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May 28, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-28

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TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1929



Caap Counsellors Trip to Saginaw Geography 2, 32-All Sections: Summer and Permanent Employment:
Forest: The final examination in these courses will be held on Thursday, Men interested in demonstration work on straight weekly salary
Professor E. V. Jottcr of the June 6, at 7 p.m. Students whose names begin with A to L inclusive proposition see Mr. Bryant, of the Colgate Palm Olive Peet Co., in Room
School of Forestry has consented to meet in room 25 AH; those whose names begin with M to Z inclusive 302, Michigan Union, Wednesday, May 29, between 10:00 and 12:00 a. .
members lead a party of students intcrested P A,.In room 231 A. JAMES nd 2:00 and 4:00 p. mManager Students Employment Bureau
he Presi- in forestry and conservation as
part of their Drparatim for na-

Publication in the Bulletin is comtructive notice to allr
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)


TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1929

No. 1772

The Board of Regents at their meeting, May 24, adopted the follow-I
ing resolution:
Resolved, That Professor C. S. Yoakum and Assistant Profes-
sor Margaret Elliott, of the Department of Personnel Management of
the School of Business Administration be and are hereby requested
to undertake a thorough study of all the various clerical, stenographic,;
secretarial-administrative positions throughout the entire University,!
with a view to determining whether these positions can be advantage-
ously classified into groups with duties and responsibilities of a similar
natu e within such groups, and whether any geenrally applicable,!
equitable regulations for appointment and for promotion within or
between such groups can be advantageously developed, with equitable
and just provision for salary payment based on value of service and
on responsibilities carried. The cooperation of all such employees
throughout the University and of the principals in whose offices they
are employed is requested for this committee, and the committee is
itself requested to report to the Regents in due course giving its find-
ings and its recommendations, if any. A sum not in excess of $2,500
is set aside to cover the coat of service and current expenses in-
volved in making the study and report.
Herbert 0. Watkins,
Assistant Secretaryj
Automobile Regulation:I
The Automobile Regulation will be lifted at 5:00 p.m., on Friday,
June 7, 1929. Any active driving before that time, outside of regular
permits or special arrangements with this office, will be considered
a violation of the regulation and will merit disciplinary action.
W. B. Rea
Assistant to the bean of Students
Tfo All Students Having Library Books:!
1. Students having in their possession books drawn from the Uni-
versity Library are notified such books are due Friday, May 31, before
the impending examinations.
2. Students who have special need for certain books between May
31 and June 5 may retain such books for that period by applying to;
the Superintendent of Circulation on or before May 31.
3. The names of all students who have not cleared their records
at the Library by Wednesday, June 5, will be sent to the Recorder's
Office, where their semester's credits will be held up until such time!
as said records are cleared, in compliance with the regulations of the
WM. W. BISHOP, Librarian
To All Members of the Faculty and Staff Having Library Books:
Attention is called to rule III of the Regent's regulations: "Allj
books borrowed by members of the Faculty shall be returned on or be-
fore ..., the Thursday preceding the annual commencement in June."
For current year this date is June 13.
summer, or for the coming year, are requested to return all Library!
Those members of the Faculty who are leaving permently for the
books before their departure.'
WM. W. BISHOP, Librarian
Moving Pictures of Industry:
The twenty-second and last moving picture program by the School
of Business Administration will be held in Natural Science Auditorium
at 4:05 p.m., Wednesday, May 29. Please note that the program will
begin 10 minutes earlier than many afternoon meetings. The follow-
ing film, made by the General Motors Export Corporation, will be shown:
"The World Builds a Motor Car-4 Reels.
All persons interested are invited to attend these programs which
are designed particularly to give business students background ma-

ture study instruction in summer
The party will leave Lane Hall
Tuesday at 3:15 p. m. Free trans-
portation will be provided for those
planning tot go. Please call 4261.
H. H. Grafton
{ Junior Women:
There will be a meeting of all
Junior women who are interested
in writing the book for the Junior
Girls' Play, Tuesday, May 28, at 4:15
in the Board of Representatives'
room in the Michigan League
Helen S. Jones, Chairman

Adelphi House of Representatives:
The Seventy-Second annual
banquet will be held at the Mich
igan Union tonight at seven
o'clock. Tickets have been secured
only for those who have made res-
ervations with the Committee.
Prof. E. S. Brown will deliver the
principal address of the evening.
G. Harrison, C. H. Urist,
Committee on Arrangements
acultyWomen's C ub:
The Garden Section will visitG
Gardens Wednesday,M ay 29. Meet
at 3 p. m. at the Faculty Women's
Club House, 226 South Ingalls
Street, from which place trans-
portation will be provideA.
Mrs. G. A. Landsay, Secretary..
Tau BetaP i:
Last meeting of the year will be
held at the Michigan Union todayl
at 6:15 p. m. Officers for next year
will be elected at this time.
Wm. Hough, Secretary
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Registration for Sum-
mer Session:
Students now in residence who
plan to register for work in thisI
College during this summer session,m
may do inthe Recorder's office,
Room 4, University Hall.
Florence Mohr, Recorder
Al men holding lockers in Water-
an gymnasium should remove
their belongings before June 8.
Dr. George A. May


