PAaTEIh THE MIC T IN DATA V SILUTU )AT, tvl AT 19, lo-121 4lows" IStudents' Recital: Mr. Benjamin Z. N. Ing, pupil of Theodore Harrison, will give a graduation recital, Monday evening, May 2'7. at 8 o'cloek, in the Schoolt l of Music Auditorium on Mayna d Street. Miss Louise Nelson will be the Publication in theBulletin is constructive notice to all members accmras. The gneralbi is invte follows:oadisio of he nivrsiy. op reeivd b th Asisantto he rei Prologue, from "Pagliacci"............................... Leoneavallo Jdent until 3:30 p. m" (11:30 a.,im. Satuzrcta i _______ Der Neugierige .................................. ........ Schubert I o.XXI UNAMA ~ 12 '.1 Auifenthalt............................... ....... Schubert ____________________ ____________ ~Stanchen................................................ Brahms Action of the Administrative Board: I P elude, Op 23, No. 4 ......................... ............ Chopin The Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Sciece, and Cradle Song........................... ............., . Hlauser the Arts has taken the following action:f Prelude in C ........................... ......... ..... .....BHach Albert Louis Schradzki has been placed on Probation until the end ( Piano numbers) of the first semester 1929-1930, becm5;e of dishonestly in! the written wo k n Vision Fuigitive, from '1Ilerodilade"...... ............ ......lviasscn t, in Rhetoric 2. Vxi e ...................................Chao' W, . Hu. ltihreys Yee Shiha Wei Yun........................... ...Chao GEORGE OLSEN, FORMER MICHIGAN FOIAOAGSAT DRUM MAJOR, TO PLAY IN DETROIT GRAPEFRUIT Business Administration Lecture: Professor H. C. Greer, Direct-cr of the institute of American Meat Packers, will talk on "MVakic' Accounting Information Useful to the Executive," on Monday, May 27, at 4:15, in lRoomn 101, Economics building.' This lectu.e is intended primatrily fiyr st idcrnts in Accounting', but others interested are cordially inrvite d to atetnd. Automobile Regula64ion: With the approval of the Dean of the School or College in which thre student is cnrolled, the ? .elowv:i.. dscipli 'aa'y ae,-ions have beenI taken for violations of the Auwmu!bih e ti tion: Charles P. Craig, '30--probaLtion uitd l Mjvemnbor 2'7, 1929.t Dudley J. Scholten, '3--_probLtior i il1 the crud of the second se- mester of the academic year 1 J ' zs :. Austin J. Paddock, '29 Eg-- fi - the b lancee of the current semester, and diploma withhfeld. Lord God of Abraham, from "Elijah"..................... lencielssohn ipilgrim's Song.............. ...................... . Tschaikowsl y The Crystal Gazer........... ... ... ...... .. ....... ..... Kramer The Night; Rider.....................Berg~h F Charles A. Sink (C oloquini in.Applied M~echaics, The final meeting of the sernester will ba held on T~cy May 28, ' at 7:30 p. m. in Room 2483, West Engineering Building. The program is: "Impact Effect on Bridges," by Prof. Tim-oshenko; a discussion of the Spring Meeting of the Division of Applied Mechanics of the A. S. M. E. at, iRocbester, by Prof. L. II. Donnell; the election of off tiers for thie coaing All inter:ested are cordially invited to attend. dio, record, and musical comedy' fame, opens with his orchestra for a week's run in Detroit. } { " Olsen attended the University. ~during 1913 t and 1914 and presaged; >:r Ihis present profession by playing :.:;.Y .in the band here. During the foot- ball season of the latter year he was the Michigan drum major and :..; , ;" .;was the instigator of the custom of' ,r. z> tossing the baton over the *goal post beween the halves of the games. After leaving school he organized his own orchestra and in a few. years was introduced to Broadway, Swhere he scored an immediate suc- cess. Since then he has become. {;>>< ' one of the leading radio and record- }{A {k ing artists and has won distinction in several musical comedies, includ-s ing "Kid Boots," in which he played; with Eddie Cantor. "The Follies," of