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May 30, 1929 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-30

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M "r C T

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Tmns"AY, MAY 30, 12

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Senate Council:


Publication in the Bulletin is conAtructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the A sistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. n. Saturch-y.)




No. 179


There will be a meeting of the Senate Council in the President's'
Office Friday morning, May 31, at 9:30, for the consideration of im-
portant business.
F. E. Robbins, Secretary 1
University Lecture:
Pr, Bronislawa Sejgin of the Hygienic Institute, Warsaw, Poland,
will present a paper on Bacillus Proteus X19, Wednesday, June 5, at
4:15 p. m., loom 1564 East Medical Building. All interested are invited.
M. H. Soule


31-103 Romance Languages.
32-Nat. Science Aud.
111-231 Angell Hall,
112--231 Angell Hall.
153--1035 Angell Hall,
154-1035 Angell Hall.
101-205 Mason Hall.
151-205 Mason Hall.

(Continued from Page 3)

__. _ _. _-__.___ ...._..._ _ .T _.. ._ __

Automobile Regulation: Psychology 42-Abnormal:
The Automobile Regulation will be lifted at 5:00 p.m., on Friday, Students who sit in the even numbered seats will appear for exam-
June 7, 1929. Any active driving before that time, outside of regular ination in Newberry Hall; those in the odd numbered go to the West
permits or special arrangements with this office, will be considered Physics Lecture Room. Tuesday afternoon.
a violation of the regulation and will merit disciplinary action. W. B. Pillsbury
W. B. Rea, Assistant to the Dean of Students
Zoology 32 (Heredity) :
To All Members of the Faculty and Staff Having Library Books: An important error was made in correcting question r, 'Part II, of
Attention is called to rule III of 'the Regent'q regulations: "All the recent examination. Those who wish may have their answers
books borrowed by members of the Faculty shall be returned on or be- reviewed by Mr. Pearson in room 4123, N. S., on Friday, May 31, between
fore . ... the Thursday preceding the annual commencement in June." 9 and 12 o'clock.
For current year this date is June 13. A. Franklin Shull
Those members of the Faculty who are leaving permently for the
summer, or for the coming year, are requested to return all Library Economics 51:
books before their departu c. Final examination for all sections in room 1025 Angell H1al, Mon-
lVm. W. Bishop, Librarian day, June 3, 2-5 p. m.!
Howard S. Ellis
To All Students Having Library Books:
1. Students having in their possession books drawn from the Uni- Economics 52:
versity Lib'.ary are notified such boo s are due Friday, May 31, before Final examination Monday, Ju ne 3, 2-5 p. n, in following rooms

Spanish 1--103 Rom. Langs.
Spanish 2-West Gallery, Alum. Merm. Hall, upstairs.
Spanish 31-1035 Angell Hall.
Spanish 32-1025 Angell Hall.
Students having conflicts between French and Spanish exams should
take the French at the regular time and arrange special exams in
Spanish with their Spanish teachers.
P. E. Bursley
Summer Session Hours of Registration:

For the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, in the Record-
er's office. University Hall, June 21 and 22, 9 to 12 a. m., and 2 to
5 p. m. Thereafter 10 to 12 a. in. daily.
For the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture, in West Engi-I
neering Building, June 21, 22, 24, and 25, 8 to 12 a. m., and 2 to 4 p. in.
For the Medical School, in the West Medical Building, June 21, 22, 24
and 25, 9 to 12 a .m., and 2 to 4 p. in.
For the College of Pharmacy, in the Chemistry and Pharmacy
Building, June 21, 22, 24, and 25, 9 to 12 a. in., and 2 to 5 p. m.
For the School of Education, inc luding Hygiene and Public Health,
Physical Education, Public Health Nursing, and Athletic Coaching and
Administration, in Tappan Hall, June 21, 22, 24, and 25, 9 to 12 a. in., and
2 to 4 p. in.
For the Law School, in the Law Building, June 14, 15, and 17, 9 to
12 a. in., and 2 to 4 p. m.
For the School of Business Administration, in Tappan Hall, June
21, 22, 24, and 25, 9 to 12 a. m., and 2 to 4 p. m.
For the Gradgate School, in Angell Hall, June 18-22, 9 to 12 a m.
2m to 4 p. i., and June 24 and 25, 9 to 12 a. m., and 2 to 4 p. ,in
Edward H, Kraus

Foreign Students:
Foreign students enrolled in the
Graduate School should report a.
the office, room 1014, Angell 11-al,
before leaving the TJniversity at th
close of the present semester.
Ruth A. Rouse
Exhibition-Arch. Building:
A collection of water colors an 1
drawings by Vernon Howe Bailey i.
on exhibition on the ground floo
of the Architectural Building. Thr
drawings are in pen..and ink, pencil,
black and white, and sepia. The
public is cordially invited.,
Emil Lorel
! Women Who Have Passed Math. 4
With Honors:
Any woman student who is will-
Sing to tutor in this subject, please
call 9887.
Beatrice W. Johnson
Po'itical Science 32, Final Exami-
The final examination in Politi-
ccl Science 32 will be held Friday,
M y 31, at 2 o'clock 'in the follow-
ing rooms in Angell Hall:
1- Mr. Phillips' sections and Mr.
Pollock's 10 o'clock section .in roon
Mr. Preuss' sections and Mr.
Pollock's 11 o'clock section in room
Mr. Calderwood's sections in
room 1035.
Mr. Maddox's sections in room
Mr. Cuncannon's sections in
room 2003.
Paul M. Cuncannon.

