FRIDAY, FE13 GUAR 22, 62-x, rfHE Mti-C N FI&A1,E'Y2-* .. ... ........ ..... S. C: A. PLANS MODEL Willie Hoppe, Champion Of Balk Line, Ta 'ToMeet Champion Greenleaf Tuesday LEAGUE OF NATIONS SETTLFO PEACEFULLY' s ASSEB ~PLAY_O PI GENERAL PLAN OF ACTUAL LEAGUE TO BE USED IN ASSEMBLYE ONE SPEECH IN FRENCH Boundary Settlement Decided After Strife Of 45 Years Between Peru And Chili3 KELLOGG AIDS DECISION (My Associated Press) SANTIAGO, Chile, Feb.' Tacna-Arica boundary 21.-The dispute, Delegates From Every CollegiateI Institution In Michigan Will Attend ,i Definite plans for the League of Nations Model Assembly, which is; to be held here in April and which is sponsored by the Student Chris- tian Association, are at the present time being formulated. At the meeting of the agendaj committee various phases of the three problems which will be dis- cussed at the model assembly will be assigned to the, participating colleges. These three problems are disarmament, mandates and the admission of Russia to the League. This latter topic is entirelyl hypothetical, having never been brought up before the. League, but the other two are actual questions which have been discussed, pre- viously. The committee in charge of the model assembly expects to have an active delegation. from every col- legiate institution in Michigan. Arrangements are being made for a number of speakers of interna-' tional repute and for round-tablel discussions on international af- fairs, occupying the entire week- end of April 18, 19 and 20. Enter- tainment, with the possible excep- tion of a banquet, will be provided for the visitors without cost.- The actual organization work forl the assembly provides , unusual I opportunities for giving studentsl an understanding of modernI methods of conducting world af- fairs. A forum of this sort also puts into international perspective for students the domestic and for- eign policies of individual nations, and the opinions of their leading public men and women.' This assembly will be conducted l so as to reproduce an actual meet-1 ing of the League as nearly as ! possible. All discussion will be from the floor, while the principal' ,speeches on assigned topics will' contain material prepared pre- viously. To lend a flavor of real-, ism, some of the speeches will be delivered in French and will be* translated in a summarizing form by an interpreter to the #ecre- tariat. All decisions will be made by an unanimous vote of the members of the League represented at the meeting and particular matters will be decided by a majority of more than half of the members at the meeting. Voting will be done by roll call. 1 This model assembly has for its purpose a definite educational end for all those participating or vis-i iting the sessions. Aside from itsl value in visualizing the League in I action, it serves to illustrate thel broader idea that nations may solve; their problems by conference rath- er than by conflict. i 1 E t l 1 Iji L' ] t t 4 3 ( 1 J r C .born in war and thriving throughI 45 years of international strife, has been settled by peaceful means. Official announcement here to-! day says that an agreement has been reached between the govern- ments of Peru and Chile, the twoI ' .countries involved, by which the ,,province of Tacna goes to Peru and :..r_}___ "________:"".___that of Arica to Chile. The boundary between the two What happens when champion champion since 1919, in a series provinces is fixed slightly north of meets champion will be seen next of matches. The matches are be- the railroad leading from the port' Tuesday afternoon and evening at ing sponsored by the Union and of Arica to La Paz, Bolivia. This the Union when Willie Hoppe,.18.1 are featured as a part of -the bil- railroad, of the utmost importance balk line champion, meets Ralph liards and balkline tournament to Bolivia since it is her sole outlet Greenleaf,.national pocket billiards which it is" conducting. to the Pacific, remains in Chilean territory until it crosses the Bo- Haitosi Preventatives Prove False ve fgretient is the result of And Useless, Claims Dr. W. . E. Forsythe diplomatic negotiations undertaken ._four months ago, afterresumption Halitosis '(bi d"bteath) is' more ! press, which, according