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May 28, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-28

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No. 177

Failure Of Immediate ran
Expulsion Thought stal
Mistake rep
Situation Rests aQuiet
At Iowa; Official sity
Begins Query viol
Characterizing the action of the A
Big Ten faculty committee on in- this
tercollegiate athltics in ousting anc
Iowa from the Conference as un- whi
duly secretive and ineffective, Con
President Clarence Cook Little yes- lati
terday issued the ensuing state- not
ment, based, it was asserted, upon fere
the truth of these following reports: tha
(1) that the conference found one pell
of its members guilty of infringe- P
ment of its rules on remuneration the
of athletics; (2) that the conference acc
refuses to make public the details of t
at this time; and (3) that the con- cha
ference breaks off relations with the I suP]
institution in question as of Janu- jct
ary 1, 1930. a g
President Little's Text hea
The text of President Little's tua
statement is as follows:tP
"If these are the true conditions, a b
one must without the details before affa
him agree that the action has been enc
taken in good faith. In my per- the
sonal opinion, however, it is an er- soo
ror not to have made the details bas
public at this time. To fail to do cus
so, giye opportunity for misunder- bee
Standing, uncertainty, misinterpre-
S'rlot, tumor and counter charges
of various sorts. These have already.
"One may, however, have definite
opinions as to the choice of Janu-
ary 1, 1930, as the date of effective-
ness of the action taken. This is
in my opinion a great mistake. If
the evidence was not sufficient to
justify immediate action, the de- I
cision should not have been Re
reached. If it was sufficient, it is'
certain that there are more men
now in the accused institution who
are worthy of suspension from con-
ference competition than therewill D
be next autumn. It is also likely by t
that there will be more of them in ulty
college at the start of any semester prof
than there will be at any other tor
time during that semester." - acti
Whole Thing May Be Bluff invo
"The institution convicted of in- chili
fringement of rules is to be allowed opei
to complete a baseball season and the
to play a full season of football the
while under a definite ban. This
will breed ill feeling and is ethic- B
ally weak and wrong. Of course the wor
football schedules are made out and ad'
the gate receipts from football pay pub
for al loher sports. The impli- Iduri
cation of the conference action is.und
that that august body either desires cilI
the gate receipts and conveniences Dr.
of the games with the convicted pro
institution or the whole is a bluff to in t
be reversed before January 1, 1930, cati
or both."1OUs
(Oy Associated Press)A

CHICAGO, May 27.-The Big A
Ten conference athletic eruption, edf
occasioned by the expulsion of Iowasofa
, , r .__





rayer Justifies
ost Mentions I
ion Does Not Mean That Iow
Is Out Of Big Ten
It may be taken absolutely fo
nted that the Conference woul
make so serious a decision i
h action had not been fully war
ted by the evidence presented,
ted Prof. William A. Frayer o
history department, Michigan'
resentative onethe faculty coun
of the Big Ten, last night, i
ifying the Conference's decisio
last Saturday night to seve
letic relations with the Univer
of Iowa on Jan. 1. 1930, fo
ation of the rule prohibiting th
sidizing of athletes.
ccording to Professor Frayer
action was taken in accord
e with a Conference rulin
ch states that "Members of th
ference shall sever athletic re
ons with any member that doe
conform in full to the Con
nce rules," and does not mea
t Iowa has been or will be ex-
ed from the Conference.
rofessor Frayer, in deploring
storm which the Conference'
eptance of the recommendation
he faculty council has raised
racterized much of the presen
posed information as pure con-
ure, saying "It is apparent tha
reat deal is being said in th
t of the moment which is no
nded on knowledge of the ac-
t situation."
rofessor Frayer also expressed
elief that the troubled state o
irs which has kept the.. Confer-
e aroused since publication o:
faculty council's decision would
n pass due to lack of reliabl
es for the many random ac-
ations and rumors which hav
n circulated..
gents Announce New
Director Of Child
r. Willard C. Olson, appointed
the Regents Friday to the fac-
of the School of Education a
essor' of Education and direc-
in Child Development, has been
vely engaged in research work
lving the characteristics o
dren and is at present a co-
rating member of the staff o
Institute of Child Welfare o
University of Minnesota.
Served InPublic Schoos
efore completing his graduat
k he served for a few years i
inistrative positions in th
lic schools of Minnesota, and
ng 1926-1927 held a fellowship
er the National Research Coun-
Board in biological sciences
Olson is a member of man
essional and honorary societie
he field of psychology and edu
on and is the author of numer
magazine articles on researc
blems concerning these topics
Refused Attractive Offers
ccording to information receiv
from the University of Minne
*, Dr. Olson has recently re-
d attractive offers from a num-
of institutions and chose th
versity of Michigan largely be
se of the plans for the new

