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May 25, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-25

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SATUflDAY, MAY 25, 1929

225 Angell 11a9,1; Schenk, 209 Angell Hall; Stevens, 1035 Angell Hall; I Colonel Miller Attends Conference;
Turner, 1025 Angell Hall; Water, 229 Anrell Hall; Wells, 2203 Anrgell
(D IL OFCIL ULEN ~ *E.A Wlar Discusses Measures For Future War
Publication in the Bulletin is contructive notice to all members Luthicran Students: Colonel II. W. Miller, professor of the last ten years there has been
'I of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- The annual banquet of the Lutheran Student Club for Seniors and mechanism and engineering draw- a great revolution in the design of
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Graduates will be held Sunday evening, May 26, at 5:30 in the Zion ing, has returned from Washing- guns. For instance, the three inch
.-D1oLutheran Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington St. D'. C. P. Harry of Phila- ton, D. C., where he has been at- gun which was so expensive during Entomo
Vol. XXXIX SATURDAY, MAY 25, 139 No. 175 dephia, and Prof. W. B. Hinsdale will be the speakers. The banquet tending a conference between the the war and which formerly took Stu
--__ _will be free. This will be the last meeting of the Club this semester. chiefs of sections of th artillery so long to manufacture is at pres-
Today's May Festival Program: Philip D. Martens, President. division of the ordnance depart- ent being made in a much shorter
The fifth May Festival concertl will be given this afternoon at 2:30 ment, regular officers of the ord- time and at a greatly reduced cost.i
o'clock. Josef Hofmann, pianist, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Frederick Pre-Dental Students: nance department. and members ofI The gun has beenchanged so that WILL
Stock, conductor. Program follows: Students who desire to be considered for admission to the School the office of the assistant secretary vital parts which might be broken
Wagner: Overture, "Flying Dutchman" of Dentistry in the autumn of 1929 should call at the Dean's office of war, who met to study and per- or worn in action can be replaced Profe
Brahms: Symphony No. 1, C minor in the School of Dentistry within the next week for an application feet plans by which industrial su- in the field.k Ientomo
Rubinstein: Concerto for piano and orchestra blank. plies can be mobilized for the hie speaking of the materials echool
Moderato Marcus L. Ward. United States army in time of war.that would be a necessity to the ion w
Moderato assai While in Washington. Colonel Mil- government in time of war he said, mounta
Allegro assa ler, who is chief of the research and "It was discovered by the commit- where
+ The sixth May Festival concert will be given this evening at 8:15 Students of Engineering and Architecture: development branch of the artillery tee that there a e many things birch b
o'clock. Soloists: Nevada VanderVeer, contralto, Paul Althouse, tenor, All students in these Colleges who are taking courses in other division. took an active part in the needed in time of war that the be con
Richard Bonelli, baritone, Williams Gustafsn, bass, the University Schools o Colleges on the campus, please report at once to the office plans that are being forwarded by United States does not have avail- connec
Choral Union, The Chicago Symphony Orchestra,, Earl V. Moore, Con- of the secretary, 263 West Engineering Building. the government in prenaration for able, and thus it is necessary for tomlo
ducto Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. any war that might threaten the the assistant secretary of war to partme
Saint: Sacns: "Samson and Delilah," an Opera in three acts. 'United States. pay a great deal of attention to the
The public is respectfully requested to be seated on time as the doors Intrafraternity Counci: This conference was held to dis- storing up of a war reserve of such Thes
will be closed during numbers. There will be a meeting of the Interfraternity Council Tuesday, May cuss the present state of plans made materials or finding satisfactory haforests
Charles A. Sink. 28, at 4:15, in room 302, Michigan Union. All members are urged to be by the office of the assistant secre- sub titutesDnfore
- p~esent. tary of war, under the National De- Nation Is Dependent Whil
Choral Union Ushers: Edward 11. Wachs. fense Act, for mobilization of in- According to Colonel Miller few Graha
As many members as possible arc requested to attend the afternoon --- ---I.dustries to support a major war. people realize to what an extent the meus
and evening cencerts today. The list of names published last Tuesday Six Armies Authorized nation is dependent upon foreign birch b
was of extra men chosen to assist the egular Choral Union ushers Classical Students: Six field armies of one half mil- countries for vital materials that by Ral
Dark suits should be worn for both concerts. The visit to Detroit to observe the Classical Clubs of Northwestern lion men each were authorized by are a necessity for the national de- and W
DW. A. Davenport. igh School has been arranged for Wednesday, May 29. All students i this amendment, and the question fense. He further pointed out that. school
who have signed up with Professor Dunlap and any others who are Inow before the war deartment is Great Britain has carefully seen to to Ann
interested and wish to go will meet in front of the Union at 1:30 P. M. to determine a plan by which the it that she has all such materials
Autfol lin rmobile Regulation for 129 Summer Session: to take the bus. oops can be mobilized and given available, and many of her colonies Men
The follorting terpretation of the Automobile Regulation is an- MarjorieR.ttler- the necessary suonlies. should nec- are considered valuable to the
- !e o h eei o hs h niiae tedn h pra essity reuire. For the mobilization mother country for this reason I
