.^ FRMAY, MAY 24; 1929 tt Ag q pp A . WThTDAY. MAY 24. 192~ TH~ M1C1-tTC~A-WDATLY we -I a 4 a Cyr to +Odei _'" CSTAB iE-9 ENGLISH-UNIVERSITY *STYLES, 1ORtS= Vt'R.~UTHFUL CHARTS S*,IXLY FOR-bISTGUISHED _ iG I . Tt - oSTATES. SERVI _' /elC3tT .A- ii X11 ®i q i 4 W 4 qqA i G 9 Xj " i i ( 1 I What is the big idea? BLEND-SUITS with 'Super-~Shorts %mm MW AMW w wi w w c wrr mar ari Two ideas, in fact. The smartest style idea joins the biggest 'comfort idea since under- %vear began. ee Super - Shorts have moved center-seam discomfort out of the why and let you move with a new peace of mind and body. They never pull or bind in any pos- ture. oe'Add the latest thing in two-tone effects and a shirt to harmonize ...and you have it: Blend - Suits. You'll never know what the alumni missed until you try them. WILSON BROTHERS SuperSkorti YAT ~SAPPLEFO - ' ". R., ,a: ('LAS'S -F I 1 A"DVERTISING III I COLLEGE MEN to represent old established manufacture, selling direct to home. Can use am- bitious men of good personality who must connect with a fast selling well paying proposition in order to make scholastic ex- penses. Please write for personal interview giving age, past ex- perience and territory desired. Eaudemort Laboratories, 3560 St. ' Aubin, Detroit. 3456 TIME TO STORE YOUR WINTERI COATS 25 Years of Unexcelled Fur Service -Assures you Exper't Care of your Furs. ZWERDLING'S FUR SHOP Phone 8507 and we will call. C NOTICE-THE MACK TUTORING AGENCY, 310 S. State, (Phone 7927) will be OPEN for Summer- School. Complete tutoring by 100, Tutors. C1 NOTICE WE BUY USED CLOTHING H. BENJAMIN 215 E. Washington. Phone 43101 134 c TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial.9387. C UNMARRIEDarinestn FACULTY ri MEN who arI neetdi omn Club 1of eight members to occupy a fne home, 5 blocks southeast of campus please call 5740. 23456 PERSONAL A TENTION LIKE H OME AT ASAVING OF 10% WITH CASH CARD. DIAL 3916,' MOE LAUNDRY, 204 N. MAIN.. c TYPEWRITERS All makes of portable 'and -large machine.-, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired. Large assort- ment and best service. 0. D. Mor- rill, 17 Nickels Arcade. C PRINTING and ENGRA'VING Good work takes time. Invitations, Announcements, Calling Cards should be ordered at once to avoid the last minute rush. Social work a specialty. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade C SAND and GRAVEL. Washed and dry screened. Telephone 7112. Killins Gravel Company. C j FOR JRENT P OR RENT-Small furnished house from 118th of June to 18th of Au- gust. 1330 North University. Dial 5043. 456 PIANO TUMNNGThe concert Art- ist Piano Tuner, prone 6776. Vic- tor Allmendinger.= Not with any music house.' Exclusive piano tuner for the University School of Music. Office at residnno. 1603 Morton Ave. 234c E . .# * p IO IV SPECIAL APPOINTMENT OUR STORE IS THE OF ANN ARBOR The character of the suits and topcoats tailored by Charter House Wil earn your most sincere liking. IN1IAO 19 :9 r . . /:; ':: I FOR RENT-Seven' room house for summer months with one or two rooms reserved. 923 Greenwood. '010. 45 FOR RENT-Near Campus. Fur- nished house for summer or longer to right party. 456 4 ROOM furnished apartment. Electric refrigerator. Vacant soon. 209 'N. Ingalls St. 4, 5 7. tS Your camnpu4 hab- erdasheris now fea- turing Blend-Suits for $2.50. So are the jstores hack home. NO Center Seam ISCOMFORT NOTICE - Home Laundry -- SoftI water used 'exclusively; called for and delivered. -Superior Home Laundry. Phone 8190. 234C TYPEWRITING and MIMEO- GRAPHING College work a specialty since 1908., 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade C NOTICE-Beautiful" spring line of xminister and Wilton rugs. Koch & Vienne.0 ROOMS inchiding one summer or next fall. floor furnished. 909 E. suite for Also first Washing- C 1929, Wslson By ._...,., h.,,, H _ t~on. 5910. RENT-6 room furnished house for summer. Attractive west side lo- cation, Garage. Box 61. 2345 FOR RENT-For_ summer months. Attractive furniished1 terrace: in restricted residlentil district int Detroit. Two baths and four bed- rooms. Michigan Daily Box 60. 345 / 1 P P, I FOR SALE Y 1 P-retty Smart! thos e Suits and Topcoats .. by 0 0 I - ~ uuuiunum u~tiriuur nuunnnunuu~r~i"The Home of Hart Schaffner and M arx" a t is . HET - TO GIVE YUTEO *E -J a Our Entire Stock of ~ Hart Schaffner& Marx Wthere can you duplicate such fine materials, Sutsanvopoassuch smart styles, such wearing qualities? Only in a rT S IN TWO LOTS. PRICED AT ITO.HAHsoe $28OZIIUn3 NOW IS your chance to get a THOS. HEATH SAnd Nothing More Need Be Said Of This Suit oiir Top Coat at a REDUCTION unequlled? SWell Known Line, To Those Who Know AnErychoigAsue or Sts Will you say yout were sorry you -hissed it? LET'S _f astory Choice. GE CUANE STRAWS-"And Howe" Soft Straws in Panamas, Leghorn anid Milan Weaves, Sailors in Splits -andl FOR SALE-Cottage lots. Phone 5800. C FOR SALE-May Festival tickets. Two for Monday night; four for Saturday night; main floor mid- dle section. Phone 9562. 4, 5 FOR SALE-One bicycle in good condition, eleven dollars. Call Harold Weil, 8417. 1100 Hill St. 34 FOR SALE-A May Festive seats for Thursday and Friday nights. Sec-', tion 2H, seats 10, ,11, 12 and 13. Phone 3105 or' 622 3. D. W. Myers. 34 LOST LOST--A topcoat and trench coat in Pharmacology b u ii1 d i n g, Wednesday, May 15. Finder call Watson 3818. Reward. 34 LOST-Pair shell rim glasses near Maynard St. Finder return to Collin's ..Sboppe. 34 WANTED WANTED-Part-time student to work as porter for room and, board next year, Call Himler. 8317. 45 6 WANTED--Ten high grade young. men students as salesmen desir- ous, of making $50.00 to $75.00 a week during Summer vacati, by, an old reliable. financial or- ganization, territory Detroit and State of Michigan. State age anid three references. Michiganx Daily. Box 62. 345612 POSITION wanted by experience(d white cook in fraternity or soror- ity next fall. Call 6374. IAPARTMENT for three or four per-' sons for permanent residence. Must be clean and strictly mod-m ern, Address Box 58. 501234 WANTED- Ambitious, intelligent young man or °womnan. Positiont with established concern open for summer or permanent. Must,. be over 21. Pleasing personal'ty. For appointment for interview call Miss Arrowaood;. Allenel Ifo te 1, Ann .Arbor. 612345 READ THE DAILY CASSIFIEDS.