THE MICHIGAN DAILY New York Flyers, Baffled In Initial Attempt, PADDAgf RflIl American Stars Lose Will Seek New Record For Endurance Flight flIUS1N|U lU ULiU L In French Net Mt S TA P~rMThI1' AIAIAPARIS,(By Associated TAess) ... r. wI.. : L.._:. _ tlIIUi.V PARIS, May 28.-"A mer l:-- cet ica's Student-Cadets Will Be Honored For Proficiency During Year's Training UNITS TO MARCH MAY 30j hopes of winning at least one doubles title in the French tennis championships went glimmering today. Helen Wills and Francis T. Hunter, only Americans to reach the finals in any of the" three dou- ble events, suffered a decisive de- feat at the hands of Eileen Ben- The fast seiing Graham Paige opportunity for salesmen to get return for their efforts. Three gentlemen from Roosevelt their initial attempt through an Field, Long Island, who will make accident during one of the re-fuel- another attempt to shatter the lat- ing processes, the aviators have de- est re-fueling endurance record of cided to try again. The date for 172 hours, in their plane, "Three their trying ordeal has not been Musketeers.' Although baffled in set. j ' REVIEW OF UNIVERSITY LECTURL EVINCES SEASON'S HIGH CALIBRE That tl4e University lecture series selection of the speakers each sea- is offering excellent supplementary son, with special attempts to secure work in addition to the regular cur- foreign professors and men of let- ricula has 1 een shown in a review "ters. of the University lectures for the Among the 43 visiting lecturers past school year., Dr. Frank E. Rob- who appeared here last year, a bins, assistant to the president, who greater number were exchange pro- is-in charge of the lectures, said in fessors and experts, a majority of an interview recently that more whom came from Europe, than any and more care is being used in the previous year. Request Concert Varsity 1=Glee Club THEODORE HARRISON, Director HILL AUDITORIUM - Tonight-7:3 P. M. Novelties and Features with the Glee Club TICKETS AT HILL AUDITORIUM BOX OFFICE. FIFTY CENTS. READ THE DAILY CLAS IFIEDS! Following the Memorial Day pa- nett of England and Henri Cochet rade on May 30, in which the R. O. of France. T. C. will participate, Scabbard and The Anglo-French combination, Blade will formally present medals winner of the same title a year ago, to those members of the R. 0. T. overwhelmed the Americans from C. who, during the past year have the moment the first ball = was demonstrated extraordinary pro- sed. The core w 6-3, 6-2 trailing.which is an accurate reflection of j ficiency in military traiing. the comparative strength of the Those receiving awards are as teams. follows: R. Worrell, best drilled Both Edith Cross, of San Fran- freshman, a gold medal; S. M. Car- cisco, and Marjorie Morrill, Ded- done, second best drilled freshman, ham, Mass., third and sixth rank- a bronze medal; C. T. Istrate, J. E.haMs.tiransxhrnk Anderson, and R. L. Bazley will each ing players of the United States, receive a badge for marksmanship. respectively, ,ell py the wayside Major Reinold Melberg will pre- in the secondi round of the wo- sent a rifle to S. M. Cardone, '32E men's singles, leaving Helen Wills who stood highest in the freshman and Mrs. May Sutton Bundy as the shoot on Ferry Field during Fresh- only Americans still in the running man Week last fall. for this particular title. Special Danc Wednesday Night, May 29th 9 1 A.M. MICHIGAN LEAGUE BALL ROOM It BOB CARSON 1 Presenting BUD GOLDEN MICHIGAN WOLVERINES Tickets Obtainable In Lobby ------- --- -- -------- i : w r r e a :il.,i. 00401i % .s I: i', ..r, ' F'.i , ie ,f %.. - ~ _ I- .:.. ~ , Holiday Program The Art of Thurs. Orches ra Motion The Silent Drama ANOTHER SPLENDID MID-WEEK BILL STARTING TODAY FOLLY AT THE FOLLIES BERGERES I l I M;CHIAN NOW! BELLS AND ALL'S -except that he had to live on goat milk while he yearned for steaks- the girl he was chasing around th world thought he was a thief-an the ship's crew said he was crazy. Waves WELL 's eC dK IBOBBY r-,y_ l C ... ' t ; .-. p i 1 { ., ,-_ r 51 l .. .« VERNON in "SAPPY SERVICE" PARAMOUNT NEWS ART AND BEAUTY LATEST TOPICS DO MEN LOSE INTEREST IN THEIR WIVES the moment they hit Paris? Don't miss this me mixup of Americans among Parisienne super-van I . ,r Coming Saturday-Attraction Extraordinary-Coming Saturday Internationally Famous ANTONIO AND NINA DE MARCO "America's Supreme Dancers" beyond Human Belief! S A I "The AL T I1 I - - UN.I - - U