Field Geology-Kentucky Field Station: Senior Laws:.
There will be a meeting of all students planning to take Field Gec,- : The balance of the invitations and announcements will be clist.rit t l.al
logy (Geology 125) at the Kentucky Field Station in Room 1535, Uni- in the law building this afternoon, Tuesday, from 3:00 p. m. to 6:00 p. rnl.
versity Museum, at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 28. ! Ralph Besse, Chairman
r Senior Mechanical Engineers:
Graduate Students in Classics: j Mr. Kathler of the Hyatt Roller Bearing .Division of the Gencral
All students who expect either to begin or to continue graduate work Motors Corporation will be in Room 221, West Engineering Building, oxi
in the departments of Latin and Greek next year or the year follow- Tuesday, May 28, for the purpose of interviewing any Seniors who have
ing are requested to meet in Room 2016 Angel Hall at 5 p.m., Tuesday, not as yet accepted positions.
May 28. The newly adopted requirements for the highe: degrees will H. C. Anderson
be discussed and explained,
CAMPBELL BONNER, J. C. WINTER i Geological and Geographical Journal Club:
4 The last meeting of the school year will be in Room 2054 N. S. t
Students of Engineering and Architecture: 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening, May 29. Prof. McMurray will speak on,
All students in these Colleges who are taking courses in other '"The Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas.." All interested are cordially
Schools or Colleges an the campus, please report at once to the office 1 invited to attend.
of the secretary, 263 West Engineering Building. j E. N. Goddard, Secretary
The annual banquet will be held on Tuesday, May 28 (today), 'at
Milyitary Science 16, 28, 38:
Makeup examinations in Military Law, Administration and Military 6:30, at the Huron Hills Country Club. Members will meet at the pa: li-
I-1isto°y and Policy will be held at R. O. T. C. Headquarters on Wednes- ing lot in back of University Hall. The committee will provide, trap'
day, May 29 portation for those who need it. The last car will leave by 6:25 p. in.
REINOLD MELBERG i If possible notify E. C. Prophet or Charles Crittenden. If you have
i not sent in the return postal card, phone University 279.
Changes in Examination Schedule, College of Literature, E. C. Prophet, Clerk
Science and the Arts:
The Literary Faculty decided that classes in this College would end Port;"' Literary society: ;
on Wednesday evening, May 29. A new examination schedule was The annual formal banquet of Portia will be held at 6:00 o'clock on
therefore arranged differing in a number of particulars from the one Tuesday, May 28, at the Women's League Building. All members are
printed in the Time Schedule at the beginning of the second semester. urged to be present. Professors O'Neill and Muyskens, will speak at this
This new schedule may be procured in the Recorder s Office and the, time.
one first published should be disregarded. ' Nellie C. Becker, President
House Presidents:
r Houses will close at c levee o'clock on school nights after every girl
Department t of Mat examinationions for naor the second semester in courses 1 , 2, 3, 4, 1 in the house has finished her examinations. Also all late permissi.oA8
7, 51, and 52 in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts will during the week from June 11 to 17 must be granted from the Adviser's
be held Wednesday, June 45, from 2 to 5 p. m., according to the fol- Office and not the House Head.
Signing-out slips up to May 20 must be handed in at the League
.owing schedule: Building. All house Presidents must hand all slips in for the remainder
Courses 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 : (Instructor and room) -Baton, 231 A. H; Beale, of the year before they leave Ann Arbor.
1035 A. H.; Bushey, 1025 A. H.; Cohen, 1035 A. H.; Field, 25. A. H.; Fuller, Elisabeth De Vol, Chairman of Board of Representatives
1025, A. H.; Leith, 25 A. H.; Menge, West Gallery, A. M. H.;. Mills, 35
A. H.; Munro, 35 A. H.; Raiford, West Gallery, A. M. H.; Swingle, 25 A.
H.; Wagner, 231 A. H. # University Women
All girls living in approved League Houses or under the University
Courses 51 and 52: All sections, West Gallery, A. M. H.
Any students taking courses 51 and 52 and any one of courses 1;ruling must abide by the League rules until the 17th of June.
2, 3, 4, and 7 will report for courses 1, 2, 3, 4, or 7 as scheduled above Elisabeth De Vol, Chairman
and for courses 51 or 52 at 7:00 p. in.,, W Zednesday, Sune 5, in room
3003 A. H. Faculty, School of Education


Geography Summer Camp in Kentucky:
Students who plan to enroll in the summer work in geography at
the Kentucky field station will hold a meeting on Wednesday, May 29,
at 2 p.m. in Room 13 A.H.

i The last Regular Faculty meeting.of the year will be held on Mon-
clay, June 10, at 4:15 o'clock. Room 109, Tappan Hall. W
C. 4. DAVIS, Secretary
Physics Colloquium:
Mr. C. H. Thomas will speak on "Anode Spots and Their Relation to
the Absorption and Emission of Gases by the Electrodes of a Geissler
Discharge" at ,:15, :Tuesday, in room. 1041, East Physics Building. All
interested are cordially invited.
41 U[T S' (7irth .

