IMOR, ant: M 1 i 13A1EY T-,- -, 7-MFloA , - -9", i - - Michigan Baseball Team Meets Strong Hawkeye Nine Today n - --- IOWAS SEE VICTORY Southpaw Pitcher Selected To hurl Against Undefeated Wolves In Big Ten Contest MYRON HAS LEG INJURY Reports from Iowa City indicate that the Hawkeyecamp is filled with optimism and a firm belief that the Wolverines are due for a fall in their baseball game with Iowa this afternoon. In third place in the Big Ten standings as the re- sult of four victories and two de- feats, the Iowa nine is described as turning in "sparkling performances in practice" and "riding on the crest of a wave" that may stop the Wolves. Coach Vogel, Hawkeye mentor, has revamped his infield during the past week of idleness and seems to be more than satisfied with the results. With Musgrove at third, Nelson at short, Stebbins at second, and Sahs at first. Iowa has a fast peppy inner defense that has been working smoothly all week and will probably start the game this aft- ernoon.I Twogood, southpaw strikeout ace, will take the mound against the Maize and Blue if the plans of Coach Vogel mature. With this- southpaw against them, the Michi- gan batters will have a tough as- signment which will not be lessened by the Hawkeyes' memory of the questionable Michigan-Iowa game here last year. The Michigan lineup in today's game will remain the same as form- erly, with the exception of Myron, whose leg injury received in the Michigan State game will probably keep him on the bench during the' present trip. The defeat at East Lansing has not dampened the spirits of the Wolverines, and Coach Fisher is expecting them to turn in a creditable performance. The men taken on the trip are Captain Corriden, Nebelung, Wein- traub, Straib, McCoy, Kubicek, Myron, Truskowski, Reichman, Mc-' Affee, Asbeck, Eastman, and Cen- tenni. NEW YORK-The State Athletic Commission yesterday refused to revise its ruling prohibiting Maxl Schmeling from engaging i any ring encounter until he has met Paulino in the Milk Fund show at the Yankee Stadium. PhiSigma eltai CHANCESOF CONFERENCE TRACK n BaseballTitle Again! H NE CuurrIiHIut N1- pionshp, IL STARS IN COMING BIG TEN MEET RAYFRTONK Phi Sigma Delta, which last year ST R O I G BG T N M E won the fraternity baseball chamn- ionshannexed the title a second By Edward L. Warner Ito vie for honors in Conference Le I f OHU 1U a time when they defeated Sigma Phi tor's Noe: 'his .rilde deals with the competition. Six men have cleared din tim w enth y efete Sgm P i erits (of thle 'aioi0.' u i tie s in thfie l~d evenls 9' to 5 in the finals of the fraternity;athiii Teiititle oiet at Erustouutoday 13 feet and will be contesting for George Lott Will Lead Strong Field o soft ball championship yesterday p "l av " ; " ""i,""t the places. Henry Canby of Iowa, Of Competitors For honors t at Ferry Field. the indoor champion, is a likely On Ohio Courts t hehdefending champios, ent- Hammer Throw winner if he has a good day. On The strongest field to ever enter:n their feat of last year lived p to With a trio of good performers ! certain occasions he has been far I a Western Conference tennis tour-i entered, including Capt. Wilford from impressive, but he will be ywill- bein the annual uest for a all advance notices. Taking the lead Ketz, who is an overwhelming fa- hard to beat if at his best. Big Ten individual singles and dou-' ier tinning, when Goidham- vorite to repeat his victory of last Warne of Northwestern and the bles hohors this morning on the r Phi Sigma Delta, save in the second year, Michigan should score heavu Minnesota star duet, Otterness and courts of Ohio State at Columbus.M .inig n r reliuhed the ead ily in this event. Ketz is in a class Hess, are rated as consistent vault- With George Lott, third ranking t inning, never re inquithe d f by himself in throwing the ball ers any one of whom is likely to player in the United States, leading a thess, who was pitchemounti or morethan 160 feet. Williams and take first honors. Warne and Ot- the way for the Maroon of Chicago,'o ba, gampionspit f hit air McArthur are the other Wolverines terness have beaten