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May 26, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-26

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T H E "M I-H T C-A 7 DAIlE Y

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!RMothers' house parties, dinners
LEitlull IiflVST for May Festival guests, and senior
SA D A E Idinners have crowded the socia
caledarfor the past week. Many
P LAYIDO P[ N MO N DAYprivate homes, as well as sororit
houses and the League, have been
Tthe scenes of these colorful spring-
THAT ONE WOMAN BUY Among the distinguished guests
TICKETS FOR GROUP 1staying at the League were Jean-
nette Vreeland and Nevada Van
PRODUCTIONS TO HAVE RUN Der Vee", both prominent artists of
the Festival. Jean Boyd and Lil-
Both Seniors And Graduates Are lian Carpenter of the Chicago
Welcome At Last Class Opera also made the League their
Tradition stopping place while in Ann Arbor
IJeannette Vreeland, Edith Mason
Senior Breakfast tickets may be and Jean Boyd were the guests of
obtained from 1 to 5 o'clock Mon- honor at a tea given Friday after-
cv, Tuesday, and Wednesday of noon by a member of the local
this week at a table in the League chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota. More
lobby. The Breakfast is scheduled than 150 guests filled the Cave in
for Saturday, June 15, and will be the League building, where the af-
held in the assembly room of the fair was held.
League. Tickets for the Senior Two charming dinners held the
Play, which will be presented im- spotlight among the social affairs
nmediately after the breakfast, will at the League Friday evening. One
be attached to the tickets for the was that given by Professor; and
'breakfast and may be purchased atiMrs. Raleigh Schorling for a group.
the same time. The price of the of their friends. At the other, Mr.
tickets will be $1.00. and Mrs. John Worley entertained
Ellen Ginnell, chairman of the 18 guests in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
ticket committee, requests that one Edgar N. Lupser of Springfield,
girl from each house obtain the Ohio, who are the house guests of
tfcekts for the entire group of se- Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Christian.
niors in that house, in order to Seniors of the Zeta Tau Alpha
avoid confusion and enable the house were guests at a delightful.
groups to sit together. The same bridge luncheon given at the
plan was successfully used at the League yesterday by Mrs. Ada
Senior Supper. Gustine.
The Senior Breakfast is an an- The Alumnae School of Music
yual tradition among senior women, held a luncheon for 100 at the sameI
Ind affords the last opportunity for time in a private dining room.
hem to get together as a group.
.mong the customs which accom- Mothers Are Entertaied
)any the tradition is that of ack- Another large party took place
wowledging engagements w h i c h yesterday when members of Kappa
nave been made during the year. Theta gave a luncheon in anotherj
plate of lemons is passed around private dining room in honor of
end everyone who has announced their mothers, who are being en-
ter engagement must partake of a iertained this week-end.
lice. Those who have taken the Kappa Kappa Gamma also en-
narriage vows during the year, tertained their mothers at lunch-
aust signify their action by blow- eon at the League yesterday. The
ng out a candle which is placed luncheon was held in the tea-room,.
t their disposal. and following it the mothers werei
thpentertained at nine tables of bridge.!
ek plast w hhbe venn the Lyd Sigma Eta Chi is entertaining at
reakfasso tileagien intheLyiage.a breakfast at the League this
endelssotheersnte League. morning in honor of its mothers,
'he play to be presented this year'enosadiitts.Srgfow'
"Aria da Capo" by Edna St. Vin- seniors, and intiates. Spring flow-
ent Millay, and will be directed by ers will decorate the tables.
dna Mower. Juniors Honor Seniors
.Results from the tryouts for the The juniors of Phi Sigma Sigma '
willbe hostesses otn he enirs atI

