PAGE POUi Published eery morning except Mondat $wlng the University year by the Board i Control of Studet Publications. e Member of Westera Conference Editora' Association. -] The Associated Press is exclusively enn titled to the use fo~ republication of all new dispatches credited to it or not otherwise Credited in this paper and the local news pubn lished 'herein.i Entered at the postoffice at Ana Arbor Michigan, is second class matter. Special rate of postag' granted by Third Assistant Poste Mpter General. Subsciption by arner, $4.00; by mnail Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Mayt Gard Street. t Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFFa Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITORt KENNETH G. PATRICK Fdtr............ ....Nelson J. Smit tyEditor............. . Stewart Hooker News Editor...........Rchard C. Kurvink Sports Editor..... ........W. Morris uinn women's Edito.............Sylvia S. Stonet Telegraph Editor.... .... . . .George Staute t Mu~:c and Dram..... .... R. L. Askrer Assistant City Editor.......... Robert Silba Night Editor Y !aseph E. Howe Charles S. Monroe Donald J. Kline. Pirce Rosenberg 1 Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simon George C. filley Reporters Paul L. Adams Donald E. Laymana Morris Alexaad? Charles A. Lewis C. A. Askren Marian McDonald BertramAskwth 11 enry Merryt Louise Behymer Elizabeth Quaife Arthur Bernsteu Victor Rabinowit Seton C. Boe Joseph A. Russell Isabel Charles Anne Schell L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon Kelen Domine Robert' L. Sos .. tada araret Eckela Ruth Steadman Douglas tEdwards A. Stewart1 Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swansen Robert J. eldman ane Thayer Marjorie Folmer Eith Thomas Wiliam Gentry Beth Valentine Ruth Geddes Gurney Willams David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds Richard Jang George E. Wohgemuth Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.1 Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214' BUSINESS MANAGER1 EDWARD L. HULSE Aasfstant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers Advertsing.............. Alex R. Scherer Advertising............... James Jordan W.Hammer Service... ..............Herbert E. Varnum Circulation...............George S. Bradley Accounts..... .........Lawrence E. Walkicy Publications................. Ray M. Hofelic' Assistns Mary Chase Marion Kerr Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovisky ernor-Dais Bernard Larson Bessie Egeland Hollister Mabley Sally Faster 1 A, Newman Anna Goldberg Jack Rose "Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemmn George Hamilton George Spater Jack Horwich Sherwood Upton x Humphrey Marie Wellstead SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1929 Night Editor-Charles R. Kaufman SUMMER AUTOS Yesterday's proclamation from the office of the automobile dean with regard to the ban in summer school is encouraging, though not completely satisfying. It recog- nizes two of our fundamental ob- jections to the ban as it existat the present time: to wit, that ,it works an injustice to students in professional schools, and that it deprives juniors and seniors in good standing of a legitimate and deserved recreation. During the coming summer ses- sion, to be exact, the auto ban will not apply to "those who engage in professional pursuits during the regular academic year"- a class of persons comparable, surely, to those who attend the University's professional schools during the regular academic year. And "limit- ed recreational privileges" will be extended to students possessing satisfactory records of scholar- ship. But along with these sensible modifications. comes a reminder that "during the regular academic year no student in attendance at the University is allowed to oper- ate any motor vehicle." To have this accusation of immaturity thrust thus upon them is excusably irritating to men and women who, have proved their seriousness of purpose and who cannot, by any misuse of the words, be termedj 'sophomoric' or 'juvenile.' It is these persons, moreover, who have not attempted to violate the ban, though it has been bluntly insult-~ ing to their sense of responsibility. With these responsible students in mind, undoubtedly, President, Little promised when the ban was, inaugurated that it would be grad- ually relaxed as it became possi- ble to control that element of the student body in whose hands auto- mobiles might be aangerous. It seems to The Daily that what fear of God can be thrown into a stu- dent body of heterogeneous psy- chologies, has already been thrown. A few will always rebel ,against authority, but the vast majority have complied graciously, if not willingly, proving that the ban has demonstrated its enforceability. We ask that steps be taken to extend the 'summer leniency on professional students to the regular academic year, and that the "lim- ited recreational privileges" be ex- C, A , MT JI'tY SU~IMA L