263- INI l THE MICH ICAN- DAI U PACT fi PAG~FIV~ iL S Yrw. r+r 'i VAX" U as A *A AM ARUM a -J nniirrMARGER Y RUTH VEN LANG HAS STUDIED i Kappa Alpha Theta Coirii oiNT SYSTEM H[AD PIANO UNDER ACCOMPLISHED FATHER SENTATIVE lftPD appaAANJILLNIL HOLS" -LDefeats Nurses Andr Margery RLang, noted chestration under the guidance of A I- cposer and pianst is the most M. Gluth PRAISES RVYIOEfePLN'EntersSemiFinals)INSTALLATION DINNERI recent representative of a cele Since her eay 1student days sherpcfn rated musical family. As a child onceappeared many befre p iva Consider Advisers' Attitude of Im- a a o n New Offers Execive Board,ad 10.SE 1I T she had the exceptional advantage clubs. At these times Miss Lang has portance to Complete Self- mural basketball tournament by Delegates From Each Group kno of being able to study the piano'acted as conductor and accbm- Government defeating the Couzens Hall fresh- Are Present to r NO WOMAN S T U D E N T MAY under her father who was an ac- panist for the numerous songs and - man team by a score of 23 to 8 in thou CARRY OVER FOURTEEN complished teacher of the piano part-songs she has produced in re- TRAINING IS INVALUABLE a contest played at 8:30 o'clock last MISS LLOYD IS HOSTESS time ACTIVITY POINTS and organ. 'cent years. night in Barbour gymnasium. Like mon MissrLang's musical ability was Among these creations are sev- That the present Advisory system all of the games in the eliminatio Installation of new officers for mig CHC]N UIRiLY~ so strikingly apparent that shei eral overtures- and a Ballade for is rfrbet ta.fhvn tournament which have been play Isthlsecon semeserwtookpce atfo auI CHECK ON JUNIOR PLAY !was later sent by her father, who the orchestra. She has also com- is preferable to that of having a ed in the last two weks, it was the second semester took place at aus felt that she had learned from him posed a number of songs, none of me dean of women particularly exetoal atalti asthe regular monthly meeting of theC mar fet ha se adlernd ro hmpoeda umerofsogs nneo because it is essential to actual:;exceptionally fast all the xay Pan-Hellenic association, who wre( there Require Equal Number of honor all that he was capable of teaching which is more lovely than "The self- gvernment on the part of the through. Interest was added bye anednch( aoanior, dinner ih Points And Hours For her, to the studio of Louis Schmidt Heavenly Noel", which is a specialsm n td f t the enthusiastic support giv yentertained at an informalddinbymrsnsh Participation in Boston. arrangement for women's v.ce women is the opinion expiessed by spcaosparty by Miss Alice Lloyd, the Pan- It After a few years of study in Bos- with an organ and harp accom- ofztho esnt,29,Ba o e nair n AHellenic adviser, and one of the woke Observing the rules which were ton this young woman again proved paniment. A more elaborate and of the Board of Representatives. a p Alpha Theta put a team advisers of women, at her home singi sent out to the sororities, dormi- so apt a pupil that she was en- vivid piece of work is her cap- y"At the time when the presenti in every section. Tashe Couens Hall last night. Jean Wallace, '30, took some tories, and league houses the first couraged by her father and her pella( chorus which is, appropni- system was ntiated," says Mi sextet plaed ullywell but office as the new president, Ailene last of the year, the Point System com- master of the piano in this coun- ately enough, called "Wind", and is: ,they had difficl ty tt Mie, '30, treasurer.buty mittee requests that the presidents try to seek instruction under the written in eight lengthy parts. was made an integral feature o y ci gee Mitchell, '30, treasurer. but Sforemost teachers in Germany. SO For her contributions to the mu- the Advisers' policy, and they set ball to their forwards, which gave This party is held yearly with the had of all campus organizations and it was that Margery Lang while sical world, and in recognition of an important precedent for future score. comparativelylittle chance to purpose of enabling the new offi- the activities check up with the mem- I still a young girl put herself under the public appreciation she has en- advisers