ESTABLISHED 1890 I. r ............. .. I1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 173 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1929 EIGHT PAGES CHANGEARRANGED U;olc~tal ENDURANCE PIAE IN IFRESHMAN PROGRAM FOR BURSLEY ANNAUNCES PLANS FOR NEWP On ENTERING ACTIVITY MADE S Personal Introduction T Is Aim Of ew And Less Opening System Freshman Week acti next year, the complete p which was announced yes Prof. Philip E. Bursleyv plants Prof. William A.F director of the week's ag being arranged with the alleviating'certain parts o years' programs which t defeat their original aim. . Chief of these is that t program will not begin u day morning, instead of M formerly, and will end pr Saturday noon. Further, ular scheduled events of will be strictly limited to cum, in order that the may haVe as much indivi dom as- possible. Theset slons, it is hoped, will p coming studnets to make ments for living accomr before Freshman Week be will enable them to en pletely into activities of th To Incorporate Same P Professor Bursley said object of the freshman pro next fall would be substan same as that of the tw projects, namely that of "g new students a more cor personal introduction tot pus, allowing them better themselves to' a situation them- and to discover f selves all the more quic prbper places in our comm The complete program week is as fololws: Tuesd ing at 8 o'clock all fresh report to their group advis 2a period for, forming ofa anceships, the new class w into p e-professional gro meet in specialy arrange ences. The entire afterno first day will be left free newcomers' use at their d At 8 o'clock Tuesday nigh meeting will be held in H torium, at which Dean of Jobseph- A. Bursle1 the] Women, and the new Pre the University will give ad Free Day Wednesda Wednesday morning wil free for Library inspecti which will 'be given as i years. In the afternoon, pa freshman class will be en at the home of Dean Bur lawn party. This will be by; an athletic program field, each event being con sofar as possible to mt competition. Wednesday mass sing wil be conducte auditorium. English contents examin be given all members of class Thursday morning. be followed by a two-hour examination. In the after remaining pat of the clas tending the. previous day Dean Bursey's guests; and section having been en will participate in the athil tests. The convocation of that night will be adressed Wilbur R. Humphreys,< dean of the Literary colleg Wilfred B. Shaw, geenral of the Alumni association. The major part of Frida lng will be devoted to s aptitude examinations, aft an inspection trip through versity laboratories will b The afternoon will be tur to athletics with each gr night, a mixer for men, dance for the women will Saturday morning, thex of the new freshman clas given a mathematics con amination. The footba scheduled for the aftern conclude ! the officially4 program of the week. The outlined above will be ad insofar as possible, it wa by Professor Bursley. Union Swim Win Are Awarded M -(By Associated Press) Irr CLEVELAND, May 22.--Secrey IwilIbell vbe again tomorrow as Dr. William E. Lower. Cleveland clinic director, is recalled to testi- fy before Coroner A. J. Pearse in III the coroner's hearing on the clinic disaster that took 122 lives. Pearse halted his investigation LATEST today while he examined the tran- MEN script of testimony already taken. Announcing that Dr. Lower will be recalled, the coroner said he be- HORTER lieved the physician's testimony will be as great importance in aris- ing at a verdict. Unti the verdict Capsis given, however, the hearings Trying will remain privati. When the verdict is announced, the records of testimony will be released to the vities for press. rogram of An afterthought that traces of terday by the deadly gas might still be lin- who sup- J gering in the clinic building, sent Frayer asE workmen who were reparing the enda, are structure today hurrying to safety view of outdoors while ventilating fans f previous were used to thoroughly air out the ended to structure. Orders were issued to vacate the he week's building until tomorrow, and a ntil Tues- probe will be started Thursday. londay as Cleveland hospitals which still omptly at shelter 30 patients suffeing effects the reg; of the poison gas inhaled at the the week Cleveland clinic a week ago were a modi- awaiting arrival tonight of emer- freshmen { gency oxygen "tents" from other dual free- cities of the middle west. two revi- ._ ermit in- ar: ange- nodations gins, and IS I N OR I ter com- eir group ogram 'II V A R B that theO g am for tially the Social Science Research