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Mult iad1 Y f SATURDAY, MAY 25, .1929 THE MICHIIGAN IDAIEY PAUL WIvE -. .. .: .F--T ____ !! . -. k kVAVA-- VW __ v ® A i: .__-..m. . - ~ BREAKAST AND PLAY STARS OF BONSTELLE THEATRE PLAY ORPLAflWI RESULTS OF NEW IMAGINATION IS WOI DISCUSSED BY EUGENIE CHAPEL- TEST DISCUSSED SINGER'S ASSET TICK(TS TO B SOLD 0Phyllis Loughton, Jean Lowell, Former Michigan students who TO MEET AT L IIJ Prof. Adams Reveals Results Of JEANETTE VREELAND DISCUSSES Charles Livingstone, Trained were prominent in camus dramat- Cass Experiment In Character ESSENTIALS OF SUCCESS by 'The Star Lady" ics and who are now working with Estimation IN VOCAL ART _ Miss Bonstelle are Miss Phyllis Advisor Will Speak To Those _'Fo: The Star Lady' is just another Loughton, '28, and "Chuck" Living- T In a recent experiment under- "Imagination is essential to a sete FORtSENORCERMONYsBbyn'T ellta recordy" 2._isouhonhd_ ansrit ____{for Miss Bonstelle, director of ston, '28. Miss Loughton had Manuscrips taken in his classes by Professor singer," said Miss Jeanette Vree- of etc .AST SENIOR GATHERING TO her own theater in Detroit. In fact, considerable training with Miss H. F. Adams of the psychology de- land, the well-known American so- Memo BE HELD ON JUNE 15 she has made more stars than any Bonstelle before entering the Uni- TO SET PLAY AUTUORITy partment, it was found that the dloane AT LEAGUE other person in the same profes- versity. In fact she was known as dificult task of estimating char- ano, who appeared as soloist onciatio Ision. Her reputation for taking un- the youngest stage manager in the acter through an interview is 'the May Festival program Thursday MOWER PRODUCES PL A usual interest in young actors and country, having been annointed tot A special meeting has been call- somewhat easier with an extro- evening in Hill auditorium. "An has actresses, and for drawing out that postion here at such an early ed of all Junior women who are vert as subject than with an intor- artist's success depends one-third Town as Gw W;At whatever latent abilities they may age. After graduating from the interested in submitting manu- vert, and, conversely, that an in- on her voice. one-third on her Ethel Funtionsuail Custo possess is national. Miss Eugenie University, she returned there and scripts for the Junior Girls' Play 'trovert is a better judge of char-bportr FunctionB Usual Customs Chapel,'32, a student here, who has is now helping Miss Bonstelle direct next fall, at 4:15 o'clock next Tues- acter. The experiment, as de- brains which include a strong imag- prom To Be Observed .worked with Miss Bonstelle a great and teach classes. 'Forward March," day, in the Board, of Representa- scribed by Professor Adams, con- ination, and one-third on her per- sudy deal, says of her. "To work with the Junior Girls play this year, was tives Room at the Michigan League. sisted of asking twenty-five people sonality, that is her appearance and en Tickets for the Senior breakfast, Miss Bonstelle is a wonderful op- under her direction. Helen Jones, '31, who is general as standard list of quetions, av- stage presence. Every time a singerCet Which will be held Saturday, June portunity; her training is invalu- Author Pla With Com chairman of the play, urges all ing them rated on the basis of appears before an audience she has Frenc 15, will be on sale Monday, Tuesday, able." oyfwomen mterested playwriting to their answers by ten people who a message to deliver and she must on e and Wednesday afternoons next Several Michigan students well Joan Lowell, who has become pop- attend did not know them, and comparing ml"Joue Week in the lobby of the League. know for their dramatic activities ular rather suddenly as the author Miss Alice LloydA adviser for these ratings with the estimates have the ability to make them un- d'Arl Ellen Grinnell, chairman of the on the campus had training with of "Cradle of the Deep," played with the play, will speak at this time. of their friends. derstand it.'' Chev ticket committee,. has announced Miss Bonstelle. Miss Chapel, who Miss Bonstelle's comDanv two win- The type of play best suited for the Professor Adams, whose re- Miss Vreeland is a student of her and c Tickets for the Senior Play will be entered the University last fall, was ters ago. She has played with Char- annual Junior nroduction will be search is directed toward the per- husband, Percy Rector Stephens, a lpped onto the Breakfast tickets, elected to Comedy Club then, and lie Chaplin in the 'Gold Rush," and discussed as well as other points of fcting