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June 01, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-06-01

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Published every morning except Monday
iizing the Univesit~ear by the Board in
Control of Student uflications.
Member of Westera Conference Editorial
Association.: -
The Associated Press is exclusively en
titled to the use' for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub.
dished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ana Arbor,
Michigan, v's second class matter. Special rate
of postag * granted by Third Assistant Post-
wiaster General.
Subsiption by earrier, $4.oo; by mail,
orfice.:Ann Arbor Press Building, May-]
'sard Street. .
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2124.
Telephone 4925
Zditor..... .............Nelson T. Smith
City Editor .........1. Stewart Hooker
News Edito......... ...Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor...... ....W. Morris uinn
Woe'sJditor............. Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor...........George Stautet
Music and Drama.......R. L. Askren
Assist ant City Editor.........Robert Silbai
Night Editors

oseph E. Howell
onald J. Kline
Lawrence R. Klein
Paul L. Adams
Morris Alexandz
C. A. Askren
Bertramn Askcwt%
Arthur Bernateia
Seton C. Bovee
Isabel Charles
L. R., Chubb
Frank E. Cooper
~elen Domine
M argaret Eckels
Douglas Edwards
Valborg Egreland
pobert J. eidman
tarjorie Follmer
William 'Gentry
Ruth Geddes.
David B. Hempstes
Ric.ard ug
Charles R. Kaufma
Ruth Kelsey


Charles S. Monroe
Pjirce Rosenberg,
George R. Simons
C. f iley

Donald E. Laymaa J
Charles A. Lewis
Marian McDonald
Henry Merry
Elizabeth Quaife
Victor Rabinowitz
Joseph A. Russell
Anne Schell
Rachel Shearsr
Howard Simon
Robert L. Slaos
Ruth Steadmnan
A. Stewart
Cadwell Swansea
Jane Thayer
Edith Thomas
Beth Valentine
Gurney Wilaims
ai Jr. Walter Wilds
George E. Woblgemuth
an Edward L. Warner Jr.
Cleland Wyllie

ination of facts, for which it was
prosecuted. The Free Press claims
that liberty is not a class privilege,
yet it supports this, political au-
The Senate having cast its vote
in line with reapportionment and
the House and President ahnost
certain to do the same, Michigan
can now look forward with cer-
tainty to having four more Repre-
sentatives after the 1930 census
has been recorded.
But additional representation in
the lower house of the national
legislature is not the only advant-
age the state has received from the
struggle for reapportionment,
especially in the Seiate. It to
has been served into another way,
in that the fight has proved a
training ground for the state's lat-
est entrant to Congressional life.
Michigan's youngest child at the
political school in Washington is
Arthur H. Vandenberg. An erst-
while editor for a Grand Rapids
newspaper and self-appointed
arch-bugler for the Republican
party, became United States Sen-
ator a short time ago, by the grace
of Governor Green. Later, he was
endorsed by a blindly Republican
On entering the Senate, Vanden-
berg immediately took up arms for
reapportionment. In one of his
struggles he sought to assure pas-
sage of the bill by placing it ahead
of the regular order scheduled for
it by the committee on business
order. In pushing his motion, he
ended his argument with the state-
ment that it raised "the funda-
mental point as to whether the
committee on order of business of
the senate has a right superior to
the Constitution of the United
Now the Senate fancies itself on
the Constitution, and when a
freshmen Senator, which Mr. Van-
denberg admits he is, dictates to it
on its duties in relation to the Con-
stitution, the Senators see red.
And as a lesson on the perils o
brashness, the Senate sent the mo-
tion down.
The Michigan Senator may have
workeduhard for the recent pas-
sage, but to his colleagues he as-
sumed a position in the background
that all young Senators should as-
sume until they learn the mysteries
of Senatorial order.
The House of Representatives,
having, twice approved reappor-
tionment bills, and President Hoov-
er expected also to sign It,, the
redistricting of the country, on a
truly proportionate basis following
the 1930 census, seems certain. Only
the Senate has stood in the way.
And now that the Senate has
obliged, Michigan with its four
more representatives and a wiser
Senator, can lift its eyes to a future
of greater respect at Washington.

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Mana ges
Advertising......... .....Alex K. Scherer
Advertising.. ... ....A. James Jordan
Advertising............... Car. W. Hammer
Service.................Herbert E. Varnumi
Circulatio'n...............George S. Bradley
Accounts ..............Lawrence E. Walkicy
Publications ............... Ray M. Hofelich

Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
Vernor Davis
Bssie Egeland
Sally Fastebr
Anna Goldberg
Kasper Halversotn
George Hamilton
Ik Horwich
}ix Humdphrey

Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
1. A. Newman
Jack Rose.
Carl F. Schemm
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Welistead

"Liberty," says the Detroit Free
Press in commenting on the recent
trouble between the University of
Pittsburgh and the students of the
Liberal club, there, "is not a class
privilege." The Free Press frank-
ly admits that it has none of the
"fine points of the controversy" at
hand, yet' considers the court rul-
ing dismissing the case in favor of
the University to be entirely sound.
An injunction sought by the Amer-
ican Civil Liberties union to pre-
vent the University from interfer-
ing with the class attendance of a
student, who was expelled in con-
nection with this disturbance, was

I 1=.