to Dr. of diplomatic relations between insidious than even its advertis- j Forsythe, has been "splitting the Frankt t Kellogg of the depart- ing paints it, says Dr. W. E. For- graft with the patent medicine mrnk B. Ke. sythe of the, health service, companies." ment of state. syth othe's et frie w"Such advertising is damnable," The Tacna-Arica dispute had its, Even if ones best friend wantnI birth in 1879 when Chile occupied tell, the ' person who has .it or he said, and is in no wise better the two provinces in the course of thinks he has 'It will ,tell about 'it, than that of scores of nostrums, a war with Peru and Bolivia. The especially to i doctor, Dr. For-, barred from the privilege of press treaty of Ancon ended the con- sythe finds. , Quack halitosis cures publicity when publishers revolt- flict in 1884, and provided they are unnecessary and quite useless, ed against such types. Patent should remain in Chilean control Dr. Forsythe believes, althbugh an medicine quackery, in Dr. For- for 10 years when a plebiscite enormous percentage of student on sythe's opinion, is again seriously would be undertaken to determine the Michigan campus take the ad- on the upgrade, although now in their future state. vertisements quite seriously, he a different form. Peru maintained the Chilean says The doctor bases his conclusions government attempted unfair na- . the present epidemic of ad- in a large measure on his experi- tionalization of the two provinces vertising harping on the subject ofences with incoming students, ex- and the prebiscite was not held, the amined at the health service. argument between the two coun- halitosis Dr. Forsythe sees a re- "When we have finished with a tries continuing furiously for more currence of the plague of quack man and can't find anything than 25 years. War was often medicine advertising which infest- I wrong with him" Dr. Forsythe threatened, the nature of the con- edns e arsaid, "He frequentlywill open theddflict being such that it might have cals in general some years ago. subject of halitosis. 'The docto involved nearly all of South Amer- "The newspapers are perfectly discounts both the prevalence of ica. shameless about it," Forsythe de- bad breath, and the possibility of The Detroit News announces that clared, stating that any criticism , curing it by preparations now on during the next eighteen months of halitosis advertising must take the market, but blames both the an addition to their plant will be the form of an indictment of the press and the manufacturers for I made that will double the capacity. the spreading fear of halitosis,!The News has one of the largest NORMAN THOMAS which seems to be growing to !plants in the country now and TO LECTURE HERE nprominence, insofar as he can when it was built a number of judge from his talks wit hnew stu- i years ago was thought to be large Norman Thomas, socialist candi- dents.I enough to handle all needs. date for president in the recent SCREEN REFLECTIONS,, At the present reading the boards we may walk out of the foyer of of the Michigan theatre are re- the Michigan and not be ashamed' soundingly occupied in supporting, of the childish, innane, nasty de-I a vaudeville unit show going under portment of these morons. the rather comprehensive title of Well, to get back to the show, "Mid Winter Frolics" Once again (in other words to mind our own the obstreperous demonstrative- business) we find comparatively ness of the fun loving Rover boy little to say. So far as the. element about the campus suc- "Frolics" are. concerned Coscia and ceeds in making the show as poor Verdi provide the best and most as it could be made. One of the entertaining moments. One of the -most erroneous mixims in the two is an effective foil and the' American credo is the one which other a comedian who deserves contends that college men are gen- more recognition than the act tlemanly and well bred. Fifteen' gives him. To continue there is a minutes in any local theatre would Juggler who doesn't dro ptoo many, serve to completely disillusion the balls, a team which sings bad most vehement advocate of this songs well, a pair of. dancers who idea. do one excellent- number, and a Our complaint would not be so chorus of