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May 26, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-26

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Wolverines Hold Lead
Over Badgers in
Big Ten Race
Truskowski, Weintraub

In Tw

o Events

Davis Cup Team!
Defeats Japan
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 26. - Two
singles victories by John Van Ryn
and John Henessey, American Davis
OCup stars, over Tamio Abe and
Yoshiro Ohta today eliminated Ja-
pan from the international tennis
contest and placed the United
States in the American zone final
'Fort Worth' Remains round to met Cuba..
Japan was defeated by the youth-;
Aloft More Than f ul American court team four
150 Hours matches to one. Hennessey on the
first day of play defeated Abe in a
AVIATRS nL IN nrnJour set encounter and the Hen-}
AVIATOS S STILL IN Af iRnessey-Ryn doubles combinationt
-trounced the Japanese pair yester-
Three More Endurance day, while Ohta gained the only

Musical Presentation
Ends Thirty-sixth
Annual Event
Former Plans Changed

Eddie Tolan Ties
World Record In
Wming Century
By Morris Quinn
nois' well-balanced track team rode to its third consecutive Big Ten
outdoor title this afternoon in the 29th annual Conference out-
door meet. The Gill-coached athletes registered points in 9 of the
16 events on the program to pile up a total of 51 1-2 markers, an
even dozen more than the number garnered by Ohio State, their