yMA 28 I mlm DIM VISION Everyone knows that planes fly thousands of miles daily in safety;. everyone realizes that the propor-_ tion of fatalities is no greater than those caused by train, auto- mobile, and sea tragedies; but be-I cause air navigation is the newest mode of transportation, news deal- ing with air mishaps is still met with wise noddings of the head and expression of "I told you so." Three bits of current news should tend to impress the air synic with the factors of safety that science1 and common sense have given the art of flying; at least they brighten the vivid painting of smashes,1 crashes and crack-ups which form the daily diet of those who cannot see beyond the immediate picture. A fifteen-year old boy of Pendle- ton, Indiana, "borrowed" his fa-, ther's plane and flew, with a twen- ty-year old cousin, to South Bend. Although forced down by a storm, neither the plane nor its occupants suffered harm.... In California a tri-motored plane loaded with seven passengers and the east- bound mail, hopped off recently on schedule, caught fire at an altitude- of two thousand feet-and landed safely.... And down in Texas, Rob- bins and Kelly continue to shatter world's records in a single motored plane that hasn't stopped roaring for nearly a week. Doesn't this prove that flying isn't the suicidal affair that the tongue-clucking doubters would have it? There will always be airplane crashes, just as there will always be automobile smashups, train wrecks, and sinking ships, but none of them occur so frequently that man will forsake these vital means of transportation. A train wreck in the east doesn't frighten people inthe west; an auto collision in De- troit doesn't cause a panic in Chi- cago. It isn't reasonable. The people who raised their hands in horror at the excited gen- tleman with the red flag who pre- ceded by ten paces the roaring 1903 horseless carriage have raised chil- dren who now shake their heads at the roaring ship of the skies. Both generations are pathetically shortsighted. Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to he brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words it possible. Anonymous om- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re quest. Letters published shouldenot be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of the Daily. MILD DISGUST To the Editor: Reading the contribution to this column of Saturday entitled "Mich- igan Women," the first impression is that some young thing has been disillusioned, or that somebody has fallen intellectually in love for the first time. A second reading, how- ever, fixes the hand of a woman to the article-a woman perhaps none too pleased with her college sisters, but thoroughly down on men. Dismissing the issue of the frivol- ity of Michigan women with an amused smile, it might be admit, ted that said women are most cer- tainly after an education; but it's the breadth and depth of education that really counts. And another question might be raised as to just what comprises the work to which they apply themselves so diligent- ly. Some coures are easy and some are hard; the girl's average may be higher than that for the whole school, but the latter includes the most difficult courses offered. Michigan women, speaking gen- erally, are here to gain a knowl- edge of improved methods of secur- ing happiness, but it might not be out of order to remind them that there have been hundreds of dis- appointed husband-seekers grad- uated from Michigan . thout a 'chance of getting married for some time. Certain girls date continu- ally while others date when they get a chance. Companions of equal mentality and morality perhaps have an ad- vantage, but it seems surprising that more of such companionships are not formed for the benefit o: intellectual conversations. As fo the associations, both men and wo- men would probably be better off without so many, except for the benefits the women have derived from being taught to recognize and imitate the developments worked out by men. Those who have been guilty of making the "unfair" judgments o Michigan women do not feela great dislike for them, in all prob- ability, nor are they in any sense jealous. Furthermore, they do no consider themselves basically su . nrin ti +h frmininP plAment of .. jMusic and rama i [ a f r a [ [ f a f ~ ~ a r f F r l r r r a . . . . . . . . . ..a. .. . ...[ 9 J. . