P AOE rOtTR THE MICHIGAN DA ILY FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1929 1'AQE FOUR FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1929 Published every morning except Monday duiring the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Westera Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusivel en- titled to the use for republication of al news dispatches credited, to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,' Michigan, re second class matter. Special rate of postag'" granted by Third Assistant Post- master General Subscription by earnier, $4.c; by mail, Offices Ann Arbor Press Building, May- mard Street. Phones: ltditorial, 4925; Business, a1214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4921 ~r i MANAGING EDITOR ' KENNETH G. PATRICK ~~................. Nelson Ti. Smith City Editor ............ ...J. Stewart Hooker News Editor...........Richard C. Kurvink orts Editor.............. Morris Quinn Women's Editor............ Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor............eorge Stautet Music and Drama............. R. L4. Askren Assistant City. Editor.........Robert Silbar Night Editors Joseph E. Howell' Charles S. Monroe Donald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simon George C. Tilley experiencing the identical difficulty ... - ----..--.-..-....---...-.......... . . e in this, "the most enlightened of all eras." We can do nothing more I than to repeat his famous battle JJ LCra cry of freedom to the contempor- ary bigots. Apparently we must ...."""""..... ."..e... . . still "Crush the infamous." We TONIGHT: A presentation of "The Green Goddess" by William Archer I have not yet won our fight for lib- in the. Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, beginning at 8:15 with the cur- eral thinking and writing and tain at 8:30. speaking. TODAY: The Third and Fourth May Festival Cohcerts in Hill auditorium 0 -_starting promptly at 2:15 this afternoon and at 8:15 tonight. THE TURNING POINT CHANGE FESTIVAL PROGRAM. An important substitution in the Sat- The publication of a book of urday afternoon concert: The Wagner "Flying Dutchman" overture University of Michigan plays does for the Glinka overture, and the BrahmsSymphony No. 1 in C Minor indeed "mark a turning point in for the "Scheherazade" of Rimsky-Korsakoff. the development of dramatic and SECOND FESTIVAL CONCERT 'little bit, frequently passed over II histrionic interests in the Univer- Reviewed By Lee Blaser fear, was found in Segonzac's Notre sity," to quote Prof. Louis A. The choral program presented to Dame, dc Paris--it has a wealth of st"o P Loui the May Festival patrons last eve- composition and strength of dc- Strauss, of the Engls department. ing should have satisfied the most sign which leads one into the art- Professor Strauss' introduction to astute. One left the concert with' ist's love of the oft maligned scene. these one-act plays precludes the recurring strains of a dramatic Picasso, with the characteristically e possibility of adding much con- tenseness in one's head and the restrained line and suggestion of , structive criticism to his comment, feeling that mighty artistry of a textures and form, adds a thor-I r except to say that creative writ- growing fame had been revealed. oughly modern note. Laurecin isI ing is finally being accorded the I refer to. Lawrence Tibbett. And there in all her naivety and de- eminent position that it deserves. Earl V. Moore deserves as much signer's charm, and an interest- Heretofore, campus dramatics, as credit, in the first number especial- ing effect in color' etching with well as other forms of writing, ly; his knowing and able conduct-1rouletted solids. The crudity of have tended toward the submersion ing pulled the Brahms Requiem the Breton peasant is captured in of individualism by the unattrac- out of difficulties which promised the massing of Au Debarcadre, and tive plan of following rules and to be ruinous. The cantata "The a contrasting charm in the airiness learning by rote. All of the plays New Life" by Wolf-Ferrari is a of Oppler's. Carnival. written by students here centered powerful thing and was corre- I Augustus John leads the English about the University, forming a spondingly presented. It is in high school, not for technique, nor for microcosm which had but slight relief withthe musical bric-a-brac design and composition, but for interest for any beyond the pale of with which the same composer has sheer keen expression of line and the campus. chosen to adorn most of his operas. form. Both his character pieces Original