I &URSDAY, MAC , 1929 T14E MICHILiAN DAILY TUtrRSDAY, MAY 30, 1020 TH~ MICHICAN DAILY I D iAL TrULII ChTf lO .Fast Race Promised FOOTBALL ELEVEN MAY i UUU R I L IU 0 l e I II1 In 500 Mile Classic BE STRONG NEXT (Continued from Page Six) (Continued from PageE T PLA I [ I ing more like the resent day sport hing, Cornwell, and trwig roadster than a racing model. other fankmengoreturnig. (Continued from Page Six) Triplett Drives Well Otto Pornmerening'sl match with the Mexicans would Of the late qualifiers, Ernest will be greatly missed draw one of the Cubans sintIs as- Triplett of Los Angeles, a new mem- tackle. Bud Poorman ist signments. Morales, captain of the ber of the Indianapolis facing fra- veteran who will be back Cuban array seems the logical ternity drove a car which he had position. Al Steinke and choice for the other singles posiar Poe should again prove bul tion. In the doubles it is expect- handled only a few minutes at a the guard posts, while Hu ed that Morales will pair with Upp- rate of 114 miles per hour. In hang- i also available. Al Bovard rFALL Six) are the presence at leftI the only for that Howard warks at ulbert is 1is ex- Graduation Announcements Class Announcements Invitations Programs And now, the busiest time of the social year-graduation, class days, parties, American Lineup Uncertain The lineup for the Americans is also a matter of copjecture. lIen- nessey and Van Ryn will probably be seen in the singles for the United States with the possibility of Allisonas an alternate. No one seems willing to advance any ideas as to the doubles combination but it is expected that George Lott will see action in the team play. Tuesday's practice demonstrated that the Cuban play is not unlike that of the Americans. A slight difference in the harder clay on the Detroit courts than those of the southern islands was noticed by the invadets. Accustumed to the larger English ball the Cubans al- so expected to find some difficulty in getting used to the American ball. The obtaining of the first major tennis event of the year for the De- troit club speaks for the proud po-{ sition which the Detroit organiza- tion holds in United States court circles. President Samuel Collum of the United States Lawn Tennis Association, will be on hand for the matches as will be Beals Wright, one of the most famous of all the players who have been on Davis Cup teams since the in- ception of the international com- petition. Dawn Donuts The Partner for your Coffee at Breakfast Our Bismarcks and Raised Donuts at all the stores and restaurants ing up this creditable performance, Triplett has become one of the fa- vorites of the race.j Other favorites in the race are Ralph De Palma, Italian hero off other days, his nephew Pete De; Paola, who holds the present record for the classic, Cliff Woodbury of Chicago who won the pole posi- tion, and Leon Duray of Los An- geles. One of the most colorful of the veterans who will view the race; from the grandstand this year, is Cliff Durant, multi-mililonaire, who' has announced his retirement from, the track. Durant, who is 38-years- old, has been racing in Indianapo- lis since 1919 and was one of the most popular men to ever race on f e-shretaoshtaoicmtcmfwyptptypy the Hoosier track. The field, totaling 33 cars, Was closedonTues shretaoshtcmfwyppy closed on Tuesday when 14 cars took as many vacant places in the j starting line. The other 19 had' qualified on previousdays. . pected to take care of the center job. p0 o BIG TEN STANDINGS ! G W L Pet. ' Wisconsin ........9 7 2 .777 I MICHIGAN ...... 7 5 2 .714 I Iowa .... ... 8 5 3 .625 Illinois 11 6 5 .545 IOhio State .....9 4 5 444 Indiana..........9 4. 5 .444 j 'Northwestern ....10 4 6 .400 I Purdue ........ ..10 4 6 .400 I Minnesota ....... 5 2 3 .400 I I Chicago ..........10 3 7 .300 S0 TICKETS & RESERVATIONS For All Important Lake and Ocean Liar Tours, Cruises Independent Trav e E. G. Kuebler Gen. Steamship Agenry 601 R. Huron Ph. 6412 ANN ARBOR Want Ads Pay dances, weddings. All require announce- ments and invitations. We have been printers and engravers to Ann Arbor's most particular for years. CL A S S I F I E ADVERTISING NOTICE WE BUY USED CLOTHING f. BENJAMIN 215 E. Washington. Phone 4310 134 ec WE ARE taking the contracts now for renovating mattresses and pillows during summer vacation. Reduced prices for large order. T. S. COLVIN Phone 6652 C135 NOTICE-We have a large selection of Greeting Cards and Mottoes Francisco-Boyce, 71.9 N. Univ. 13c NOTICE -- Home Laundry - Soft water used exclusively; called for and delivered. Superior Rome Laundry. Phone 8190. 234C PIANO TUNING--The Concert Art- ist Piano Tuner, phone 6776. Vic- tor Allmendinger. Not with any music house. Exclusive piano tuner for the University School of Music. Office at residence, 1603 Morton Ave. 234C TUTORING - Everything for 1 EXAMS. MACK TUTORING AGENCY. 310 S. State. Phone 7927. C TYPING---Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387. e i ZWERDL1NU'S F~UR SHOPU Phone 8507 and we will call. C TYPEWRITING and MIMEO- GRAPHING College work a specialty since 1908. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade C NOTICE ---Beautiful spring line of Axminister and Wilton rugs. Koch & Henne.q PERSONAL ATTENTION LIKE HOME AT A SAVING OF 10% WITH CASH CARD. DIAL 3916, MOE LAUNDRY, 204 N. MAIN. c TYPEWRITERS All makes of portable and large machines, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired. Large assort- ment and best service. O. D. Mor- rill, 17 Nickels Arcade. C PRINTING and ENGRAVING Good work takes time. Invitations, Announcements, Calling Cards should be ordered at once to avoid the last minute rush. Social work a specialty. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade C TIME TO STORE YOUR WINTER COATS 25 Years of Unexcelled Fur Service -Assures you Expert Care of your Furs. The Mayer-Schairer, Company Stationers, Printers, Binders, Office Outfitters 112 SOUTH MAIN PHONE 4515 READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS! r e i t HAND-HOOKED tive appeal on time. Nickel's RUGS of distinc- sale far a limited Arcade. 35 0 E -- -y ON MEMORIAL DAY PLAN TO HAVE DINNER IN A COOL PLACE, WHERE GOOD MEALS AND SERVICE ARE BY-WORDS. The fast selling Graham Paige opportunity for salesmen to get return for their efforts. automobiles provide large and immediate Anny Arbor Restaurant 215 S. MAIN STREET Allenel Hotel 126 E. HURON STREET I First year sales volume was the largest of any new line in automobile history. Second year sales are further increased by 72 per cent. Severaa student or faculty men will be added to our sales force, during the active selling season this sum- mer. Liberal pay. SEE MR. SOMERVILLE, SALES DEP'T., HURON AND ASHLEY ST. MICHIGAMME RESTAURANT MICHIGAN THEATER BUILDING J1 a,. , _. - 4.QUA~i.I 4QUALITY. u~ r - j iv, '/QUALI T, _ _ _ - j Great States Lawn wrs 92 inch Wheel, Ball Bearing, self adjusting with rear tie bar which prevents the mower getting out of alignment. 14 inch. Price .. .. $10.50 16 inch. Price...... $12.00 18 inch. Price ........ $13.00 Great States Low Wheel Mowers 14 inch. Price............ ...... $8.00 16 inch. Price ...................$9.00 Great American High Wheel Ball Bearing Mowers 17 inch .........,..$24.00 19 inch .........$26.00 21 inch.............$30.00 Other Mowers 16 inch, Plain Bearing...........$7.50 16 inch, Ball Bearing..........$8.50 Lawn Rollers .........$12.50 and $15.00 Sacco Plant and Lawn Food D. M. Ferrys Lawn Seed ........ ... 45c D. M. Ferrys Clover Seed. .......65c Co oker i ' ,r v, _. : ._ .. y z 4 1 I III I Jno. C. Fischer Co. 0 ? D -~QUALITY. RIO- u Ark 0 \, / r r F1v/ - Y I , A- SAND and GRAVEL. Washed and dry screened. Telephone 7112d Killins Gravel Company. C FOR RENT FOR RENT-Apartment; two large furnished rooms; front; running water in room; first floor; adults. Dial 8072. 537 South Division. 23 FOR RENT-Delightful five room furnished or unfurnished apart- mer or permanent. Household ment; adjacent campus; sum- goods and antiques for sale. No. Cl, 619 E. University. Phone 4328. 235 ROOMS for summer school stu- dents. 204 North Ingalls. 35 FOR RENT-One double and one single room with sleeping porch. 1102 Prospect. 35 APARTMENT-One block from campus, self-contained, every- thing furnished. Suitable for two business or professional women or young couple. Apply 307 Maynard after 5 p. m. 123 _l FOR SALE 1925 FORD touring. New tires and good top and curtains. $50. Phone 5602. 235 FOR SALE-Saxophones, tenor and soprano; both in good condition. Will sell either one or both rea- sonably. Write Box 64, Michi- gan Daily. 235 FOR SALE-Ford coupe just over- hauled. Call 5133. 123 FOR SALE-Cottage lots. Phone 5800. C FOR SALE-Southeast section, 7- room house with garaae on large lot. Very low price. Call owner, 6700. 6,1235 ON ACCOUNT of financial em- barrassment I am selling my beautiful Ford touring at a sac- rifice. Phone 8840. 35 LOST LOST-German Shepard Police dog; address on collar. 1000 E. Phone 3597. 235 LOST-Gamma Phi Beta pin mark- ed M. Welte. Reward offered. Phone 3597. 2397 CAT LOST-Half grown, glossy black with white spots on breast. Reward. Dial 5522. 123 LOST-A designed pillow cover and a scarf between Oakland and the Architect Bldg. on Monroe Street. I need it for credit. Return to Architect office. Reward. WANTED WHITE WOMAN wants second work in Fraternity next fall. Ref- erences. Phone 2-2135. 123 FIRST CLASS SWISS COOK- Wants position in sorority or fraternity for fall term. Write Box 64, Michigan Daily.' 35 FORD COUME-4 very good tires and spare. Motor i good condi-. dolecial facilities for starting in eo weather. Must have the cash, so will sell at $55. May be seen at 715 So. Division any time or call Mabley, 60 , Thursday. ZH iWA SEPTEMBER and JUNE T i i I I i I i NY i ,, / fobrm of cooking Wv ih flaming~ fuel means wasted heat and lost efficiency-and the heat that escapes from your cooking makes In September we always welcome the new accounts and hope that we may be of service in meet- ing the individual requirements of college life.' In June we wish the graduate success in their chosen field, and hope our relatjonship will not end but will continue to our mutual advantage, the kitchen unbearably hot. An electac range gives you a cool kitchen, due to th direct application of heat to the utensil and the retention of heat in the heat-insuwated oven. You can enjoy electric cookery i YOUR kitchen NO. Convenient time payments and a liberal allowance for your present; cooking equipenct make it unusually easy for you to install a M ODERN elect ric range. Come in and inspect the new models. THE I'I' II'lilllilllllllli IIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIII Iilf Campus Branch on North University near State _ I.I