FEBRUJARY 23, 1929
1 LY
v7o iverine
H ockey
M eetGop,,herSx-Ttl
Contrary to existing
Intrauralbuildng ,
'vrsity To Seek Revenge for EayIaualidnwr aura
Defeats By Big Ten Leading Tennis, basket ball,
M inesota Team squash, and volley ball
_____all be open. Swimmil
SECND AM9SATRDA bti ige will be continu
SECOD GME ATUDAY boxing and wrestling .r
open.. It is expected
Michigan's Varsity hockey team: will be one of the bus!
heartened by a split in the series record'.
Basket ball has bee
with, the strong' Badger puckmen popular sport in the
will seek revenge for its two early building this year. Sta
season defeats' by the Minnesots .that two thousand si,
sextet when it engages the' Cone , 'laying on the coui
f'erence. leading. Gophers tonight' Handball is the second
and Saturday at Minneapolis. lar sport. Indoor' tenni
Although defeated by 'Wisconsin m,:thusiats daily. The
in the final tilt of the series,, 3-0. pool is very busy at all
the improved' Wolverine comnbina- !-ight swimming classes
tion appears to have a chance tc direction of Asst. Coacl
upset the Minnesota team on tht Machon are, proving of
basis of comparative scores, since ful.
the Varsity, aft r a poor start, im- These classes are op
proved sufficien tly to take a 32 tiew and advanced swir
overtime contest from the Badgers, Machon has introduced'
who split a. two game series witl: to his classes Which has
the Gophers a week previous. ceedingly popular. A
Race Shows Improvement swimi is being planned
Coach. Lowrey expects Grace, of which will be annot
Michigan goalie, who has improved ~eguiar classes in box
steadily since the start of the sea- ling, fencing', archery,
son, to hold' the Northmen to less all well attended'.
than the' 10 goals ;they made in the
previous two tilts, while the addi - o
tion of several new men to the Wol- oosier Tieais,
verine forward wall should mater-W'
ially strengthen the Varsity offense. FullWeek-Fi
Joseph, -who! starred for Michi-
gan in both the contests with the (Continued' from Po
1ladgers, will probably occupy one
forward position and Maney the, Big Ten swimming season
center post,' with Mason and Ny- cago here Saturday aft
giord fighting it out for the other The Hoosier football
wing. Hart, who has also shown' for the 1929 team are w
well in t'he'. trip, will' be at one deg- daily in the field house
fense with Bryant as a partner. for a tough fall scheduj+
The' Minnesota sextet will pre- men have reported an(
sent its regular lineup consisting working on, fundamentl
of Billings or- Ross, goal, Peterson Clevenger, announced tht
and Fenton, defense men, and Mc- ball schedule as follows
Cabe, Conway, and Bartholdi, for- Sept. 28--Wabash at B:,
rumors, the
Aill' be open'
of this week .,
1, handball.!
11 courts will'
ink pool ac-!
Ru ckey s flave rWon Ofie Con test
Ott Of Fouir Wih" Oppolieits
So VfarThis Seatsol
(Continued From Page Sig,. Rbet)irs Bowling Green, Ohio;
Coach Fisher ordered' another Lake ]Forest team in the national Fred Fliege, formerly of Proviso
light batting an~d fielding workout academry tournament here last 1high, Forest Park, Ill., and Tobias,
for the a seball crxncdidatt s yeste'r! Mfarchi, is another great pro spect. from LaCrosse.
