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February 12, 1929 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-12

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THE. MICLII......A...L.



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Cora Opines
IWell, my dear, here we are al-
ready to start theh few semester-
that is the new semester is about
to start, I really don't think we are
ready. Yesterday was sort of a
preliminary as it were to the real
thing. That is, everyone went
around to classes and took a lool
at the prof to see if he was a good
bet and worth taking a chance or
for the rest of the semester. .
Of course, there will be several
people in this dear, old University
of ours that will have decided not
to come back this semester-or per-
haps they had it decided for them
-some people do have that hap-
pen you know. But really, my
dear, I do think it is quite an ac-
complishment to survive these ex-
ams. I was a wreck when I finish-
ed mine, I mean I really was. You
know, I think exams are horribly
unfair because what's a poor girl
to do when she has four or five
of them in a row and has to study
night and day for them, thus mak-
ing herself look like a perfect
wreck by the time she has to take
them? You'll have to admit she
can't compete with the girls who
have gobs of time in between te
keep the shadows from under their
eyes and are consequently better
fitted to flash dazzling smiles on
their professor and to tell him
sweetlg how much they enjoyed
his course. Oh yes, that does help
--sometimes. Of course, on the
other hand, the overworked femme
can cast an appealing look at her
prof on the way out, and thus ap-
peal to his pity.
And, though I hadn't intended to
mention it at all, I feel that I really
must make known the fact that I
did NOT write the letter addressed
to me pertaining to a certain course
in speech that I have just sur-
vived. Really, my dear, I can't
understand why anyone would
think I had written such a letter
to myself, and besides I should
think that everyone would miss
I that subtle feminine note that is
characteristic of my opining. Any-
way, that particular dear instructor
gave me a passing grade in the
course, so I really shall have to
remember him in his kindlier mo-
Tut-ankh-amen's tomb has a
rival for magnificence since the
unearthing of the tomb of Moti
Maris, the favorite wife of King
Solomon. The &offin is of gold and
there is a crown set with pearls,
emeralds, and sapphires on the
head of the favorite.
By the side of the body in the
coffin was found a scroll inscribed
by the king, commending the vir-
tues of his wife and describing her
heroic death. The father of Moti
Maris visited the kingdom with
the intention of murdering the
king and seizing the country in the.
name of the king of Egypt. He had
Moti Maris prepare a poisoned wine
for the king, but just as Solomon
was raising the cup to his lips she
snatched it away and drank it her-
self, dying almost immediately.



TlIThe next meeting of A. A. U. W.
UIILILU II HUTIJIwill be at 3 o'clock on Saturday,
February23. Professor Earl Moore
of the School of Music will give
Among university tours planned an illustrated lecture on EuropeanE
for the summer of 1929 is one of- Chimes. .
fered under the management of The state President, Mrs. Edith
the Students Travel Bureau of New Watkins Dunk of Detroit has also
York City. Alice Ford, '29, for a been invited to address the meet-
second time will be hostess to a ing. According to an announce-
small group of women on a two ment by Mrs. Hugh Keeler, presi-
months trip through eight Euro- dent of the Ann Arbor associationf
pean countries. Professor Vittorio 1the annual contribution of new and
Ceroni, instructor of language at used books for the University Hos-
Hunter College, New York, will act pital library will be received at this
as conductor, and has arranged for time.
receptions in centers of educational

The party will sail June 27 fromI
Montreal on the S. S. Montcalm, a
one-class cabin steamer of the Ca-!
nadian Pacific line, and will land!
in Plymouth on July 5. Two weeksI
will be spent in the British Isles,
beginning with a visit at Winder-
mere. The party will also motorF
through the wilds of the Scotch,
Trossachs, the English lakes, and1
the historical Shakespeare country.I
In Scotland a few days will bei
spent in Glasgow and Edinburgh,I
with visits to such points of inter-
est as the Castle, Holyrood Palace
and Abbey, Parliament House,
Greyfriars churchyard, and St.
Giles Cathedral. The lash; of the
fortnight will be spent in London.