Kurnicker girls which is strong if these horny fisted rah- unquestionably terrible, to make rah boys bore the brunt of the ef- no mention of a comedian whose fects of their puerile activity but partner's "appeal" undoubtedly unfortunately all the students, and k the act booked. uvntMichigan as an institution, is . The celluloid portion of the bill even Mcia sa ntttoi is Lew Cody in "A, Single Man" pounded on the back wash of the ili ch hL so e"sngll dn" breeding of our minority. Further- and others which are lousy. Mar- more we are 'being deprived of good! celine Day (from Salt Lake City) variety entertainment which mightmes ey(oleathinkewCty be ours were it not for the existing makes the whole thing worth reputation this same minority has! while. You will recall that a cer- built up among folk of the vaude- tain woman said to certain St. ville stage. Hoag cannot book IMark, "Come over here and help many desirable acts because.they u°.. refuse to play here. (Who under D. B.,. JR. the wide canopy of heaven could' blame them?. We are earnestly Subscribe to the Michigan Daily anticipating the moment when $2.25 for the half year. RADIO MESSAGES NOTDECIPHERED Radio communication with Mt. Evans, the field station in Green- land of the University Greenland expedition, has become very poor during the last few weeks, it has been announced by Professor Wil- liam H. Hobbs of the geology de- partment, director of the expedi- tions.. Successful connections be- tween the local R. O. T. C. radio station and, the radio station there have become very infrequent, and accurate deciphering of the mes- ,sages sent is very difficult. Professor Hobbs attributes the poor reception mainly to the new amateur radio regulations recently made in this country which have weakened the power of the ama- .teur stations and is the cause for much interference between them. = OPTICAL la DEPARTMENT 3 Lenses and Frames made - To Order Optical Prescriptions Filled HALLERS State St. Jewelers 1||11111111111111!1111 -a j .f s U election will speak on "The Need for a New Party" at 8 o'clock on Monday, Feb. 25, in the Natural Science auditorium. Thomas, who is prominent as a journalist and author, has been active for many years in social and labor move- ments, and is the founder of "The World Tomorrow." He was the: author of several books, including "Is Conscience a Crime?" and "The Challenge of War," as will as aj number of others. The new cruisers recently author- ized by Congress will, when built, place the United States second in effective cruiser tonnage, with a total of 305,000 tons as against 397,140 owned by Great Britain, ac- cording to the Navy Recruiting Station, Detroit.! "Eksimo" Hair Drier (guaranteed I year) I OSCAR 0. M VOGEL MARTIN H. VOGEL VOGE L BROS. mA R KE T Every woman should have a Hair Drier in her home. You can- not appreciate how convenient they are until you have tried one. The "Eskimo" operates on your light current-just plug in and the blower will send delightfully warm and soothing air through your hair-you can now shampoo and dry your hair in a jiffy. Try an "Eskimo'' and you'll never be without one. ERNST BROS ELECTRIC SHOP 210 South 4th Ave. Phone 7716 1- w THYDIL a - r a - a1 - a - a r a r _ - a. ia r w r ,a _r a r a r a s a: - w a r a a no olyal te tuens,"ev ery bu alotemjoiyoah a a DJAII asa cmeium of aLile - a - i. -wr -i t th ofoonideatonnUsete. a - r _ Y ai w _ a_ r r awa ar r a :. .'^.. _ . a a a~R air r. r a a. ' a rI a a- - _ a a a Y ar _ am a a a a a a Th A T T Vr A. AC"I. U - il a 'I Phone 6656 339 South Main Street We are having some Fancy Capons, Roasting Chickens, Fowl, Broilers, and Ducks. SPECIALS .mamam 0 Home Grown Peas- Early June-2 cans 25c Palm and Olive Soap- 12 bars for 60e Last Week on Rabbits-Nice, Fresh Stock-50 & 60c apiece Ham Ends-Best Quality and Large-15c lb. i I i 4- q h Liberty--aUnhampered and Unfettered- was George Washington's goal. That he achieved it is glorious history. Financial Liberty-the day you enjoy the better things of life without worry -should be your goal. Strive for it! Save hard for it. Start a 3% interest-earning Savings Ae count with ,' ..9 Jr ,i / I" / < - < /, ( VN - 0, '4 -'' . .. 4 1 I t i i '4COYOUR Y., %+ r F r TuN IIW WIr I