the impending examinations.
2. Students who have special need for certain books between May
31 and June 5 may retain such books for that period by applying to
the Superintendent of Circulation on or before May 31.
3. The names of all students who have not cleared their records
at the Library by Wednesday, .June 5, will be sent to the Recorder's
Office, where their semester's credits will be held up until such time
as said records are cleared, in compliance with the regulations of the
Win. W. Bishop, Librarian I

in Angell Hall:
Mr. Adams' sections, room 35.
Mrs. Engle's sections, room 1035.
Mr. Lindahl's sections, room 25.
Mr. Whitlow's sections, room 231.
Howard S. Ellis
Final Examination in Speech 3:
The final examination for all sections in Speech 32 will he held from
7:00 to 10:00 p. ;., Friday, May 31, in room 25 Angell Hall.

Members of the Summer Session Faculties:

Blanks for the Faculty Directory
Michigan Daily have been sent by c


G. c . Dienscore Summer ession Staff. Their promp
Rhetoric 209-Makeup: ---- --- The Summer Daily will be delive
Make-up examination in Rhetoric 209--Development of Rhetorical Final Ex. amination in Speech 31: the Summer Session faculty who wil
Theory (First semester) will be held Tuesday, June 11, 10:30-12:00j The final examination for all sections in Speech 31 will be heldl
A.M. Any student who cannot take the examination at that time from 7:00 to 10:00 p. in., Friday, May 31, in room 1025 Angell Hall.-
§hou i see me as soon as possible. G. E. Densmorc Graduate Students:
N, E. Nelson --
N.E. elsonGraduate students who expect to
Final Examination, Mr. Kreye's Sections in German: Gotdute skurnt he xcming
Library Science Elections, 1929-30. -;These sections will meet for their final examinations Saturday eve- continue work during the coming
Students intending to elect courses in Libray Science next fall should I'ning, June 1, in room 2235 A. H. summer session may enroll after
consult a representative of the Department in Room 303, Library, be- IJ . A. C. hildner June 1 in the office of the Grad-
lore leaving town. There seems an excessive number now in library Th appl, o to Aniors ho
schools, and It is probable that (in their own interest) the number of] Examinations in Romance Languages:Th-s-appliSshal soroomsellswho
students admitted by Dean Effinger to take undergraduate Library All sections of courses in Romance Languages listed herewith will intend to begin their graduate
Science courses will be limited to fifty. Applications made before the be given general examinations May 31, a. in., in the following rooms: work this summer. For purpose 'of
end of the semester will receive preference. Notices will be sent on French 1--Chem. Amphitheater (165 Chem.) admission please secure transcripts
August 15 to students whose applications for admission have been ap- French 2-Mo ning sections, Chem. Amphitheater (165 Chem.) of record from the recorder of the
p'oved. I French 2-Afternoon sections, West Physics Lecture room, (in the School or College from which you
A representative of the Librnry Science De artment will he in Roo m ih bu-ildinii back of main Lbrarv ) are graduating.


and request cards for the Summer
ampus mail to all members of the
t return will be greatly appreciated.
red gratis only to those members of
1 fill out the request cards.
Edward H. Kraus




rt l uj.lvaullvatilvtA V t + ISA V& %.' J1JA uly Oul, tA l, G1 uAt Wik~l.l u SAIII 'vium p
303, Library, from 11-12, and 2-3, (except Saturdays) from May 28 until
June 7.
Wm. Bishop, Librarian
WomWn's Pe earch Club:
The Women's Research Club will meet at 8:00 P. M.. Monday, June
3, in Room 3024 (third floor, north wine) of the Museum. This will be
an informal meeting at which the replies to the questionnaire recently
sent to former members will be available for inspection.
Olive M, Scarle, Secretary
Aca demic Promotions:
The list of academic proiotions published in. yesterday's Bulletin
should be corrected in the following particulars:
Dr. Samuel Alexander Graham was promoted from Associate Pro-
fessor to a full Professorship in Economic Zoology both in the School
of Forestry and Conservation and the Department of Zoology, with the
additional title of Research Associate in the Museum of Zoology.
The promotions of Assistant Professors C. B. Hunt and G. F. Veen-
ker were effective during 1928-1929.
Dr. Ralph Grafton Smith, Instructor in Pharmacology, was pro-
moted to be Assistant Professor in the same department.
C. C. Little

French 12-1025 Angell Hall.Rth A. Rouse
---- - --- -
4 - - -4
Sanoeing Until12.m Tod y
t 4
On the Huron River at the foot of Cedar St.

because of unusual demand for tickets
the performance of "You Never Can Tell" has
been cancelled.
On sale at Box Office from 10 o'clock on every day.
Phone 6300.

! _________________


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"BILL" SUTHERS, Director

CIMI If& lmkft C5

Your Last Chance to Atte a ance this Season

Per Couple

i'y"tyq.! , , j h' 'r Y1A'V . Li tp 3 !y '. P 'i. / ., 'It .

'i'. .. " r . '.r "..., Y .a.'., f . , .. .,.:f. l .. i r .,. 4 11/ i. .f "!' _ _ _ '') yi
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