes,
Building Program." to our schools like you do here," American Foresters by a friend of I have no reasons at all to give.
Snyder, who is author of "Real Dr. Nelson said. forestry; who desires to remain For instance, I have a firm belief
Estate Handbook" and joint author The speaker closed' with ex- anonymous. The prizes are to be in immortality. I don't know why
of "Fundamentals in Real Estate," pressing his reg-ret that Argentine'for the best essays describing the I believe that, and I am not even
recently attained a grdeal of and the United States were not present forestry situation in the sure sa to the form it will take,
notice in connection with a oa20,- more closely related. sMore eteno United States and proposing a na- but I firmly believe in that immor-
000,000 deal he engineered in New sive commerce with Europe places Tion-wide remedy for its solution. tality.
York when he persuaded the es- 'the Argentine nearer to them. The purpose of the donor tl
tate of Commodore Elbridge T. ; problem of forestry and to bringU UP
Gerry to lease the site of the fa- RADIO ORCHESTRA out constructive suggestionsTfor
mous Gerry mansion that the old TER
house might be demolished for the TO APPEAR SOON meetnn n effective way
1The contest is open to any indi-#
erection of a 41 story hotel. AT LOCALDANCE'vidual who desires toacompete.Announcement has been madel
Loftus has recently organized a Secifically th by Professor W. B. Hinsdale of the
oatio a syndicatehouse h recrion Appearing as a special, mid-week first, the actual forestry situatioic museum of anthropology, who is
residence structures aimed to dance feature, the Clicquot Club in the United States today; second, m
utilize effectively and beatifully Eskimos, famous radio dance or- a nation-wide remedy which will,Aoate meetings ofcthedMichigan
iron frames composition floors chestra, will play a 3-hour dance if applied, solve the problem of aAnrc 15, 15 and 16, that Mr. H. C.
and brick veneer-. program from' 9 until 12 o'clock permanent and sufficient supply of March
Acting Dean Clare E. Griffin, of Wednesday night, Feb. 27, at Gran- forest products and secure other Shetrone, director of the Ohio
the School of Business Administra- ger's. The orchestra is now being benefits of forests essential to the ate museum at Columbus, will be
tion will deliver the address of booked for dance and concert en- publicuwelfare, will be applicable 'thefeatye ser at e an-
welcome to the assembled delegates gagements due to the popularity ac pracice, an can be ap- rThe anchaeolog of the midwest
as a luncheon scheduled for 12:15 attained by the orchestra through plied in time to meet the nation's
needs. The essays must not be is centered about Ohio because it
o'clock, February 28. President Ed- their radio broadcasts, based onhypotheticalaumpion' has been discovered that Indian!
ward G. Hacker, of the real estate The Eskimos, under the direction o ypo tal assumption cultures in that region were more
association will respond. of Peter Van Steeden, first attain- United States today. They must highly developed than elsewhere, it
Special provisions have been ed national proimence by adver- ynot exceed 3,000 words, For further is said.
made at the Union and at the new tising ginger ale during the Cliquot information see Prof. E. V. Jotter,
Intramural sports building to per- Club hor radio program. Fan nof the forestry school should be Subscribe to the Michigan Daily
mit the delegates to use the vari alwihhspue-it hi:cnutd $.5frtehl er
ous recreational facitities provided home station has convinced the
bounced. two structures, it was an- management that a tour would be CARILLON CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE TO HEAR BELL EXPERT
nounced.a success because of their music
which, by the radio audience, has
STATE COMPETES been termed "really hot." ' A second meeting of the carillon! entire campaign committee has
F O R AIR H O N O S T e Ekimo wil b on our in]campaign committee recently ap- met.
FOR FAIR HONORS hfurcostumes which add to the im- pointed by the members of the Huseman, who is works man-
_____ Iager and mechanical engineer for
pression created by the name. classes of '21 to '28 will be staged the Gillett and Johnston coniern,
Michigan will again compete for Members of the orchestra have a :0ocok h ilt n ontncnen
honors at the Seventh National Mem s the orchee at 2:30 o'clockk tomorrow after- will explain the various types of
Out-Door Life Exposition to be held rIspent the last few weeks at the noon at the Michigan Union with carillons which his company is
at Chicago, May 6th to 11th, it was furriers where the costume which R. F. C. Houseman of the Gillett able to offer for installation in the
decided at meetings held at Grand are said to be "not as hot as theyHproposed Burton Memorial Cam-
Rapids and in the offices of the look" were being completed for and Johnston Bell Foundry, Groy- panile. He will also present -
the firt of thir tous thrpuhnutde, Hegwill aalsostpresentr.gen-
State Conservation Department at the first of their tours throughout den, England, as guest of honor. eral information on the production
Lansing. the country. i This is the second time that the and cost of carillons.
In 1928 the state conservation de-
Many eminent library authorities
have been secured to give courses
in library for the summer session,
it was announced yesterday by Li-
brarian W. W. Bishopp.
Among the most notable is Li-
brarian Emeritus William C. Lane
of Harvard college who will give
two graduate courses, one on the
history of the printed book, and
another on the history of British
and American libraries.
In addition there have been se-
cured Mrs. Gertrude Drury, of the
Library school of St. Louis Public
Library, Miss Adelaide F. Evans,
chief of the catalog department of
the Detroit public library, Prof.
Carlton B. Joeckel, of the local li-
brary, Francis L. Goodrich, and
Miss Edith Thomas.
Announcement was made yester-
day by Hobart R. Coffey, librarian
of the Law school, of the purchase
of the complete library of Prof. A.
Pillet, former professor of Law' at
the University of Paris. Professor
Pillet died in 1927.
Subscribe to the Michigan Daily
$2.25 for the half year.
, .
New York Listed
Private wires to all
Conservative margin acounats
Brown-Cress & Co.,
Investment Securities
Telephone 22541
7th Floor First Nat'l
Bank Bldg.
Seniors and Graduate Chemical E ngineers:
Dr. E. A. Rykenboer, Production Superintendent of the Roessler
and Hassbacher Chemical Compan y, Niagara Falls, N. Y., will be in
Room 2028- East Engineering building today and tomorrow to inter-
view candidates for positions with his firm. This company manufac-
tures metal cyanides, metallic sod ium, and a wide line of chemicals.
A. H. White
Mail for the following persons is on hand, undeliverable, at the
Main Offied of the Post Office. It may be claimed if called for at the
Gene-al Delivery window on or before March 2, 1929.
Mary D. Bennett Lucille Kelsey
Vaughn Blanchard Betty Lancasterj
Helen Bourgneu Roy Langham
George P. Bryan Dorothy Levy
Wally Cahill Harrison Limrall
Russell D'Alvarez A. M. Malloy
Alfonso C. DeJesus D. W. McCready
Fred Druss E. L. Moon
Barbara Eikel Ruth Fitz-Randolph
Tillie Freyberg Lulu Reynolds
Wilfred H. Harpst (Harft) Prof. Schomuckler
Walter Henderson Wactaw Sczmanowski (register-
Anby Howe ed letter)
Polly Atherton Irland Beryl D. Summers
Fred Johnson Miss E. Palmer Vanderburgh
Burns Warden
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily
partment'ana the department of
agriculture joined hands with local
chambers of commerce and civic
organizations to make the Michi-
gan exhibits at the exposition
creditable, not only to the state,:
but to its inhabitants as well.-
Comedy Club