V --- - - - - ....-_... ._.._____

S the decoration will be green tapers Mary Farnsworth were in the e- RV V. I. Z. drama production, and ends with
r and spring flowe s. The seniors of ceiving line. Lilacs and roses were By LIZABETH VALENTINE Physical education is an impor- a demonstration pageant.
the sorority will be entertained at used to decorate the rooms and Nevada an Dr Veer, contralto tant part of the regular school Several old subjects are being re-
~tea on Wednesday afternoon at the music was furnished by an orches- wh ag latnght in the sixth
y home of Miss J. Wilcox. tra from the School of Music. May Festival concert held at Hill curriculum. It is rapidly becoming peated. Since a teacher must know
Pledging Is Announced Musical Sorority Entertains Auditorium, comes from one of the a more complex study, its work in- how to organize and present her
Zeta Tau Alpha announces the Delta Omicron, national musical !oest Dutch families in New York luding gymnastics, pageants. danc- Imaterial, and must understand its
pledgig of Harrier Patrick, '30, of sorrority, gave a formal banquetrat state and so she has an indisputable ing, and games. The lan of study relation to the general school pro
s Grand Rapids. I the League in honor of Barre Hill claim on the name which seems
The patrons and. patronesses of Friday evening. Mr. Hill is a na- "almost too good to be true" of the summer school reflects this gram, there is a study of the or-
SSigma Kappa were entertained at tional patron of Delta Omicron. Perhaps her stable ancestry is re- trend, and the variety of courses ganism and administration of phys
a formal dinner Friday evening. The tables were attractively deco- sponsible for the total absence of offered shows the scone of the ical education. Coaching, too, is an
They a. e Professor Carl Rufus and rated with spring flowers and pink;"temperament" in her artistic field. art, and one course is entirely de-
Mrs. Rufus, Professor Arthur Wood, tapers. make-up. This woman however Two new courses are being added voted to technical training and
and Mrs. Wood, Professor Wood's . Miss Irma Wedler entertained at lacks none of the artistry which is this summer for the special bene--i practice teaching in team games.
mother, ir. and Mrs. Wells Ben- a bridge party at the League prevalent among members of the fit of grade and high school teach--Interpretive dancing seems to be
,ett, and Professor Charles Cook Thursday afternoon in honor of her s .' ng profession. Mme. Van Der ers who have had no narticular almost a natural means of expres-
* nd Mrs. Cool;. mother, Mrs. Edith Wedler, and sis- Veet is possessed of a gracious and training in physical education and sion for many people. But training
Sigma Kappa announce the pledg- ter, Miss Edith Wedler, both of attretive personality which is of who may need the work. as well as is necessary here too, and teachers
1g of Marga. et Moon, '32, of Lan- Roehelle, Illinois. the type, as her songs are of that for the majors in the 'department. must learn fundamental steps
sing. Alpha Chi Omega seniors we'e type, which makes fiiends for her They are both different phases of based on laws of natural movement,
DiltaZetaannounces the pledg- Honored at a breakfast this morn-. wherever she goes the "natural" program. The first' as well as the realization and ap-
elenu eof Detroit. ing. Guests at the house for dinner It was a series of historical re- includes rhythmic training, dra- preciation of music through move-
g t of H e Dulth '32,Zofetoit. ing. n Guest ate Mrs. John Vivian citals in which the American con- matic games, self-testing activities, ment. For those who are acquainted
Guests at the Delta Zeta house this noon will tbe Mr.JhnVva
this week-end are Velma Lawler of Denver, Colo.; Mrs. Harry Mills tralto appeared while in Enl ind and suitable game material for the with these elements, opportunity to
and Alma Bretschneider of Toledo. of Ann Arbor and Mrs. Mary Ry- that gained for her abroad instant elementary grades. The other is study the composition of the dance
Mrs. Lee Joslyn of Detroit, who bolt, of Indianapolis, chairman. recognition as a singer of major im- based on a study of the character- is offered. Clogging and folk-danc-
ias been attending the May Fes- Kappa Alpha Theta is also hav- portance. Following her return from istics and needs of the adolescent ing offer an interesting field of
,ival, is a guest at the Gamma Phi ing a mothers' house party this studying under well-known teach- girl. The stress is nlaced on danc- work, too.
Beta house this week-end. The se- week-end. Friday evening the guests ers i France and England and ing, sports, self-testing, and outing Various' recreational courses are
#iors of Gamma Phi Beta are being were entertained at diner and then ; making her. musical debut in the activities. also presented for make-up work in
well entertained this week. Mrs. went to the May Festival concert. latter country, Mie. Van Der Veer These courses are especially valu- physical education.
Nathan Potter gave a lovely break- At noon yesterday they were at the was ecognized America as one of able since there is ounortunity for For those who are interested pro-
ast in their honor at her home in League for luncheon. The dinner ing sigers. practice teaching, besides the fessionally, it is worth noting that
Barton Hills yesterday morning. at the house last night was formal Mme. Nevada Van Der Veer has theory work. ;the two "natural programs," as well
Phis noon they are to be guests at and spring flowers were used for that voice known as a "mezzo- An unusual type of course is being as the course in organization and
Jinner at the home of Alice and decorations. contralto" which is exceedingly ca- introduced in response to the grow- administration, are given two hous
Jessie Bourquin on Geddes Road. Miss Marva Hough, physical edu- pable of responding to dramatic ing need for it. It covers the prin- credit, while all the others get a
Initiates Give Dance cation instructor at the State Nor- demands with a quality that is pe- ciples of pageantry and dance half-hour's credit.
The initiates of Delta Delta Delta mal at Bowling Green, Ohio, is a culiarly lyric. Taking the field of ___pe____
gave a formal dance for the soror- week-end guest at the Alpha Omi- the oratorio and cantata particu- __
ity at the Women's Athletic build--cron Pi house. i larly as her own, this American
ing Friday night. Forty-five couples Kappa Phi entertained its seniors contralto has capacity to sing these
were present. The chaperones for at a spring breakfast at Wesley with real distinction and authority.
the dance were Professor Thomas Hall this morning. The graduates Her performance gains remarkably
thedance wr.ed Professor Thomas wore their caps and gowns, and fa- in value owing to the exquisitely
Reed and Mrs. Reed, Professor John ich
Mrs. Thomas Anderson. On Thurs- Spring flowers decorated the rooms. is, especially in the middle register,
day afternoon the members of the The old and new members of surprisingly rich, mellow, and warm.
Wymen, junior honorary society, With a great variety of expression
bridge tea. are holding their annual house' and a remarkable breath control to
party at Silver Lake this week- make the delivery of these more ef-
end.fectively easy Mme. Van Der Veer ,
entertained last night at a delight- _has become known as a "just and
ful dinner given by Mrs. E. D. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. I happy interpreter." It is this ar-I
Mitchell and Mrs. C. L. Washburne Dr. Herbert H. Gowen, professor of tistic beauty of her singing in ad-
at the home of the former on Cam- oriental studies. has been awarded dition to the charm of the singer Last year we presented Ruby Ring Hosiery.
bridge road. The patronesses of the the Japanese decoration of the herself that is constantly winning They became a sensation almost at once.
sorority were, also guests. Third Order of the Sacred Treasure ! for Mme. Nevada Van Der Veer new
The Delta Gamma senior are be- by the Japanese consul in Seattle. l audiences and new admirers. Since then we have sold thousands of pairs.
ing honored at a farewell dinner at- And the answer to their success is that they
the house this noon.
Alumnae house entertained last ?jfit so beautifully with the feminine vogue of
Sunday afternoon with a faculty "NA[~toaythyVresosherDs faterng
tea. Mrs. Austin Fornker, social di-y l E RA theyre so sheer, so flattering,
rector, Mrs. Hugh Keeler, and Miss' so positively EXQUISITE
-a new crush, sport hat E
that you can fold and put in
your pocket. It comes in
every wanted shade and
g S v color.
Call 9616j$f 95
and make an Appointment
S for that Ilair Cut with r"'1$
formerly with the k: -t r ' "'.':.'>l." . -
J. L. Hudson Co.
at no extra cost -
[' rr Z l i"l A~s^'."'L~f~Y y K'
' J'./ .I ~«r/'././"' ..,r/'a/.i/.' './w/P'. '~d'/a~i ! 3' "~sA .y~x 'Gr{ , ,' ' A '" v ' '

