: A wE rMT~r 'kTH MICHIGAN AIL' rublished every morning except Monday 1during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a second class matter. Special rate of postag granted by Third Assistant Post- miaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- scard' Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, m2214. YDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETHG. PATRICK Editor.....................Nelson J Smith City Eitor................ Stewart Hooker News Editor............ ichard C. Kurvink Sports Editor---------------VW. Morris Quinn Women's Editor.............Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor .............(leorge Stauter Music and Drama........ ..R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor..........Robert Silbar Night Editors COLONEL LINDBERGH asiliy dtinguishable as the most &e universally popular citizen in this country, Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, the "Lone Eagle" of American avia- THE OLD tion, has returned to a place of MASTER ! ranking import in the public prints. RETURNS Closely associated with him in the When you mention drama, you attention of newspaper reporters think of Shakespeare, when you --01 I n_ ..... d MUSIC And Drma 0 __ r TONIGHT: Mile. Yelly D'Aranyi will apear in violin concert for Choral Uion in Bill auditorium, beginning at :15 o'clock. TONIGHT: Comedy club present "Take My Adivce," a comedy, in Mimes theater beginning at 8:15 0dclock. Strings .*. * pphes . . Repairs .. for all Musical Instruments Schaeberle &c San MUSIC HOUSE 110 S. Main St. I oseph E. H~owell onald J. Mine Lawrence R. Klein George Charles S. Monroe Pierce Rosenberg George E. Simons C. Tilley Reporters Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman Morris Alexand Charles A. Lewis C. A. Askren Marian McDonald Bertram Askwi"i henry Merry Louise Behyme Elizabeh iQnaife Arthur Bernste'& Victor Rabinowitz Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell Isabel Charles Ann elScel L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer rank V. Cooper Howard Simon Helen Domine Robert L. Sloss Margaret 1Eckels Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swanson Robert J. Feldman Jane Trhayer MariorieFollmner Edith Thomas William Gentry BethI Valentine Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams David B. Hempstead Jr. W ter Wilds th Ribbard Jung Goge 1. ole t Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr. Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACH TER Department Managers Advertising.......Alex K. Scherer Advertising . ..........A. James Jordan Advertising..............Carl W. Hammer Service.................Herbert E. Varnum Circulation............. eorge S. Bradley Accounts........... ..Lawrence . Walkley Publications... .....,... Ray M. Hofelich and readers is the name of Anne I Morrow, daughter of the Unitedc States ambassador to Mexico, who N it is an'nounced, is engaged to theT "flying colonel.". Custom would seem to dictate! that congratulations are now in order for "Lindy." There are many' of us, however, who might feel readily enough that in this partic- ular circumstance, the young lady is, improper as it may seem, reallyt entitled to the congratulations. Sober consideration is apt, never-1 theless, to convince, many an im-I partial observer that the wife of al prominent public figure is notj nearly so much to be congratulated] as at first appears. Loved by a nation fully as much3 for the sterling worth of his char-, acter as for his abilities as pilot, and mechanic of flying machines, Lindbergh may not prove nearly so satisfactory a husband for Anne Morrow as would some other young 1 man of good standing who is not1 a national hero. A man who is of necessity constantly in demand and whose interests are definitely those of the mechanic and aero- nautical engineer, may not, quite possibly,, prove nearly so happy as a social being as the daughter of! an ambassador, accustomed to the whirl of social life, might-desire. -p0 Colonel Lindbergh recently ar- rived two hours late at a Panama landing field. That's all right, Charlie, have a good time while you can; soon you'll be married and expected home on time everyf day. Campus Opinion Contribntors are asked to l-e brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words it possible. Anonymous coin- munications will be disregarded. The names of commnmicants will, however, I 'be regarded as confidential, upon re- Mary Chase Jeanette Dale ernor Davis Bessie Egeland Sally Faster Anna Goldberg Kasper Halverson George Hamilton lack Horwych Dix Humphrey Assistants Marion Kerr Lillian Kov insky Berard Larson Hollister Mabley 1.A. Newman Jack Rose Carl F. Schemm George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead Night Editor-Lawrence R. Klein WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1929 -j THE LOCAL BOYS CAN'T MAKEI ThEE GRADl:: NEXT!' 1 Apropos of selecting a next presi- dent for the University an inter- esting proposal has been advanced by an Ann Arbor newspaper that a faculty man should be elevated to the post. In this day of rail- road executives who used to wipe' engines and newspaper owners who used to hawk for pennies such a proposal carries a strong senti- mental appeal. It would be nice, to propagate the notion that an earnest and intelligent youth can' start as office boy to a dean and work his 'way up to president. More seriously it has been sug- gested that the recent inrush of I originality has left the University and its supporters in such a tur- moil of divided opinion and in- jured feelings that a period of re- cuperation is necessary before morel innovations are risked. To head this convalescence they say a facul- ty man should be chosen whose hand is on the pulse of our institu- tion and who knows from experi.