THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1929
_ wr e w. r i .+wr.. wrr4++iirirw r w Ww Ye ";
Published every morning except Monday
dining the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publication..
Member of Western Conference Editorial
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News Editor...........Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor............W Morris uinn
Women's ditor.............Sylvia S. tone
Telegraph Editor............ George Stautei
Music and Drama............ R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor......'.... Robert Silbar
joseph E. Howell
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Advertising...............Alex K. Scherer
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higher prices for glass and other
building materials are likely to
cause the farmer some perplexion
as to just where his "relief" arises
from this plan. The reasoning
would be abstruse indeed which
claimed that the farmer benefits
from higher prices of any com-
modities. In his campaign prom-
ises, Mr. Hoover did not mention
that his high tariff system for farm
relief was to be laid on the shaky
foundation of higher prices for the
things farmers must buy.
The added duty to building ma-
terials will never be compensated
by the higher rate on milk, because
the competition for the local milk
market has never reached a suffi-
cient keenness to cause the Ameri-
can farmers any qualms. Yet there
are many farmers who will feel
the effects of the higher cost of
building their homes and many
who may even suffer from such an
increase. The President should at
least relate some of his, high tariff
plans to the generialt subject of,
farm relief, or the farmers will
think the manufacturers and not
themselves are receiving the bene-
fits of the bill.
Two attempts will shortly be
made to fly the Atlantic by air-
plane one starting from Roosevelt
field with Paris as the objective
and the other from Old Orchard
Maine, with Rome as the intended
landing point. Colonel Lindbergh
proved it could be done; many
others who have tried to emulate
him have roared off into space and
disappeared forever.' What will be
gained by further attempts-at this
stage of the game?
Airplane construction has not
advanced during the past three
years to the point where a trans-
Atlantic flight is a safe proposition
Moreover the ships of the size used
in the attempted flights are of no
value commercially insofar as
ocean flights are concerned. Such
flights add little or nothing to
scientific knowledge. All the in-
formation that manufacturers wish
may be and is being obtained in
endurance tests such as the one
now in progress at Fort Worth
Surely there is no necessity for
heading a plane over a three
thousand mile stretch of barren
sea to aid in the advancement of
air travel.
It is true that there must always
be pioneers in every human under-
taking. The Wright Brothers risk-
ed their lives in the initial develop-
ment of heavier than air machines,
but they did it within hailing dis-
tance of the rest of the world.
What reason can be put forth for
the continued hazardous attempts
to fly the Atlantic in machines that
will not in the future be used for
such an undertaking.
Somehow these flights do not fit
into the picture of safety on which
airplane manufacturers have
spent advertising fortunes in the
past few years. No open-minded
person can deny the success of
aviation, the rapid growth of pop-
ularity of commercial flying; be-
cause the advertisers have careful-
ly 'nursed the urge. But New York
to Paris attempts in planes that
rarely reach their destination do
much to destroy the faith of the
millions who waver and who will
eventually discredit the entire idea
unless flying is kept within reason-
abe bounds.
Music an
""""'""""""""""""""""...........""""""""""... e....
d Drama
ernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
Kasper Halverson
Gcorge Hamilton
x uHorwich
f _ Dix Humphrey
Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
1. A. Newman
Jack Rose
Carl F. Schemm
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead
MAY 23, 1929
~4~A' b~4
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Tonight's banquet for President
Little, held quite informally in the
Union by the students of the Uni-
versity, is indicative of two things.
Clearly it is a manifestation of the
student body's regard for Doctor
Little. The affair was conceived
and is being carried to completion
by students. It is sponsored by no
special organization. It is rather
an outlet for a unanimous im-
pulse which, as the time for the
severance of the President's rela-
tions with the University draws
nearer, becomes ever more keenly
felt by the individual members of
the student body themselves. Aside
from that, the banquet testifies to
certain qualities inherent in the
President himself, qualities which,
unfortunately, have not before the
announcement of his resignation
received the publicity they war-
rant. The President, as has been
asseverated so vigorously and so
vainly of late, is a humanist, and
none but such a man could receive
what might almost be called a
spontaneous tribute from his stu-
dent body.
Those who are fortunate enough
to attend the banquet tonight will
be a privileged group, privileged
because of the calibre of the man
they are honoring and privileged
because they can with all assured-
ness be conscious that his interests
for three years have been centered
in them as individuals, as human
The group meeting tonight at
the Union will be representative
beyond doubt. An affair so con-
ceived must be. It is a pity indeed
that more than the limited number
of 500 men and women cannot at-
tend. But President Little will
doubtless feel that it is the entire
student body that is present, and
in spirit, doubtless, it will be.
The flexible provisions of the
Fordney-McCumber Tariff act
have made it possible for President
Hoover to exercise arbitrary pow-
ers in levying new tariffs. As a re-
sult, he has increased the duty on
window glass a.nd milk, both of
which are calculated to improve
the condition of the over-worked
President Hoover's action was
TONIGHT: The second May Festival concert in Hill Auditorium
-beginning promptly at 8:15 o'clock.