Lead Wolverine .ipnsrnd.ipns
_________________________Nippuxnese win by ani unexpected
Attempts are and brilliant five set victory over to Meet Requests closest rival.
Attack Underway van Ryn. of Patrons Michigan finished well up in the li
35 pointswleoawaforh it
By JIM FLAGG Michigan's captain, who placed I35pit, while Iowa was fourth with
Daily Illini Sports Writer third in the individual scoring at BULLETIN a the p rdwiths21oot p-2.
unHfAtedIGteaIll., aNCESPLANNEDadtco n ertl a frenownepaitwt 112
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., May 25.-An the Conference track meet yester- (iy Associated Press)>nhpst nfNrd The representatives of various Big
MceharstConfer nbasetballt day by winng t hammer ow FORT WORTH, Tx., May .tinguished soloists y e s t e r da y record breaking ways, eclipsing the wo
me is irt onernc stbckatwith a heave of 154 feet 7 inches, Some apprehension was felt here' II~I,~bruht to a close the thirty-sixthdahnd20yrlo hulendte
the hands of Illini here today, when Iand placing third in the javeli u a st dash and 220 yard low hurdles, and tie
Jack Yule, Illini shortstop, drove with a toss of 177 feet 9 inches. gFtivties y Uy0, to break the conference and Am
*in El ElY tivities ~~~~of th e University Musical 10,t ra h ofrneadA
tiin the thningrtnth inning to"inches. tihtfrwhic oa rew oethe ort rorou
rpin the nningrunith aong Worth's wnduich todga t brer theLsociety for a peiod of fifty years. for this event. In addition to these three,t
trile inth thrtnthiningtoworld's endurance flight record,) Sustittionanrearangmen
climax a brilliant uphill battle. De- when the plane was not seen over!of thesproramyeseraen for the shot put and the pole vault we
spite s loss the Wolves emai n the municipal airport for 55 min- League came after numerous requests from the fa
just one half game ahead of the utes during a light rain and elec- Unon Close Season music enthusiasts who were attend- Tfldle
pennant aspiring Badger nine. ; trical storm. It was thought they on Wednesdaytu.e, "ying Dutchman," and Sym- mile wi
Michigan took a 2-1 lead in the lmight have tried to dodge the, phony No.1 inC Minor by Brahmsi this is
seventh inning when Asbeck's single , IL IWIL storm. Special permission has been were substituted for two Russian thEddi
brought i both runs, but the Illini - granted for two holiday eve dances, numbers which were formery edo
tied the count with a tally in the' _Should they be forced down away' rbdehey Ketz o
ninth to start the extra innings Instructor Tells fom the field they would lose the the Union and the other at the Stock Conducts OrCsrlM[r[H I A shed
grind. record they established earlier inI Women's League on the same night. Joseph Hofmann, a virtuoso in point
Michigan scored both of their: Need of Curbigthe day because the rules specify The dance at the Union will not the piano world, was the soloist on- winnin
and bethe latgocauthe choVisitingtrnTonini the
traub's gro eeventhk whendWen Tuberculosis that no record is made unless the only be the las eoe of th scl g te arony program Tlhe ChiVisiting Cast To Stagewolds
rabsgonetook a bad hops___ year to be held there, but it will cago Symphony orchestra, withSucsord.
and went for a single through short, plane lands on the same field and roadway Succs , while
McCoy fouled out to the catcher Stressing the need for prevention its landing is timed by the same also be theconcluding appearance rederick Stock conducting, as- "Nighttik" the h
and Truskowski doubled, sending of tuberculosis among children,'timepiece used at the takeoff. If ofthe Uion ch ta C bt, for Lst in the rthird
Weintraub to third. Asbeck then Prof. A. F. Armand-Delille of the the two pilots, R. L. Robbins andl aeurMichigan Citydg, for Lat night the three act points.
came. to the plate and "sinled to Prf .FIradDlleo h James Kelly, are still aloft they a- return engagement during thei by Saint-Saens was given with Ne- Wihprmewrisittcnrasav.
le. so th ae nned tUniversity of Paris addressed the pased Keir 1re hin they summe:, it was announced by Wil- vada Van Der Veer, contralto, Paul With crime war as its central gave h
left scoring both base runners. passed their 153rdour in eai, prse tenor Richard B lli theme, "Nightstick," a recent the sc
In the ninth the Michigan mounds- Michigan Pediatric and Infectious at 9:33:29 tonight. i a E. Nissen,yt -Atoneandr, icard sBon' Broadwaymelodramatic success, Iowa.
man walked Kusinski and Bower, Disease society on "The Diagnosis'4 Swearing in the newly elected of- baritone, and William Gustafson, wilbrodaeeodaai uces Moa.t
ni pitchKuns ndBer, sacicedhmtoad reaenet of "Tuberculgosis in icers of the Union constituted the bass, as the soloists. They were as-' will be presented under 'the direc- Marl
Illini pitcher, sacrificed him to and Treatment of Tuberculosis in 7rincipal business of a joint meet- sste d bLh hcgoSmhn ion of Reynolds Evans by the Rep- of Ohi