- ence how best to combat the dis- eases to which it is susceptible. Such standing still, however, car- ries little appeal to those who would like to see Michigan retain its place in the front rank of state: universities. With a greater Mich- igan at heart, they can see no vir- tue in vegetating for several years under a reactionary regime. We be- lieve they are right in assuming that the present aimlessness cre- ated by President Little's resigna- tion cah be repaired as effectively by a vigorous and tactful admin- istrator as by those twin healers, time and the status quo. What the University needs in the presidential chair is a scholar, dip-' lomat, politician, and glorified travelling salesman, all rolled into one and available at a modest sal- ary. Scholarship would maintain the dignity of the position. Dip- lomacy would preserve harmony in the rhetoric departiment and align both faculty and friends behind the administration's projects. A ppli- tician would preserve a working re- lation between the University and those who pull the purse strings in! Lansing. Salesmanship implies a peripatetic mission of good will and{ oratory with a species of one-night mention famous lovers, you think of Lindbergh, when you mention7 wrecks, you thing of the Washte- naw machine. But when you men- tion Toasted Rolls, you think of qu~ts. Leterspublished sh ouldntb ! construed as expressing the editorial opinion of the Daily.! NO MORE WHOOPEE Editor of the Daily: I should like to ask if the Daily has definitely joined the ranks of the , "wet" press? The editorials that have appeared in your paper *yesterday and today (Feb. 15 and 16) would seem t'o point that way. - IWhy must you always refer to prohibition as a "farce"? Why can't you find something lauda- tory to say about the question?' No one denies that there is much disregard of ,the. prohibition laws by many people, but we who live through both periods-preprohibi- tion and prohibition-know thaty there is a- vast difference to be found in social conditions in the two periods. I have lived in Ann Arbor as a! professor for twenty-five years. I also hold an A. B. and an A. M. degree from the University of Michigan. Let me tell you that there is an entirely different class of students here now as compared with the students of my day. When I was an undergraduate there were 40 saloons in Ann Arbor. Drunken- ness, rowdyism, and the destruction of public property were common{ occurrences. As for the present, I have not seen a half-dozen drunken persons! in the city in the past five years. I know there are more than that number, but they are not spewing their filth in public places where I go-and I am no recluse. Further, there is little wanton destruction of property in Ann Arbor and little disturbance of the+ peace. Students-and residents- are by no means angels as yet, thank God, but it is my conviction that Ann Arbor never housed a cleaner body of human beings than it is doing at the present. If we only put ourselves in har- mony with the existing prohibition laws and look at the benefits there- from instead of appearing to be scoffers of the enactments of So- I ciety, my guess is that soon a wave: of public pride in law observance would sweep the country and few but outcasts would be found ridi- culing the best efforts which So-: ciety has made to improve itself. Murder, theft, dishonesty prob- ably will continue to exist as long as the human race endures. There are always some who are abnormal s or subnormal or both. So, doubt- less there will always be some who will. defy the prohibition laws, if it is possible to do so. This, how- ever, does not entitle self-respect- ing citizens to do any of these E z I Timothy Hay, who conducted the column in 1926-27 "TAKE MY ADVICE" Timothy Hay is famous in the A RviAv By R. Leslie Askrenj annals of Daily history. It was he Comedy club have made good who sponsored that famous Hobbs- with thei public. They have Eddy debate that packed Hill audi- taken ahlightpcomedy .that was torium and turned out to be one written full of sure-fire laugh lines of the biggest blow-fests in his- and situations, worked it out with tory. It was he who, when the ver- a very weather beaten eye for the million-haired Gerry Hoag, then comedy, and put it on in a style manager of the Majestic (long be- that is abundantly adequate for fore the advent of the flamboyant the matter in hand. Little more Michigan), had locked the doors can be said of the production. of the theater during the first show The play itself was atrocious to prevent a theater rush, called stuff; if George M. Cohan had up both the chief of the fire de- written it it would have been partment and the chief of police drama by comparison. But it was and told them that there were peo- funny, unspeakably funny, so the ple locked in the theater who were audience forgot to remember. Di- pounding on the door trying to rection by T. J. Dougall was good- get out, and wasn't it against the by scenes. Lester is an expert fire ordinance to lock the doors to but not too facile craftsman. His the theater? play progressed by jumps, and So we take humble pleasure in Dougall was not able to overcome presenting the hero of the battle the defect. The "set" was nicely of Cippy Stadium, the terror of bright and gay, however, and the the administration, the scourge of show moved along quickly enough the Student Council, the demon of I to cover with a laugh any ci- University frauds-in short, the dental defect that arose, Voltaire of the campus, Timothy There were some rather terrible Hay ) things wrong with parts