productions, such as The first two movements of the' have the tranquility of insight these plays, however, command a Requiem were by far and wide which has characterized his por- I wide range of interest for any con- the best, although the faults in- traiture. A stable scene by Blam- cerned with the drama, and set a herent in an unwieldly chorus and pied displays a strength in drawing mark at which the students of an uninterested orchestra were, and in play of light as well as in other colleges may aim. The con- apparent throughouit. The under- the craftsmanship of biting in and test that was responsible for bring- current of solemnity given by the wiping. Joseph Gray uses an in- ind forth these plays was moist lower strings to set the mood in the tense reflected light in his Edin- worthy in itself, and it is a fitting first movement suffered from the burgh street scenes which deep- R reward to the efforts of the au- weakness in the corresponding ens the gloomy mysticism. Al- thors that their works have been choral units, the basses and the though Elyse Lord has not gotten Sprinted.altos. The consistent floundering the exact spirit of the Chinese in Golfers Attention We carry the celebrated Louisville line of Golf Clubs, Bags and Balls. Completeoutfits from $6.95 up. Schaeberle & Sore MUSIC HOUSE 110 S. Main St. I it A Growing Gift For The Graduate. Even with the fanciest degree, the graduate's education will be incomplete without the lesson of thrift. A savings account as a graduation gift will provide a present that will grow more and more valuable as time goes on. I Paul L. Adams Morris Alexaadt C. A. Askren Bertram Askwith Louise Behymer Arthur Bernste~s Seton C. Bovee Isabel Charles L. R. Chubb Frank . Cooper Relen omaine MKargret .bckels Douglas 'Edwards Valborg Eg~eland Robert J. eldranm Marjorie Foilmer William Gentry - Ruth Geddes- David B, Hempstea Riclhard .1Jung Charles R. Iaufm Ruth Kelsey Reporters Donald E. Layman Charles A. Lewis - Marian McDonald Henry Merry Elizabeth Quaife Victor Rabinowitz Joseph A. Russell Anne Schell Rachel Shearer Howard Simon Robert L. Sloss ruth Steadian A. Stewart Cadwell Swansea s Jane Thayer Eith Thomas Beth Valentine Gurney Williams ad Jr, Walter Wilds George E. Wohlgemutl an Edward L. Warner Jr Cleland Wylhie I 1 t , .1 t' I t _ r a 1 1 1 a HELP THE KIDDIES The Ann Arbor Kiwanis Club will conduct its an- nual newspaper sale for the benefit of the hospital children fund on Saturday, June 1st. The need is urgent and the cause is a most w o r t h y one. Of course, you will help. ERNST BROS. Electrical Shop 210 So. Fourth Ave. FARMERS AND MECHANICS DANK Corner Main and Huron Sts. 330 S. State St. E P ' 's L= ii Just a Few Steps BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE A'ssstant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTE: Department Managers Advecrtistng....,............. Alex K. Scherei Advertising.............A. James jordar Advertising...............Car: W. Hamnne Service................Herbert E. Varnun Circulation................George S. Bradle Accounts.............Lawrence E. Walkle Publications................ Ray M. Hofelicl But, Dollars Saved It is only a few steps from State Street to Main Street but those few steps pay large dividends. n er - 0 Mary Chase ( eanette Date vernor Davis Bessie Egeland Sally Faster<- Anna Goldberg Kasper Halverson George Hamilton ackI orwich ix Humphrey Asistants Marion Ketr Lillian Kovinslky Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley I. A. Newman Jack Rose Carl F. Sebenm George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1929 Night Editor-HENRY J. MERRY "ECRASEZ L'INFAME!" A grandiose gesture- from thel sweeping hand of the United States Treasury department has branded1 the masterpiece of Voltaire, "Can-j dide," as obscene, and as a result a consignment of the books have been seized from the shelves of a; Boston bookshop and taken into the custody of the collector of the port. Doubtless there have been similar manifestations elsewhere in the nation. Of late there seem to have sprung up various centers' of purity in the wake of Boston, namely, the other half of Massa- chusetts, Philadelphia and the state of Pennsylvania, the state of Arkansas, the state of Tennessee, and other scattered localities. The condemned Voltaire manu- script was first published 170 years ago, approximately at the same time that Dr. Johnson's "Rasselas," and indeed, the two books are in many respects similar. Johnson, however, has been re- garded as a sort of sanctum sanc- torum of literature, and his works have escaped the censorial