mentary school which is soon tc
built by the school of Educa-
and in which provision will b
de for research work in thosE
ects with which Dr. Olson i
cerned. Dr. Olson will repor
duty at the opening of the Uni-
ity next fall, and will devot
greater part of his time nex
r to the organization of plan
research work in the new ele-
ntary school.

?on ferenceAction;.Rea Announces
owa's Accusations Lift of Auto Ban
U -
a Rules Of Conference Were Not [[After 5 o'clock Friday after-
Violated By The University IiL Unoon, June 7, the automobile reg-
Of Michigan! ulation will be lifted and University
students permitted to drive cars at
r " In replying to the accusations of their pleasure, it was announced
d Glassgow, 1929 Iowa football cap- yesterday by W. B. Rea, assistant
f tain, that the actions of Michigan I L to the Dean-of students.
in regard to inducing athletes to Any active driving before that
- come to Ann Arbor would not bear time, outside of that authorized by
" close scrutiny, Coach Yost stated Great Ball Is Feature regular permits or special arrange-
f latngtta hIniain ments with Mr. Rea, will be co-
lade by he Ih a C taintimations Of Game For Both sidered a violation of'the regulationi
tirely unfounded. T eams and will merit disciplinary action,
- According to Phillip C. Pack, li___ e warned.f
SPublicityDirector during theTfallME This lifting of the ban will not
n of 1926, the period referred to n AFEE ALLW SIX HIT apply after Summer school begins
r charges, the correspondence was of to students enrolled in the Sum-
Sa very different nature than sug- Wet Condition Of Field mer Session, it was announced.
-gested by Glassgow, and in no way So Such students may apply for sum-
r could be construed as in violation Makes Slow Playing mer school driving permits at anyc
e of the Conference rules.I#Inevitable time after June 10, but permits will
The exchange of letters was not be granted until June 18.
, initiated by Glassgow, who wrote IMADISONWis., May 27.-Mich- ' "We have set the date for the
- to the publicity department asking,! igan's ball team was jolted out of lifting of the ban at an early a
g for information about the Univer- first place in the conference race time as possible," Mr. Rea said yes- en
e sity. The correspondence was thus M here today, when Wisconsin's heav y a
- in accordance with the Conference hitters, behind Maury Farber onI arranged that students living in
S ruling which forbids Big Ten mound, hit McAfee safely six times near-by towns may drive to home
- schools from writing first to pros- including three triples and a dou- and back during the last week of
a pective entrants. ble, to hand Michigan its second examinations. Had it been possi-r
- After an exchange of letters, successive defeat, 4 to 2 ble to make similar conditions pre-r
Glassgow, having decided to enter Although the Wolverines playedInail during the first examination
9 Michogan in the fall, asked if the errorless ball, and in five out of week, it would have been done.
s publicity department could assist eight innings, no more than three
him in finding employment. This Badgers faced McAfee, a triple hy INTERFRATERNITY
was done, a positi Ann Ar- Evans in the secpnd, and a triple, COUNCIL TO MEET
t bor lunch and a job tlistributing double and single in the seventh, ?__
- Dailies being obtained for him. The resulted in two Cardinal tallies inI Due to the fact that a quorum was
t telegram to which Glassgow refer- each frame. Nebelung came home D not present at the last meeting of
red in his statement was sent to as the result of his double in the the Intenfraternity council, another
I his home only after he had failed third, and Corriden tripled in the meeting has been sucieded for
- to appear to take oven his work at fifth, to stretch it into a circuit 4u15 o'clock this afternodn in room
the start of the school year, ac- , on an error by Hall, tying the 302 of the Union. At this time many
I cording to Pack. This interpreta- score.
f tion of the correspondence frees important matters will come up be-
- Michigan from any suspicioit of DIAMOND WAS RAINSOAKED fore the council for discussion, and
F having violated a Conference rul- Ten Michigan men got on bases, it is urged that every fraternity'
ing. as compared to eight for the Bad- have at least one representative
e - _gers, but the diamond was in poor Prof. Phillip Bursly, of the Ro-
-Dirvo condition because of intermittent manse languages department, who,
e showers, and the slow base run- is in charge of Freshman week next
Aning, combined with the fine work fall, will discuss his plans for hand-
of Wisconsin infield, left seven ?'ling the freshmen and wil outline i
Wolverines to die on base, and one the procedure for matters pertain-b
to be caught in a double play. ing to rushing.
Michigan scored its first mark- t
er in the third frame, McAfee went LA
out on an infield bingle, Farber to !
LMansfield, but Nebelung doubledC
Lower Class Students ? to right field. Corriden went tot
first and Nebelung to third on an 1
ComposeOneOf error by Knechtges. With Straub1
Committees at bat, Farber made a wild pitch,
allowing Nebelung to cross the
Activities of the Student Chris- plate, and Corriden to go to sec-o
Iond. Straub went out, Ellerman, N
tian association have been brought, o au went out, len C
to a close this semester with the out an infield u e Ceremony Come As A
otoanifedpop-up to Ellen- SrrieToA m
announcement of the Cabinet by man.SurpriseToArmy d
- John E. Webster, '30P, president of Corriden Hits Triple Of reporterst
s the association. The following will In the fifth .McAfee flied out to'
- k n 1-.hn thK.- A . ia ',-,1 I i l Ellerman and Nehblung was n t, (By Associated Press) I 1