ing summer session. Applications may be filed at any time after June 10, essit- reouirth For he iidd mote.
but permits will not be g anted until .Tnnec 18. Prospective students are I tam Collectors: of troops the country was divided alone.
urge to give the gatter their early attention. The last meeting of the year will be held Saturday at 3:00 p. in., in into nine corps areas with the prin- Colonel Miller is one of the fore-
It will be noted that the social use of cars is not approved unless the I room 403 of the Romance Languages Building. All members please at- cipal city of each as headquarters. most authorities in the country on CHIC
student is exempted from observance of the ruling in accordance with tend. An auction will be held as usual. Visitors and collectors are Regular army officers assigned various types of guns. During the Ten b
the three classifications listed below, cordially invited. I there will be in charge of the mob- war he was active in the United the n
During the regular academic year no student in attendance at the S. B. Congcr, Secretary. ilization and training of the troons. States army, and following the con- Northw
University is allowed to operate any motor vehicle. In exceptional and For sunlying euioment for the fiict he was awarded a certificate of ton, b
extraordinary cases in the discretion of the Dean of Students this rule Senior Engincers: army, the country was diveded into' merit by Gene al Pershing. versity
may be relaxed. Senior engineers who are about to graduate are permitted to take fourteen manufacturing districts.
During the Summer Session the Automobile Regulation does not'the first two days of the State Board examinations which will be held Since it will be necessary for the
apply to the following: on June 12 and 13 in the West Enginec: Ing Building, chiefs of sections who mt on this,
1. Those who in the academic year ae engaged in professional pur- Application blanks and other information may be obtained from the occasion to take charge of the pro- TDA1-
suits, as for example, teachers, lawyers, physicians, dentists. office of the Board of Engineer Examiners, 1043 Book Building, Detroit. duction of all classes of small arms
2. Those attending the Public Health Institutes. C. T. Olnsted. and artillery during a war they are
3. Those special cases in which, within his discretion, the Dean of required to keen constantly in
Students waives the restriction S iis- touch with plans for supplying ma-I
The list of "professional pursuits" mentioned under paragraph 1 is I he Class Day program will be held Saturday morning at 10:00 a. iI tial the designs of equipent to
not intended to be inclusive. The exemption from the rule applies also The Cls FDay promw sly reld ath g gat1n pge used, and all problems ofmanu-
to ministers, nu ses, health officers, social service workers, practicing I and not on Friday as erroneously printed in the graduation programs.{facturing.
engineers, practicing pharmacists, and others. In case of doubt pleaseINotify th-Gfamils.sGuns Now Cheaper eYOU NEVE
call at Room 2, University Hall, for information. pa .I. n hspeakinigow hdeveloppe
Students of the Sumer Session not included under either paragraphSEmp ment of the three inch gun that played Th asci
1 or 2, who' desire to have thei' cases given special consideration as Su erStudent ' Employment Bureau, Room , University all, in re suchn a important part inthe re frivolous life
provided for in paragraph 3, should apply at Room 2, University Hall, gad to several positions as cashiers on the boats of the White Star t laugh and like it.
immediately, and should not drive a motor vehicle before receiving spe- navigation Company in Detroit. Work commences June 5th.Whte tar -lu
cial permission. The same will apply to those students who wish to Mary L Stewart, Manager Employment Bn-ncau.ce J--5h
make application for restricted driving pe mits, such as are granted Magw York Listed
during the regular academic year to cover definite needs for the use of N
cars. In addition, limited recreational privileges, for such purposes as House Presidents:IStocks
golf, tennis, and swimming, will be extended to those students who pos- There will be an important meeting of all House Presidents at ten
sess satisfacto y scholastic records at this or other institutions. o'clock in the Board of Representatives room in the League Building Private wires to all
W. B. Rea, Assistant to the Dean of Students. Saturday morning. I IT
Elizabeth De Val, Chairman. Markes
________THlE KING OF
Students, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture: Conservative margin accountsI
Classes will meet as usual in these Colleges on Friday, May 31, 1929.' Prescott Club: solicited .
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. There will be a meeting of all members of the Prescott Club on Telephone 22541 Lydia M ENDEL
Tuesday afternoon, May 23, at 5 p. in., for the election of officers for
Final Examination in Rhetoric II: next year. All members and students of the College of Pharmacy are BC r CT
The final examination in Rhetoric II will be given Saturday P. M., urged to be present.rown-ressPRICS-MAIN
June 1, in the following rooms: Fred 11. Weinman, President. Inc, I On sale at Box Office from
Abbot, Morris Hall (Broadcasting Studio); Bader, 35 Angell Hall; I investment Securies Phone
Bebout, 35 Angell Hall; Binkley, 2013 Angell Hall; ButchaAt, 205 Mason
Hall; DeGraff, 18 Angell Hall; Diekhofi, 103 Romance Languages; Don- Scabbard and Blade:
nelly, 1025 Angell Hall; Hoag, 2003 Angell Hall; Hornberger, 231 Angell The membership cards for the newly initiated members have arrived 7th Floor First Nat'!
Hall; Jack, 3213 Angell Hall; Morris, 3209 Angell Hall; Ott, 103 Romance and may be had by calling at the R. O. T. C. Office today. Bank Bldg. Coming
Languages; Proctor, 2225 Angell Hall; Rowe, 2219 Angell Hall; Nelson, . Fred C. Fenton.
P1'&itical Science 32, Final Exami- -
nation: n P i JUE
The final examination in Polti- _ -.J ULI HD