of tools to measure per- prominent teacher of singing in' Th ng the same plan as for the has distinguished herself in re- had had a part in a New York pro- playwriting. sonality, drew a sharp line between New York, who has two other pu- Shov cent Mimes plays, has worked with duction, but felt the need of dra- An authority on the technicali- this sort of work, and the meas- pis, Paul Althouse and William lo r Miss Grinnell requests that each her intermitently since she was matic training, so attended Miss ties connected with stage produc- 'urement of ability to perform given Gustafson, appearing on this May r now house send one representative to, 7 years old. Until she was 12 years Bonstelle's school for a year. While tions will probably be secured also, tasks. "The average accuracy," he Festival program. She has a lesson herp bliy tickets for the entire group, so old she continued playing child in school she was known as Helen; according to Miss Jones. Manu- said, "with which we can esti- every day and she said that 4 the C that they can be together at the play parts, but at that age she entered Trask, but became Joan Lowell scripts are to be submitted early in mate the possession of traits of teacher is absolutely necessary be- ish n rnd avoid confusion at the ticket high school and devoted all her again when she started playing the fall, according to the custom of character is about twenty-five per cause a singer is not able to hear aisho desk. Those who obtain their tick- time to that. The entire winter after with the Bonstelle company as a previous years. The exact dates cent better than chance. The de- her own voice. "A pianist knows Nti its earliest, will receive the best her graduation was spent in Miss professional. Her name "Lowell" is will be announced later. gree to which such tests as the how the chords he Dlavs sound to htam seats. Bonstelle's dramatic school. The significant because she is related to Last fall there were eight manu- Army Alpha measure intelligence listeners," she said. "but with a Thi I The Senior breakfast is the last following summer she traveled with James Russel Lowell through hers scripts submitted. Frances Sack- is about seventy per cent better singer the vibrations from vocal or-'Mrs ,f the traditions for senior women, other Bonstelle players. under the mother. She continued playing in- 'cuthan chance." This Isshown, g hricl always comes after the end of I direction of Adams Rice, through genue leads with the company from ett s play was chosen as a re stated, by the average agreement of notgas are judge a the sounds The first n the examination period and before the eastern part of Michigan. The the opening of the season until her ofthepdecisionMiss Lloyd Louise results. The measurement of abi- thing a singer says when she hearstThe Commencement. Both seniors and trip was an experiment. but is to marriage at the first of the next co d of M is Louise ity has gone so far as to disclose Victr a ingr sy hen e h raduates are welcome at this be continued because it was so suc- year.. Miss Chanel who was at dra- wody,30, and Phyllis Loughton, tehas gone b s far astisle aVrcor-sh s dd no herown vc hic ast "get-togther." The breakfast, cessful. Then Miss Chapel entered matic school when Joan Lowell was swho.directed the production.tshv po i s edid t and jhich is scheduled for 9:30 o'clock{the University last fall and has dis- playing with the company, says;,_ _ - relations. This, Professor Adams- tists aturday morning. June 15, in the tinguished herself in dramatics all "Joan Lowell did some cxvellent I o holds, is ~true of mental, moral J ssembly of the League, is an ready.' work at the Bonstelle. She was ex=i Tryouts for the Senior Play I lthe , and motor abilities, and lThursday evening, Miss Vreeland prese ,susually interesting feature be- Michigan Students Attend School tremely popular; her admirers! I will be held today from 9-11 A. ethe gift of estimating character isIreceived a terrible shock. The stage is p suser of traditions which it in- Miss Josephine Rankin. '30, who crowded backstage after every per- I M. and 1-5 P. M. The morning i correlated with aesthetic judg- rmanager handed her a telegram holde d1udes, has been doing fine work in recent formance. Her coal-black hai tryouts are the Committee ent and the capacity to raise ten from the family doctor telling that mad ,Every year, lie women who have IMimes plays also and who was dark eyes, and dark skin made a I Room, second floor of the weights in order of heaviness. But her father, an elderly gentleman, announced their engagement