Contli'ct With
Y.ost Rmred
Breakup Cause
With reports of E. E. "Tad" Wieman's resignation from the
coaching staff last night, followed by denial of the stories by Coach
Wieman, himself, the identity of the head coach for the Wolverine
football team for next fall became highly uncertain. Wieman,
head coach of the football squad and assistant director of ath-
letics for the past two years, was reported in an Associated Press
dispatch, based on an interview with a member of the Board in
control of Athletics, as intending to resign to avoid conflict with
Fielding H. Yost, director of athletics.
In a statement to a Daily correspondent last night, Wieman
definitely denied any intention on his part of severing connections
with the coaching staff. When called about the stories and denial,
Yost refused to comment upon the situation. Prof. William Frayer,
chairman of the board, emphatically denied the report of Wieman's
rsignation. Other members of the board when called denied the

report or refused to comment.
Decison Of Highest
Court Given As

When called by the Daily at
his residence last night, Coach
Elton E. Wieman strongly repu-
diated rumors that he was about
to resign his position as head
coach of the Michigan football
team. Coach Wieman, in deny-
ing that there was any basis of
truth in the stories which were
circulated, stated "I have abso-
lutely no intention of resigning
from the University of Michi-
gan coaching staff."

ma e up ei L cauine : MV: arin moi,
' 30, Mark Andrews, '29, Joseph How- ,
I ell, '30, Kenneth Lloyd, '30, Or-
mand Drake, '30ED, John Brumm,
f '31, Leo Norville, '30,*Ernest Reif,'
f '30, Harley Kline, '30, Fred Bau-
schard, '30, Donald Koch, '30, Jarl
Andeer, '29, Pierce Rosenberg, '30,
e Howard Simon, '30, Charles Jose,
''30, Richard Cole, '30, Charles Bos-,
well, '30, John Langen, '30, Stanton
Todd, '30, and Donald Hall, '29BAd.
In addition to the above mentioned,
upper class cabinet, one composed
entirely of freshmen and sopho-I
y more will be appointed early next.
_ fall. Webster stated.
- - Chairmen Will Be Selected