second. After Dorn had lifted to Infancy" yesterday morning at the BULLETIN binipa bseo ad jnte tsi st y the Chicago Symphony ertory players at the Lydia Men- pair o
ng of the old and new Union orchestra and the University ChoraldesontareexwekPuu
center, Lymperopoulos sent Kusin- (B Associatd Press)rd delssohn theatre next week. Purdu
ski home with a scorching single to' University hospital. F'ORT WORTH, Tex., May 26.---!boai'ds of directors yesterday. TheI Union. Ea I V. Moore, of the Uni- rti
left field. None were out when the i Dr. Armand-Delille, who is on a The monoplane Fort Worth set a president, six vice-persidents, and versity School of Music, held the The play is a product of the cl-n
winning marker was scored in the; speaking tour of America for the' new recordi for sustained flight th the recording secretary formaly baton. ilbrtoofJhWayteNu-:rair
tIrtenth. '7:13:1mth 'ock onist. took over their new positions, and Event Closes Music Season gents, and Elaine Sterne Carring- progra
thirteenth.13 on purpose of popularizing preventionit3:15 o ocur thgsingle-motored and a resume of the work and Another musical season is prac- ton. It is concerned with the cur- TW
of the disease, pointed out that tu- Ryan had surpassed by one hour progress of the Union during the tically brought to a close with the rent relentless warfare between the
berculosisis exceedingly contagious e ousecord of 150 hours ast yeai as presented completion of this annual musical police and the criminal, dealing the 44
ULCYTIRTEENTH L , to child. If children are left in ! iue n 5scnsetb Any seniors who wish to carve! event. All of the concerts were with the problem from the stand-' vne
with tubercular parents, 60 iesantA their initials in the tables in the built not only from the standpoint o o of the participant rather than fNo
- contact wt ueclrprns 0lse last January 7 by the Army Lon f h atiiatrahrta athlete
Michigan AB R H PO A E' per cent of them rapidly manifest monoplane Question Mark on the Tap room will be granted permis- of the performance itself but as a the observer. Hen
Nebelung, cf....... 6 0 0 3 0 0 the symptoms of tuberculosis and pacific coast. sion to do so so, it was also an- part of the Festival as a whole, as The plot centers around the 'ected
Centenni, ss....... 5 0 1 2 0 1 10 per cent of them die from acute' Pilot Reginald L. Robbins and his nounced by Nissen at this time. It well as being linked in character I matrimonial affairs of a patrol- sition
Straub, rf.,........ 6 0 1 1 0 0 Iforms of the disease, he said, assistant James Kelly, tired but un- is believed that many seniors have with the ten concerts given earlier man's daughter, who is engaged to while
Kubicek, 2b ...... 5 0 1 2 2 0r The French scientit spoke of daunted, refueled for the 16th time frained from doing this because i'in the season on the Choral Union a young detective, but who, desir- was b
Corriden, If. ...... 6 0 0 5 1I jfudto frtepe rn' h upypan0hrl fe the tables have just been varnished, se ies. ing to' get out of her unchanged Iac
itran . 1 37 Grancher's foundation fort the - cord was equaled a soare but a special table will be providedi sThis series marked the twenty- environmet o o hrthe opposite
Mcinroy, b.......s 00500vnino lsdtear 6Ioi hssre ake h wny niomn, ost h poieteh
McCoy, lb. ........ 5 0 0 5 0 0 vention of tuberculosis in children, on as night rdw sedaover the ar-for any graduating men to use. fifth annual visit of the Chicagoi extreme and marries an ex-convict. bid fo
Truskowski, c..5 1 3 11 3 0 which was established in 1903. The plane in an attempt to remain aloft -ymphony orchestra which was un- The complications arising from this by inc
Asbeck, p. ........ 5 0 1 0 2 0 methods used here consist in re- another 50 hours at least. The Iowa Stages Rally der the leadership of Frederick situation make up a surprising Mi'
Totals ......49 2 10 36* 9 21 moving the infant or child from partly rebuilt Wright whirlwind To Defeat Chicago S kThe quarter century mark story. sprint
Tohtatubercu.ar.paren2s1or3tubercu-motor showed no signs of failing. ___ a lopse ntesrieso'Ja.teptomnsduheihis rec
the tubercular parents or tubercu- Charles A. Sink, president of the will be played by Suzanne Free- yser
Illinois AB R HPOA E lar environment and placing him -IOWA CITY, May 2.-Cricago University Musical society. Sink be- man, Reynolds Evans will play op- captur
Dorn, lf..........5 0 0 2 0 0 in families of healthy people in: yetiAssociated Pr") took a 5 to 3 trimming from the came president of the organization posite her in the role of Glennon, except
Lympy, 3b........4 1 1 3 1 2 rural districts. Three civilian attempts for new University of Iowa baseball team n 1927 when he succeeded the late' her detective-fiance. Arthur Kohl the ti
Walker, rf.......4 0 2 2 0 0 Dr. Armand-Delille reported that endurance flight records were un- here today. The Hawkeyes, trail- Francis W. Kelsey. . will take the part of Williams, the of Oh
Major, rf........1 0 0 2 0 0the mortality from tuberculosis in der way late Saturday night withing 3 to 1 at the end of six in- ,-,-ex-convict. theW