dur- elected to Comedy Club last fall, at- stunning appearance: and there League, and the afternoon try- ' there is no discovered correlation had been operated on that morn- ing the- year, have to acknowledge ! tended Miss Bonstelle's school for a was something mysterious about I outs are in the Board Room on ; between such traits of character as ing. She said that no one realizes, T it by partaking of a slice of lemon very short time. her, too. I the first floor. al Industry and tact, which latter, hpoise that an artist needs to go have from a plate which is dAt these times a the o I Profess on with the program site of all Athl foroth plsysill befilled of essor Adams said,,is not an around. The women who have taken DEFTNESS OPENS AVIATION FIELD c the folaowin rbe elledof Iability-it's a blessing." happenings. ing r the marriage vows have to signfy cast, costumes, properties, make- As for the much renowned in- their action by blowing out a can- froiyomexhedcadit to die placed at their disDosal. TO SKILLFUL UNIVERSITY WOMEN up, art director, and stage mn- fIoriy compl, dcare i Immediately following the break- I_________iger. be an elusive quantity, and one for fost slid irs d, beforeiwhich no certain test has yet been D fast and is cco anyingbee-r Woman Flyer Considers Proposed women wh- have actually flown. trying outAiad Cpoby d sd an ethoys o: O Y O U LIK monies the Senior Play will be pre- Aeronautical AssociationtC They entertain prominent women i - measurement. sented in the Lydia Mendessohn Good Plan Ipilots and recently had as their c MIiEd a yeb ay. copiese asu.HomeCO theater of the League. The play guests, Lady Mary Heath and Miss I of which may be obtained in the _E eHC which has been selected for re- "Amelia Earhart i Rhetoric rary.ToClea tbntati nthisy APeople are readily becoming air Rehearsals wil. not, be held eUa nsual im ortations from asat and At Cl oEna year is 'Aria da:apr" e It .is now generally agreed Organization Urged Hlere during final examinations. The be direCted by Edna Mowery Tryouts hat there is a field for women in Miss Flo believes that Detroit play is to be .given June 15 after Paris, Florenc Vienna, Con for the'pla will be held thismoruaviation anid that their accom- women would be only too glad to the Senior Breakfast. Ina frte'lywlbehlth'mn- plishnients in this line are n t as wme.oudbeolyto1ld oChina. ing and afternoon. Anyone who 1s limited as most people thou .sponsor an organization here in i_-All Must Go interested in the offices for cos- . n i view of the fact that they them- tuming, stage managing, properties, opmnio wa M is selves are so' much interested in OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. A Regardless Of Cost art director, and make-up hoUldt opinion was expressed by Miss Ber- further aviation. "To be one of the proposal to abolish rough initiation ALSO SPECIAL DISCOUNT apply'to Edna Mowyr atth6 same first institutions to found such an was voted down at a recent meet- 'ON ALL ODD SIZES AND hours that hav been set for the an to make a solo flight, organization would be a creditable ing of the intrafraternity council. DROPPED PATTERNS OF tryouts. Flying Requires Skill thing," Miss Flo averred. c Do E the r o TWE As in thg' past. cans and gowns Since flying requires deftness "~ 'ti thi" se UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. The HANDMADE CHINESE RUGS. must be worn by.ball who attend, in rather than strength, Miss Flo sees continued. "It has been pedicted auiesiisrwio be coiered th yavemenbeo the rner ore oad giyt h cano reason why women cannot be-l and universities will be considered tepvmn ntecre od the come skillful enough to take an ac- that in seven years a person who at a national meeting of the Asso- ofsStateand N. University32 S.M sion. - rin tcoefskillfllenougato takeanaac-Ilast year at May Festival The price' of the tickets will be tive part in the industry. Miss Flo is a petody wil e anusalciation of University and College time? Over 100,000 people $1.00 and .will include both the made her first solo flight last fall eate nautomobi Business Officers at Illinois this after only nine- hourcketsofpinstruc- atodam obi c santBsiesOfiesatIlnisti walked over it. Q ikadC ut breakfast and play ticketst on ie rof t quick and economical mode of week. This rug is now and has . OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. Mar eonard S. lothe istekno nLi u transportation and it will be UNIVERSITY OF UTAH. Experi- been continuously on display rivate Booths Lenr .Fo elkonpltmuch cheaper than a car later esinte earmnofpy at got Younger, elected to Chimes, who has taken over the new mu- when airplanes are manufactured mets in thedepartment of psyhals'EI junior women's, honorary society, nicipal airport here. on a large scale production basis. phai rgy here proves that at least 92MChrc because of a fall several weeks ago Asked what she thought of the In reality, the material for a plane50 per cent of the students cheat 928 Church Street resulting in a broken vertebra, was proposed Aeronautical Association is already 'es expensive than for during examinations.