(ut at first by Farber, unassiste
With two men out Carriden hit
long triple to center field, a
crossed the plate with the tyi
run while Hall was kicking the b
around in the field. Straub flI
out to Knechtges. The WoN
were unable to score after t
Wisconsin won the game in t
seventh. Mansfield singled
short, and went to second on
sacrifice bunt by Ellerman. M
termeyer made the second o
when he hit a long fly to Neb
lung in center field. Evans do
bled to left field, scoring Man
field. Mattheusen tripled to rig


today had boiled down to silence
and watchful waiting by member
Iowa officials, professing to still
being unenlightened as to specific{
causes of a disbarment, were pre-
paring for an investigation and had
invited Major John L. Griffith, Con-
ference athletic commissioner, to
aid them. Griffith was to leave forI
Iowa City tonight.
Reports of impending action
against other member schools, with
Northwestern, Ohio State, Wiscon-
sin, Minnesota and Michigan men-
tioned, remained unfounded. Major
Griffith explained no action could
be taken until the faculty commit-
tee which penalized Iowa, meets
again, and that no meeting of a)
body has been called.
Jowa Had Been. Warned
While Iowa officials, students and
alumnai were professing bewilder-

f use
be i

Chairmen of committees of the field, scoring Evans, but he died at
following divisions, Freshmen Work,. third when Knechtges went out on
Extension Department, Open Forum, an infield rap, McAfee to McCoy.
_ and Foreign Work, and Inter- The box score:
- College Assemblies, will be selected Michigan AB R H PO A E
I from the aforementioned names. Nebelung, cf.,.. 4 1 2 3 0 0
- Probably the most important phase Corriden, If. ..... 3 1 1 2 0 01
- of work will be that of th Exten- Straub: rf........4 0 1 0 0 01
esion Department, whose duty it will Kubicek, sb. ..... 3 0 0 2 3 0
- be to send student speakers to ad- Weintraub, 3b. 4 0 0 0 3, 0
'dress different luncheon clubs, such I McCoy, lb.......4 0 0 11 '0 01
o as the Kiwanis and Rotary organ- Eastman, ss.....3 0 0 4 1 0
i zations, throughout the state; as, Truskowski, c .. 2 0 0 2 1 01
well as speak at high school mass 1 McAfee, p. ...... 3 0 0 0 3 0j
s meetings, and to occupy pulpits. - - .-- -- I
The committee on Freshmen Work Totals ...... 30 2 4 24 11 0 1
- will have charge of the Freshmen Wisconsin AB R H PO A E I
e Rendezvous given annually at the Cusinier, If. ... 4 0 0 2 0 01
t University Fresh Air Camp for in- Hall, cf. ......... 4 0 1 3 0 1
s coming freshmen. It will also send Mansfield, lb. ... 4 1 1 7 0 0
two men to interview students in- H. Ellerman, 2b. . 1 0 0 7 2 0
vited to attend the Rendezvous. Mittermeyer, rf. . 3 1 0 1 0 0
- Evans, c........ 3 2 2 4 2 0I
eolo ist Returni Matthuesen, 3b..x 0 1 0 1 0
'Gg gKnechtges, ss. ... 3 0 0 2 3 1
To Ann Arbor Today Farber, p. ;..... 3 0 1 1 1 1
Totals .........28 4 6 27 9 3
William S. Carlson of' the de- Two-base hits-Nebelung, Evans.
, partment of geology at the Univer- Three base hits-Evans, Corriden,
k1 sity. who has been assistant aero- Mattheusen. Farber. Double nlavs1

ENGLEWOOD,N. J., May 27.-
Miss Anne Morrow, daughter of
Ambassador and Mrs. Dwight W.
Morrow and Col. Charles A. Lind-
bergh were married at the bride's
home this afternoon.
The ceremony, witnessed by only
the immediate family, was per-
formed by the Rev. William Adams
Brown of Union Theological Semi-
nary, New York City.
Immediately afterwards, Ambas-
sador Morrew left for Washington.
The honeymoon plans of the cou-
ple were kept secret.
The bride wore a simple white
chiffon dress with short veil made
for her by Miss Mary Smith, the
family dressmaker for years. She
wore no gloves, but carried a
bouquet of blue larkspur plucked
from the Morrow garden, just be-
neath them drawing room window
where the couple exchanged their
So far as could be learned there
were no witnesses outside of the
immediate Morrow family and pos-
sibly a few of the household staff.
Reporters Scooped
Apparently decided upon on the
spur of the moment, the ceremony
took even the most intimate neigh-
bors of. the Morow's by surprise
and completely "scooped" the small
army of reporters and news pho-
tographers who for weeks have
looked forward to depicting the ro-
mantic event in great detail in
print and picture.
Col. Lindbergh and his fiancee
went for a ride in the early after-
noon and stopped for a brief visit
at the home of a friend in Engle-
wood. Shortly after their return,
barely time for the bride to change
her chic motor ensemble for the
soft chiffon, the small wedding
1-arty atheed in the adraminL^


