TuE . s AH F MT1CH~tMN , fry vi *iR m . "L U FIO N ew Jersey Professor LK , LEAUE rR -IgS 3Speaks On Peace PactI L NES E U E t FROSH BORROW HOSECART BUT FAIL TO RETURN HOSE, CART, OR TOOLS "Bring back my hosecart to me"I SiUBJECT or AD RS0IIUL ITO1 S ;is the latest tune to pervade the _austere offices of the Buildings:and LANSING, May 20.-During the Grounds Department. Ever since R SALLEY past year considerable progress has Cap Night, the B. and G, boys have ____been made in getting rid of unde- been 'Hawkshawing" around the SNEAKS AT LUNCHEON GIVEN sirable, unappropriate, or duplicat- vicinity of Sleepy, Hollow in an at- IN HONOR OF JEAN ed lake names. There are scores of tempt to regain possession of the ANDERSON "Mud" lakes, numerous "Round," 500 foot hose cart that was sta- z__ "Crooked," "Clear," and "Long' tioned at the old hospital and the Y }S RL D t lakes, several "Grass lakes, etc. fire hose that graced the walls of 'JOLDS SEVERAL DEGREES ! Barry County has five "Long" lakes University hall. Their search has} and Ogema County three "Crystal" been partly succesfuls; the cart has Has Studied International Policies lakes. These' cause great confusion been found. And Questions While Traveling and in some cases tend to hold up On Friday night, the evening pre- In European Countries development of resort and recrea- ceding the traditional bonfire, these tion projects. aforementioned articles disappeared "The Kellogg Peace Pact is the A committee composed of Dr. G. from their respective places. It is pledge and first step towards abol- N. Fuller, Secretary of the historical alleged that the class of 1932, de- ishing an evil," said Alden G. Alley, commission, R. A. Smith, State siring an efficient means of protec- well known authority on interna- Geologist, and L. R. Schoemann of tion from any sophomores who} tional affairs, who spoke at a lunch- } the land economic survey act as a might try to set fire to their huge' eon given Saturday at the Union in clearing house between the local wood pile before the scheduled time honor of Jean Anderson, winner of clmm ue ndtheUniteloal second prize in a national high communii bad t UnitedgSt DAC school examination on the League geographic board at Washinton.D of Nations. "The next step is far . ...~ The. committee and the UnitedG ore imorns. That isepoig outrState geographic board at Wash- (Continued Fron more important, that is, going out Alden G. Alley ington. The committee makes no Art Exhibition: and doing.it. . , Professor at New Jersey Law changes in names and recommends There will be an International "The pact in itself," stated Mr. school, who spoke at a luncheon changes in lake and stream names auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Asso Alley, "does not have much legal given Saturday at the Union on only after the local historical so- Alumni Memorial Hall. value. Each nation may carry on the topic, "the Kellogg Peace Pact." cieties and authorities have inves- defensive warfare, and decides it- Prof. Alley is an authority on the tigated and approved the proposed self whether or not the war is de- League of Nations, having attended 'change, giving their reasons. Spe- Automobile Regulation: fensive. The greatest value is the all the league conferences. cial effort is made to retain local Those students who wish to o honorgicand efed ntion historical and Indian names. nits for the convenience of their duct brutal warfare in sight of all Consequently the temptation to go 0 EI R Tsing Ush e Sta k nations whosenrspectiitevalues to go to war is far easier to resist." "The very soul of the League is ( rAlsocPated PrJA[ attached to the principle that get- I.j LI C OL (R AO oP I . Col .,Ma ting together and talking things 2-.