logy Department Head Will
dy Bronze Birch Borer
In New Hampshire
ssor S,. A. Graham, of the
logy department of the
of Forestry and Conserva-
ll leave June 1 for the White
ins in New Hampshire
he will sudy the bronze
orer. The investigation will
ducted by the University in
tion with the bureau of en-
gy of the United States de-
nt of agriculture.
work next year. Prof. Gra-
aid, will be centered in the
of northern Michigan.
e in New Hampshire, Prof..
m will complete arrange,
io)r the study of the bronze
orer which will be continue,
[ph Hall, a junior instructor
illiam Branch, senior in the
of forestry. He will return.
Arbor on June 6.
tal Athletes Vie
n 'Brain' Field Day
(fry Asociated Press
AGO, May 24.-While Big
rawn was doing its stuff on
ot distant athletic field o
estern University in Evans-
am held a field day at Uni-'
of Chicago today.
ating 'COMEDY of
. A chance to
SSOHN Theatre
50c, EVENINGS 75e
1) o'clock on every day.
e pider"


cal Science 32 will be held Friday,
May 31, at 2 o'clock in the follow-
ing rooms in Angell Hall:
Mr. Phillips' sections and Mr. .
Pollock's 10 o'clock section in room
Mr. Preuss' sections and Mr.
Polock's 11 o'clock section in room
Mr. Calderwood's sections in
room 1035.
Mr.,Maddox's sections In room
Mr. Cuncannon's sections in
room 2003.
Paul M. Cuncannon.

P I%
University of Michigan Plays
Edithed by Kenneth Thorpe Rowe with introduction by Prof. Louis A.
\VAHRS Un iversity Bookstore


! I k i



Canoeing Untl 12 p. me Today
On the Huron River at the foot of Cedar St.



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160 prs. Florsheims-120 prs. Men's Sport Oxfords-80 prs. Men's Black and Tan Street
Dress Oxfords-95 prs. Women's Sport Oxfords-60 prs. Women's Dress Pumps.




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