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May 30, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-30

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- -

duing the Universit
Control of Student R

morning except Monday'
Sear by the Board Iz
Pu lications.

Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished kerein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, gs second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-.
master General.
Subsctiption by carrier, 14.oo; by mail,
Oces:Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
ard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2r214.


Telephone 4925

Editor.......................Nelson J. Smith
City Editor..... *....... 1. Stewart Hooker
News Editor.............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor............W. Morris Quinn
Women's E~ditor ............Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor............George Stautet
Music and Drama............. R. . Askren
Asistant City Editor...........Robert Silbar
Night Editors
Joseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe
Donald J. Kline Piece Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons
George C. rilley
Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman
Morris Alexaadt Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDoaal4
Bertram Askwith Henry Merry
Louise Behyme Elizabeth Quaife
Arthur Blernstetu Victor Rabinowitz
Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell
Isabel Charles Anne Schell
L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer
Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon
Elelen Domine Robert. L. Sloss
Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Valborg Egeland Cadvvell Swansea
Robert J. .eldman Jane Thayer"
Marjorie Foilmer Edith Thomas
William Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams
David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds
Richard Jung George E. Wohlgemuth
CharlesRyKaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Department Managers
Advertisn................ Alex K. Scherer
Advertising..............A. James Jordan
Advertising..................Car. W. Hammer
Service.................Herbert E. Vartnum
.irculation................George S. Bradley
Accounts...............Lawrence E. Walkicy
Publications...............Ray M. Hofelich

licensed pilot in the country, offi-
cially initiating the-.club .as a pio-
neer in an entirely untrammeled
field. Sinceits inception, this club
has acquired a shop and tools
through the cooperation of the
University and Dean Sadler, and
has conclusively proved its prowess
by the excellent experimental work
that it has done. It has foundr
a successful and effective methodI
for training students by towing the
glider behind an automobile. I
As a club, these students have
done more for gliding than any of,
a score or more of such organiza-
tions now in existence in this na-
tion. Located in a strategic posi-
tion at the University, the club will
send out students who will organ-
ize other clubs in their home town,
and will thus spread the sport of
gliding. The students here have
overcome almost insurmountable
obstacles and even personal oppo-
sition in their efforts to build up
their club.
Their excellent results deserve a
round of sincere hand-clapping.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to he brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words it possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
This letter is prompted by the
editorial in The Daily of May 29,
headed "Not that He Loved Caesar
Less." It is preseumed that this
editorial expresses ideas put forth
by Mr. Yost. A similar trend of
that appears in the Detroit Free
Press of the same date, and it is
ideas of the situation.
Four facts stand out in the sit-
uation. (1) The removal of Wie-
man as head football coach was
entirely at the instigation of Mr.
Yost, and he must assume all re-
sponsibility for it. (2) The Board
in Control of Athletics did not and

With the appointment of Lark
as Managing Editor of the Summer
Daily came a slump in Rolls that
left it helpless and gasping. Yes- I
terday Bobo did some artificial
Srespiration on the nearly defunct
column and today we have been
asked to apply oxygen tanks and
It's entirely too hot to even at-
tempt to be funny so the best way
for you to read Rolls today is look
at the picture and wonder where
they came from glance down to see
who glued them together, and then
focus your attention on some other
part of the paper.
Finals are approaching on horse-
back. Photo below shows two stu-
dents worrying.
What Do Students Do In The
By The Inquiring Reporter
What students do in the sum-
mertime is usually nobody's busi-
ness but the Inquiring Reporter
makes every thing his business in-
cluding everything that isn't.
Yesterday he stopped one young
lady on the street but before he
could inform her of her identity
she had slapped him with a para-
sol and walked away, much to the
chagrin of the news ferret. Un-
daunted, however, he stopped an-
other young lady, Olga Bepp, '32,
and obtained from her a full ac-
count of her summer activities.
"My hobby," she said coyly, "is
training elephants. It's fascinat-
ing work and offers great possi-'
bilities for advancement and good4
pay. The only difficulty is find-
ing enough elephants." From her

Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
Vernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
K.asper 1-alverson
George Hamilton
xack Horwich
Dlix Humipbrey

Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
I. A. Newman
Jack Rose
Carl F. Schemm
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead

THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1929
With thoughtful consideration
for the taxpayers of the state,
Fred W. Green, Michigan Republi-
can governor, recently issued a
protest against some of the pro-
visions of the $11,000,000 Hartman
two-year building appropriation.
bill. He likewise deplored the in-
creased burden that will result on
taxable property. And then with
these statements ready for the
press, Governor Green, whose 1926
campaign was dominated by prom-
ises of economy, signed the bill.
The sincerity of the Governor's
statements being unquestionable,
the people of the state are prob-
ably at a loss today to understand
why he allowed the increased bur-
den, which he deplores to be as.
sessed the taxpayers, and especial-
ly why he failed to veto the pro-
visions which he protested. One
might thing that .the Governor,
now in the midst of his second
term, was not aware of the consti-
tutional grant which allows him to
veto single items in appropriations
bills, had not he vetoed one of the
minor (a mere $300,000) provisions
of the bill.
A large share of the items in the
Hartman bill provide for charitable
institutions. Such buildings may{
at the present be necessary but
they are only temporary in na-
ture. While housing the existing a
insane and degenerate persons, thel
termination of these classes of so-t
ciety by sterilization and birth con-
trol. Further, such methods wouldl
allow the taxes to be decreased in-t
stead of increased, a fact the Gov-
ernor emphatically deplores.
In the pursuit of his service asX
governor Mr. Green may find thata
the state fails to comprehend thes
advantages of such advanced legis-r
lation as sterilization and birth-r
control. If he does, it is his duty°
to educate the people to theseR
fundamentally effective better-.
ments for society. Such a policyh
would be much wiser than pushingb
through appropriations for tem-
porary institutions under the guise R
of shallow platitudes of sympathyf
for the taxpayers.
o j t]
The students of the University e
who conceived and organized the n
Michigan Glider section deserve e
great credit for their efforts and t
accomplishments. Not only was t
theirs the first club of this nature o
to be formed in the United States, n
but they have already built and re- w
built two of the touehv shins iP

does not insist on Wieman's re
moval, and has not yet officiall:
backed Mr. Yost's demand. (3) Mr
Wieman most distinctly has not re
signed his position, whatever i
was, does not intend to resign, an
Iif he is forced out, it will be solel
upon the insistence of Mr. Yos
and of Mr. Yost alone. (4) Mr
Yost seems to have evolved a ne
and unique method for firing as-
sistant professors from the Univer-
To many of Wieman's friends
and perhaps to many of Yost'
friends, this charge of incom-
petency comes as a distinct shock
Since 1921 Michigan's football his-
tory has been one of remarkable
success. Yost has received great
credit for this situation, for ther
is no doubt that the coaching a
Michigan has been largely respon-
sible for this success. Many have
believed that Wieman also had
much to do with Michigan's suc-
cess during this period. The sea-
son of 1927, with Wieman as head
coach, was generally considered as
satisfactory at the very least, and
the appointment seemed eminently
justified in most minds. After Wie-.
man was again returned to the
position of head coach on the' day
preceding the first game last fall,
the improvement in the team was
remarkable and has called out
many extremely complimentary re-
marks and letters from the highest
authorities in the game of football.
It was common opinion that Wie-
man's showing of 1927 and 1928
completely justified his appoint-
ment as head coach, and it was
generally taken for granted that
he would continue. How any other
possibility might arise almost
transcended imagination. Remarks
relative to incompetency on the
part of Wieman were almost un-
thinkable. It must be remembered
also that from time to time during
the past years, Wieman's com-
petency was passed upon by the
athletic authorities of other
schools, among them Conference
universities, and that Wieman has
remained at Michigan for reasons
other -than financial return.
These things being as they are,
Mr. Yost should not be surprised if
his charges of incompetency arouse
but little enthusiasm in the minds
of many, and irritation, to say the
east, in the minds of some. Many
feel that Mr. Yost may be mistaken
n his judgment, and that the good
f Michigan is not being served by
he forced retirement of Wieman
rom football coaching. And oth-
rs feel that the whole story has
not been told; that other factors
nter the situation. Wieman's ac-
ion in refusing to resign indicates
hat he does not fear the effects
f publicity. The onus of expla-
ation rests with Mr. Yost, and
vitht he Board in Control of Ath-
atie if nad mrhia f ar in.