Today's games: 7:15-Couz-
ens Hall vs. Phi Gamma Mu,
Alpha Gamma Delta vs. Zeta
Tau Alpha. 8:00 Alpha Omi-
cron Pi vs. Kappa Delta.
Wednesday: 4:00, Alpha Xi
Delta vs. Sigma Kappa, 5:00-
Chi Omega vs. Gamma Phi
Beta, Betsy Barbour vs. Kappa
Kappa Gamma.
The time for the game be-
tween the Martha Cook Portia
team and Kappa Alpha Theta
is still - undecided, and the
Martha Cook Venus team has
drawn a bye for this week.


With less than five weeks left1
until March 18, when the Junior{
Girls' play is scheduled to begin its,
week's run at the Whitney theater,
rehearsals are this week to be held
by choruses instead of by groups.'
All women who are taking part
in the play are agked by Camilla
Hubel, chairman of dances, toa
watch the bulletin board at Bar-
bour gymansium for their practice
schedules. This week's rehearsal
schedule was posted yesterday
afternoon. If any junior finds that
her name has been omitted, she is
asked to get in touch with the
dance chairman at once. Miss
Hubel can be reached at Barbour
gymnasium during the day- and at
7238 after 10 o'clock at night.
Poster Contest To Close
The poster contest which is now
being held will close at 4:30
o'clock tomorrow, and all juniors
who intend to submit posters must
hand them in by that time. In-
formation about the contest may
be obtained from Dorothy Bloom,
The winning poster in the con-
test will be used for the cover of
the play programs and as an ad-
vertising medium. Last year's. win-
ning poster was designed by Mar-
garet Gentz, '29, who submitted a
poster in modernistic style.
Title Is Still A Secret
The title of this year's play,
which has so for been kept secret,
is to be announced this week. The
author of the book, Frances Sack-
ett, has received much favorable
comment on the novel plot of her
manuscript, and the announcement
of the title is being awaited with
much interest by the juniors and
all others who are interested in the
play. The names of the members
of the cast and of the various
choruses are also to be announced
along with the title of the play.
MINNESOTA-Chinatown of Chi-
cago was recently visited by 301
students from the Y. W. C. A. at
Northwestern. The visit included
a trip through the Chinese Cham-
ber of Commerce, a Chinese school
in session and a Chinese restau-

E. Barrington sometimes known personality and has been acquired..
as Mrs. Beck is an Englishwoman The first result of this usurper was
who writes fascinating stories of racollection of short stories
theOrint.Whe a oun woan"Dreams and Delights" which
the Orient. When a young woman breathes the fragrance of the
she visited the Orient and was as- wooded Himalayan mountains. Fol-
sured )by the teachqrs of India lowing this came a love story of
and China, since she was already the Orient "The Key of Dreams."
accustomed to a favorable diet such As recently as 1926 a third per-
as that advanced by the religious1 sonality was added and was
disciples of the Orient that she brought to the public's notice by
would be able to understand the "The Glory of Egypt" which was
religion and philosophy of the written by a "Louis Moresby." It
Easterns and attain a certain 'is too early to comment on the suc-
mastery of them. In Japan Mrs. cess of this third woman who has
Beck was told by a Japanese ex- appeared and; according to Grant
pert of divination, "Before you, in Overton's "The Women Who Make
a few years' time, lies a great, an Our Novels," other personalities
astounding success," To this Mrs. will doubtless appear in the near
Beck credited the remarkable good future, until this author may end
fortune that was hers when, five by "having as many as Shiva has
years later as she was sitting in a arms."
crowded hotel reception room, a ____
story seemed to write itself, and o__
was immediately accepted by the I There will be a meeting of [
!Atlantic Monthly. the executive -board of the 1