day with the view of getting the There are' a dozen or more others Guards are Douglas Nelson, who
°layrsi ,sae o' ''i'hadr hse play indicates that t hey will wound up a brilliant career with
pactessi'shapelfore~ the arerb in the thick of t hc f igh t for a Wisconsin high, Madison, last sea-
mandr w he ee varsity' berth next year. Among son; Claude Maurer, of Wausau;
Indhersofdth ch week.esnt' the* forwards are Delphos Brault, of Russ Rebholz, Portage, brother of
Thumersqiudtwhich'7at rseiwit ° Rivers; Marvin Steen, Bowling Darold Rebhiolz, the varsity grid
nube rs xcd~methani70wiey 'tatlsOGren, Ohio; harry Griswold, Camn- jfullback and hockey player; Arnold
be duccl romitsunweld sttu bridge;z Waiter Graebner, Wausau,j Herber, Green Bay athlete, who
to a more workabie sire by the first *a nod Nello Pacetti, Kenosha. captained thie frosh football eleven.,
cut: wit°1 will be m-ie' after thie' IThe best ceniters alppear to be and 'halter H-olmes, of Stoughton.
roomswill tbe IIOL D IINAION TILTS
that Fridayj-
siest days on' After' devoting most of the week
to the development of breaks and
era the mostj counters' for sonmc of the chief
Intramural tricks' of opponients still on thel
,tistics show schedule, the' Wolverine matmnen
sudents are yesterday started', a series of elimi-
trts weekly. nation mat'ches' to' deteirmine who6
Imost popu- will reprdsentr Michigan in the
is is gaining I match With Ohio State tomorrow
eswimming ngt
11 tmesand Coachi Keen has never used the
s under the1 same lineup in any two meets and
h John Me-J there is no reasoni to believe thatI
cry uccss-there will not be a shift in the
pen to both squad for this meet. 'these elimi-
miners. 1VC nation contests will probably be l
d' Water polo finished' early today after which
, proved ex- Coach Keeii will make an an-
Smarathon nounceinent of the complete lineup.
Ithe details, While the Ohio State grapplers
)unced later,. will by no means be a setup for
xing, wrest-! the' Wolves, the chances of theI
and squash lvtize and Blue look unusually
' bright. With a team 'possessingr-
-r- markable balance of strength as
Ave, well as several individual stars who
Have are rated as good as anyone their
fd Card.Wegh i teConference, Mich!-I
Iwithout serious trouble.
'age 6.) 'Ohio State's record has not been
)n with Chi-j indictive of exceptional strength,
ternoon. I with but one victory chalked up for
candidatesI them out of four starts. West Vir-
workirig out 'ginia, also conquerers of Michigan,
e preparing Purdue, ,and Indiana all proved too
dc. Over 20: strong for the Buckeyes. Ohio uni-
id arc now versity is* the only school whose
als. Z. G. 1 team has bowed to the Buckeyes
.e 1929 foot- ; this season.
tlominton iCOLUMUJS--Five varsity foot-
Iooingon.ball men have gone through'_ W. and
;loomington. 3. in three years each, all graduat-,
~a~gon ig within a year.
Manty If irlers IReport.
The hurling staff contains the
g reatest inumber 'of'troits at' lrces-
ent, 16 pitchers having been rem-
"porting'reguiai'ly for the last three'
weeks. The squad has. been parti
cularly fortunate in having no sore
arms among the mroundsrnen so far:
this year, according to Coach Fish-
er, and if the hurler's continue to
round into form, as they have been
doing lately the veteran mentor
expects to have little trouble with
this department.
Veterans ;;Ag'ain. Iligibie
Last years two regular pitchers
McAfee and'Asbeck, are again elig-
ible, and are expected to bear thr:
brunt of the hurling assignmfent'
A host of other mnembers of last
year's squad and nmany s'ophomnore
tryouts bidding for the place 'Jeff
open by DNick Gawne's graduation
insure Coa~ch Fisher, against G'
dearth of' reserve mnound m'aterial.
H'oltzrhan and frill, two juniors'
who made the spring trip last.
year have shown great improve-
ment in practice so far. Precobb
Martin, Picard and Driabicki, four
other juniors, are also out for their°
second year, while Whitney and~
Gilmartin are starting their third
year on the squad.
