-TUESDAY, . MAY .28, 92 - }}ice A , .: ME gl THE MI-v sa..va iH L 1 4 4'.',M *.AU! W~ MINNEAPOLIS SCENE Of CONFERENCE GOLF' WOODBURY WINS POLE POSITION Drives Boyle Special At Rate of 120 Miles Per Hour To Get CONFERENCE BALL STANDINGS ALTERED' Illinois Links Men Out Of On Account Of Finals; Michigan Favored Play MINNESOTAUNDEFEATED Illinois will be the only Big Ter school not represented when the Western. Conference golfers tee ofi this morning for the first round of their seventy-two hole quest of the 1929 titles, both team and in- dividual, over the difficult Inter- lachen course in Minneapolis. The Illini, boasting a team which would have .to be reckoned with in decid- ing the champion, are not able to attend the tournament due to final examinations which are being held there this week. With Illinois out, the team cham- rionship seems to lie between Mich- igah and Minnesota, both unde- feated'in dual meets this year. The number one players on both, teams are men who are well known in Western amateur golf circles, either one of whom is capable of shoot- ing par or better over nearly any course. Boldstad Against Ward Lester Bolstad, who won the in- dividual Conference championship in 1927, but lost it to Lehman of Purdue last year, is the Gopher ace, while David Ward, former Michigan State Amateur champion occupies a like position on the Wolverine team. These two play- ers are expected to fight it out for the singles crowntthis season, and will be deciding factors in the team chamtpionship. Last year Ohio State, with Sar- geant as their main threat copped the team title, but the Buckeyes are not considered as strong con- tenders again, although they boast a fine player in Captain Loop, who may stage an upset to displace' either Ward or Bolstad for the in- dividual honors. However, the Ohioj leader has suffered defeat in dual meets this year, being let down badly by the Michigan star. Wisconsin Feared Likewise Wisconsin is danger- ous with C. Hunter Sheldon, in numh'er one position,, but the Bad- gers too, have not gone through their schedule with flying colors, being beaten by both Minnesota and Michigan, while Sheldon lost to both Ward and Bolstad. Miller of Northwestern may prove a threat for the individual title. Iowa held the powerful Illinois links team to a 9-9 tie recently, having the match nearly won on the last green until Reickpff miss- ed a three-foot put for the needed points to win the fight. Ed McCar- dell, playing against Martin, Illi- nois number one man, broke the course record with a fine 72 in the feature match of the meet, and is thereby stamped as a possible con- tender for the title. Michigan And Minnesota Unde However, all these teams with their outstanding players have been defeated by either Minnesota or Michigan, and the stars of each team have fallen before Bolstad or Ward, thus leaving the crown be- tween the two, unless one of the Preferred Start (By Associated Press) Only four Conference ball teams INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., May 27.- Isaw action last Saturday, the ma- Results of Saturday's and Sunday's jority of the schools having played qualifying trials have determined' on Friday instead. Michigan, unde- qualfyig tial hae dtermedfeated before running up against the ranking of 19 of the starters in the strong Illini nine, fell to its the seventeenth annual 500-mile l first defeat of the season in the race to take place on Thursday. biggest upset of the day, or, to be The three in the first row will be more exact, the only upset of the Woodbury (on the pole), Duray and Even at that, the Michigan defeat Hepburn. In the second row will was not as much of an upset as it come Stapp, De Paolo and Keach. may have appeared to be on first Only 33 cars or 11 rows of three glance. Illinois and Michigan, no Cup Tead Will Play This Week in Detroit (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, May 27.