Group iving former Sends Professor To Study Gov- ind che ernmental Housing Projects dial and to adjust GIVEN LEAVE OF- ABSENCE new to or them- Prof.' Ernest M. Fisher, of the kly their department of real estate of the aunity." School of Business Administration, for the has been awarded a special grant ay morn- I for extended study abroad by the men will Social Science .Research council, ers. After it was announced yesterday. acquaint- The Board of Regents have ill divide granted Professor Fisher a leave of ups and absence for the first semester of d confer- the next school year, and he said on of the yesterday that he will spend this for the time completing a study of the iscretion. economic aspects of European gov- t, a mass ernmental housing projects and 3ill audi- making incidental observations of Students other economic problems. Dean of Starting in England and spend- sident of ing some time there , Professor dresses. Fisher will proceed to travel through as many other European l be left countries as time permits. He on trips, I lans to examine records and doc- n former uments in municipal bureaus de- rt of the voted to governmental housing tertained projects and in inspection of some sley by a of the projects which are being followed carried out. at Ferry Problems of governmental con- tfinerry itrol of land plotting, of long term fined i- leases and their economic effect, -ight the and of the relation between the din Hill use to which land is put and land values will also come in for inci- tion will dental attention, Professor Fisher the new said yesterday. He contemplates This willIpublication of the results of his rhetoric study. -noon the s, not at (Company 'To Omit will be Shaw Play Matinee the other ___ tertained, George Bernard Shaw's farcical etic con- comedy, "You Never Can Tell" will the class, be presented by a stock company: 1by Prof. tonight and Saturday matinee and assistant night of this week at the Lydia e, and by Mendelssohn theater. The matineej tnrfnr S 1 1 ; 1 s1 > : . ,I , f f PASSES HALFWAY MARK ON FLCIHT FORT WORTH STILL IN AIR FOR NON-STOP REC- ORD DESCRIBE REFUELING Aviators Send Down Note Telling Of Operation In Receiving Supplies In Air (fay Associated Press) , FORT WORTH, Tex., May 22.- Pilots L. Robbins and James Kelly today roared past the half-way mark in their attempt to set a new world's endurance refueling flight record. At 3:33 p. m. their single-motored monoplane had been in the air 76 hours, half of the minimum time they said they would fly when they, left the ground Sunday. The army plane, Question Mark, remained aloft 150 hours, 40 minutes and 15 seconds to establish 'the present record. Recognizing the hazard of fire in . their refueling contacts, the fliers asked today for parachutes, but when pilots of the supply plane of- fered the chutes on a rope, Robbins ands Kelly refused to take them. The parachutes are not'to be taken up again unless the fliers ask for them. Describes Refueling In a note Robbins told how the plane is refuled, the operation- dur- ing which danger from fire and a collision is greatest.k -First we dropa note as to what we need, when, and at what alti- tude," Robbins wrote. "The fefueling ship comes along flying slow and the hose is lowered about 20 feet. I pull under it (the refueling ship) with back of right wing and then come up within 20 feet of the ship. The hose is low-' ered, the ground wire connected, and hose put in the funnel. The gas is turned on from the upper ship. Little Fire Danger "I fly with one hand on the stick and the other on the saddle, and; both are busy all the time. When the tank is full I pull to the left and drop down. Then the sack is! lowered to us." He dismissed the fire hazard with a nonchalant' "the ground wire is connected." The ground wire helpsj to insulate the ship against danger of electricity generated by the pro- pellor from igniting the gasoline. When the fliers passed the half- way post they had refueled seven times. Robbins dropped a note in the afternon saying he would let the ground crew know when he wanted an additional supply. That note said the plane was at about a 10,000 foot altitude. Mrs. Robbins and Mars. Kelly paid a visit to their husbands to- day. The plane in which they went up flew at a greater speed than the, endurance snip and they played about the Fort Worth for about 90 minutes. Vulcan Honor Society Holds Initiation Rites Thirteen students were intiated into Vulcans, honorary senior engi-~ neering society, yesterday afternoon in the Engineering arch. The new men who weer intiated are: Ludwig Emde, Isador'e Grodsky, Dick