' THf RSDAY, MAY 23, 19 9 -THE ?MTCHTC2AN O11TY w '; CRATINS WLL BEI World's Largest Dan, Now Being Built James Outlines Work In California, Exceeds Boulder Project For Geography Camp WITH FIRST MEETINJaF NOR GUARDS AND PrPrestonMEEImesAssociateDPro COLOR BEARERS OF SENOR CLASS TOIHT i sGeographyasu BEARRS 0 SEIOR LAS TONGHTed that one of the subjects for COLN : sstudy at the Geography su mmer ritesanCLARK LADE SPECIAL SERVICE TO BANQUETS AND PARTIES. or MEMBERS OF HONOR GUARD ANNOUNCED YESTERDAY BY CISSEL TO MEET AT GYMNASIUM Asbeck And Nissen Are Among Those Chosen To Represent Literary College As Bearers School of Business Administration; Charles H. .Hall, Jr., and Joseph Balsamo, Pharmacy school.- The Honor guards for the educa- tion and dental school will be an- nounced within a few days if named at all, those in charge said yester- day. The officials of these two classes have not yet turned in the, ists of Honor guard students for their colleges. camtp will be the origin, develop- ment, and economic functions of the cities of Monticello, Kentucky, and of Statesville, North Carolina. Attention will also be payed to the regional planning of these districts. Dancing Every Night Riding Horses Golf LARRY MILLER, PROP. With the first meeting of the honor guards and color bearers of PINE GUESSING the senior classes scheduled for 7 o'clock tonight in Waterman gym- WINNERS GIVE nasium, active preparations for the 1929 Commencement exercises are already under way, it was an- Results of the pine needle guess- nounced yesterday by Prof. James ing contest, which was held during H. Cissel, of the department of state forest week, May 11 to 18, structural engineering. were announced yesterday by the SPersonnel ofthe honor guards for Forestry Club of the school of for- all schools and colleges of the Uni- estry and . conservation, which versity, except for the School of sponsors the event each year. Education and the Dental school. John Nicol, a clerk in the Quarry as well as the two color bearers for Drug company, guessed the nearest the School of Literature, Science, number of needles-435. W. E.j and the Arts, was announced yes- Legg of Ann Arbor, was second, 425.1 terday. The winner received $5 as first Literary School Representatives prize. The two color bearers for the A white pine seedling, bearing Literary school will be Frederick 441 needles, was displayed in the; Asbeck, '29, and William Nissen, '29. window of Wahr's book store dur- The Senior Honor guard for that schol ncldesJams DfflldEd-ingforest week. The number of.i school includes James Duffield, Ed- pine needles, according to the an-' ward Wachs, Ernest McCoy, Thomas swers submitted, ranged from 18 Thomas, Kenneth Patrick, Harlan to 672. Over 100 persons took part Christy, J. Franklin Miller, Ralph in the contest. Popp, Raymond Wachter, Dana th e Norton, Benjamin Bontell-, Karl. Schmidt, Robert Deo, William Engineering Society r Maney, Robert Petrie, Durvin Alg- Will Hear Addresses ver Robert Gessner, Klrl Gremel, Dalton Walper, Horace Barton,1 Stewart Hooer, Gerald Harring- The Industrial Engineering so- ton, George Renner, Evans Griffing, cietyl will hold a banquet tonight Edward Hulse, Mark Andrews, Carl at 6:30 o'clock at the Women's Fauster, Kingsley More, Bernath; League building. Sherwood, Jr., Joseph Pomeroy, Paul A representative of the Kingsee- Minsel, Herbert Ripley, John Tar- ley Company of Ann Arbor is bill, Edward Burroughs, Milton Mc- scheduled to speak on industrial +Creery, Harry Russell, Thomas Wat- management. Prof. Charles B. son, Loy Sutherland, Glen Carlson, Gordy, assistant professor of pro- George King, John Whittle, Ernest duction management, will also Freese, Charles Daker, William speak on this subject. Quinn, Robert Lamoree, Charles This organizaton iwas formed in Seilheimer, Richard Kurvink, Rob- the engineering school this year, ert Warren, Fenton Raber, William and the banquet this evening will McAfee, Jr., John Bergelin, John be the first in the history of the so- Lowenstine, Gabriel Joseph, Theo- ceity. dore Wuerfel, Donald Corriden, For the first time in 16 years it James Bayne, and Judson Weaver.'begins to look as if the pennant Engineering Honor Guards bgn olo si h enn The Honor guards for the College dreams of the Athletics might come of Engineering include Tom Leslie, true. With the first of the series George Martin R. J. Williams, W. of intersectional games already in B. Fortune, Jack A. Hapke, John R. the discard, the Mackmen are still Gilmartin, George Hubbell, William at the top of the heap in the Amer-. R. Hough, Jack C. Adler, Robert ican League, leading the Yankees Easterly, Harold Bailey, John R.a by two full games. Hall, T. L. Yates, and Eugene East- erly. A. A. Stewart and Frederick Fans in Philadelphia still remem- Sevald, Jr., comprise the Honor ber the good old days when the guard for the Architecture school. $1,0000,000 infield was functioning The Medical college Honor guard on grease dbearings, when Eddie will consist