I VEDNESDAY, M&Y 22,1929 THE M-ICHTGA-N DAILY a PAGE S *WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1929 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ~F~VT'~1~ mo 1, .1 o" TIGERS TAKE THIRTEEN INNING .v _ ------ Eleven Qfficially Qualify For Membership HURLING DUEL FROM CLEVELAND; In National Honorary Athletic Fraternity (Continued From Page Six) (Arnold Appleford, Charles Grace, Johnny Stone's single, which rest of the games. Home runs chapter whose president is Dr. Arthur Kuhner, Mark Kunkle, Ever- came in the thirteenth inning and were hit by Schang and Manush of George May. Dr. John Sundwall of ett Lane, Daniel McLaughlin, Earl drove Roy Johnson across the plate thc Browns, Hafey of the Cards, the public health department of the Qldham, C. F. McCaffee, George Walker of the Reds, and Hornsby University.is national president of Mercer, George Penn, -and Richard with the he organization, while Prof. L. W. asdl troithe2 arg ctorovet ihCl-' American League Olds of Michigan State Normal Col- 0eta troit'sn2ito 1yvitry e the leveH lege is national secretary-treasurer. FRRESIIMAN TRACK ladIdasyesterday in one ofl R H ,El the most thrilling games played at Indians 001 000 000 000 0-1 8 3 All three men are on the program of . F-the award banquet to be held next The picture of the freshman .Navin .Field this year. Tigr .000 000 001,600,1-2?9 Tuesday A cup is being gvnt track squad will be taken at 1 For eight innings young Willis Hudlin and Sewell; Carroll, Ston- wh tpe bg given to ll l ten on Hudlin had held the Tigers in er and Phillips. the n best all 0 oclock this afternoon on around record in qualifying forI Ferry field. All members of the check, and, with two imen out in tag...10000011 the ninth and the score stanin Chicago ......010 000 000-1 10 membership. squad are requested to be pres- at 1 to 0 in favor of the Tribe, heSt Louis....140 110 ,OOx-7 7 1 Boasting 38 chapters, the fra- ent and in uniform. seemled assured of a victory. But Blankenship and Crouse; Crowd- ternity has been organized since I Coach Hoyt. baseball has a reputation of being er and Schang. 1912. For the past seven years there 1 0- a tricky sport and it surely lived Other games postponed-Rain. has been a chapter on the Michigan NEW YORK.-Walter Hagen andl up' to its reputation then. Carl campus. This marks the greatest the other members of the Ryder! Lind, with a cinch force out at R National League H year that has been experienced by Cup golf team have entered theI second insight,R rce s4 thelocal athletes. competiton for the German open! seodi ihdropped an easy Pittsburgh ... 020 040 000-061 The men who comp leted their re- [glIhminhp twsanuc toss from Jackie Tavener and the Chicago. 200 032 x-8 1 q emen p the r re: golf championship, it was annun- Tigers proceeded to tie up the icago......-200-03201-- 1qurementsduringtheigerproceg year are: ed today. score, only to win out in the thir- French, Brame and Hemsley; teenth on Stone's afore-mentioned Cvengros, Horn and Gonzales. single. St. Louis .,..010 700 310-12 14 1 Nothing unusual in the way of Cincinnati ..000 010 000- 1 7 pitching or batting, unless it was Alexander and Wilson; Kolp, the Cardinals' feat of scoring sev- Kemmer and Dixon. S TA DIU en runs in one inning, marked the! Other games postponed-Rain. HAVE YOUR SUIT OR TOPCOAT FITTED TO YOU BY A CUSTOM TAILOR All Summer Shades of Material Chas. Doukas Cleaning and Pressing 1319 S. University LASS I FIE1 ADVERTISING'' SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - The Fuller Brush Co. still has a few good openings for college men. Guaranteed earnings and com- missions. If interested see Mr. Blowers, room 302 Michigan Union Tuesday between one and seven. 23 TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387. - c i UNMARRIED FACULTY MEN who are interested in forming a Club of eight members to occupy a fine home, 5 blocks southeast of campus please call 5740. 23456 NOTICE - Home Laundry -Soft water used exclusively; called for and delivered. Superior Home Laundry. Phone 8190. 234C DRIVING TO BIRMINGHAM, Ala. on June 27th. Would like pas- senger for part or whole of trip. Call Kessler 4547. 123 TYPEWRITING and MIMEO- GRAPHING College work a specialty since 1908. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade C PIANO TUNING-The Concert Art- ist Piano Tuner, phone 6776. Vic- tor Allmendinger. Not with any music house. Exclusive piano tuner for the University School of Music. Office at residence, 1603 Morton Ave. 2346 PRINTING and ENGRAVING Good work takes time. Invitations, Announcements, Calling Cards should be ordered at once to avoid the last minute rush. Social work a specialty. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade C SAND and GRAVEL. Washed and dry screened. Telephone 7112. Killins Gravel Company. G MACK TUTORING AGENCY Tommie Mack, A.B., Director 310 S State' Phone 7927 C Want Ads Pay NpO1 Students Here is a way by which you can save some actual money and at the same time enjoy a nice motor trip home and the use of a car through vacation season. BUY A USED CAR FROM US Drive it home and through vacation and you can .then sell it no doubt for as much as it will cost you here. Just now we have a very large assortment to choose from and at very reasonable prices. Select your car now and we will hold it and have it all ready when you are ready to leave. See us at ofte. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Dodge and Plymouth Dealer 514 East Washington St. Phone 22569 00 mot. y r L~~il7%1 DOG,* V4A LK Ovip s FOR RENT RENT-6 room furnished house for summer. Attractive west side lo- cation. Garage. Box 61. 2345 FOR RENT-One large furnished front room, kitchenette, running water, ice chest; two blocks from from campus. $9.00. 537 S. Division. 12 FOR RENT-One large furnished front room, kitchenette, running water, ice chest; two blocks from campus. Reasonable. Dial 8072. 12 FOR RENT-Furnished apartment for summer. Three rooms and bath. Across from Women's League. Call 3260 evenings. 123 FOR RENT-A completely furnish- ed, newly decorated, three room apartment, cross ventilation. Also garage. Dial 8544 or 9714. 123 FOR RENT-Apartment. Call 5800 or evenings, 6858. C FOR RENT-For summer months. Attractive furnished terrace in restricted residential district in Detroit. Two baths and four bed- rooms. Michigan Daily Box 60. 5612 FOR SALE FOR SALE-May Festival course ticket or singles. Cheap. Phone 9639. 2 'FOR SALE-Open car; cheap; transportation home for six stu- dents. Fine running condition. Good tires; two new; $60.00. i1 I I BLACK AND WHITE BUCKSKIN NOTICE-Beautiful spring line of Axminister and Wilton rugs.I Koch .& Henne, e ---I PERSONAL ATTENTIONFLIKE HOME AT A SAVING OF 10%' WITH CASH CARD. DIAL 3916, MOE LAUNDRY, 204 N. MAIN. c 113 SOLTrn MAIN ST'RE TYPEWRITERS All makes of portable and large machine;, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired. Large assort- ment and best service. O. D. Mor- rill, 17 Nickels Arcade. C 'I 7t : Phone 9553. 2 That i Cetain Smartness 21 Perfect Dyess : I I Our line of Sweaters and Sweater Sets is enviable at a price within the reach of everyone. SLIPOVER SWEATERS $5.00 SWEATER SETS $ 7.00and $91*00 FOR SALE-Four May Festival seats for all performances; main floor center section; evenings $2.50; afternoons $2.00. Phone 9562. 12 STANDARD SHIFT portable type- writer for sale. Phone 21325. 123 Come pick the car you want while low prices prevail. 1926 Chevrolet coach. 1926 Ford coupe. 1927 Ford coupe. 1925 Ford touring. 1925 Ford roadster. 1925 Overland coach. 1925 Overland touring. 1924 Chevrolet touring. Main Store, Huron and Ashley Lot 332 E. Liberty LOST 'OST-Pearls from string between Mendelsohn theater and Law Club Arch. Reward. Call 4053. 2 LOST-Elgin watch. Name engrav- ed inside. "M" on back cover. Reward. Call 8774. 123 WANTED WANTED-Student or Instructor to manage M A C K TUTORING AGENCY during summer-school; part-time O.K. Apply AT ONCE in person to Mr. Tommie Mack, 310 S. State St.; 9-12; 1-5. 23 POSITION wanted by experienced white cook in fraternity or soror- ity next fall. Call 6374. APARTMENT for three or four per- sons for permanent residence. Must be clean and strictly mod- en. Address Box 58. 561234 WANTED-Student (medical pre- ferred, but not essential) clean- cut, ambitions and not too young, for pleasant sales wort: during vacation. Ask for Mr. Langford at Mack and Co. be- tween 9 and 10 a.m. or between 3 and 5 p. m. 612 WANTED-Double room for two men students in house with no other students. Phone Robert- son. 62598. 612 "SUMMER POSITIONS. - Young men with High School or College training and particularly with knowledge of farming. Summer work with salary and responsi- bility. Period be'tween July 25th and September 30th. ADPly n representatives at Union in person to H. J. Heinz Company Wednesday', May 22nd." 612 WANTED - Ambitious, intelligent young man or woman. Position. with established concern open for summer or permanent. Must be over 21. Pleasing personality. For appointment for interview A Complete Line of Sportswear Sport Shoes of Character The final touch of personality Spring Sportswear T weed or Li en Knickers worn with the newer shades of Crew neck slip-over and golf hose to I1 for White .Trousers and Dark Coat or that Oxford Grey Suit is none other than the Princeton of White Elk trimmed in Black. EXCELLENT BROWN AND TAN COMBINATIONS match make attractive combinations for spring sport attire. NOTE--Spring Sale with all Suits specially priced at $35.00 continues with a very complete selection still available. sue. . ,...-. - A ) /1 ,THE Priced at P ric cd ;a 1 11 1E 1121i