Gretch, Harry Coll, George Beard, Charles Wood, Charles Wad- dell, P. Stanley Cochran, Robert Grunow, Theodore Will, Robert Mc-j Coy, Edward Nell, and Neil Mac-1 Dougal. GROUPSTO FETE PRESIDENT LITLE[ AT U.NION TO0NIG0HT FINAL PROGRAM ANNOUNCED; STUDENTS TO SPEAK AND PRESIDE TICKET SALES LARGE George Rich Is To Be Toastmaster As Homage Of Campus Is Given Departing President More than 450 students, meeting to evince their high regard for President Clarence Cook Little's services to the University, will as- semble at 6 o'clock tonight in the' ballroom ofthe Union for the ap- preciatory dinner in honor of their retiring President and Mrs. Little. Advance sales of tickets, which will be continued throughout the day, indicate that the number may reach 500 by the time of the ban- quet. Tickets may be secured at' any of the State street bookstores{ today at $1.50 per cover, according to Chester C. Bennett, '29, chairman! of the ticket committee. Program Includes Short Talks The final program has been an- nounced by Thomas C. Winter, '30 B.AD., and is as follows: Following! the dinner itself, which will be in- formal, a program of speeches will be conducted by Toastmaster! George E. Rich, '30L. Martin J. Mol,1 '30, general chairman of the ban-, quet, will be the first student speaker; he will be followed by Henry Grinnell, '28, who will give an address in behalf of the alumni. S. Elizabeth Wellman, '29, will fol- low these talks with a speech of ap- nreciatinexnress-inf the sentiment Banquet To Be Held In Honor Of Little Securities Prices drop On Market I (By AssociatedPres~s) " NEW YORK, May 22.-Wall Street today experienced the most drastic reaction in security prices since the beginning of the so-called "Coolidge bull market," five year ago, as a result of the storm of liquidation set in motion by the federal reserve council's recom- mendation of an increase from five . <":tosix per cent in rediscount rates. Fiftyor more issues on the New York Stock Exchange broke $5 to $8 a share, many of them to new low records for the year.t The liquidating movement start- ed from the opening gong and con- tinued with only two brief inter- Iruptions-one round mid-day when a brief rally followed the an- * I nouncement that President Hoover had called an oil conservation con- ference of western governors, and another in mid-afternoon when the call money rate was dropped from seven to six per cent. Hun- dreds of traders, whose marginal accounts had been impaired,, dumped their stocks "at the mar- ket" rather than put up more col- lateral. Clarence Cook Little This was in strange contrast' to Who with Mrs. Little will be the previous reactions when demands guest of honor at an all-student for more margin were readily testimonial dinner tonight at theforthcoming and undoubtedly re- Union. This will b the last ap- fected the destruction of specula- Uno.Ti ilb h ata-,tor's hopes that the tight credit preciatory gesture which the stu- situation could be alleviated with- dent body can make to its retiring odt resort to drastic rediscount ac- President. tion. PLAY PRODUCTIO N GRAF DEPARTURE. TO FORM COMPANY I f { i. t 5 E i l l t ( i t 1, i JJLVWUULV11 GXJ atJ' in Group To Be Taken Principally of the women of the University. From Among Students Who" Thomas V. Koyka, '30L, will be the Show Promise concluding student speaker on the S program. s Music By Orchestra T APPEAR IN UMMER + Bob Carson's orchestra wil pro- vide music throughout the dinner. A summer stock company, run on A quarette from the Girls' Glee club a regular professional basis, will be, and Sidney F. Straight, Spec., will one of the principal projects ofI augment the musical program. Play Production during the sum- The dinner, which has been the outgrowth of spontaneous effort rer session, according to an an- among the students, and sponsored I nouncement inade yesterday by by the various campus honor so- Valentine B. Windt, director. The cieties and publications, is designed !ew c to be a strictly student gesture, re- 1 cmpany is to be called the flecting their cognizance of Dr.' Michigan Repertory Players, and Little's offices in their behalf. will be made up largely of students in the cou:se, but will also include Council Not To Meet anyone whose talents and experi- Until Next Tuesday j ence warrants a part in. the thea- Itre activities. Because a quorum was not pres- A seven weeks' run is planned for ent at the meeting of the Inter- I the new company at the Lydia fraternity council, which was call- j Mendelssohn theatre, and four per- ed for yesterday afternoon, the i formances each week will be given. meeting has