From there the party will cross I
to the Hook of Holland, the several Pi Lambda Theta will hold a
days succeeding to be devoted to'business meeting at 7:15 tonight in
the Hague and Amersterdam in the i Helen Newberry.
land of tulips, dykes, and wooden Chi Delta Phi will have a reg-
shoes. In Belgium, Brussels, capi- ular meeting at 7:30 Wednesday
tal city of such attractions as the evening, Feb. 13, in the sewing
Guild Houses, the palace, and St. room of Martha Cook Building.
Gudule, will be visited. In Ger- Second semester tryouts will be an-
many, a steamer trip will be made nounced shortly.
up the Rhine, preceded by a day Athcna will have a meeting at
in Cologne, a city famous for its 7:15 tonight in the Athena room
cathedral, and followed by a stay in Angell Hall. Tryouts for mem-
in Heidelburg, endeared to all the bership will be held. Anyone in-
world for its tales of the student terested is urged to come and pre-
prince. The week following will be sent a 2 or 3 minute speech on any
spent in Switzerland, motoring subject.
among the Alps, and with days in I'N-
such cities as Lucerne, Interlake NO Hjn rcs lcet foo
and Montreux. The itinery pro- thefprsentuyer care bncein od.I
vides two weeks in Italy, beginningthe present earalre being sold.
with the Italian lakes in the north, I lTwo horsatre aistd mulssfo
and ontnuig trouh Mlanlunches, and there is music for t
and continuing through Milan, i dancing.
Venice, Florence, Rome, and Genoa. danmg.
After a stay in Nice watering places Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
on the Mediterranean, the party $2.50 the half year-It's worth it.
will proceed to Monte Carlo via the _
Grande Corniche Drive on the Ri-
veria. From Avignon, they will go
direct to Paris where sight seeing
will include points in the city and!DE'DDA C I
excursions to St. Cloud, Malmaison,
country home of Josephine, and to
The return sailing will be from ESTABLI
Havre, France, August 17, on the
S. S. Carmania.
A specialty for
twenty years.
Prompt service.. Experienced op-
erators.. Moderate rates. '200-202 E. L'

Living now in Victoria, British
Columbia, she has surrounded her-
self with an exotic atmosphere by
furnishing her house in the Orien-
tal fashion. And here this woman
writes as though she were possess-
ed of two totally ifferent person-
alities. As L. Adams Beck she'
tells of the life and thought of the
India of two thousand years ago,
or if she is in the mood of E. Bar-
rington, of French and English so-
ciety of the eighteenth and nine-
teenth centuries.
Besides being a writer of no lit-,
tle . note Mrs. Adams Beck is a
public speaker of some experience.
At her home in Victoria this wom-
an every fortnight gathers a group
of friends about her and speaks to
them without preparation on some
psychic, literary, or historical topic.
The personality of E. Barring-
ton has been inherited from a long
line of Scotch ancestors and is re-
sponsible for the books whose sub-
jects have been drawn entirely
from English history.
L. Adams Beck is the dominant


W. A. A. tonight at the Wom-
en's Athletic building. Suppsr
will be, served at six, and the
meeting will begin promptly
at seven.


w Made Up, Remodeled,
Relined and Repaired
== Workmanship
E. L. Greenbaum
Ann Arbor's Best and Lowest ~
Priced Furrier
448 Spring St.
Dial 9625
:ttllil ~lin tll l itItI~ 111litllltnl

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Tear Out This
Price List-Keep
It Haidy
Here are Ann Arbo's lowest
Dry Cleaning and Pressing prices
Men's 3-piece suits, "cash and carry".......75c
(Picked up and delivered-$1.00)
Men's 4-piece suits, "cash and carry"....$1.25
(Picked up and delivered-$1.50)



Overcoats, "cash and carry"..........
(Picked up and delivered-$1.00)
Mats, cleaned and- blocked............
(Picked up and delivered-1.00



17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615

Fur Coats, cleaned and glazed...........
(Picked up and delivered--$4.25)
On women's dresses, we are also lowest,


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m SALE OF Womens and Misses =
$ I
VALUES TO $ 39.50.. NOW $ 75
VALUES TO $ 49.50.. NOW$1 75
VALUES TO $ 79.50 . . NOW $2 50
VALUES TO $110.00.. NOW $4 50
VALUES TO $195.00 . NOW $7950I
You can buy one of these coats without
any outlay of ready money. Your pay-
ments will be spread over a period ofI
time to suit your convenience.
Sale of Coats Is on the Second Floor



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price depending on number of plaits . . . and
quality of work?-the very finest-with you
to be the judge!
~ K Across from Majestic
Open until 8 p. m.
Jootwear fr -
. e n a a d r ar bIItf
featuring-- -
lA A'As, long vamps,
l short vamps imn the
In nevest of marials
RR /J ~~A nierVaynin
Sarways- priced
a odeat 4 _ y rcd4 . ..-




Teddies and Dance Sets
Gowns and Pajamas
Robes and Negligees



' J; a
- !

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