_ sse ee ee reet w esn ertp ns e ftsaeis...... stlmsssn rt: ss sea :et rss s e a ueesa mnr"scss as a e n atu efe rsesa sgeease eesaeaeao t

. I
,~Muic adDrama
MWATINEE AND NIGHT: A melodramatic thriller, "Nightstick," mostly
about cops and crooks, in Mendelssohn Theatre, beginning at 3:15
and 8:15 o'clock.
MONDAY: And all week, "The Spider," a thriller of murder in a vaude-
ville house, in Mendelssohn Theatre.
A letter to this paper some weeks cated wife. It seems a far cry from
ago propounded the critical judg- the Comtesse Karenin in "Re-
ment that the calibre of Broadway demption" to Jordan's wife in
shows was little better, or none at "Granite." But versatility has
all, than local amateur dramatic been one of Miss Tennant's chief
offerings. There is always liberty talents; Comedy Club were count-
to differ with that judgment; if ing on that when they faced this
Broadway can do no better, then season last fall. Now the Titian
Mohammeds of dramatic criticism Florence has added a strong tal-
might just as well come to Ann ent for emotionalism to her stock
Arbor's mountains. But if the let- in dramatic trade.
ter intended to mean sincerity, not One of the oustanding "finds"
calibre, the compliment is thor- of the year was Edna Mower. Be-
oughly deserved, ginning with last year's Junior
Moissi, to the Play Production Girls Play, for which she wrote
group who visited him, insisted I considerable music, her dramatic
that they do his, more difficult, talents were discovered in Play
version of "Redemption." They Production's activities-in what
had planned Barrymore's easier might be called the pre-laboratory
one. They could achieve the dra- work, the burlesque skits the
matic heights in it, he said, if they group have put on privately. Here
approached them simply and sin- her comedy talents were discover-
cerely. The production in "U" ed. In the second showing of
Hall Laboratory bore witness to the "Outside This Room" Director
soundness of his advice. But sin- Windt went iconoclast and cast her
cerity has been the characteristic I to do the character part of Ma-
of all the campus shows this year. dame Blackman. Her extraordi-
The actors have approached their nary success in this led to the part
parts honestly, and the plays of the mother in "The Constant
chosen have for the most part Wife" which she made second only
been straightforward theatrical in importance to Florence Ten-
fun, as "Take My Advice" was, or nant's work, and then to the part
equally frank problem plays, of of Mrs. Cady in "The Beggar On
which "The Constant Wife" was Horseback." As Mrs. Cady her tal-
representative. ' I ent for pantomime, her keen sense
The sincerity of approach of the of tempo, and in general her un-
actors is undoubtedly the reason ' derstanding of comedy technique,
for some memorable moments in combined to make hers the out-
campus actin'g. In "The Cassiliis standing part in a fascinating
Engagement" Helen Workman's show.
scene withthe honorable silly-ass, A similar find has been Trues-
Geoffrey, who had given her "no dale Mayers, whose work as Fedya
encouragement," remains one of I in "Redemption" established him
the most' sensitively done bits of as a charming personality, sensi-
the year. In "Diplomacy" "Bobby" tive to the spiritual values in the
McCurdy's sketch of acid tongued character he was playing. His
Lady Henry was the finest picture range of characterization seems
of high comedy-unique during the more limited than Miss Mour's-
year as well as unique in Miss limited to the use of a gentle and
McCurdy's career. In passing it suggestive charm-but he is equal-
may be added that Miss McCurdy ly sure with her in his technique
possesses what is undoubtedly theI within that range.
l finest enunciation among amateurs Productions As A Whole
Ion the campus-a failing which Reviewing the offerings of
the Speech department might well Mimes, Comedy Club and Play
make it its duty to correct in fu- Producton as a whole suggests
ture years, some interesting problems. What
Still in the field of comed ought the campus be offered, any-
George Johnson deserves extraor- The more or less general answer
dinarycredit for his work in "To to this question often seems to
t The Ladies." The pathetic quality have been; "Give them muck." It
he gave his comedy business is would be unfair to characterize this
distinctly in the Chaplin tradition, year with that phrase, and yet it
while his talent for giving tragedy has not been wholly untrue,
. an ironic gilding of comedy places judged by the rather idealistic
r him surely among the ranks of standards which may be set up for
the few "actors" on the campus. University audiences.
In commenting on Johnson it Comedy Club started the season
se s a pity that his work for with "Diplomacy." This needed a
- mes could not nave received ' type of director unobtainable lo-
more careful and intelligent coach- cally; it also needed a type of act-
I. In "The Queen's Husband" ing that has never been successful-
he was lamentably bad. ly achieved here. It flopped quite
"In Take My Advice" Alfred Fos- ! resoundingly, though it was good
ter's part as the young son stands producing material. Then follow-
out as an example of what can be ed "Take My Advice," a silly do-
done with a stupid part when in- mestic comedy obviously done to
telligence and a good sense for appease previous disappointment
"theater" are put to work on it. and make a little money. It was
In spite of its triteness is still re- not important enough to do either.
Smains vital locally to suggest that With "Granite" Comedy Club saved
' even a small part can be made into the situation. A splendid cast and
something goodif it is conceived of excellent direction compelled audi-
as being just a little more than ences to applaud in spite of a bad
mere line-reading. George Priehs play. "Granite" was a fine vehicle