-P-sLOAg SpINGS Cp May over make for a better understand- 20-uhn1 eau pPk' etweenntior ns.bTheuunderstand- Authority On Teaching Of Science Peak with the proboscis sounds like ing between nations.thetLeagh In Elementary Schools a perilous pr6position of persever- count howm to nits goernment. Makes State Tour ance. Yet Bill Williams of {Rio - country how to run its government.HndT.,pnndttket But conducts conferences on com- Hondo, Tex., planned to take to mon problems, in which no meas- SPEAKS AT GRAND RAPIDS his 'all fours" toay on the winding ure can be passed without the un- ;uphill grind to the mountain's sum- animous consent of all nations. Prof Clifford Woody, director ofmit 14000 feet above sea lromnence Slowness ifothe provis onbu arothe bureau of educational reference j as a goober pusher when he lost an gress is being made." and research in the school of Edu- election bet on Al Emith last year - Mr. Alley is a professor at the cation, delivered the third of a and propelled a goober more than New Jersey Law school, and at- series of talks to educators ip a dozen Texas miles from Rio Hondo tends all the League of Nations various Michigan cities on "Theo a neighboring town. In fact he conferences. After serving with' pushed more than one of the seeds; the U. S. infantry during the war, Time for Introducing the Formal over the concrete highway course he spent several years traveling in Study of Arithmetic in Elementary the wear and tear on the papelike the Eureopean countries studying Schools" before the Association of pods necessitating hundreds of sub- international policies and ques- Elementary School Superintendents stitutes. Williams' nose bore the i tions. He is a Harvard graduate, of Southern Michigan last Friday brunt of the work. Although red and holding several degrees. night in Grand Rapids. irritated after the days of "road- Professor Woody has specialized hogging," the facial member suf- in this field for the past yer few years Ifered no serious complications and Shepard Made Member I aIhty e owner delaredmittinngood League and is a recognized authority ontshae fonrtdeclare'ittoPe inf oodt. Of Layman's League the teaching of science in elemen- shape for the Pike's Peak feat. tary schools. He has spoken this- Prof. John F. Shepard,, professor! spring before many educational't of psychology, was elected a mem- bodies, having made several lec- OPTICAL ber of the national council of the ture tours throughout the state. Unitarian Laymen's League, accord- This latest speaking schedule DEPARTMENT . ing to an annuocement made by the } took him to Grand Rapids on May council at Boston yesterday. 3rd where he addressed the Asso- Lenses To Oderes made f Professor Shepard will be one of a ciation of Educational1 TResearch board of 21 prominent Unitarian Directors in Michigan, to Frank- Optical Prescriptions laymen representing various sec- fort on May 10th where he spoke Filled tions of the country which meets to the Round Table of Superintend- three times a year to determine the ents of Northern Michigan, and HALLERS general policies of the League. again at Grand Rapids Friday State St. Jewelers - night. for its ignition, "borrowed" the fire- fighting apparatus while the watch- ful janitors were home eating sup- per. The freshmen carted the. equipment to Sleepy Hollow where they attached the hose to a nearby hydrant. Then they smugly waited to administer a wet reception to any marauding soph. E. C. Pardon, superintendent of the Buildings and Grounds Depart-< mient; decried their tactics. "We would have been more than willing, to lend the freshmen enough hoset and nozzles for adequate protec- tion," he said, "but what a fine mess we would have been in if a fire had broken out on campus while our equipment was scattered all over, Sleepy Hollow. "And not only that," Mr. Pardon continued, "but they lost the tools from the cart and failed to return the 'borrowed' apparatus." period may do so by presenting to the Office of the Dean of Students, room 2, University Hall, a written statement from their parents, ex- pressing approval and; including the: make, type and license number of the car to be used. W. B. Rea, Assistant to the Dean of Students Notice to Seniors: After today only two days remain for payment of diploma and certificate fees of any candidates for graduation at the coming Com. mencement. There can and will be no extension beyond 4:00 p. in., Thursday, May 23, at which hour the Treasurer's office closes for the