stigma unscathed. This matter- of officially frown- ing upon classics is a recurrent and rather grimly humorous action in our national life. The Com- stockian smuthounds, having sud- denly become aware of the fact that "Candide" makes several ref- erences to social diseases and im- moral living in its attempt to prove that this is not the "best of all possible worlds," have swooped down upon it, shaking a shocked finger at its exposal of facts as they were in the eighteenth cen- tury. The United States, the ex- ponent of liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and free- dom of everything but the light of maintaining a wine cellar, has attempted to silence the greatest liberator the world has produced since the seventeenth century. If America is honor-bent on pur- ifying the classics, a fumigating of Plato's "Republic," Aristotle's "Pol- itics," both of which most horrify- ingly discuss marriage problems and eugenics, and Boccaccio's "De- cameron" should not escape the vulture eye of the censors. Per- haps they might expurgate Homer, omitting the lines from the Iliad that read I GREENER GREENSWARD About this time of year, not lack of better editorial subj but because a real need exists feel the urge to crusade ag that uncouth trespasser who I gards the campus as a sort of c prehensive trash basket for empty cigarette packages, che gum wrappers, pop corn cart lecture notes, and other unsig refuse. There is something, of course be said for the impetuosit: youth; it rushes in and get th done, sometimes, where angels to tread. With about equal quency, however, this hasty f of action is inconsiderate harmful; it could bear to be strained a moment 'or two w alternative methods of accomp ing the same end are consid This is the lesson to be learne those persons on campus sud ly seized with the desire to t2 something away. We might also invoke the go rule. The department of buil and grounds has had a chang heart this year: the fertilizer been infinitely less offensive. last, also, they have planted so thing with an even chanc growing on the forest bottom the engineering arch. Some preciation of these long so improvements could be expre by alleviating the duties of t refuse removal engineers who the campus with spiked stick burlap bag in the interest greener greensward. SPEED WITH ADAPTATIO Ann Arbor's flimsily outl traffic code would receive con erable bolstering if city offi adhered to the precedent insti ed by the chief of police in Angeles when he ordered all si limits suspended and arrests t made purely upon a basis of r less driving. In a municipalit: Ann Arbor's size, overwieldly t fic regulations are merely imp mentia to the motorist and forcing squad alike. Granted that accidents and t fie tie-ups are few in this cit is more to the point that cuml some regulations be confined I modicum, in order that police ficials may be given wider f dom in making arrests for inc petent driving. With no deli' ing law, officers must bring the fender before a court to affix penalty, thus at once elimina the use of traffic tickets and warranted arrests upon clu judgment, and inducing drivers operate their automobiles n thoughtfully rather than suffer nuisance of appearing befor judge. In other words, no arr for traffic violations would be in unless the motorist were obvic ly an offender; but once arres Ihe wonldb h amtnnhlp ton v of the basses was finally overcome his color prints he has succeeded as the conductor welded his masses in a delightfully soft effect. The into the march of the second move- planes receding into the splendid ment. In a resonant background composition of Greenwood's Thorp of tone the vocalizing tapestried Barn deserve high mention. mass modulated to a crescendo Celestino Celestini of the Italian which dipped into a paean which group has an interesting and un- contrasted the gloomy minor of usual treatment in his Roma and the first half. The march, very Ronciglione etchings, it may be a comparable to that of Beethoven's roulette' on a soft ground or a Heroic Symphony, is easily the high painstaking pointalistic stroke, at mark of the composition. The bur- any rate the form is superb. An- den of dragging a lagging orches- other novelty is the sandpaper tra was too much for both of the ground treatment of the color soloists. Even this handicap and plates in Pollack's opera scene. the fact that the adagio forced a Our own Chamberlain stands out dragging strain sould not excuse in the American group with the! Miss Vreeland for slurring her here- knowing composition of architect- Stoforefull notes in the recapitula- ural