Sophomores Show Well
Six members of last year's fresh-
man team have also been showing
a' little more stuff lately, with the
possibility that one of the sopho-
mores may gain a regular place on
the staff..Bobceam and Compto-
appear among the most' promisinp'
'rthday. To you just
day. To someone else
ious memories. What
lan for you t~o remenri-
loveliest: gi ft a fporsoI
_We6smake up Dnce and. Banquet programs
of every description
Try 'Us f or Party ]Decorations
Printing M:" Binding. -:- Engraving
Nea- Tasty-Attr active
Place Cards.--Tally Cards-Store Pads
Fine Stationery and Leather G~oods
The Mayer-Schairer Company
112 S. Main St., Ann Arbor
Phone 4515,
(i IN;
F or discriminating pipe
smokers who enjoy an
even, mnild smoke comn-
binedi with a distinctive,
fragrant aroma.
Dsiribtited b3
I" :
A' long session in the locker room
was followed by a display of Iowa
'formations 'by, reserves. Featured
In the attacking fiont was Bennie
Oosterbaan, who <held down 4a posi-
tion on the reserve quintet. The
tight' defense,.'of the Varsity was
somewhat Weak at tihiles duiring the
"Iowa" attck, but the -H twkeyes"l
were not running rings around the
Varsity -and the scoring' was slight.
Given the baii once more, the
Varsity brought the workout to a
close with a session of semi-stal-
ling. The' team was' assumed to
have a two-point lead with only' a
minute 'to>-play, the *players seek-
ing to retain possession of the ball
for as long as possible, taking -shots
at the basket only when it was a
certainty that two points could be
added to the total.
A free tnrow drill ended the
day's practice with Captain McCoy
,hanging up a record of 24 free
throws out of 25 attempts. The
rest of the regulars were also do-
ing well in -sinking the free tosses.
"Iowa, virtually eliminated from
the Big Ten race by the Minnesota
defeat of- Monday, will be seeking
to retrive some of its prestige in the
game here next Saturday. The
Hawks are already the victims of
the setback from the Michigan
team earlier in the 'season.
NOTICE - Home Laundry - Soft
water used exclusively; called for
and, delivered. Superior Homne
Laundry. Phone 8190. W.ThF. c
NOTICE-Dial 3916, Moe Laundry
204 N. Main St., for laundry serv-
'ice with real personal attention
like 'received at'; home. C
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair
rates. M. V. Hiartsuff, Dial 937.
Corona, Royal, Underwood, Ren-
ington portables, also used *large
and' portable typewriters of all
makes bought and sold, rented,
exchanged, cleaned, repaired.
Large-stock, best service, consid-
erate prices. Phone 6615. . D.
Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade.
NOTIC-feautiful spring line of
Axminister, and Wilton rugs.
Koch & Henne. c
W AN T E D-Experienced clothing
and shoe salesmen. Whole or
Ipart time work; fine opportunity
Ifor students; good wages. Ex-
perienced men need only apply
Phone 4306. 101,2,3
WANTED-Ekcperienced cook wants
work in sorority or fraternity.
2-1530. 103,4,5
FOR RENT-Double front room
private family, steam heat, will
lighted, -reasonable. rates. 1106
Forest. C
FOR SALE-highest offer takes
Vega' banjo, excellent condition,
f LOST-An oval amethyst and pearl
Ipin in Thompson, State and
ratherine section.' Adequate re-
Not even a recent severe illness
could prevent the head of the as-
tronomy department at the Uinix-
Versity- of Iowa from holding his
classes. He .delivered his daily lec-
tyre as usual, the students' gather-
ing around his bedside.
S m* k e O mErie, Pennsylvania.
Sept. 25, 1928
Larus"& Brother Company
Richmond, Va.
Dear Sirs:
Having justreturned from my fist}ii i g
camp in northern Ontario,* and. in thle
reflections upon a fortnight of m'o!}t
excellent weather, woni drful fishing
and complete camp comfort, I. feel:
that an appreciation of Edgeworth is
due, as oiie of'-the principal, actors ofJ
our enjoyment.