thImnpln r Wrhistrnci g I Big
Williams, lb......2 0 1 8 0 1 the non-vaccinated infants born the monoplane Fort Worth on its rings, counted two runs in the sev- Maroons WnBig Ten "Nightstick" will open Tuesday to the
B-own, 2b. ........ 4 0 2 4 5 1 and raised up to one year in con-1historic cruise in Texas now appar- enth to tie the score and made the Tennis Champions eevning and will be shown again! his B
Witte, cf. ........:.2 0 0 2 0 0 tact with tuberculous individuals in ently the holder of the alime winning counter in the eighth in -ipednesday afternoon and evening, the ta
Engvall, lb........ 1 1 0 7 0 0 France is as great as 24 per cent. mark for sustained flight. ning out of a triple by Stebbens (Specai To The Daily) and Saturday afternoon and ee- a sco
Ginie, cf. ......... 1 0 0 1 0 0 In Pris it reaches 32 per cent. The R. L. Robbins and James Kelly,' and a base on balls and a single. C U S a y ing. coegi
Shaw, ss.......... 2 0 0 1 2 1 mortality among vaccinated chil- flyingpthe single-motored rebuilt COLUMBUSMayn26- e The settings for "Nightstick" world',
'Yule. ss.......... 2 0 1 1 3 0; dren born and raised under the' monoplane Fort Worth, had shat- o -'iulpoesfonGoreLthvbenxctdbyJmsDw yCh
Kusinski, c........ 2 0 0 4 0 0' sae conditions is less than 1 per tered the Question Mark's record of BIG TEN STANDINGS 'i ranking number three -in AmericanI have been executed by James Dow by Ch
Snyder, c. ce.......200 040 0cent. d 150 hours, 40 minutes and 15 see- court circles, proved a bit too much ndwR.bern.Hendersenl The
3 0 0 0n4. d 'MCGA ....5 1for one of the greatest doubles Simps
Bower, p. ......... 10 0 0 0 The vaccine used in these cases .e fiers dropped word that they.3 combinations in college tenis, Bar- Glee Club Will Give iaurels
erp........0 0 0 0 0 0 Thevais called B. C. G. More than intended to stay up 200 hours or in....... 'ton and Hammer of Michigan, in Ffor fir
Rosenthaer ....... 0 0 0 0 0 10 c ld ha n ie. Iowa ............ 5 3 625 the fifth set of the finals of the First Home Concert :20.6,'
Kuhlmeyer** ..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1100,000 children have been vac- more.1i Illinois ...... .... 6 5 .545 I ___
1 0 0 0 0 0 nated in France with B. C. G. with- Hoping to surpass the same re- 4 5 4 Western Conference doubles compe- -nce m
Carr**** ......1 1 0 0 0 0 out any reported accident to date. fueling record, Owen L. Haughland Northwestern 4 6 400 tition. Concluding the season with its a two
W *****Thehah mmisn fthe and Gene Shank of Mnnesotatook!PuNordhwester . 4 6 4 iPaired with his captain, Bill Cal- first home concert, the Varsity Glee mark
MinnL00 0 0 eg e ai s santion sof t and Gene85 Sa nk of ne a t oos P u e u ......... 2 3 .400 lahan, Lott pulled out a victory club will present a request pro- pare
TotalL 36 3 7 39 16 5e encourages its use. tirda at Wicit a. i es - Mnnesota....... 3 .430I after the desperately battling Wo- gram at 7:30 Wednesday eveningI vanta
Toas....6373 5ecuae t s.terday at Wichita, Kan., in a single- ! Ohio State .. ... 3 5 .375 jgiMc
motored shipthe Miss Ranger. Ci ..33 verines, down two sets, had in Hill auditorium.
motoredwhn wnnnshi Ip,th Chcg'.... 331hert
*None out when winning run They planned to fly to Minneapolis, Chcag__ 3_ 6_ 333 snatched the third and fourth sets The performance will include sev- hBrt
scored. 0-ERE R Minn., and Ranger, Tex., after com- only to drop the final, 6-4, 7-5, 5-7, eral group numbers by the entire respec
*Ran for Walker in seventh. NEW MEET RECORDS pleting 24 hours in the air over 3-6, 8-6. club and a series of solos and spe- whic
**1Batted fo Witte in eighth. Wichita and then return to Wichita iujV ather a I Two hours after his success in the cialty numbers such as the Mid-
***Batted for Shaw in eighth. WORLD RECORDS Jfor the remainder of the flight. ?_doubles Lott accounted for the sin-;night Son's quartette, George John- State
****Batted for Kusinski in ninth. 220 low hurdles-:22.8, Rocka- Herbert J. Fahy took off at Los: gles title, winning with ease over son in a monologue, and Sidney be150
****Batted for Bower in ninth. way, Ohio State. Old mark, :23. Angeles at 5:15 a. m. Pacific coast his teammate, Scott Rexinger. Straight with his musical cigar-box. while
Summary-Two base hits, Straub; I 100 dash-Tolan, Michigan, tied time yesterday in an effort to set', The program will be an hour and while
Truskowski. Three base hits, Yule. record of :09.5. a new unofficial endurance solo o a quarter in length. The
Stolen bases, McCoy, Lymperopou- 220 dash-Simpson, Ohio State, I I flight record. His monoplane car- , BIG TEN MEET SCORE I The Glee club has been traveling went1
los, Walker, Brown. Sacrifice hits, tied record of :20.6. ied 450 gallons of gasoline. For ' Illinois ..................... 511 1 around the state during the current way oi
McCoy, Asbeck, Major, Brown (2). I good luck he carried the rabbit's Ohio State .................39%/ semester and has met with success honor