TONIGHT: A presentation of "You Never Can Tell" by Bernard
Shaw in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, commencing at 8:15,
with the curtain at 8:30 o'clock.
FIRST FESTIVAL CONCERT I flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bas-
A Review By William J. Gorman soon.{
A rich and varied first course The accolade of performance was
was served the supposedly hungry given "Odysseus" March 22 and 23
May Festival audience. The or- of this year when the Chicago
chestral works ranged from the Symphony Orchestra included it in,
pictorial subleties of the Debussy the regular concert series, undel
"Iberia" with its multifarious the baton of Frederick Stock .
rhythmic figures struggling against THE SUITE
one another, to Strauss' brilliant In turning to the universally fa-
and vital conception of Don Juan. Miliar adventures of Odysseus for
In the vocal field there were two siderable interest by his friends
Sgroups of beautiful lyrics by Mr.
Crooks and some of Biss Braslau's ndb those who have been anx-
ifinest dramatic efforts. Thei rather ous to find indigenous expression
ordinary but brilliantly scored of the American feeling for music.
Glazounow Waltz closed the even- His training was begun in the Uni-
ting.e versity School of Music and then
Mr. Stock is the same sternmy was shifted to Europe where he
vital personality, combining a fine first studied under Mme. Nadia
grasp of the works with a sweeping Boulanger, in Paris, and then un-
command over his orchestra to der Ottorino Respighi at Rome.
produce searching and convincing "Odysseus" was written in Paris in
interpretations. He recognized the the summer of 1928.
purely external nature of the first Other compositions of his include
and third movements of the De- a sonata for piano; a suite for
bussy number, and rendered them 1tenor, flute and bass flute; a con-
accordingly to produce and then cert overture for string orchestra;
satisfy in the audience an attitude "Drum Taps," based on a text from
of curiosity, even of amusement. Wait Whitman, for mixed chorus
But the "Don Juan" was his strong- and orchestra; a string quartet in
est effort. The Strauss orchestra one movement; and a quintet for
is not the familiar, terrorless, his subject matter Lockwood has
classical orchestra nor is 'it the departed somewhat from the usual
compact, serried Wagnerian mass. narrative treatment given mythol-
Strauss individualizes his instru- ogy and legend. His purpose, rath-
t ments, even allots them definite er, has been to create the dramatic
dramatic impersonations. In the mood thatsurrounds each climatic
matter of form Strauss seeks not moment in the life of his hero a
architectonic effect to be intellect- Ihe passes from one experience to
ually apprehended, but only con- another, and convey these in such
tinuity and coherence in the musi- a way musically that the suite
cal material. These are the two finally emerges, a unit. The en-
problems in Strauss interpretation, tire suite consists of an introduc-
Stock's achievement was to main- tion, Calypso, followed by four
tamn clarity in the thick, polyphonic movements, Poseidon, Hades, Sirens
and Cyclops. For the purposes of
structure, making the highly con- the concert only the introduction
centrated musical essence that or- Poseidon and Sirens movement'
dinarily bewilders by its rapidity Pose.dnandSir hovemes
and marvelous flow, coherent and will be played, but their choice does
digestible. The reading, the inter- iot seriously mar the unity of the
pretation of Don Juan's impetuous whole, though the picture of
search for the ideal love, was bril- Odysseus' experiences remains less
liant, the more impressive parts complete.
of th scoe wee plyed ith I The Introduction, Calypso, shows
of the score were played with a by the use of two contrasting
lavishness deliberately unrestrain- themes the emotional situation
Richard Crooks, because of his that has grown up between Oyds-
choice of simple lyrics of clear and Calypso, homplaintively forIthaca, and
beauifu rniodc lneprobblyCalpso plmtielysorrowful that
m ebeautiful melodic line, probably she has not been able to win his
made the strongest popular appeal. love, though she has kept him cap-
Few tenors in the American field tive to her hospitality for seven
have a voice of as fine a texture yas udnsrned n
and pure beauty sa Mr. Crooks. years. sudden stringendo an-
Though his high tones required command to free Odysseus, which
much care, the voice is generally gimmay to areetoy fe fhor-
mellifluous and easy. His style gives way to a repetition of the for-
wash highly sympathetic, showing a fier themes mnpreparation for the
very fine sense of tone and em- This movement is essentially a
phasis and climax. More variety tone-poem descriptive of the will-
in his choice of selections ould oe of the
have given the local audience a Iful power of the sea, which the
chance for a judgment of the true Greeks had personified i thei
significance of his voice. The Mo- mythology as Poseidon, girdler of
zart arias proved his voice flexible the earth and father of storms.
artbaiasupr.vedThi svoiendemight The final selection, Sirens, is in
and beautiful. The second might the rondo form. It opens with the
' dbetter have been something that vigorous rhythm of the rowing
would show him as a master of chantey used by the sailors. The
artist of interpretation. Sirens' plaintive singing creeps i,
atist ofBintrprtaon, hits langour emasculating the pow-
Miss Braslau, on the contrary, er of the chantey. But Odysseus
made a decidedly more serious ef- scheme is 'successful; the Sirens
fort. She chose the specifically fail in their seduction, and a sug-
dramatic and displayed a fine mas- gestion of the triumphant chantey
tery of moods. Her voices has lim- closes the suite.