play which were held yesterday, s
vhave been announced by Miss d
Mowrer. The cast will be as fol-I
4ws: Alma Scheirich, Pierrot; t
Shirley King, Columbine; Elizabeth
'McCurdy, Corydon; Catherine p
-.Beardsley, Thyrsis; and Theodore
. Maloy, Cothurnus.
't The offices for tne play will be a
filled as follows: Vera Johnston, as- e
sistant director; Marie Hartwig, I c
"lighting manager; Anne Zauer, cos-t
tume manager; and Elizabeth b
'Smither, property manager. a
All senior and graduate women
are welcome to attend the break- a
fast and play. Everyone will fol-
:ow the custom which has been ob- t:
served in the past of wearing caps+N
and gowns to add dignity to the '
bccasion. I1
Women who wish to attend will.
Obtain better seats for the play if f
'ickets are purchased early, al-
though the sale will continue until
'a few days before the breakfast is
scheduled, accord'ng to Miss Grin-
its next school year, the university
will have a school of police admin-
.istration to train men and women
in the sciefce of criminal investi-

upper tonight at the League. The.
dining room will be decorated with
he sorority colors, and following
he supper, the seniors will each be
resented with a sorority ring.
The program for the Kappa
Kappa Gamma mothers' houset
party began with a formal dinner'
it the house Friday evening, when
ach mother received a lovely
orsage. Other events have been a
heatre party at the League, and a
ridge luncheon also at the League,
ind will end with a dinner for both
he fathers and mothers this noonj
t the hou .
Kappa Kappa Gamma announces
;he engagement of Mary Alice
Moore, '29, to Edward Chapman,
29E. Mr. Chapman is a member of
Seta Theta Pi.
Theta Phi Alpha is giving a tea
or its patronesses this afternoon.
Ars. J. Wedemeyer will pour, and

Other sizes:
$7.50, $15, $30
$40, $125



/ _____ __ __ -


. 0

IT's bound to rain sometimes,
even in the best regulated cli-
mates. But don't let that make
any party of yours a fizzle.
A Fish Brand Slicker is a
comfortable, chummy sort' of
garment that makes good
times possible regardless of
storms and showers.
You carn buy a genuine Fish
Brand Slrcker almost any-
where for the price of a couple
of theatre tickets. A. J. Tower
Company, Boston, Mass.

en ambre
O NE trembling drop of this rare, exotic
fragrance brings to you all the allure of the
far-off isles of the South Seas, the thrill of the forests
and trackless jungles, the fascination of the desert
The mission of this tropic flower is to lure and
beguile to his destruction the white-winged moth
and the roving butterfly. Orchid, the rarest of all
perfumes, is the fragrance of languor, of luxury-

I 'I 1.J'-"''


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