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / 1 [ i . . . a f .. . t MONDAY NIGHT: A performance of "You Never Can Tell" by Bernard Shaw in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre beginning at 8:15 with cur- tain at 5:30. FIFTH FESTIVAL CONCERT obvious but which has played a tremendous part in the success of Reviewed By Dalies Frantz the soloists in this May Festival, is What obviously proved to be a the well-nigh perfect orchestral "settling piece" for the Ann Ar- accompaniments rendered under bor audience was "The Flying Mr. Stock's baton. It is another in- Dutchman" Overture by Wagner. dication of the genius of this man It seems almost necessary to fur- for whom a substitute would be nish several such pieces for this difficult to find. purpose. The apparent lack of courtesy, interest and respect is "SAMSON AND DELILAH" rather indicative of a low degree Reviewed By Lee Blaser of musical appreciation on the The sixth concert brought the part of some people. One should thirty-sixth May Festival to a not mind a great deal, however, if close last evening with the Saint- this lack were confined to the ren- Saens opera. Several unforeseen dition of the Wagner overture, but incidents and circumstances alter- when thoroughly distracting evi- ed the expected. course of the eve- dences of bad manners appear ning. In the first place the ora- throughout the Brahms Symphony torio-like nature of the opera one wonders just what people do adapted it to fairly suitable pre- think about a concert, or if they sentation in Hill Auditorium. Then even think at all, reverses in form from the previous The Brahms Symphony in C performances changed the relations minor, the greatest first symphony of artist to artist. In its entirety and one pf thd greatest of all the evening may be considered a symphonies was the chief musical success. event of the afternoon. There can Mme. Nevada VanderVeer sang a no longer be any accusation that superb Delilah, much to the sur- it is a "Tenth Symphony." There prise of the audience. The fact is no composer whose style is en- that she was deputizing for Marion tirely individual. It is true, there Telva made for a hyper-critical at- are hints of Beethoven as well as titude and not a great deal was ex- Wagner in the writing of Brahms, pected of her. When however she but the whole process, the melody, proved that she had to have no the orchestration, is entirely his excuses made for her and that own. Mr. Stock's reading was one moreover she was quite capable of of austere dignity, with no disre- performing the part of the seduc- gard of lesser figures, and with an tive Philistine in her own way, and emphasis of the element of tragic ably. Her long experience as an pathos which is its leading mood. oratorio singer, the mturity and This dignity was especially recog- voluptuous quality of her voice, the first movement by and the fact that the opera was means of a slower tempo than is presented as an oratorio gave her a often employed, notably in Mr. splendid opportunity to star for Stokowsky's interpretation. Yet the evening. She has a great deal only in the first movement did the of volume, and the artistry with means destroy the end-interest which she modulated it into the lagged ever so slightly. IL the dramatic possibilities of the part next three movements the more complimented the lyric quality of dignified but no less forceful her soprano. Brahms was truly a magnificent As Samson, Paul Althouse was character; details here were not very poorly balanced and lacking sacrificed to mere accumulative in his presentation. The dynamic effect. The Andante did not suf- and dramatic ability which the fer because of the slower tempo; part demands was wholly lacking, rather, the beauties of the move- his lower register was strained, his ment were more thoroughly relish- I presence vwas bad, allmade for an ed by the absence of any hint of inferior and complacent Sam- hurry. The almost sensual char- son. The oratorio also favored him acter of the melody in the third by not co.pelling the' 'incongruity movement was developed with ad- of pul ihg down a pait of pillars. mirable clarity, and the tremend- When-one r calis the great tenors ous development of struggle and who have gloried in, the part it strife leading into the splendid seems the more dismal.- The rich climaxing chorale at the end of the lyric baritone of Richard Bonelli symphony was entirely moving. as the vindictive high priest gave a Liberties in tempo were taken in great and pleasing contrast, his the last movement, not indicated full round tones made the part by Brahms in his score; but it is a more important than it was in- tribute to Stock's genius that the tended, indeed the duet between result was a more human docu- the high priest and Delilah took ment-a true emotional experience. the place of Samson's which is or- Now to the matter of Rubin- dinarily the crux of emotion and stein's Concerto in D Minor a la artistry. Gustafson displayed both Joseph Hofmann. It is to be re- the powerful beauty of his bass gretted that a work of better worth and the artistry with which he can could not have been chosen for modify it. He sang two parts, both the occasion. The piece, of course, in the first act; as Abimelech he amounts to little as music. It himpressed atherproudhpower ofthe serves merely as an opus for the 1Philistinesatrap, then as an aged display' of virtuosity. Ann Arbor, Hebrew, weary of captivity and of course, relishes virtuosity, and wise in the ways of treachery, he who does not? At any rate, a modulated