itations which the lyric pieces in c. L. u.
the Gypsy Songs brought out; it .
is not mellow; it hasn't the lovely "YOU NEVER CAN TELL"
soothing quality of some contral-
tos. But it is powerful, agile and Shaw himself spoke of "You
impressive, considerations which Never Can Tell" as "an attempt to
point quite definitely to the dra- comply with the many requests for
matic as her field. She modulates a play in which the much para-
her voice with indefatigable zeal, graphed brilliancy of "Arms and
varying color, quality, modes of vo- the Man" should be tempered by
calisation, almost always with some consideration for the require-
splendid dramatic significance. The ments of managers in search of
Rachmanninoff "Fate" demanded fashionable comedies." Continuing
all the variety in her voice and he remarks that "I had no diffi-
temperament and she rendered it culty in complying as I have always
with splendid emotional effect. cast my plays in the ordinary
"The Classicist" was rather trivial practical comedy form in use at all
but "On the Dneiper" was very theaters; and far from taking an
impressive. Miss Braslau success- unsympathetic view of the popu-
fully caught the peasant energy of lar demand for fun, for fashionable
"The Gypsy Songs." Her efforts at dresses, for a pretty scene or two,
drama finely balanced Mr. Crook's a little music, and even for a great
satisfaction with poetry; the two ordering of drinks by people with
gave a rich vocal evening. an expensive air from an if-possi-
r va eble-comic waiter, I was more than
"ODYSSEUS"-LOCKWOOD willing to show that the drama
Friday evening will bring a com- can humanize these things as they,
position of considerable topical in- in undramatic hands, can dehu-
terest to local Festival patrons, the manize the drama."
Lockwood Suite, "Odysseus." One of the Pleasant Plays, "You
Norman Lockwood, born 1905, is Never .Can Tell" is an amusing
the son of Mr. Samuel P. Lock- study of the play of social con-
wood, head of the department of ventions. It is a comedy of man-
violin in the University School of ners that aims to keep sneer gaiety
Music, and Mrs. Lockwood. Very as its tone throughout. The play
much an Ann Arbor product, his contains some of Shaw's most
career has been watched with con- amusing creations: the twins,
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The most popular ready-to-
eat cereals served in the
dining-rooms of American
colleges, eating clubs and
fraternities are made by
Kellogg in Battle Creek. They
include ALL-BRAN, Corn
Flakes, Rice Krispies,
Krumbles and Kellogg's
Shredded Whole Wheat Bis-
cuit. Also Kaffee Hag Coffee
-the coffee that lets you sleep.
That's what you'll say when you taste
Kellogg's Pep Bran Flakes. More appe-
tizing crispness plus the famous flavor
which only PEP can give.
Just the cereal to keep you fit for
study and college life. You get the nour-
ishing elements of the wheat. Just
enough bran to he mildly laxative. Ask
for them to be served at your fraternity
house or campus restaurant.
" ' ) ,
^ ."
Great States Lawn Mowers
91 inch Wheel, Ball Bearing, self adjusting with rear tie bar which prevents
the mower getting out of alignment.
14 inch. Price......$10.50 16 inch. Price......$12.00 18 inch. Price.......$13.00
Great States Low Wheel Mowers
14 inch. Price.....................$8.00 16 inch. Price ..................$9.00
Great American High Wheel Ball Bearing Mowers
17 inch ............$24,00 19 inch..........$26.00 21 inch............$30.00
Other Mowers
16 inch, Plain Bearing...........$7.50 16 inch, Ball Bearing..........$8.50
Lawn Rollers........$12.50 and $15.00 Sacco Plant and Lawn Food
D. M. Ferrys Lawn Seed..........45c D. M. Ferrys Clover Seed........65c
Jno. C. Fischer Co.
11 PEP
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Editorial Comment
(The Cornell Daily Sun)
Mr. Edward Filene, the well-
known Boston merchant, recently
made a survey of the universities
and colleges of the country in
which "the study of business is be-
ing carried on through depart-
ments of commerce, or schools of
commerce, finance, and business
administration." And Mr. Filene
deplores the fact that only seventy
of the universities and colleges are
offering such courses of instruction
to their students. But he "feels
confident that they will increase
rapidly as the value of business
research becomes more apparent to
both business-men and educators."
Is not Mr. Filene permitting his
viewpoint to be narrowed, and his
understanding of educational prob-
lems to be clouded? It is hardly
the function of the university to
develop highly efficient book-keep-
ers, or salesmen, or bank-presi-
dents. The university is not an in-
stitution where the more promis-
ing young men apply themselves
with tools, to use in carving for
themselves a more secure niche in
life. The university does not strive
to make doctors, or lawyers, or en-
gineers, or efficiency-experts, of its
A Limited Number of Season Tickets
($6.00, $7.00,,$ 8.00), and tickets for
individual concerts ($1.50,
$2.00, $2.50) are still
Beginning Wednesday Noon