been postponed until I Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and next Tuesday. The council will Saturday nights are scheduled for convene at 4:15 Tuesday in room! the p oductions with two excep-1 302 of the Union. tions. Twice during the , seven At this time, Prof. Phillip Burs- i weeks a University function will ley, of the Romance languages de- ;necessitate a matinee on Friday partment, will discuss the plans for afternoon instead of a Friday night freshman week next fall,tand will performance. explain to the fraternity repre- I Season ticket for the full run sentatives just how he wishes the will be sold at a greatly reduced situation to be handled then. price for the whole series. Holders of season tickets will be allowed Senior Sing Attracts to exchange the stub for any per- Small Crowd To Event formane in one week, and will not _____be required to attend the same day Surrounded by an audience of very week or to sit in the same students and townspeople, seniors j scn,. Big Dirigib'c Not To Leave For Her Return Voyage Into Germany Until Thursday Night I WAITS FOR COMMANDER (By Associated .Press), CUERS, France, May 22.-De- parture of the dirigible Graf Zeppe- lin from her emergency refuge for Friedrichshafen, at first planned for dawn tomorrow, has been defi- nitely postponed until Thursday fevening. This decision was made! tonight by Captain Lehmann whenj he received a telegram from Dr.1 Hugo Eckener, commander and navigator of the big ship, that the latter wasjourneying from Ger-! many and would arrive at Cuers at .5 p. m. tomorrow. The big dirigible was fully pre-. pared today for the earler geta- way. Her balloons were distended with lifting gas furnished by the French government and her ballast1 tanks were lo'aded with water.- Captain Lehmann had been au- thorized to use his own-judgment as to the hour for taking off, but he naturally decided against an early departure as soon as he re- ceived definite word that his su- perior officer was hurryng to Cuers. Sale Of Invitations- Extended To Friday Contrary to other announce- ments, senior invitations and an- nouncemen ts will be distributed J this afteronon from 3 to 5 o'clock, and tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 5 o'clock at the table in the corri- dor of University hall. Many of the Commencement, in- vitations and announcements were distributed yesterday. All seniors are requested to take up their or"- ders before 5 o'clock Friday after- noon. To Show Many hen Put On Sale Today Arnold Becker, '30, Al Gage, '30, John Marshall, '32, and many others. Lee Blaser, '32, is author and illustrator of a full page story about one aggressive Horatio Pins; and Campus Talks, one of the most popular features of the book, holds forth for two pages on what's doing on campus. A review of the cur- rent canned music,- by Charles Monroe, '30, newly appointed re-, views editor, is also included. This issue of the Gargoyle is the REI INAUGURATED 'TO HEAD STUDBENT COUNCILNEXT YEAR NEW REGIME ASSUMES TASK OF STUDENT GOVERNMENT OF COUNCIL NO CHANGES IN 00UNCIL Proposal To Transfer Supervision Of Convocations To Another Organization Defeated Inaugurating a new regime in student government at the Univer- sity, Councilman Ernest C. Reif, '30, took over the presidential duties, junior councilmen for the past year. were promoted and the newly elected councilmen made their in- itial appearance, at the final meet- ing of the Student council last night at the Union. Members of the past year's body who are terminating their careers were present last night, and introduced the new men to their duties. With the exception of the trans- ferring of the president's office, matters relative to the changing of the organization were postponed antil the first meeting next fall. At that time, a senior councilman will be appointed to fill the vacancy oc- curing through the advancement of Reif to President. Reif was elected a junior councliman last year, and at the elections last Wednesday was chosen head of the council. Appointments Made Next Fall Election of the council officers, appointment of the various com- mittee chairmanships within the body, and the delegation of duties to other students will also be exe- cuted at the opening meeting next fall. Principal among the delegated duties of the council will be the handling of the fall and spring series of convocations. The super- vision of this function wiW eontsua. to be within the jurisdiction of the council, it was decided, after a sug- gestion was offered that the convo- cations be transferred ,to another student organization on the campus. Fred