to give the admonitions goodly share of it was displayed, a world of maturity gloomy warn- to the exclusion of practically all ing. Bonelli and VanderVeer were else that constitutes piano play- the dominant factors of the con- ing. I do not criticise Mr. Hof- c -et. manns' interpretation of the work; The inherent weaknesses of the it is the only way the Concerto choruswere only a little less evi- should be played, but Mr. Hofmann dent, balance lacked because of practically transformed the piano thenever lagging bassestand the into a set of marvelous tympani, want of tenors. The altos were so adequately did he fulfill the greatly improved and the result Concerto's object. I suppose, how- was a tendency to sombre values. ever, we shall say publicly, "mere The best bit was the obligato just tympani," and privately struggle, before the familiar Bacchanal of strive and strain to play said the orchestra. "tympani." Moore; again conducting, had It is an interesting game to much better control over his or- compare the styles of piano play- chestra than in previorx perform- ing of various artists. It would be ances. The orientalism which Saint inane to compare (at least, pub- Saens knew so well and with which licly) the relative merits of Josef the whole work is packed was quite Hofmann and Vladimir Horowitz, well interpreted. In the climax the both of whom have appeared in accompaniment to the final chorus Ann Arbor this year, but two such and its emotional tensity was all great artists present a problem in that could be desired. s types in that their styles of play-' S f ing are as remotely distant as is ~"NIGHTSTICK" r possible for methods to become. The first performance of "Night- - Hofmann, as was evidenced yester- stick,"the third offering of the f day, and at other times when he Repertory group, will be given e is playing something other than Tuesday night in the -Lydia Men- the Rubinstein Concerto, presents delssohn Theater. The play, writ- the picture of a pianist playing a ten by John Wray, the Nugents, piano-two separate and distinct and Elaine Sterne Carrington, en- musical subjects. The case of joyed a fairly successful run in f Horowitz is entirely unique in the New York last year. The play f ranks of contemporary pianists. hasn't the more-than-melodrama- D. When he plays one is not con- tic presentations of "The Green - sciously aware of thei two units Goddess." It is a crook melodrama e -pianist and piano. He is part of plain and simple. It dares use the t the piano, the keys seeming mere- old themes, the love of a patrol- - ly to be a continuation of his fin- man's daughter for a crook and + Lars- his annronah is not that nf the relentless and never-failing - ~'1tJPPWtWORE New York Listed Stock. Private wires to all Markets Conservative margin accounts solicited Telephone 22541 Brown-Cress & Coop Inc. Investment Securities 7th Floar First Nat'l Bank Bldg. F. EarnE During S The change and eryone are here tunity for educa swimming, tenn ances, inspiring Organized exo and art centers full year's wor ography and Ge ON THE SH Opens Jun Graduate Scho College of Liber School of Commi School of Educa Send for Booke which describes UNIVERSITY SU tional and educati Address WA NORTHW 133 University TT _ .o xtraCredits ummer Vacation recreation so necessary to ev- combined with superioroppor- ational advancement. Boating, is, concerts, dramatic perform- lectures. etc., are all available. ursions to industrial, financial of Chicago. Courses covering in General Chemistry,Physi- eology or Zoology. . SESSION ORE OF LAKE MICHIGAN w 24, 1929, and includea: 01 Law School al Arts Sch ol of Music nerce School of Speech tion School of Journalism ot "'Education Plus Recreation." the courses of NORTHWESTERN UMMER SESSION and its recea- onal advantages. LTER DILL SCooT, President ESTERN UNIVERSITY Hall EVANSTON, ILL ~IT3ha3 EXPERT TYPING Greatly improves the appearance of your report or thesis. All work done accurately and promptly. 1111 South University / Block from Campus - OnC - Rqet Cocertw I = -- I By UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN THEODORE HARRISON, Director HILL AUDITORIUM 1 Wednesday, MayP.29 Novelties and features included in a seventy-five minute program. Tickets on Sale at Bookstores and Union Desk. Fifty Cents ' /l. /1/. / '. /. , '1. /. /YJ ", /. r C %. r I '. ". / 'r /. /~. /'. /. '. J "lam /. . '. rel. . / / '. I 'I . , r ' ! ' ' ." ! I, - "' 2 .- s.iii m . -R I ii anoeing Until 12 p.m Today SAUNDER'S CANOE LIVERY On the Huron River at the foot of Cedar St. ==0015tllllllJ: r.. ,rrrrr. rrrrrrrrrr, . ..rr rr. " a i 1 1 2f 1i LL lNin !m !!' i1 1i 'A UEUE UUlE U -E f'5 lUlf r "FW-Wstisssws r w s s w w w w s w w w w w w s i i w a ii w i s w w s s w R c R --------------------- Sale Fined starts Mond(, Shoes av. All shoes including Church, Johnston & Murphy, our Big Ten and all two-tone sport oxfords at special prices. Featuring a large selection at $6.95 WAO ER&COMPAHY. jbor /1enC Snce a& ®ir1