In past' years, I have taken along a
supply of various' well-known brands
of smoking tobacco, never having ki-d
come fully acquainted with the diffior-
ence in the smoking qualities of ti e
so-called' high-fgrade tobaccos niow
upon the market, and acting upon a
tip from an old smoker friend, and as
a matter of convenience in packing,
this year I took along a dozen tin: of
Edgeworth Plug Slice.
There are no places nor conditions
in existence where the contenit mnt
drawn from a briar pipe meets' with
keener enjoyment or more critical
analysis than beside thle camp-fire
after' a strenuous day in the greatt
It is the unanimous opinion of the
smnokers among' my party that Edg e-
tvorth is without a peer, and that its
smoothness, fragrance and fine smok-
ing qualities are unsurpassed and un-
matched; and I thsnk vou for making
it powsible to obtan it,'
Yours truly,
(Signad) if, N. Curtiss
Oct. 12--Chicago at Ch
Oct. 19-Colgate at B:
Oct. 26-Ohio State at
Nov. 2-Minnesota at
307-300 S. State St.
1.I", ,d.O. r .0, . d,.0"1,. . . ":9. ./" "11.f"1,/".%'. '. , ", , '.1. ./", . ",. ll. .l~.lJ.I
Nov. i--Northwestern at Evans-}
Nov. 23--Purdue at Bloominigtoni.
if ,Ca Soviet Russ,
S TUDENTS are wel-
comed m o s t cor-
' dially, in Soviet Russia.
.where the world's
most gigantic social ex-
periment is being made -
amidst a galaxy of Pic-
turesque n a ti o n alitics,
wondrous scenery, splen-
did architecture, andi ex-
j otic civilizations.
'Senai for IBoole C w hich
For Precio!
An anniversary-a bi]
the passing of another c
a day of poignant, preci
could be more fitting th
heer that clay with the
can give. Flowers.
'f <
"Sciy It W4ithj lorper.i"
plains how 7t' can be, done
wih little fl'oflel
Amalgamated Bankf
Ann Arbor Floral Co.
Ph one 6215
122 F"- .iLbc1ty St,
11-15 Union Square, New York ity
- - _ r..._ a
iGi PU' U iF itisf a.-o 4i' K ttG:f3 G'ii '1}u*,,, ,y. ttiAX7 i {t3 ,Ai'N'hS6+A'{
U 1
i i
'YW YraiM1ii [fill
Ikfill 111111 liii 11ff 111111 !II III
M4 "F
,; 1- 1
Clearing Out Stock-
To Your Advantag~e
_ {
I oug di~rlisne
state, 1 IiFI':accepvth
( iax~gic,6
E geworh
Extra High Grade
Smoking Tobacco
1-4 off
o I
ti ..Th4f' i ont you kt
are you getting
axI ang3
Y WL4 U t. 44 14 F 1 d 101,2 ,3
LOST- -Vauable papers ins manila
folder marked Carr: Sociolngy.'-
'Probably left in campus buliling
LOST-An oval amethyst and pearl
Spin in TIhompson, State a nd
Catherine. section. Adequate re-
ward. Phone. 6177.710 E. Cather-
ine. '103,4,5
are v
1 .
I -l'ledo tc U.d
1\\. $16015
Fair Average S'izes
BEAUTIFIES your home-cn
verts ugly radiator coils into
decorative furniture.
H MIDFIES-Changes dry un-
* . $18.75
* . .$22.50.
* , .$26.25
o 6 $30.®0
* 0 .$33.75
* 0 .$37.50
$40 . .$26.67
$4 . Q$30.00
* . "$16.67
Y . $0.0
s " 0 $23.34
IYou cat t ee the* L'd grill 'of pfAh~iW-G
your father'sface wiien'i'ie gets your iong dia ..
tance call, but you may I)e sure A'S there.
W~hy don't youi set cay to telephore home~
tr Th eey Week lIhe rates are low, 1d1 . ,erttic i
{ASIl 'dyou (Can. re'erm, tilt, Cliaf'rti,
- . , $3.7
" p $0.00