to leave to the women of rthe Hall team succeede ing d rs and delegates to become ac- mo bers who may be scholastically in- the very excellent tutorage of the joyed, Miss Lang, besides being a the University the work of form- ing RacheaFlemicein 32tear- quainted. About forty women were ther eligible,.and send the report of Messrs. Drechler and Abel. With regular member of various musical ulating and enforcing their own igRacThea Femig, te a present, including two official del- of sn ethe improvement of her technic clubs, is also an honorary member rules, exercising discretionary an- curate Theta forward, better than egates from each sorority, the offi- feet ,changes made to Marie H-artwig, teipoeeto e ehi lbi loa ooaymme thority only insofar as it becomes; any other guard in the tournament. icers, and the executive board corn-,three '29, or Mary Alice Moore, '29. there came-a desire to become more of such societies as the Musical necessary to protect the interests of Although Fleming accounted 'for!posed of Miss Alice Lloyd, Mrs. you 1 . t. than a pianist, more than a com- Arts Club of Boston and the Ameri- the University, and giving co-op-!21 of the 23 points that the soror- Arthur Maehman, Mrs. Palmer poin Stem, as outlined by a committee of poser, andg o twhile still in Munich, can Musical Society, which has its eration and advice to the officers ity was able to ring up, her baskets Christian. and the president, se- Th i the Women's League, was placed in of the Women's League. sualy e case. retary and treasurer of the asso that # the hands of the Point System MEN AND1 WOME ARE SI L AR IN "In the three years since the Ad- On the nurses team, Helen Van ciation. I shal committee, the Judiciary Council IMEN AND WOMEN ARE )SIMILAINJvisers to Women have held the ad- Liew, '31, played a good game at Adoption of new rushing rules class of the Women's League, and the 3 T YLE OF WRITING, SAYS PETERSON ministrative position formerly occu forward and showed scoring ability will be discussed at the next meet-( or s aloffice of Advisers to Women. Each pied by a single dean," Miss Well- when she had the ball. The Couz- ing, when the new officers are in the Y Srecognized activity is giv n a c r- According to an interview with men or women?" In this connec- man continues, "the women stu- ens Hall team was somewhat weak- charge. The question of whether I at a dent is- allowed to assume more Prof. Frederick W. Peterson of the I tion Professor Peterson mentioned dents of Michigan have received ene hower b the los o their women taking one-year courses in Isno than fourteen points at any one rhetoric department, it would be one man who handed in a short experience and training in self- captainjrdis Ha 'miS w the University should be rushed j regu time. The general scholarship re- difficult to make a generalized story based on a highly fantastic government which is invaluabl dsn urd e acci- was mentioned. i-quirements of the University,- that statement as to the differences in dream. Granted that the ideals of ithe dent and is in the University hos- The retiring officers are: Flor- Seach student must have at least the style of men and women as re- On the other hand he said "en Women's League are at present not pital. While the game sent Kappa ence Holmes, '29, president; Flo- as many honor points as hours vealed in their writing. As to rela- never ask if they may write a fairy fullyarealizeduittisestillhtrueethat Alpha Theta into the semi-finals, rence Watchpocket, '29, secretary, ] with no absolute failures, must be tive practicality, discursiveness, story, but a year never goes by they are very much worth working e same ime it elminated Cou- and Esther Ricker, '29, treasuer. met to make a student eligible for and imagination Professor Peterson without some woman asking to do for. The confident trust in our itens rom entering these con- 1 extra-curricular activities. said that they could not be deter- a fairy story for her long paper. maturity and good judgment whic Te line-p for the game was asE I ,Activities once undertaken and mined from the papers he has read. Perhaps this is explained by wom- . the Advisesthavin uep r gsT ILfllOws - recorded may be exchanged only In discussing the practicality of an's interest in children." develar more stintelligent social Couzens al Kappa Alpha Theta "The Critograph" of Lynchburg by permission of the Judiciary mnc he said, "Consider the poets Professor Peterson admitted that dnt cHPp arCollgVr h niaphanounc heg S-Council and of the organization of today, are they predominantly there is undoubtedly some basis for consciouasness and socia respon- H. Van Inew. .. Hprcmane ofiGa, announce ° from which withdrawal is desir- the general belief that men have sibility than the sort of nfantile F. White......LF.... R. Fleming appearance of Gay MacLaren, dra- 0 ed. If a member become ineligibleI treatment we received from a dean V. Fisher......JC.....L. Murray matic artist. Incidentally, it quotes for membership or office at the end' r H Gr 7 n r bu:s is than of women. The principle on which W. Kaemlin . ...RC.....]E. Grinnell the Michigan Daily review of Feb. of the semester when the grades husband h t ke woman whose the Advisers work is that Univer- A. Moser .......RG... ...S. White10, 1928, on the occasion of Miss Sare returned, a report of that in- e ne ( uluY igtoo asokeep ei rom be- sity women are sufficiently adult to L. Whelpley ...LG......G. Coan MacLaren's presentation here. ige ebearepo thmadtng-ixrAlinehrmlkymanage their own affairs. Substitutions: Kappa Alpha The- Mrs. Edmund D. Soper, we eligible member must be made to By Mrtiss le i loy "But we must consider that women ; __________sresetatinh 1 the Point System committee.By MissAydto-M. Keener Jenny Volk. wife of The committee requests especial- have not had the management of the man being inaugurated soon as ly that girls who have made Junior Miss Alice Lloyd, adviser of wom- n n etOtCes Butler University has latey been the seventh president of Ohio Wes- Girls'lay chek their pints with In comparing the tendencies of presented with a library consisting leyan, is the delegate appointed ilthe' filea in order to determinen n ternd ahr me on men and women to be brief or h Unversity Grl' Glee Club of about 1000 volumes, many of from Goucher college to the exer-, th iei re odtrieSunday afternoon for members of rmln rfso eesnd- The Uiest irs'Gleyou r whether it will be necessary to drop Mortarboard, national honorary Glared, "I have discursive men and will hold tryouts for sophomores which are very valuable. cises i some other activity to take partd society for senior women. Miss) discursive women. I also have wom- and upperclass women at 4:15 to- lliltIIli)tii Pin stem ay.Ceshof te apteI Laurie Campbell and Miss Margaret en as well as :men who tend to day at the School of Music. *" oinit'-System should be kept avail- Eio patronesses of the organiza- comestraihthtothehpint.;heof Music. ^h~ able to.;the "girls in every h ouse nEit arnse fte orgna come straight to the point. The H -E Modern Hat is -- usa to bereferretobefore aa ntion, were also present. '-differences seem to vary with in- Orchesis will meet promptly at 7 T M r Ht =l ap toe rferrednto beforegac- It was decided at the meeting dividual temperlirnent. Look at it o'clock tonight at the - Women's shaped by hand t ft zation. that the scholarship requirementiby and'large," concluded ProfessorIAthletic building'. H V r Ufor election to Mortarboard should Peterson, "and they would balance = the head of feltbra 'in Sbe, a minimum of 1.52. Announce- up pretty evenly." The central committee for the Basketball Try Outs ment was made that the work on Penny Carnival will meet today at _ or straw-every style and * - the alumni file had been started. fonuabor y Hold Final Practice twill, when finished, contain aNotices ' k B__u I.fabric to fill your need-Choral iO list of the 178 members of Mortar-:o--o= Before Tournament board, who have graduatednfrom' A ueeior m are in the' The American Association of at the Wednesday, February ___'Michigan since the organization IAll Jnorwomen who UniersiynWmeneill eet a Y i l Interclass basket ball team try- became national in 1919. play must report Friday even if Betsy Barbour Residence Sat.,H A outs will hold their last practice they have not yet been assigned Feb. 23, at 3 o'clock. Prof. Earl IM cnsev A Limited Number of Tick before the opening of the tourna- Kathleen Norris a part. Please look on the locker V. Moore will give an illustrated at $3 00$200 ment next Tuesday at 4 and 5 SayIroom door in Barbour gymnasium talk on "Carillons." The Fellow- . , . ,4$ o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Bar- ys Writing Is 'before Friday. Also please note the ship Committee, with Miss Mar- Hat Shop ti UNIVERSITY SCHO bour gymnasium. It is the opinion HaPrfsi tha Guernsey as chairman, will of those in charge of the games appyProfession revised make-up schedule thisact as hostesses. 