of the (Lark) show-but they turned into laughs HEY! and that's what was wanted so HEY! criticism is balked. Outstanding, HAY! however, was Charles Peake's in- Dear Larkability, in the role of Prof. Clement, At least, we hope you are on otherwise known as Mr. Fixit, to lift the job still. Resigning or refus- himself to anywhere near the ing to be a candidate seems to be height of vitality and amusing in- ing torealarthnidaeoseemsto genuity:-. that the lines demanded. the regular thing around there I By contrast Elizabeth McCurdy in now. Almost any day we are ex- the part of Ann Weaver fairly pecting to read about Harry Til- tillated with girlish charm-a lotson quitting because he just found out some student got a 50- which Miss McCurdy notably ndoes not do. But that really did E * * not seem to ntt;er. When Peake's Never knowing where any- peak lines fell floppily into the one is staying in these days of labyss he was in emotionally him- E resign and let live, we are send- self, the audience laughed anyhow, I ing a couple letters in care of -and swallowed a secret sob for Toasted, Rolls trusting that the poor Ann.. bakery hasn't quit in favor of Florence Tennant, s vamping Music and Drama. schemer, Marella, was a fascinat- ~ ,ing study in horrors. Her gown was charmingly in keeping with her T Der Regard g"True'Slory" 'f kground but was Dear Regals, Having seen i; one of the little most atrociousy unkind both to stories in the Detroit papers that her f1gure and to the audience. But you are looking for someone to when it came to the matter of board at the white house on the playing the vamp, at which women campus, as the last tenant could are professionaly e xpe r t , this not get along very well with the charming lady gave a performance landlord, we are hereby applying notable more for her eagerness to for the position. ( get her man than. for any con- ! * * 1 vincing effect it might have had As we have no ideals or ideas, on the audience. But, then, they on anything, we should make a laughed; it waot necessary to splendid candidate. convince, apparently. * , . The hit of the evening was Tom In regard to automobiles, our pro- Yates, "Haow due yew due" artist, gram is no, little plan. We favor who goes in for daffodils and be- letting all students drive. In fact, traying honest girls like Ann into include the price of an auto in the fake dramatic schools. Very much tuition. That would go over big a dark horse, Yates charged his with the auto industry and put the ! part in full stride and carried it1 Ann Arbor traffic court back on off with fluttering nostrils. It was its feet. It would offset the Amer- an extraordinarily high spiritedI ican Legion vote, which we frankly performance. "Salesman Sam"I admit would be opposed to us. 'Adams paralleled Yates, but in a! ** * emuch more sincerely written part. Glad to see you intend to go The remainder of the cast were not ahead- with dormitories, be- notably bad or good-and the audi- cause if memory serves us right, ence enjoyed themselves thorough- the townpeople of Ann Arbor ly, quite without shame. during certain theater riots Comedy club have done some- were loud in the opinion that thing terribly bad very well. They industry built the town. Now ought honestly to be rather asham- it seems industry doesn't want ed of themselves. The players in the blame ad is trying to shift the cast were fully equal to better it off on the university. things and Dougall's directoria a * skill is also eqlal to more impor- As for big donations from grocers, tant stuff. If they console them- butchers, cooks or lawyers, "we selves with the thought that they won't mention any names because I made their audiences laugh-they that is a big dark secret), the more might take a naive, Bud Weaver- the merrier. A few more of them Al Foster vow never to do it again with their strings attached and we at least not this season nor that wouldn't need a board of regents. way. * * **** If satisfactory, we can come THE PUPPET REVUE any time. We will get a month ,A Review, By Thomas K. Denton or two leave of absence. All we Having established themselves as ask is that Governor Green re- masters of their craft, the Pup- frains from endorsing our can- j peteers, Harry Burnett and Forman didacy. Brown, displayed their whole scope * * in a definite effort to ;arouse adult To Paul Kern interest in what is usually consider-; Congratulations on resigning ed children's entertainment. Their from the student council. When method on the present -tour is to you accepted the position last. year, educate their patrons "by progress we: thought you had lost your pride 1 sion from the gawky tricks of com- or conscience. But we are willing edy to the brilliant phantasy made I Brown-Cress & Co., Inc. Investment Securities 7th Floor First Nat'l Bank, Bldg. U I I New York Listed Stoc ks Private wires to all Markets Conservative margin accounts solicited Telephone 22541 I I I The Ann Arbor Dairy makes a specialty of producing delicious punch and sherbet. Like all Ann Arbor Dairy products, these two are finest quality and unusually tasty. P is - - - yous e them ate treeit. ,n, South and everywhere on t the campus. They are whitea - real white-and they-are comfort- - able. . They have been laundered at the - VARSITY.,* Phone 42it9 400 ' Corner Liberty and Fifth Si 1 # . to admit now that maybe you just took the office to investigate vague rumors that the student council amounts to something. Why did itl take you all this time to find out? * *.* possible by the lifeless actors. In "A Gooseberry Mandarin," a play from Baker's 47 Workshop, they reached the height of theim performance. It is an imaginative fairy tale of the love of a tree forI i