Canb-,while all the Conference schools will be t n hted upon for points. Ujhelyi!Hess tied him in a dual meet last Irepresented in the drive for laurels. m ber, on the oher han, yie of Ohio State is a good hammer Saturday. Harper and McDermot, Despite the fact that Lott will be a't Teblows. b thrower and should figure in the Illinois' pair of vaulters, should be topheavy favorite to gain for the . The score by innings. R H E scoring, while Anderson will bear considered when looking over the Midway institution the singles g- H Northwestern's hopes with the de- entries. honor held by George O'Connell of S Sigma. Phi .... 020 000 300-5 5 8 claring of Dart ineligible,.oo edb ereOCnelo Phi Sig. Delta 112 014 00x-9 10 6gg High Junmip Illinois for the last three years, s Raeber and Haag; Weiss and Discus Throw Gordon, the Iowa Olympic star, competition will prove keen with F Goldhammer. i Michigan will be well represented seems to have the edge on the 'such accomplished performers as i in the discus with Brooks and San- other Big Ten high jumpers He Cornell of Minnesota, Okerbloom of P o o!derson competing. Brooks has has been undefeated in dual meets Ohio, Barton and Spencer of Mich- a shown great improvement in the and should win with a leap of six gan,Schoaf of Illinois, Riel of D Major Leaue NrhetradQino ni L last few weeks approaching 150 feet or better. The rest of the readysfr and Quinn of Idi- feet, and should battle with Ras- high jumpers are rather mediocre, n readyfor action. t Baseball Scores mus of Ohio State for first place. so it is difficult to choose among In the doubles the Chicago con- r o o Sanderson will find strong opposi- them. Felker of Michigan, Carr tingent will again be represented R AMERICAN LEAGUE tion from Backus of Wisconsin, ; and Hill of Illinois, Frey of Chi_ by the favorite in the team of Lott r Detroit-Chicago; no game; rain. Ukkleberg of Minnesota, Mitchell cago, Hutton of Purdue, and and Callahan. The Wolverine pair n (First Game.) and Forwald of Iowa. Carlson of Workhoven of Iowa have all been of Barton and Hammer, the Ili f Michigan, who placed fifth last inconsistent performers. A x combination of Schoaff and Topper, f r St. Louis, 4; Cleveland, 5. year, may garner some points. foot jump is likely to capture sec- the Minnesota team of Cornell and! .R H E'odplc Young will be other claimants ii St. Louis ..... ..014 200 00-7 13 2 Shot Put place.-g Cleveland......000 100 01-5 8 1! .. With two men heaving the shot Running Broad Jump Blaeholder, Coffman, and Schang; close to 48 feet, Chicago's total will Ineligibility of Portmess, star Ferrell, Holloway, I-larder and My- be boosted considerably with Weav- oNorthwestern broad jumper, has R H E er and Klein competing. Behr of boosted the Illinois stock consid New York .....000 011 023-7 12 5 Wisconsin has a mark of 47 feet 11 erably in this event. Gordon of! Boston.......000 000 321-6 8 1 inches, which places him among Iowa is a likely double winner, £ Pipgras, Moore, .Hemach,andhepntenas he has made several jumps well Fipgas, oore Heiachandthe first place contenders. The over 23 feet.." Joe Simon, h e Dickey, Grabowski; Gaston, Morris;! remaining points should develop ,ethede-G Durham, and Heving. into a battle between Forwald of fending champion,; and Replogle, (First Game.) i Poorman of Michigan, and are expected to swell the Illini to- Washington, 8; Athletics, 9. Neupert ofWisonsi tal with two lacs. Catlin of R IHf1EIMinnesota,Dienks'er of Iowa, and Washington .o.020 e30 011-8 13 b 1 1 n.previousArend t of Michigan will be atmong Athletics .....013 120 02x---9 13 ( .J;velin 'Tiw the probable point winners. Chap- Brown, Campbell, Marberry and ;an'shart of Ih been *a' leg injury set back Michi- Ruel; Walberg and Cochrane. ilinhagIndiana see gan's hopes in the event, but Huriling the spear nearly 200 feet, Arendt has warranted considera- NA"°L E Eand should repeat his 1928 vic- tion through his showing against, NATIONALLAGUR H E tory. He seems to have recoveredIIowa. Cincinnati .. . .110 000 010-3 7 1 fron theOlympi arm that kept him Pittsburgh ....000 020 22x-6 10 0 Northwestern and Chambers