of Robert Burhans, H. Collins played second, and "Home F. Mattson, F. P. Husted, Stanley! Run" Baker third when Cornelius Goldhamer, Harold Lovell, Bernard McGillicudy was the master mind, Watson, Walter Stinson, and Robert when the Athletics, in fact, was a Milligan.''team a manager could well be The Honor guard for the Law 'proud of. school will include F. T. Zinn, Aus- tin Fleming, Gerit Demmink, G. E. 75 Students White, W. K. Greiner, R. H. Calla-; han, A. C. Bowman, and J. A. Can't Be Wrong fSprowl. Even a prof. would be convinced; Clayton W. Schribner, '29, and if 75 students all gave him the same Don Winters will make up the answer to his question. Ask any of Honor guard forthe School of For- our last Summer's student salesmen estry and Conservation; Clare E. about the Consumer's Merchandise' Association offer and the answer Harder and M. Starr Northrop, wh e" "Grand Rapid 2-m6865" i E 4 Construction of the world's larg- is estimated will take six years to, est dam has been begun at Azusa, 'complete. It will be known as theE Cal. It will be larger than the Sam Gabriel Dam and compound much-discussed Boulder Dam and it the waters of that river. I' __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----' It will speed your service if you place your Long Distance tele- phone callsin the following manner: 1. Call, or dial Long Distance and when the Long Distance oper- ator answers- 2. Give her the name of the town or city you are calling. 3. Then give her the number of the telephone you wish to call. 4. If it is a Person-to-Person"* call, give her the name of the person you are calling. 5. Then give your own telephone number. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE '4, r W 'A ts cl T}Y l t )CST .'Yl ' d Der To Men Graduating this Year 444 With graduation almost at hand, your first step into the business world will be a determining factor in the rapid- ity and substantial character of your progress. In this connection, it may be well to consider the desirability of becoming associated with the automotive industry, on account of its dominant position and the correspond- ing opportunity it offers to men of ability . . . The Spark Plug is an automotive necessity, with an annual. replacement market of 300,000,000 units. Only one- fifth of this potential market was satisfied last year. The fact that Defiance Spark Plugs gained third place last year indicates that the market is an open one . . . Defiance has made this rapid advance by virtue of high quality of product, an unusual marketing plan, ag- gressive merchandising and selling, national advertis- ing, and thorough training of salesmen . .. College men now associated with Defiance in managerial and sales capacities have gone forward rapidly through their in- telligent study and application of sound merchandising to their particular markets . . . Defiance offers, in ad- dition to the possibility for an unusual immediate in- comfe, an opportunity for more rapid advancement he- cause it is now in a period of growth and expansion . If vo"" schooling has been in business admnistration, advertising and selling, and yon have decided to enter upon a business career, write to the address below, giving merely yourn 'nae, age, college and address to which we may forward further inforaalion. Sales Manager D eflance Spark Pugs I N C OR P O RAT El) Toledo -"Ohio l'V *A Person-to-Person call is one on which you wish to talk with someone in particular. A Station-to-Station call is one on which you will talk with whomever answers. It costs less than a Person-to-Person call. -.- -- .v . This f t Changing' World TICKETS & RESERVATIONS For All Important Lake and Ocean Lins Tours, Cruises Independeit Travel E. G. Kuebler Gen. Steamship Agency 641 E. Huron Ph. 6412 ANN ARBOR Wrong With Consumer's." If You are earning your way through' school, you will find our proposition interesting. Investigate further now. Write or call. Consumers Merchandise Association 410 Cedar Avenue Minneapolis In I lass-- ay Festival Patrons These Restaurants under one management, offer you throughout your stay'' " " i -~1 II To-daf, you can see big build- ings erected noiselessly-by electric welding. The structural steel worker is dropping his clattering ham- mer for the electric arc. Silently,' swiftly, rigidly, economically, buildings are being fabricated by electric welding, which knits steel with joints as strong as f t 1 '{ E I j the rmetal itself. Building silently! seems impossible in trical age. Nothing this elec- ,! r, «. -. .. -_ S Good Meals cl(2 Quick Service i r I i i C I Not only in building construc- tion,but in every human activity, we instinctively turn to electric- ity to add to the comforts of life and to eliminate the wastes of production-another evi- dence that the electrical industry Not only industrial equipment, but electric refrigerators, MAZDA lamps, and little motors that add to the comforts of home, are manufactured by the General ANN ARBOR RESTAURANT ALLENEL HOTEL III I I