-If all goes well, the United States Davis cup team this week will win the right to an ocean voyage to Europe in general and Paris in particular. Having eliminated Canada and' Japan in succession, the United States squad faces Cuba at Detroit, Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the finals of American zone com- petition. A victory.aver the Cubans, will entitle John Iiennessey, John Van Ryn and their fellow-team, members to a trip to Paris to meet the winners of the European zone eliminations. Triumph in that series would give the United States* its second chance in two years to regain the Davis cup fromt he de- fending French. Want Ads Pay LANSING-Under the provisions of a bill signed by Governor Green, championship boxing exhibitions will be pernitted to go fifteen rounds. Other matches will remain limited to ten rounds. I _$SI 1E C ADVERTISNO D NOTICE-We have a large selection of Greeting Cards and MOttoes1 Francisco-Boyee, 719 N. Univ. 13c NOTICE Wig BUY USED CLOTHING - H. BENJAMIN 215 E. Washington. Phone 4310: 134 c WE ARE ,takn the contracts now or renovating mattresses and ph- lows during summer vacation. Reduced prices for large order.] T. S. COLVIN Phone 6652 C135, our lot at 332 East Liberty. Just the car you want for a vacation. From $50 to $150. Huron Valley Chevrolet Incorporated. 332 East Liberty. Chevrolet, Fords and other makes. 561 TUTORING - Everything for EXAMS. MACK TUTORING ! AGENCY. 310 S. State. Phone 7927. C TIME TO STORE YOUR WINTER COATS 25 Years of Unexcelled Fur Service -Assures you Expert Care of your Furs. ZWERDLING'S FUR SHOP Phone 8507 and we will call. cl cars each can start. There are still 24 cars which the pilots and owners > hope to be fast enough for compe- tition and their fitness will be de- cided today and Tuesday. Nine of the 19 cars now qualified to start are front driver . Ralph De Palma, who had been nominated to drive a new Miller car, withdrew' yesterday on the plea that a motor car company to which he is under contract refused consent for him to compete. To earn -the first position, Wood- I bury drove his Boyle special for four laps Saturday at the rate of 1120,599 miles an hour, Duray com- ing close behind with 119.087. IThe Sunday session added four to the list of 15 cars which wereI proved eligible on Saturday. A rain storm at noon wet the speedwayj and left puddles on the brick course which delayed the racers. The four added to the official list were all front drive cars. Johnny 'Seymour made 114.307 in his Cooper Special. He got thq pole position in the sixth row. Kreis, driving the Detroit Special built for Cliff Du- rant under the supervision of Tom Milton, showed 112.528 miles an! hour and also goes in the sixth row. LOS ANGELLES -'Charles Pad- dock, famous sprinter, has decided to take a try as a spring relay runner, despite his recent an- nouncement to the effect that he would retire. AMSTERDAM-M. Van Rossem,1 general secretary of the Olympic1 games at Amsterdam last year, is considering an offer to assist in anI advisory capacity for the tenth! Olympic games to b6 held at Los Angeles in 1931. - WILLIAMSTOWN, M a s s. - Her- man L. Schwartz, sophomore ath- lete at Williams college, enjoys the distinctidn of being one of the few athletes to win three varsity letters in his first year of competiion. Schwarz won his letters for football, hockey, and track. matter in what sport, always rise to themheights against each other. 'It seems to matter little to theme about the relative merits of the teams; all is forgotten in an at- tempt to defeat each other. Wit- ness the defeat of the Illini on the gridiron. last fall by an inferior Wolverine team. And now, perhaps in revenge for this previous defeat, the Illinois diamond clan upset the league leading Wolverines and threw a good sized monkey wrench into the Conference baseball race. The only other contest of the day brought together the Chicago Ma- roons and the now defunct Iowa Hawkeyes. With the big town boys leading 3 to 1 at the end of the sixth, the Iowans staged a batting rally to nose out a last minute vic- tory, 5 to 3. In the seventh inning the Hawks pounded out two counters to tie the score, while a triple, base on balls, and single in the ninth sent across the winning marker. Tolan Big Feature At Conference Meet (Continued From Page Six) race to finish a few inches behind after being boxed at the start. The Wolverine mile relay team turned in a creditable performance by finishing second to Iowa in this event. The Wolves pressed the Hawkeyes all of ,the way and saved the event from' being a one team race; it was not until the final lap with George Baird running anchor that the Black and Gold runners were able to pull away from their Maize and Blue clad rivals enough to cinch the victory. Coach Harry Gill's Illini track- men scored their third consecutive Big Ten triumph and won their seventh Big Ten title in the past twelve years by virtue of the fact that they scored in nine of the 16' events. Unexpected points in the pole vault and the low hurdlesf were instrumental factors in their' twelve point margin over Ohio! State. Dawn Donuts The Partner fo your Coffee at Breakfast Our Bismarcks and Raised Donuts at all the stores and restaurants . . S T U D E N T ATTENTION-Head- quarters for good -used cars, at TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387. C TYPEWRITING and MIMEO- GRAPHING College work a specialty since 1908. 