,. ....,,. _ ,_. 4....-.. ,., 1 _, _ a _ - } t . F _x, 6 - ._-- OUNCIL MEMBER OUTLINES TENTATIVE Women Observe Manv Traditions ENTERTAIM' Many Attractive Social Functions At Michigan1 Include University Department, Initiations PLEIEI IN lI n te of the hot weather and quet Monday evening at the eLague,1 Se In Prcakfast iS A t Ar aproaching examinations, social when there were 40 membres pres- ShlYer- -activities at the League building IAoyeScey ooaypio Lydia M'Wendelssohn Theatre Will noon will be given by Senator lYrRpresentatvesFromBoardandAabeensgoingoLcolyte Society, honorary philo- SBe Scene Of Ceremonies Arthur H. Vandenbr, who is mak~ naiAvsoyCmiteave been going on as usua. In- sophical orgaization, held a ban- gO__ennn pctuesuecradi ris r omittee an Be Se ne f Ceremonrthr Vann , A o smaky Of h many picturesque di- A St deed, the large, cool rooms in the quet for 25, Monday, at the League. for the occasion. Mr. JamespMur- tions which belong to Michigan _ building make an excellent place in Professor D. H. Parker was the gin of Detroit will conclude the listwomen,all except the annual , which to hold summer parties. toastmaster, and Professor Roy W. SENATOR WILL SPEAK of speakers. Masque ball was carried out during POLICIES ARE STfA 1: Both faculty and student mem- Sellars was the principal speaker of o kq lg bers of the Literary Science depart- the evening. Tentative plans for the dedication These ceremonies will mark a this past school year At a formal dinner given at the ment gathered Monday evening in Michigan Dames society held ceremonies of the League building, turning point in the history of co- ,The Freshman Spread, a peppy Michigan League where the new three of the private dining rooms their annual banquet Tuesday to be feld at 2:30 o'lock on the education at Michigan, as the dedi- informal evening party, was the Board of Directors of the women's of the League to hold their annual night at the League for 40 mem- yesterday by Mrs. Shirle t ti for by hundreds of MicudiThh first traditional event of the year. self-governing body of the cam- banquet There were over 70 guests. bers. The installation ceremony for yorerdcay irtey WSmith, gan womn for years and realized T aepus were guests of Miss Grace Rich- At the same time, the Public next year's officers followed the° formerchairman of the Alumnae nwmnft a rds, Miss Alice Lloyd, and Miss F- 0mth faculty and the graduate dinner program, after which the council, after a meeting of the this spring. Hellenic Ball, a formal all-campus Beatrice Johnson, the advisors of s Idnts who make up the Public guests adjourned to the Alimnae dedication committee. The cere- Its beautiful furnished lounges dance given by the Inter-Sorority women, plans for the coming year Heah Journal club entertained at room for ten tables of bridge. monies, will be held in the Lydia i have invited, since its opening, May Association, during the Thanksgiv- occupied the attention of the a dinner in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Walter L. Parrotte, sister of Mendelssohn theatre in the League. 4, bridge-parties and social gath- ing season. speakers. . Philip B. Hadley. Dr. Hadley, who Mrs. Alfred H. Lovell of this city, The Rev. Allison Heaps of the erings; its excellent kitchen has Just before the Christmas holi- Acting as toastmistress, Miss is a professor in the bacteriology entertained at a charming lunch- Congregational church of Ann Ar- attracted, daily, crowds to its main days, the Woman's League gave its Richards first presented Margaret department, was the speaker of the con Tuesday, followed by bridge in bor will give the invocation. Music dining room, its private dining annual bazaar. For three days peo- Bush, '30, recently installed presi- evening. the Hostess room of the League.1 will follow the opening service. Miss rooms, its cafeteria, and its tea- pie thronged Barbour gym to pur- dent of the League, who pointed Gamma Alpha, graduate scientific Motorboard, senior honorary so- Nora Crane Hunt, of the School of rooms. The hotel service is proving chase wares. At the same time as out the heritage of self-governing fraternity, held its initiation ban- ciety, held their last meeting of the Music, is making plans for a quar- extremely popular with out-of-town the bazaar, the Sophomore circus, machinery left to the new Board tet from the Gins' Glee club to ren- guests, and on week-ends and holi- a three-ring, performance affair, by past administrations. The gist der a few selee ions. days the ball-room is filled with was given. of the remarks nade by Jean They will be followed on the pro- crowds of young people. The li~ One of the biggest events of the Wallace, '30, president of the Pan- gram by Mr. Irving K. Pond, joint brary and chapel provide for quiet winter season was the Penny car- Hellenic Council was to the ef- architect with his brother, the late hours away from the ceaseless hur- JG Pi feet that next year that organiza- onth ALL Allen G. Pond, of the League build-.rying of University life. And the The Junior Girl's Play, written tion would work toward a closer ing. Mr. Pond will give a short talk lLydia Mendelssohn- theatre, seat costumed, and acted entirely by'^ co-operation between social sorori- SALES on the architectural conception of ing 750 people, has been the locale Junior women was given early in -FINAL the building.plays ra ay ryn the second semester and was by "The Pan-Hellenic Vista" was the Mary J. White, '39, retiring presi- since the opening of the building. far the most elaborate of any of topic discussed by Miss Lloyd. dent of the League,. will make a - the undertakings. Elizabeth DeVol, '30, stated that