Michigan's "Sunny" and "Good News.' herlen ext r- Between activities on the stage, ~~~'Olsen 0 has made Victor records with! hos orchestra, and also has broad- rnity cast over the net work of the Na- ~ Soliststional Broadcasting company. Carload on First Between West Jefferson and Williams. Streets '75c Peck Tangerines 50c Full Half Peck All Tree Ripe Fruity Washed, Polished, and Graded Open all day Sunday Highest Cash Prices. Paid for Your Discarded Clothing, CLAUDE BROWN Phone 6616 11 5 F. Ann St., The return of one successful sons will bel Friday when George W Tkf. Coates Musical Fratet m Russell 0. Seestedt, '29 Eng.---probatioLnfor the balance of the cur-'Summer Enploynient: _______ ' rent semester, and diploma withheld. Mr. Clarence E. Smith, founder of the National Students' Co-. W. 1-. lien, Assistant to the I),1D, of Students ope~ative Association, will be at the Union, Room 302, May 27. at 7:30: Four soloists on t12 p. in., to interview all students who want work in music or dramatics, tival Program were i] Feconoiuies 172 (Accounting):1 or business administration, under the direction of the Association. 'This Alpha Epsilon Mu, na TWhere will be no lecture at 10 o'clocik on Monday but attendance isE ineluides both men and women. required at the lecture by Professor 11. C. (Greer~, at 4:15 on Monday, Sidney H. Woolier ary musical fraternity May 27, in Room 101, Economics buildior . -- of the chapter in A 2e May nitiatet tional y by mn knn Ar yFes- d into honor-. embers rbor at MERRILL, LYNCH& CO. Members New York Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Cleveland Stock Exchange Detroit Stock Exchange New York Curbi Market Accounts Carried on Conservative Margin 201 First Nat'l Bank Phone 4294 l.'1_ - _ rAlphaon Kappa Delta: The annual picnic will be held at the home of Professor Carr on!i Changes in Examination Stcdule, College of Literature,I Wednesday, May 29. Members wil meet at the Economics Building at ;scienice and the Arts: 41. Th ieayFlyon Wednesday evening, May 2d9. A ne examination schedule was ('risN.0op, .eeretary therefore arranged differing in a number of particulars from the one pripted in the Time Schedule at the beginning of the second semestera.:: Faculty Women's Club: This new schedule may be procured in the Recorder's Office and the There will be a luncheon at the Women's League Building on one first published should be disregarded. Wednesday, May 29, at 1:00 p. mn., for the memebrs of the board of the John R. Effinger ; Faculty Women's Club. The new members of the board will be guests. 1 different times during the series of concerts. Lawrence Tibbett, baritone, of the Metropolitan Opera company; Richard Bonelli, baritone, of the Chicago Civic Opera company; Wiliiam Gustafson, bass, of the Metropolitan Opera company; and B~arre Hill, baritone, of the Chica- go Civic Opera Company, were af- forded honorary membership in Miember of the Summer Session Faculties: lBlanks for the Faculty Directory and request cards fo: the Summer Michigan Daily are being sent by campus mail to all members of the Summner Session Staff. Their prompt return will be greatly appreciated. The Summer Daily will be delivered g atis only to those members of the Summer Session faculty who will fill oat the request cards. Edwvard 11, Krauis Mrs. W. L. Badger the organization. ,1 .I , i ° . . I _ . i t f L ., Varsity Glee Club: The last rehearsal of the year! Iwill be held Monday night at the usual time and place. Full attend- ance is imperative due to the fact that it is the final rehearsal be~- fore our Request Concert which is C~Zi -m Sumner Session hlours of Registration: 'to be held next Wednesday. All For the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, in the Recorder's members who are unable to attend office, Unive sity Hall, June 21 and 22, 9 to 12 a. mn., and 2 to 4 P. im.;! either rehearsal or concert are June 24 and. 25, 9 to 12 a. in., and 2 to 5 p. mn. Thereafter 10 to 12 a. mn. ; asked to notify the