of NEW YORK--Tommy Loughran's1 Rixey, Kemner, May and Gooch; {Illinois should fight it out for sec- light heavyweight crown will be at j Grimes and Hargreaves- ond place, both being capable of stake in his coming 15 round battle Chicago ......000 110 100-3 11 1 about 185 feet. Captain Ketz of {with James Braddoek in the Yan- St. Louis . .....200 011 02x-6 9 0 Michigan, Sindelar of Purdue, For-- keeStadium, July 18. Blake, Bush, Nehf and Gonzales; wald of Iowa, and Hoover of Ohio Mitchell and Wilson. State, are other entries figured on NEW YORK-A New York Univer-U Boston .......000 200 002- 4 8 4 for possible points. New York . ..100 030 070-11 17 1t sity team will attempt to break the Smith, Cooney, Hearn and Spohr- T Pole Vault hi 2400 yard relay record at the Mid- er; Hubbell and O'Farrell. The field entered in the pole die Atlantic States track meet at rntramral Wi*nners ifhIlLE IIVQ U To e D cided Soon I! LVLIflL E LIflMII Intramural activities arse nearing EC close for the year with the play- ng off within the next few days f the finals in all campus golf, Dave Ward Out Of Lineup As he finals in fraternity horseshoes, Wolves Attempt To Win Seven- ; teenth Victory In Row he semi-finals in all campus ten- is doubles, and the quarter-finals'MICHIGAN PICKED TO WI n both all campus tennis singles nd fraternity tennis.__ The winner of the semi-final Although minus the services of ound match between Sigma Alpha Dave Ward, who has been playing u and Delta Sigma Phi in the fra- number one position most of the ernity horseshoe tournament is season, the Wolverine varsity golf ilmost certain to be the recipient team will meet Chicago today con- f the year around trophy awarded fident of gaining their seventeenth o the fraternity that scores the dual meet victory, and their third host points in intramural compe- straight Conference dual meet ition. championship. In the all campus golf tourna- Little is known as to the exact ment the winner of the Nurmi- strength of the Maroon combina- 3tern match will take on Wicker- tion, but their record for the pres- ham to decide the championship., ent season has not been one which Fraternity horseshoes is between j would predict a defeat for the pow- he winners of the Delta Upsilon- erful Michigan team. The Midway Phi Kappa Tau scrap and the squad has lost to several of the Big forementioned Sigma Alpha Mu- Ten teams, and are not looked upon Delta Sigma Phi encounter. as at all strong contenders for .the All campus tennis matches in Conference team championship he doubles tournament have which will be decided at Minneapo- eached the semi-final stage with lis next week, while Michigan is Robert Clarke and Rollin Clarke counted with Minnestota as the meeting Kaufman and Harris, win- most logical winner. ners of the fall tournament, in one Art Ahlstrom, a letter winner rame while Reindel and Brace from last year, Dick Livingston, a meet the winner of the Rothke and sophomore, and Frank. Royston, are Kendall-Ryan and McGraw match the men taken on the trip to fill n the other frame. the last two nlaces. . G y ...... ...mow~ ., ..., r.. .,.,... i 40 1 SONNY 1M Its woven vamps is Flexible, original-up-to-the- minute. 115 SOUTH 14AIN STflERT f. -- - a New York . . .100 0~0 070-11 17 1' vault is undoubtedly the best ever $ Haverford, Pa. _ { . OV~,Rf OUR GREATEST BAAi YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE ON SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. READ AND ACT AT ONCE! .0 All $40 to $50 Suits $29.75 All $30 to $35 Topcoats .X21.75 11 LINEN AND WOOL KNICKERS. LIGHT AND DARK TROUSERS fN- CLUDING WHITES. HATS, CAPS, STRAWS AND PANAMAS. 2Of F0% OFF All Whites and Colored Shirts priced up to $3.50...... .. ....... $1.95 75c Underwear, shorts....... ......63c 75c Underwear Shirts ...,..........63c $1.00 Fancy Silk Sox .. .............75c 75c Fancy Silk Sox. . . .............50c $2.50 and $3.00 Pajamas...... $1,95 BIG SALE ON TIES New Solid Colors and neat figures and stripes. Buy your summner supply now. $1.00, $1.50, and $2.00 95c NO : ---We offer only standard makes from otir regular stock. I a0 IL ' -m-Mil 11