stands out remarkably for his abil- for Stephenson; "Diplomacy" was
ity to do this; witness his chaplain the better play.
" part in "The Marquise." Mimes did "The Marquise"-like
Another rather small part extra- "Diplomacy," too high comedy to
ordinary well done was Marguerite be within student reach; "To The
del Toro's as the boarding house Ladies,"-so low that students sud-
keeper in Evreinof's "The Chief denly discovered they could criticize
Thing" which the Harris Playesr it; "In the Next Room," an only
did. The talent for broad style adequate thriller; and "The
pantomime which Mme. del Toro. Queen's Husband," notable for Ken
brought to her part made it the White's eccentric comedy. Mimes1
only thoroughly genuine interpre- talked of Galsworthy; produced
tation in the cast of this fastastic- Sherwood and Coward-but not so
ally conceived Russian comedy of well that we could wish they had
the make-believe in life. 'tried Galsworthy.
In "The' Constant Wife" one part Play Production ran a wider
stands out, perhaps particularly gamut: "The Cassius Engagement,"
because it showed the extraordi- a not outworn social problem;
nary development possible in a "The Constant Wife," no less top-
short time. The player I have in ical; "The Little Journey"-an
mind' is Mildred Todd. In Doro- opener that was in no way prophetic
thy Ackerman's "Outside This of the distance Play Production
boom" she did a colorless bit as would go; a bill of one-acts, from
one of the daughters of the Swiss Maeterlinck to O'Neill; six student
household; in "Redemption" she written one-act plays; "Redemp-
did the important part of Masha, tion," where sincerity retrieved
Fedya's Gypsy sweetheart only what bad acting there was; and
adequately; but in "The Constant finally closing with "The Beggar
Wife" she played the silly little On Horseback," an excellently done
flirt delightfully,, giving it a charm extravaganza.
that took the part quite out of the -which seems to put Play Pros
low comedy of its writing, and es- duction at the top of the heap, and
tablishing herself as a sensitive Comedy Club coming next, though
interpreter of character. only by the grace of Paul Stephen-
It has been remarked before in son. -







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Editorial Comment



refused. On this basis
Press makes its case.
"Civil liberty is a grea
and must be preserved.
is not going to be prese
denying educational
tions the right to enjo
managing their affairs
consider wise and pror
a college there is need
der and discipline as we
freedom. If individue
dents have rights, so h
institutions where they
ulate. And it is just
portant that the lat
guarded as it is that the
be protected....The d
of the( Civil iberties ur
appear to have a cc
confirmed tendency to
liberty with license."
Freedom which means
obviously odious, but
which means the criticise
dent obscurantism and
ment of facts would provit
for a collegiate democra
Is rapidly drooping. On
Liberal club incident
facts were brought to lig
reflect no credit on the
sity. Three professors %
vised" not to follow certai
of independent thinkinl
had been their won't, beca
ideas ran counter to the
of the large mining corpoi
Pennsylvania; one profe
discharged because he' r
follow these dictates, whi
members of the Liberal c
suspended and the leader
ed. Their worst offense
ing the truth and bringii
the public facts concer
nutraaes commnritted hy f

the Free f THE BEST WAY
I (The Daily Iowan)
it thing, The shock of Iowa's suspension
But it from the Big Ten has died away.
rved by From now on what developments
institu- there are will probably take place
ay it by very quietly. Most of the dyna-
as they mite has been exploded;there is
per. In little left to do but collect the pieces
for or- and try to patch them together.
I as for The specific charges which pre-
al stu- cipitated the action of the con-
ave the ference faculty committee last Sat-
matric- urday have not been made public.
as im- It is very unlikely that they ever
tter be will be.
former rhat is a disappointment to
[irectors many Iowa athletic fans. They
nion.... would like to have known who was
nstant, "subsidized" and who did the sub-
confuse sidizing." They would like to have
known who contributed to the Iowa
license is City "slush fund" and what ath-
freedom letes were helped by it. if any.
M of evi- But most of those fans will ad-
conceal- mit that it was idle curiosity that
de vitality made them want to know details-
cy which the universal hankering for scan-
e of the dal. Anyone who has at heart the
numerous welfare of Iowa athletics or inter-
ht which collegiate athletics In geenral will
Univer- recognize that if unfair practices
were "ad- exist in Iowa athletics they can be
n courses remedied better by the administra-
g, which tion of the university and by con-
ause their ference officials than by pool hall
interests philosophers throughout the coun-
rations in try.
essor was If specific evidences of infrac-
ef used to tions on the part of Iowa were
le all the made public at this time, there are
club were hundreds of loyal Iowans in the
rs expell- state who would deem it their duty
was tell- to broadcast similar charges
ng before against other Big Ten institutions.
ning the There is every reason to believe

s hoes clothing






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