day. Shirley, W. Smith, Secy. Dean's Advisory Committee, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: A meeting of the Dean's Advisory Committee is called for Tues- day, May 21, at 4:00 in Dean Effmger's office. John R. Effinger Geology 2: The supplementary examination for the third examination of the semester will be given at 4 o'clock on -Wednesday, May 22, in roo 4054 N. S. H. C. Hussey Summer Positions: Representatives of the H. J. Heinz Company will be at the Michigan Union on Wednesday, May 22. Students with Inowledge of farming apply in person. Summer Work with salary and responsibility. Period between July 25 and September 30. Mary L. Stewart, Manager Employment Bureau I IA m Page Ei BU L LET I N l Fxhibition of Etchings, under the ociation, from May 19 to May 30, in Psychological Journal Club: J. G. Winter The last meeting this year will be this evening at 7:30, in .12 N. S. Reports on research: by Miss Garrett, Miss Ives, Mrs. Donahue, and Miss Mibai. The first report will begin pronptly at 7:30. Visitors tain temporary family driving per- are welcome. parents during the May Festival C. H. Griffitts lllli.illlifillllllllll ll lillilllli l lltn [#111III III It tlll'1 i111111 1111if 111 !Ii1 1111111 1 if llflllllllllilltfill1111t,111,10111111111111111111 ,11111! rA t Results a.classified L Classified advertising is the medium for business. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN.- Otto Zerwick, a junior in the. uni- versity of Wisconsin, believes in traveling for an education: He left the university early in April to visit! some of the important eastern cit- ies with his brother. The two are now touring England on their mo- torcycle, and expect to continue their trip through France and Ger- many., Strings . . Supplies Repairs ** for all Musical Instruments Schaeberle & Son MUSIC HOUSE 110 S. Main St. Dawn Donuts The Partner for your Coffee at. Breakfast Our Bismarcks and Raised Donuts at all the stores and restaurants It sells, rents, positions, an locates, employes, and d publishes notices How Gold Prospector " Went Scotch" Minneapolis, Minn. April 30, 1928 Larus & Bro. Co. Richmond, Va. Dear Sirs: Two years ago last winter I went into the Red Lake gold fields i.: Canada. It was a tough trail from Hudson, over 140 miles of snow and ice. There were fourteen of us on the trail going in, and frequently at night when seated around a big camp fire, some one would ask me for a pipeful of Edgeworth. These Canadian boys sure like our Edgeworth. In four weeks' time I ran out of Edgeworth. I was glad to get 'most any old tobacco. One day, nowever, I dropped in to Dad Brown's tent, a 72-year-old pros- pector, and seeing a can of Edgeworth on an improvised table. back there 150 miles from the "steel," I perked up at once, saying, "Dad, I'm plum out of tobacco-how's chances for a pipe- ful?" "Help yourself," he said. So pulling my heavy duty pipe from my pocket, I loaded it with Edgewort h, packing it in so tightly that I couldn't get the least bit of a draw. I excused myself for a moment, and stepped outside to remove about three pipefuls to put in my pouch. Dad stepped out, saying, "You're worse than any Scotchman I ever saw." Tphen I confessed. I told him what happened to my Edgeworth--that I was just dying for a smoke, and le understood right away. He said, "Boy, Edgeworth is mighty scarce in these parts, but I reckon I can spare what's left of that can. Help yourself." You can just bet your last nickel that I guarded this Edgeworth with extreme care until I got back to the announcements. TOMORROW---WEDNESDAIY Spring is now here. have increased. New tunities are appearing. wants in general business oppor- The Classified McKINNEY' S COTTON PICKERS column is full with news. Make use of it. Get rid of your "white A elephants." Transact your A for a nominal stm. business TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED, MERELY PHONE 2-121.4, AND CALL FOR THE "CLASSIFIED," OR STOP IN AT THE OF- FICE ON MAYNARD STREET AND PLACE YOUR AD DAILY REPRESENTATIVES WILL GIVE YOU PERSONAL OPENING AT Jean Goldkette's I ilI SERVICE. R :,I