manager. daily. L. M. Goodspeed, Manager For the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture, in West Engineer -___ ing Building, Jupe 21 and 22, 24 and 25, 8 to 12 a. mn., and 2 to 4 p. mi. EaSgm.Pi For the Medical School, in the West Medical Building, June 21, 22, La im.Pi 24 and 25, 9 to 12 a. mn., and 2 to 4 p. m. Thriilb meigfrte For the College of Pharmacy, in the Chemistry and Pharmacy;isalto fofiesit lh Building, June 21, 22, 24, and 25, 9 to 12 a. mn., and 2 to 5 p. m.r Eta chapter on Monday, May 29, inj For the School of Education, including Hygiene and Public Health,i Roomn 2013, Angell Hall, at 8 o'clock Physical Education, Public Health Nursing, and Athletic Coaching and p. . m. Administration, in Tappan I-all, June 21, 22, 24, and 25, 9 to 12 a. mn.,' Una E. Van Riper, Secretary and 2 to 4 p. mn. For the Law School, in the Law Building, June 14. 15 arid 17, 0 to , Field Geology-Kentucky Field 12,a. M. and 2 to 4 p. in. Station: For the ESchool of Business Administration, in Tappan Hall, Jane 21, There will be a meeting; of all 22, 24 and 25,9 to 12 a. in., and 2 to 4 p. an. students planning to take Field For the Graduate School, in Angell Hall, June 18-22, 9 to 12 a. in., Geology (Geology 125) at the Ken- 2 to 4 p. in.. and June 24 and 25, 9 to 12 a. in., and 2 to 4 p. im. uyFilStioinR m15, For the School of Forestry and Conservation, in the Natural Science ; uk'FedSato nRo 55 BuidigJun 2, 2, 4,an 25 9to12 . . nd2 to 4 p. m. University Museum, at 1:30 p. ,m.,{ Buldn, ue 1 2,24 nd25 t 2 .i11ndI. Kraus tueda, May 2U. NOJ STAIRS TO0 CLIMB at the HARMONY CAFETERIA 508 lAST WILLIAM STREET Memortial Day Service St - nd e wsThis Morning at 11100 o'clock PREACHER: REV. HENRY .LEWIS STUDET WE INVITE YOU TO ENJOY A. Special Hlome Cooked Dinner, 50c Today from 1:30 to 10 p. mn. at CLARK'is Specialty of Delicious Salads and Sandwiches I1110% S. University Delicious Strawberry Shortcake Art Exhibition: _________________________________ _________ There will be an International Exhibition of Etchings, under the - auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association, from May 19 to May 30, in Alumni Memorial Hall. WitrCASHF Sebool of Education: Registra tioni for Surnmier Session: Students now in the School of Education who plan to register forj work during this summer session may do so 0o] Monday, Tuesday, and, Registration will take place in the onfce of the School of Education,S eodIij d room 105 Tappan Hall. Hours: 9.12, 2-4. G retchen K1i1ug, Recorder A SQUARE DEAL ALWAYS AT Camp Counsellors Trip to Saginaw Forest: Professor E. V. Jotter of the School of Fo estry has consented to leadU N VK a party of students interested in forestry and conservation as part of their preparation for nature study instruction in summer camps.Af r The party will leave Lane Hall Tuesday at 3:15 p. m. Free trans- ' 8T4M portation will be provided for those planning to go. Please call 4261. _______________ H. H. Graf ton ______________ I,'._____________________________________-----__--- i 'I Y-8:i5 The fascinating COMEDY of frivolou~s life. A chance to laugh and like it. THE KING OF THRILLERS Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatere PRICES-MATINE ES 50c, EVENINGS 75c On sale at Box Office fromn 10 o'clock on every day. Phone 6300. : Cming:r "The Spider" I-em--- ~ y , : Ailex says1 They Love to study ( ?) together for the final exams. And a lot of f 3 r F r i . Jrki t . , '~p~~u t~I !' t A lcx will be here as usual every Su}"dad) 1 6 i, a i 6 The May Festival was a good excuse to keep your girl out late. It's funny about these couples Sore Seniors Won't Be Long Now Leaving Us will soon wish that thepi started studying earlier! it had But be fore they will graduate and then they will be For parts unknown. that remain will be But those Steering for better meals at 605 Church Street Just Off South UJ. a . ___.____s t w l9 W~ PU o - - iiiliiiill~il iliiiiilltit . i~iliilii111iiiiiiiilii 1i ' " .... ,.. ,, -. -, ' a II1'