DNESDAY, MA s' 0, 1929 ___ ___ THI~ MTCHT~AN 1~TCV ,z~3 - ____ - - - -- ... _ . INESCOOPERATE __3 I t k 'MATINEE TODAY -3:15 ITN MANUFACTURERS ALL SATS 50c Plans For Assistance Discim At Annual Conferences Of State Society sed RESEARCH TO BE INCLUDED That the Department of Engineer- inig Research , of the University of Michigan would cooperate to the fullest extent with the manufactur- ers of Michigan, was the principle theme of the conference of Michi- gan manufacturers with the De- partment of Engineering Research. The conference met at noon yester- day, in the ballroom of the Union for luncheon. Most of the big con- cerns of the state were represented. A. H. GQob, director of the Kel- vinator 'corporation and chairman of the advisory conmmittee to De- partment of Engineering Research, presided at the banquet. Ho1n. Junius C. Beal, regent of the Uni- versity, gave. the address of wel- come, and J. L. Lovett, general manager: of the Michigan Manu- facturers' association, gave the re- sponse. The address of the day was given by Alfred Reeves, general manager of the National Automo- bile. Chamber of Commerce. l Thrilling melodrama of Crimes Cops and S AP~ m A1 T fll AND IN THE I THURSDAY MAT. AND NIGHTI -f "THE GREEN GODDESS"I LAST TIMES Lydia. MENDELSSOHN Theatre PRICES--MATINEES 50c, EVENINGS 75c On sale. at Box Office from 10 o'clock on every stay. Phone 6300. ____ Coming: "The Spider" READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS! El V ER y B 0 D Y I s TA M LKING A.8 0 THE "PERPETAL UT CH 0 HION" lWaT ANIh31 , ll.,)T' 7) .. . . 0/1 /l/ow to write strils dcver~ -lSl7 hs t~au'ZI CA i/i(7 wll Ills i~$5' E/ 1ic'1MW dt/1 TE *UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII-The enginering classes of the University of Hawaii were recently asked to *aid the Board of- Supervisors of Honolulu in making a general sur- vey of traffic conditions, including a census of au;os, motorcycles, trucks, and buses. l N (ATE. what your fllokv studcets S;Ny ab~out the "perpetual motion" vwatchli the wvatch that has no wind~ing stem -- that winds itself! Iin this way, you w~ill gt a cefi nite ide of the appeal of this revolutionlary invention. Scc the watch itself in the offices of this publication, or at your leading J5'velry store. Then write an advertising heAdlinie (-)tcn. words or less, that you th-ink woufld