Pulitzer Awards ,
Given To Authors

Quarterdeck: i W. v. Colby
There will be a meeting of the Quarterdeck at 6:15 p. m. 'T'uesday,
Colloquium in Applied Mechanics:
May 28, in room 318, Michigan Union. The final meeting of the semester will be :k eld on TuesCky, May 23,
Joseph Fellows, Jr., Commodore at 7:30 '
p. m. in Room 248, West Engineering Building. The program
is: "Impact Effect on Bridges," by Prof. Timoshenko; a discussion of the
intrafraternity Council: Spring ,Meeting of the Division of Applied Mechanics of the A. S. M. E. at
There will be a meeting of the Interfraternity Council Tuesday, Rochester, by Prof. L. H. Donnell; the election of officers for the coming
May 28, at 4:15, in room 302, Michigan Union. All members are urged yea".
to be present. I All interested are cordially invited to attend. VT VVY-

CARL N. SCHMALZ The Pulitzer prize for the best
American biography written dur-
organ Itecitais: ing last year has been awarded to
Burton Hendrick for his The
The last of the series of ednesday afternoon organ recitals will Training of an American: the Earl-
be 'on June 5, at 4:15 p.m., in ill Auditorium. The usual recital will ! ier Life and Letters of Walter Hines
be given on Baccalaureate, Sunday, June 16, at 4:15 p.m. Page." Mr. Hendrick won the re-
PALMER CHRISTIAN cognition in 1923, also.
The best book of the year on the
Philosophy 101b: history of the United States has
Final examination in this course will be given in Room 1021 Angell been written by Fred Shannon
Hall Monday morning, June 3. Please mote the place.. , with the title "The Organization !
F. E. ROBBINS 1 and Administration of the Union j
Army, 1861-1855."
Rhetoric 209--Makeup: i Stephen Vincent Benet received j
Make-up examination in Rhetoric 209--Development of Rhetorical ' the honor of writing the best vol- j
Theory (First semester) will be held Tuesday, June ll 10:30-12:00 i ume of verse during the year, with
A.M. Any student who cannot take the examination at that time ! his "John Brown's Body."
should see me as soon as possible.
N. E. NELSON]' LITTLE ROCK, Ark.-The bail oil
!college fraternities was lifted re-
06olug.y 51: cently by the legislature of the state, j
The examination is held Thursday, June 6, 942 A.M,, with the of Arkansas. This was the only
class distributed alphabetically as follows: AH, 25 A, If., E-K, 1025 .fl,, f state in the union which forbade
fraternities, but the Greek letter
L-11, 231 AIi.,-Z, 101 Ec. ; groups are now free to organize.

Edward H. Wachs

W. M. Coates






i I




Classical Students
The visit, to Detroit Northwestern High School which had been I V
planned for Wednesday, May 29, has been called off. d
l-ibrary Science Electivtbs, 1929-30. -
Students intending to elect courses in Libray Science next fall should
consult a representative of the Department in Room 303, Library, be-
ioTc leaving town. There seems an excessive number now in library
schools, and it is probable that (in their own interest) the number of
students ad;nitted by Dean Effinger to take undergraduate Library
Science courses will be limited to fifty. Applications made before the
end of the semester will receive preference. Notices will be sent on I
August 15 to students whose applications for admission have been ap-
proved. j
A representative of the Library Science Department will be in Room
303, Library, from 11-12, and 2-3, (except Saturdays) from May 28 until
June 7. 1
WM. BISHOP, Librarian.
Summer Employment.-
Mr. W. F. Murphy, of Murphy & Morrison, of Murphy & MorrisonI
St. Joseph, ]Michigan, will be in Room 304, Michigan Union, on Wednes-
day, May 29, f rom 2 to 4 o'clock p. m. to interview students for restau-
d*ant waiters during summer session.
Mary L. Stewart, Manager Employment Bureau

Engineering students at the Uni-
versity of Kansas are reported to be
wearing cream colored corduroys
decorated with bridges and other
appropriate designs.
New York Listed
PTivate Wires to all
Conservative margin accounts
Telephone 22541
Brown- Cress Co.,
Investment securities
7th Floor First Nat')
Bank Bldg.

murpny s men's and Women's-,
Quality Footwear





he, J. Murphy Boot shop









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