speech in which she will describe Literary Club Holds In the springtime, Lantern Night, the work of the organization of the various rooms in the building signifying the progress of the s seems to be at a crisis, Which will be dedicated at the cere- Election Of Officers I classes, is held, and the Freshman which will be determined next year Ioo_ st monies. .Margaret Bush, '30, next ___ IPageant in connection with it, The Dorothy Maple, 30, presented Paen n oncin ihi.Th PitSytmVes"adteval wyear's president of the League, will .Portia Literary soiet held its last traditional event, comes in the Point System Views" and the follow Miss White's speech with one Pi lull between finals and commence- topic of Miss Jonson's speech wa concerning the future of the or- annual formal banquet on Tuesday, ment-the Senior BreIkfast. "Current Events." Icl Uding ganization and the part which the May 31, at the Michigan League_ -~-Our now building will play in it. building. Election of officers for gate to the Oratorical Board. WABHoNGTON-New regulations onfes The main address of the after- the term 1929-30 took place. Na-I This meeting marked the close of I governing the admission of cadets ColOxfords dine Stewart, '30, will be president Portia's activities for this year, at West Point have been adopted ClCoorsV I x next year. Helen Bare, '30, is the which included an upper-class and because of the large numbers of Six Women Initiates new vice president. The other of- freshman debate with Athena. 'failures, principally in mathematics, I Patents Are Samiosly $5.es5 flcers are: Elizabeth McDowell, '32; Nely Beckley, '29, was the president since 1915 when admission on cer- / Installed By Athena treasurer, Winifred Gore, '32; par-his past year. tificate was put into forceKdks yliamentarian, Frances Beuthien, '31. -p y---------- -- -NOW -285 Helen Chever, '31, was elected dele-- -- Florence Clement Elected President _- - Of Forensic Society For Coming Year GFT Six women were initiated into GIFTS Athena Literary society, Tuesday and ALL evening, at the home of Florence ;i SALES Clement, '30, at the first initiation -ARDE since the installation of Epsilon ' :>>FINAL chapter on May 17. The new initi- for rc o This smart OxfOrd exactly as ates are: Grace Darling, '30, Ollie ®1Ppictured well sell Friday at Backus, '29, Beth Valentine, '31, the I a $2.85 Margaret Ohlson, '30, Dorothy Fenl, '32, and Rhea Goudey, '32. On Friday Only Florence Clement, '30, was electedGy president of the society for next EXCELLENT BAGAINS year. Grace Darling, '30, is the newET vice president. Other officers electediF R L are: Secretary, Elizabeth Quaife, IIInTGroups '3; treasurer, Florence Hiscott, '32; Now is the best time to select piarliamentarian, Edna Nicholson, gifts and cards for graduation. '30; oratoricalboard delegate, Grace Stocks are complete and you will Leonard, '30; sergeant-at-arms, be delighted with the variety Shirley Alcott, '32; and Gavel cor- ^respondent, Rhea Goudey, '32. and attractiveness of the things A _____________ ____ "We consider," said Lois Webb -IYou will find here. -*-. retiring president, "that this year is one of the most successful that The Dory ggItg we have had, and believe that since this society has gone national, that Shop our membership and activities shall Nickels Arcade increase; and we shall be of more value to the women on the campus." - - The Shop of --~ Personal Service League Building , And Annual Banquets year at a luncheon, Tuesday noon, in the League tea-room. Mummers, women's dramatic or- ganization, held a banquet for its members Tuesday evening in a pri- vate dining room at the League. The newly-elected officers for next year were the guests of honor. Mrs. Seigel W. Judd, of Grand Rapids, president of the Michigan League of Women Voters, was the guest in whose honor Miss Jennie Buhl entertained at luncheon Tues- day in the main dining room of the League building. The Faculty Women's club enter- tained its-members with a lunch- eon at the League yesterday. Alpha Epsilon Iota, medical soror- ity, entertained at dinner at the League last night inhonor of their new associate members, who are Mrs. Frederick Novy, Mrs. Robert Gazelle, Dr. Elizabeth Thompson, and Dr. Elizabeth Crosby. bove is one of the many art styles featured in this ue giving sale at $4.85 Pumps Straps lies Oxfords a 200 Pairs Including Our Smart Style Footwear viously $6,25 and $7,95 AT 54.85 ?50Y1 S . ' FELTS AND STRAWS .. ,. s .. I With wider brims for sports wear. Cut on the Head. s . #k tIacmy L- Dainty and Smart in our showing of New White Lingerie.b It is the kind of undies that the fashion- able are wearing. And for the Graduate, they are gifts of fashion that will surely please the well-plan-A ned costume and its discriminating wearer will alike welcome this charming accessory gift. I i y i . Ei I i i4 i i i i i I 744 I;N i k .} f ( b sw i V , - , } . , + , n > r- , .ti:,' ti ,.: ,_ :' - G s { ,a I ; :k' ; { k . . Wherever correct dress is Consid Fur Scarf is included. It is d practical and essentially smart, n what the occasion, you will aNw smartly groomed in a Fur Choke Our Line is Complete and Priced I ered, the elightful, io matter nays feel vr.f Right ur Coat, e Mercy Guar= Clean- '4 DRESSES AND COATS SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY a,. eo If it is too warm to wear your F it is too dangerous to leave it to th of Heat, Moths and Burglars. 25 ycars of unexcelled Fur Service antees satisfaction in Fur Storage, ing and Remodeling at I I The COLLINS SHOPPE .air 9 at«x , t';3 ,? . ,.. ,iii "f+rli.4.. i ..... as . w .' i ., .+ i, ^ '.a+iR, 7R =_'W .Y Yd1 ' t tX . 3 a M i 2 , , .=i. '; III