Music And Drama
0 0
TODAY: Matinee and evening
performances of "The Green
Goddess" by William Archer
in the Mendelssohn Theater
with curtains at 3:15 and
Again, the Inlander-and this
time more nearly satisfying the
numerous demands made of it.
The book is the result of the re-
cent contest which editors and
judges pronounced the most suc-
cessful of its kind ever held by In-
lander. Over two hundred manu-
scripts fhere Submitted. The
judges who handled this mass of
material were Mrs. Little, Professor
Walter of the rhetoric department,
and Professor Parker of the phi-
losophy department. The results
were a bit unusual. Three poems
of Gerd Aage Gilhoff were pro-
nounced the best three in the gen-
eral contest while three of the
four best sonnets were by Merle
Ellsworth. This happy coincidence
presents two personalities that can
be judged with some fairness even
in this issue. Including as it does
over forty poems, this issue is truly
a campus product and has a right
to bid for campus support.
General comments are difficult
especially since there is such a
wide variety in th peatterns em-
ployed. The type poem, if there
is one, is the lyric striving for
poignancy. The book is noticeably
free from some of the immaturities
usually found in youthful poetry.
There is a general and perhaps
happy avoidance of the poetry
specifically of ideas. There is no
attempt, except perhaps in
"Heaven" of Frances Jennings, at
cryptic utterance with all the en-
suing metaphysical difficulties;
most of the poems are satisfied
with the mere statement of a mood.
Almost all of them steer clear even
of that most usual mistake of
facilely turning observations into
broad, grandiose generalisations
and details into extravagant, mys-
tic symbols. Then, too, with the
exception of "Amare" and those of
Miss Ellsworth's sonnets which
intend only to be etchings, there is
no sign of the .traditional identifi-
cation of imagery with poetry.
For the most part there is no
stilted verbiage. Though but few
of the poems succeed in fusing
them underi a definitely stirring
emotion, all of them show a sound
intelligence and a fine concern
with technical problems.
Curiously enough, the main de-
fect in the whole group, their dis-
tinctly imitative character, is ex-
tolled as a virtue by the editor,
who states that the aim of the
book was to represent all the
"movements" on the campus. Move-
ments are particularly kind to the
mass production of verse (and that
may be what the Inlander is look-
ing for,) but they do not always
have a healthy effect on the crea-
tion of poetry. It is a normal pro-
cedure for a young poet to write
in a tradition but questions of his
temperament should decide wheth-
er he should stay in it or not; no
editor should encourage the rise of
any movement. The most glaring
defects in many of the poems in
the current issue are due to too
great a concern with the style and
too little care with the substance.
"Apostrophe To My Body," "Night,"
"Memory of an Evening" are poems

that make no effort to adopt a
new angle on their old subject.
The prize-winning poem, 'Noc-
turne," is an example of this. The
old subject of the lover offering the
beauty of night to his sweetheart is
conceived in fluent and rhythmical
free verse, but with no freshness of
There is one mongrel poem dedi-
cated "To Clarence Cook Little"'
that may have been put in for
comic relief; in quite ordinary
prose President Little is rapidly
compared to Jeremiah, Ikhnaton,
Moses, and Spinoza while the Re-
gents and possibly the student body
are called asses and crocodiles.
Aside from Mr. Gilhoff's second
and third poems, which were ad-
mirably compact and vivid, the real
achievement was that of Miss Ells-
worth. The choice of a stereo-
typed mold, the sonnet, for the ex-
ploitation of her varied and charm-
ng personality was bold. That she
ucceeded in fitting to the sonnet
form without the usual number of
false adjectives such emotional va-
riety as is represented by "Perdita"
and "The Star Before Dawn" as
well as the delicate still-lifes, "In a
Mlonastery Garden" and "Stone
Church," is evidence of a very fine
technical foundation. Miss Ells-
worth's smoothness in the sonnet
orm is reminiscent of Miss Millay,
whose moods also she very lightly
The Inlander would do well to
ie strings td many of the contrib-

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for Valorous


Lord keepeth his

memory green.



We say at the grave of heroes fallen
in our country's battles. It is not
then appropriate to celebrate, pause
and deliberate at their graves,






handbaig she produced a photo-
graph. "Here is a picture of Fido.
Fido was very vicious and I final-
ly had to shoot him. In fact, I
shot him in that very costume."
Upon being asked how the ele-
phant got into the costume Miss
Bepp was overcome by adenoids
and the interview was terminat-


Have you a strange
If you have don't let it
best of you.
* **

get the

In New York, Dr. Cadman was
asked how one could induce a girl
to stop smoking. He said, "Re-
mind her that she loses charm
when a cigarette invades the
sacred precincts of her coral lips
and pearly teeth." Boy, won't the
girls just due when they hear
Mr. Glasgow, of football fame, is
said to have worn the same pair of
pants for two years. The press
must be about gone by now.
* * *
We just wanted to see if you had
the ambition to reverse the paper.
If it's as hot today as it was yes-
terday we doubt that you will

If all the knowledge that was
absorbed yesterday-the last of the


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