M. Asbeck, '29, president of the council during the past semes- ter, opened the meeting last night, and then turned the president's chair over to Councilman Reif. On assuming his new role, Reif, made an appeal to the councilmen for thorough cooperation in the admin- istering of the council work, and for his colleagues to bring the council in closer relation with the student body. 8 Asbeck Given Appreciatory Vote After leaving the chair, Asbeck, was given a vote of appreciation for his work. Other councilmen who completed their terms last night were Ernest C. McCoy, '29, Richard Kurvink, '29, and Durwin Algyer, '29. Three ex-officio mem- bers are likewise rettiring They are: Kenneth G. Patrick, '29, man- aging editor of The Daily, William Nissen, '29, president of the Union, and Richard Spindle, '29, represen- tative from the Board in'Control of Athletics. Junior councilmen who were ad- vanced to senior positios with the begining of the new council, are, aside from Reif, Jennings McBride, '30, and Willard Lowry, '30. The latter served as secretary during the past year. Assuming council positions for the first time were three senior repre- sentatives: Donald J. Kline, '30, P. Stanley Cochran, '30E, and Leo T. Norville, '30; and three junior rep- resentatives, who hold two year terms; Bruce Palmer, '31, Jerrold Curry, '31, and Matthew C. Haddon, '31E. Ex-officio members for the coming year will be George C. Til- ley, editor of The Daily, Kenneth M. Lloyd, president of the Union, and Laverne Taylor, representative from the Board in Control of Ath- Iletics 1 Swearing in of the new members is scheduled, according to the Con- stitution, for the first convocation next fall. Arrangements for this ceremony have not yet been made Ambassador Bridge Threatened By Fire (By Associated Press) DETROIT, May 22.The new Ambassador bridge was threatened ! this, afternoon when a-fire broke I iy morn- cholasticl er which the Uni- be made., ned over 'oup. Atj and aj be given. members s will be tent ex- 11 game oon will arranged program' hered to xs stated ners ledals l performance this afternoon has been cancelled according to Rober, Henderson, director, and persons holding tickets for this perform- ance may redeem them at the box office or exchange. them for an- other day. May Festival Makes Au As Audience Acc The first concert on the the an-, nual May Festival program was pre- sented last night in Hill Auditorium by Sophie Braslau, contralto, and Richard Crooks, tenor. The Chi- cago Symphony orchestra under the . baton of Fredrick Stock pro- vided the musical background. Miss Braslau and Crooks sang a number of arias and short numbers. All three artists received an ova- tion at the end of the program but ispicious Opening .orcds Warm ReceptionsI versity. Choral Union and the C61i- cago Symphony orchestra with Earl V. Moore of the Music school di- recting and Palmer Christian,- the University organist, will provide the accompaniment. Holders of season tickets are again requested to detach the cou- pons before arriving at the audi- torium so that the conjestion in front of the doors may be avoided and patrons may. be seated quickly. of the class of 1929 gathered under' rof Clcser M. walace, of the the campus flagpole last night in Carnegie Institute of Technology, the annual Senior Sing ceremony. a Valentine B. Windt, the pres- The seniors, garbed in their tra- ct director of the Play Production ditional caps and gowns, sang a, activities, will have charge of the variety of Michigan songs under the directing of the company. direction of Otto Brown, '29, who di- Students who are interested in rected. Especially noticeable in this' work it( such a company are asked year's asemblage was the number of to consult Director Windt in his women present who sang. They re- office in Play Productoni Labora- ceived a great ovation of hand- tory every afternoon from 2 to 6 clapping. o'clock. On the platform erected for the occasion and decorated in the Uni- June Issue Of Gargoyle versity colors, sat the Varsity Band; and Menm's Glee Club. The band 1New Features W lent instrumental accompaniment! to some of the numbers besides of.- Featuring a cool green cover by fering two solos, while the Glee Ii Club led the singing. I Jerry Ellison, '30, next year's man- -- Iaging editor, the June issue of the Gargoyle will go on sale this morn- -------- - i ing at various spots on campus and a the regular booth in University 1hall. The last issue of the year con- ; tains more than a score of humor- 'cus drawings by a dozen artists, including the usual pertinent edi- torial cartoon by George Lichten-y