Unanimous (By Associated Press)
ANN ARBOR, Mich., May 27.-Tad
(By Associated Press) Wieman, head football coach and
WASHINGTON, May 27.-The assistant director of intercollegiate
validity of pocket vetoes by the athletics at the University of Michi-
president was upheld in a unan- gan, will not coach the football team
imous decision handed down today next fall, according to a member of
by the Supreme Court, regardless the Board of Control of Athletics at
of whether the legislation in ques- the University, who requested that
tion was sent to the White House his name be withheld from pulbica-
in the closing days of a session tion.
which was not the final session of a The board member told the Asso
Congress. ciated Press that Wieman and the
The court in an opinion sum- athletic director, Fielding H. Yost,
marized by Justice Sanford, con- had reached a parting of the ways
strued the word "adjournment" in and that reconciliation between
the constitutional provision relat- hem was impossible. He declared
ng to vetoes as meaning the end they were at swords' points.
of any Congressional session as The break between Yost and Wie-
well as of a Congress It held that man had its inception almost a year
Congress, before ending a session, ago. Last summer, before the prac,
must give the president the ten tice sessions started on September
days granted him by the constitu- 15, Yost announced he would return
tion to act on bills passed or else to active coaching. The night be-
assume responsibility for the fail- fore the Ohio Wesleyan contest he
ure of those on which it does not nnounced that Wieman was head
act. .ootball coach once more.
The case in which the decision Michigan lost the first four games,
was rendered involved the Okano- -oing down to defeat before Ohio
gan and other Indian tribes ir Nesleyan, Indiana, Ohio State, and
Washington, which, had failed ir Nisconsin. Many alumni and stu-
an effort to have the court of Itents rallied to Wieman's support,
claims hold that a pocket veto had teclaring he had not been given
not killed a bill relating to claims : Lull charge of the team in time to
deld by them. levelop the green material. -Late in
Added importance has been at- he season the Wolverines showed
tached to it, however, in view of remarkable reversal of form, whip-
other legislation which had been :ing Illinois, the Big Ten cham-
ccoNded pocket vetoes, including pions, Iowa, and Michigan State
he Norris resolution for govern- yollege, and tieing the Naval acad-
maent operation of the Muscle Amy. Yost and Wieman gave out a
Shoals project in Alabama. joint statement denying there had
w been any break in their friendly re-
PRIZE ANNOUNCED Wiena had been Yost's protege
.U and one of his closest friends since
,___and 1920, a star in any position
Isaac Hoffman, '29, is the win- the days when Tad, in' 1916, 1917,
ner of the A. M. Todd Prize for : and 1920, a star in any position
1929, according to an announce- from fullback to tackle, tore oppo-
ment made yesterday by Professor nents' lines to shreds.
Carter Goodrich of the Economics In 1927, Yost announced he had
Department. retired from active coaching, and
Hoffman, who is a member of appointed Wieman head football
Phi Beta Kappa and of Alpha Kap- coach. Wieman was understood. to
pa Delta, National Honorary So- be head coach till Yost announced
ciological Society, took as his sub- last summer that he would take
ject "A History of the Leadership part in coaching the 1928 team. Last
of the British Coal Miners." The fall Wieman told a number of
award of the Todd prize, which friends that he never was head
carries with it a remuneration ofi coach from the start of the season
one hundred dollars, was in charge and that he never knew the work
of a committee composed of Pro-I in the field was up. to him.
fessors Carter Goodrich, L. J. Carr, Yost said he had tried to put
and C. F. Remer of the Lepart- across the idea that there was no
ment of Economics and Sociology. head football coach at Michigan,
Each member of the committee, and that every member of the
according to Professor Goodrich, coaching staff shared equally in the
arrived at the same decision inde- responsibilities.
pendently without consultation. "The head coaching staff, as far
as the actual work in the field is
- 1concerned, has been up to Wieman
6 N t * a.' from the start," he declared.

I Hunter Bats Danet
In Tennis Singes
(Y Associated Press)
I PARIS, May 27.-Frank Hunter
the only American of first rank




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