st, taking third honors with
31 1-2 and Indiana fifth
Ten teams continued their
rld marks in the 220 yard
ing the world record in the
erican intercollegiate marks
the existing Big Ten records
nt by the boards. Despite
ct that the sprinters and the
'rs were favored by a four
ind, the records will stand as
within the limit allowed by
tional A. A. U.
e Tolan and Capt. Wilfred
f the Wolverine team estab-
themselves among the high
winners of the meet, Tolan
.g the 100 and placing second
220 in addition to tieing the
record in the former event,
the Wolverine Captain won
ammer throw and placed
in the javelin to total eight
Tolan's total of nine points
im a tie for second place in
oring column with Gordon of
An of Purdue and Rockaway
o State topped the list with a
f firsts apiece. Martin of
e was the first 1928 winner to
his crown, taking the mile
nm the initial event of1 the
m in the time of 4:20.4.
alter Takes Quarter Mile
second event of the meet,
0 yard dash, went to another
of a year ago, Rut Walter
Ahwestern, when the Purple
e led a fast field to the tape.
ke of Wisconsin was unex-
ly nosed out of fourth po-
by Strother of Ohio State,
Dale Seymour of Michigan
)xed at the start of the race
fter trailing the field until
ome stretch 'made a gallant
r fifth place, losing to Henke
igan's stellar sophomore
er, Eddie Tolan, continued
ord breaking performance of
day's qualifying round, to
de the 100 yard dash in the
ional time of :09.5. to lift
tle held by George Simpson
io State. After a slow start
olverine speedster forged in-
lead near the finish, leading
uckeye rival by two feet at
pe. This clips a full tenth of
nd off the American Inter-
ate record and ties the
s amateur mark established
arlie Paddock in 1926.
220 yard dash saw George
on regain some of his lost
when he nosed out Toln
st place by a yard margin, in
which bettered the Confer-
'ecord for the event. It was
man race from the half way
with Tolan finishing fast to
he Buckeye speedster's ad-
ge to a minimum at the tape.
'igan added seven points to
otal when Sanderson and
captured sedond and third
tively in the discus throw
was won by Rasmus of Ohio
1928 winner, with a throw
feet 9 inches. Sanderson's
hrow was- 144 feet 9 inches
Brooks' was 142 feet 5 inches.
ockaway Breaks Record
fourth record of the meet
by the boards when Rocka-
ed with Martin for high point
s by winning the 220 yard

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