227 S. Mate St. Maynard Str this year that the women have " I morning..o'-.-o IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1liiiI IliI'lh4 ~ l.11 . ."Writers are the wrld's most mrnmg ra Predicts Bad Spring, If It Comes ll, my dear, it looks as though ig will, be completely discour- land won't come to Ann Arbor 1, I mean it really does. You v, the other day I 'was going emark on how it really felt as gh spring might come some- withinthe next two or three ths, and then I thought that it not be such a good idea be- e probably by the time the re- ks got into print that probably e would be at least six more es of snow-and I was right. was only the other day that I up to hear the little birds ng happily in the. tree's or thing and I thought that at spring was on the way. Prb- the birds were only sparrows, they sounded as though they advanced information about matter. And then yesterday ning I woke up to find that e was about six more inches ow on top of the three or four already existing-it really is e or four feet in some places, know-and I was all disap- ted again. e worst of it is that when all snow finally does melt, we 1 probably have to wade to in hip boots or bathing suits omething. Of course, there is possibility that it may not melt 11 and that we shall hve the y summer that is prophesied larly every year. MR. BARTL ETT f the J. L. Hudson Beauty Parlor, is now located at the BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOP 5 Nickels Arcade specializing in Women's and Children's Haircutting Mr. Bartlett was formerly with the Arcade Barber Shop of this city. RANYI 'olinist n 'Series Z0, at 8:15 p. m. rium ets Still Available 0.50, at OL OF MUSIC eet greatly increased their skill because -- of the long practice period during fortunate workers, in that theirs is -lilllillliii1 11HHHHHIIIIHWH 010ti01001f1 11111111111111111Mll IIfilI which time much emphasis was the placed on basketball technique. The Kathleen Norris, novelist, said, ad-'- rivalry between the classes is ex- dressing the second celebrity break- pected to be exceptionally keen. fast of the National League of Two teams will be chosen from American Pen Women in Washing- each class'at the end of this week. ton, D. C.jTo An announcement of members and !'All of us in our group feel with- the schedule of the tournament in ourselves a joy in the creation games will be made in the Daily of each story and in the expression at that time. All of the contests of each thought. Added to the Will be played at 4 o'clock if it is pleasure of our own lives, we have possible in order to eliminate the the joy of creating and molding waiting at our fingers' ends eagera T h e P re The W. A. A. of the University of for life. It is a great source of Illinois, is soon to begin its annual happiness, too, to feel that we add= health week. One of the outstand-/some bit of interest, or joy to those ing features will be the study of who may chance upon our books.' the feet for the 'purpose of showing Mrs. Norris also talked at length their importance in the mainten- upon the patience and self-confi- = 7AI"' '-. ance Of perfect posture and good dence needed by the young writer==i=_nm health,.j seeking success. - .W F Make Your Party a Success 'ic Skull Type Attr A snappy, close - fittingyK Hat of the "Eye-brow" --I l_/1f SERVE OUR in felt with straw combi- 0-1ILJ1VVW FRUITED PUNCH nation - Dashing b o w at the side - Castillian IN ANN ARBOR Reds are popular. f va I- 4 $J I:Priced from- No Other Compares 15 "' - ~Millinery- Second Floor ,- to Shoe- Doept active- ~.ar