0; D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade C NOTICE-Beautiful spring line o1 Axministernand Wilton rugs. Koch & Henne,e PERSONAL ATTENTION LIKE HOME AT A SAVING OF 10% WITH CASH CARD. DIAL 3916, MOE LAUNDRY, 204 N. MAIN. c TYPEWRITERS All makes of portable and large machines, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired. Large assort- ment and best service. 0. D. Mor- rill, 17 Nickels Arcade. C PRINTING and ENGRAVING Good work takes time. Invitations,I Announcements, Calling Cards should be ordered at once to avoid the last minute rush. Social work a specialty. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade C1 SAND and GRAVEL.. Washed and dry screened. Telephone 7112. Killins Gravel Company. C FOR RENT FOR SALE-Southeast section, 7- room house with garage on large lot. Very low price. Call owner, 6700. 6,1235 toSs WILL the person who took an American Machinist Handbook from th' shop :cfrw1ig room 2306, r etu r n same to Prof._ Gwiazdowski, room 2044, East Engineering Bldg. 1 CAT LOST-Half grown, glossy black with white spots on breast. Reward. Dial 5522. 123 LOST-Lady's tan plgsldn flat purse between, Michigan League Building and Delta Gamma House or on boulevard. Theater tickets personal effects enclosed. Re- ward if returned to Delta Gamma House, corner of Hill and Church. Phone 7817. 12 LOST-Small leather notebook can- taining valuable assignment. Re- turn to H. Boys. Dial 4932. 1 LOST-Cigarette lighter in Parrot; $3 reward. Call V. Harrington at 3597. 561 LOST-One white gold wrist watch with initials H.M.B. on back. Phone 9887. 612 WANTED WHITE WOMAN wants second work in Fraternity next fall. Ref- erences. Phone 2-2135. 123 WANTED-Ten high grade young men students as salesmen desir- ous of making $50:00 to $75.00 a week during Summer vacation, by an old reliable financial or- ganization, territory Detroit and State of Michigan. State age and three references. Michigan Daily. Box 62. 345612 WANTEI?-The West Bend Alumi- num Company has several desir- able openings for College Gradu- ates in its Sales and Advertising Departments. Men now complet- ing the Course in Commerce pre- ferred. Mr. E. A. Kraemer, Sales Manager, will interview men on Wednesday, May 29th, at the School of Commerce for these openings. Compensation strictly on a salary basis for both office and field positions. Openings of- fer splendid opportunity for rapid advancement. 612 WANTED-Apartiment, unfurnished, or small house for faculty member and wife for permanent residence. East or southeast. Address Box 63, Michigan Daily. 61 FOUDN-Pair or rimless lady's glasses. Please inaufre at the Par- rot. 612^ APARTMENT-One block from campus, eslf-contained, every- thing furnished. Suitable for two business or professional women or young couple. Apply 307 Maynard after 5 p. m. 123 FOUR room apartment June. One apartment Sept. Also garage. Well furnished. Tele. 3403. 209 N. Ingalls. 1 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Ford coupe just over- hauled. Call 5133. 123 i FOR SALE-Cottage lots. 5800. Phone C Golfers Attention We carry the celebrated Louisville line of Golf Clubs, Bags and Balls. Complete outfits from $6.95 tip. Schaeberle & a MUSIC I-lOUSE 110 S. Main St. i r ... ) Ot, V-4, t Jl ;r y y °l 111, f f it f:{ !f it i lfjfl. Delicious and Refreshing AMEL Give yourself the pleasure of smok- ing.a fra g rant mellow cigarette JFAIff 1Ai~ AND ANYBODY WHO tvER RAN AFTER A TRAIN THAT WAS GOING FASTER TMAN HE WAS KNOWS TMERE IS NOTHING ELSE TO DO BUT. Run far enough, work long enough, play hard enough and you've got to stop. That's when the 4 . pause thatrefreshes makes the big hit. Happily you can find it around the cor- ner from anywhere, wait- ing for you in an ice-cold <- Coca-Cola, the pure drink AIL ...v (A , 4 r C I G A R E T T E WHY CAMELS ARE THE BETTER CIGARETTE The Gdw4 blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobacco has never beenk eq ded. This blend producesa* delig'ht il mildness and melowness. Cae/ are always n form in quality. ?' i~ai - S rrrrlSr (-2., , ri( t.Ud2,1l4. rtfbyjV aiiI S I i I I