detail, fluidity, of line, and pattern of light and shade in May Coat Sale- Featuring Coats at $18 to and lowest May prices made. May Suit Sale- Featuring Tweed and o t h e r smart suits from $19.75 up. May Gown Sale- Featuring Special lines of New York's newest at $15.75, $19.75 and $25. May Fur Scarf Sale Featuring rich Red Fox Scarfs worth $35, at $25, and many others. $24 ever In the cantata "The New Life" the prologue was an early indica-I tion of the fluidity and clearly Latin sensuousness of the com- poser's inspiration. It contrasted nicely with the Teutonic solidity and painstaking thematic efforts of Brahms. Here in the prologue was the sole chance that Miss Vree- land had in the entire program to display her full talents. She has a well modulated voice but is clear- ly not at her ease in the lower reg- ister. Clarity and a roundness of tone are her best attributes. Tibbett on the other hand was given two splendid opportunities which he proceeded to make full use of. Two sonnets with sympa- thetic piano accompaniment (one point at least for modern orches- tration and surcharged with the voluptuous feeling which Dante's Vita Nuova inspires were the ve- hicles of the evening's summit in Artistry. The dramatic qualities of Tibbett's voice have not been ov- eremphasized; the same dynamic quality which must have occasion- ed his now famous debut made1 them things to be remembered. His range, tone color, modulation andI artistry-all blended into the feel- ing of the cantata. The cantata is notable for its worthy and 'masterful massing of tone values, using all the, media and color which the color palette of the orchestral chorus, and soil can blend. It was unfortunate that the choral work lacked the texturej it should give to the full play of! values. The Death of Beatrice with? its resplendant climax, the devices of harp and piano duet, violin soli leading an alto chorus (flat) and the effective vocalization at the, end to intensify the terse emo- tional soli of the finale, are some noteworthy additions to the wor- thiness of the composition. Tib- bett was not properly balanced by the soprano score, but that same dominance was the success of the' concert. *C * * INTERNATIONAL ETCHINGS Availing themselves of the chance to appeal to an enlarged art public during the May Festival, the Ann Arbor Art Association has co-hnrA rnrr.cn 4 fv +nhin" to l Gables of Colnar. The exhibition as a whole pain- fully demonstrates the existence of the art salesmen of today. They either scribble on copper in hope of a miracle or work up a tricky technique which sells well but says nothing "tYOU NEVER CAN TELL" On his own assertion, this is Shaw molding his play to fit the conventional demands of theatri- cal managers, and with all due re- spect to his genius it must be ad- mitted that his success with form is counterbalanced by a general dullness that exhibits none of the forgiving flashes of genius. Genius can gild dullness and Shaw often has-or perhaps it is better to say that he prefers to scatter it with his wit. But working prosaically all his faults come out of their 1 sheath of gilding; his exposition becomes dull, his characters be- come sketches without the wit of caricature, his lines become cheap and occasional flashes of brilliant criticism on life and manners only heighten the effect. The cast struggled to cast the glitter of satire over a convention- al plot shot through with novel mechanics. Reynolds Evans, the only distinctively professional member of the cast, did splendid work. He has voice; his body, his hands especially, are mobile and I significant, and he plays a- role to the audience, not in front of them. Robert Henderson as William, the ubiquitous, family-managing butler, played his comedy with sledge hammer blows. *C * * "MICHIGAN PLAY5" Announcement comes from Prof. Kenneth Rowe, editor of the forth- coming volume of Michigan plays, that 500 copies will be available1 early this morning at Wahr's book-3 store. The delay in the appearance of the volume has been occasioned by difficulties in the bindery at De-! troit. But yesterday Mr. Wahr drove to Detroit and brought back Ith first lition in his r n The E. F. MILLS Company 18 Main Street "The Shop of Satisfaction" Department, also saves you a dollar or more a pair.-Note the window display; Our Shoe k. " "WNW 1i I MAY FESTI VAL TICKETS A Limited Number of Season Tickets ($6.00, $7.00, $8.00), and tickets for individual concerts ($1.50, $2.00, $2.50) are still available AT THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC Beginning Wednesday Noon I in erer .j I 111 i