___ the only member who has never for women at the University . of {an automobile." IK oF FOUR WOMEN. PLAYE~ IN EXHIBIT r women artists are repre- d in the international exhibit hings now on view at Alumni rial Hall. This exhibit was d to the Ann Arbor Art asso- n. abeth Fyfe, an English artist, two sketches, a "Medieval ," and "La Poste du Douane." Gabain. also from England, ,ays a woman -looking down a balcony in "Sul Balcone," a in perspective. The interest rs in the character. rie Laurencin, a modernistic h artist, has three pictures xhibition. Her three prints, use de Mandoline," "Fete equin," and "Promenade a al," are studies in definite lines olor, rather simply expressed. fourth artist whose works are n is Livia Kadar of Czecho- kia, a Hungarian, who is well n for her landscapes. 'She has ved official commendation, and rints have been purchased by' ongressional Library, the Brit- nuseum. and - the Biblioteque nale at Paris. Her pictures exhibited are named "Moun- Lake," "Dawn." and "June." se etchings werercollectedby Andrew Wright Crawford,and de the works of twenty nations. collection' was sponsored by Prlnt Club of Philadelphia, h acts as a museum, school, distributing center for the art- who are members. It was ded fourteen yars ago, and at nt, Mrs. Alice McFadden Eyre esident. Everv two weeks it an exhibition of etchings by its members. NOTICE e breakfast bat which was to been given by the Women's etic Association Sunday morn- has been called off. EiTO EAT ked Meals in re Surroundings m Try RESTAUR"ANT ,nSt. Ous Service Radio Music II 1 been initiated in bed.I OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. The; Crystal Slipper Dance Hall has been banned for all women students. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Water sports' day-the first of its kind ever held-recently took place.j Balloon races. candle races and a rescue race formed Dart of the pro- gram. Michigan, Miss Flo said she saw no reason why it should not ma-. terialize soon. The National Wo- men's Aeronautical association was founded in% Detroit, where it has its headquarters, about a year ago. It has about 10, branches scattered in other cities throughout the country, Miss Flo declared. Such' organizations are composed of wo- men interested in 'aviation and wives of pilots, but not necessarily Facilities Are Available Miss Flo added that for wonmen who are really, interested in learn- ing more about aviation, excellent facilities are available at the local airport. In time, she concluded,I women will consider it no more outJ of the ordinary to enjoy an after- noon in. the air than they now do canoeing, golf or horseback rid- ing. f 1 - - -- (i , i s i I. _ ' Just Received A Large Consignment En lish Books Including FIRST EDITIONS CHILDREN'S BOOKS , ..,/ , z. , , i , t . . i ltitl stetii'{ii/e , i a{ ih(Uttw i+ r to 4iti rt',ti t; ,,t;r u, e ltt t ., .s i+ .l ' ' 1+ tt"t,.r1. " t. ket.a .! tt tii . + -1i ,p 11 ~NOTE' Y"K-OB00 'IA ~C4&~uAA r. AccESSOtRIES.GA'nOMAEN 221 1uthMaint ., Arn. Ab NEW DRESSES Chiffon, Flat Crepe and Georgette $1650 I $1.00 Other sizes: $7.50, $15, $30 $60, $125 11 I afHAUO-PAUf aea yi f I1MEat aOST+AM i _ ,/ 'l ,G ef Uc The -new in printed ensembles pastels. uneven =hemline chiffon. Beautiful in prints and '-N The Purpose of Many a Vacation Is to liiprove One Game A vacation without tennis and golf would be unheard of to many. But even the most ardent enthusiasts will admit that smart clothes for the court or fairway are almost as necessary as New Silk Coats $15 An extraordinary value of heavy flat crepe lined with Georgette-Blue, Grey, Green, Navy, Black. Made to sell at $25. New Felt Hats $5.00 These were just unpacked Orchid en ambre NE trembling, drop of this rare, exotic ." fragrance brings to you all the allure of the far-off isles of the South Seas, the thrill of the forests and trackless jungles, the fascination of the desert -.oases, The mission of this tropic flower is to lure and beguile to his destruction the white-winged moth 'Il SPECIAL T T% A I- 0 11 11 11 U III 11