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May 21, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-21

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Selects Wickersham As
Leader Oft
Commission - Members
To Receive
No Pay
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 20.-AttoL7
ney George W. Wickersham, attor-
ney general in the Taft administra-
tion, has been selected by President
Hoover as chairman of the national
law enforcement commission, and
Will have associated with him nine
other lawyers and one woman rep-
resenting all of the major geograph-
ical divisions of the country.
In announcing the personnel of
the commission late today, White
House officials said Mr. Wickers-
ham will call the group together
here late in the week to map out a
preliminary program for the work +
which is expected to last upwards
of two years and which is regarded
by the chief executive as the most
important task concerning his ad-
Heading the list of members of+
the commission is Newton D. Baker,
secretary of war in the Wilson ad-
ministration, and chairman of the
national crime commission. The+
other members are:
Frank J. Loesch. vice-president
of the Chicago crime commission;
Roscoe Pound, dean of the Har-
vard law school; William I. Grubb,
federal judge for the northern dis-
trict of Louisiana bar association.
William S. Kenyon, -Ijwad;United
Mtates circuit judge; Kenneth R.

New Glee Club
Leader Chosen
At the election of officers held last
night by the Varsity glee club, Gil-
bert B. Saltonstall, '30, was chosen
president for next year, Roland D.
Severy, '30, secretary, Clifford B.'
Wightman, '3Ed, treasurer, and
Roland A. Yaeger, '30A, representa-
tive to the board. Lawrence Good-
speed,'31, will continue as student
manager." Robert A. Campbell,
treasurer of the University, is fac-
ulty advisor.
The first appearance of the ge
club in Ann Arbor this year will be
at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday night,
May 29, in Hill auditorium. This will
be a request concert, with Theodore
Harrisondirecting. Tickets will be
priced at 50 cents. The club will
assist at the senior sing tomorrow
"The Green Goddess"
Is First Play
Of Series
Playing William Archer's melo-
drama, "The Green Goddess" a
stock company directed by Robert
Henderson opened last night at the
Lydia Mendelssohn theater for a
three weeks' run.
Reynolds Evans, who played here
in "TheVikings," is cast.in the role
of the. Raja of Rukh. He is sup-
ported by Suzanne Freeman who
has been appearing the past sev-
eral months with the Wright Play-
ers in Flint. Other persons in the
company include Arthur Kohl, El-
berta Trowbridge, Ralph Menzing,
and Edward Everett Hale III.
Performances of this vehicle will
be given tonight and tomorrow
matinee and night. Thursday mat-
inee and nigght and Saturday mat-
Inee and night; GeorgeBernard
Shaw's "You Never Can Tell" will
ta 83'eted "'9rdtitsfor te' l
next two eks nclude "Nightstick"?
Anda "The Spider."
Seats for all performances of the
company may be reserved by -call-
Ing the box office of the - Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre. Tickets are
priced at 75 cents for the night per-
formances and 50 cents for the
Proceeds from the three weeks'
run are to be used to help repay a
pledge that the Alumnae council
made to the construction fund of
the Women's League building.
Outlining the policy of the new
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, Mrs. W.
D. Henderson, the executive chair-
man of the Alumnae council of the
Women's League, explained yester-
day that the unit was constructed
primarily for the young women of
Michigan. Student dramatic or-
ganizations are to be given next
preference in the theatre, and then
all other University activities will
be privileged to use the house.
"We also hope," said Mrs. Hen-
derson, "to bring in some fine art
and dramatic work when the the-
atre is not occupied by a student

organization." Such presentation
as the Cleveland players and a
stock company directed by Miss
Jessie Bonstelle will be planned for
the theatre.
The Lydia Mendelssohn theatre
does not take the place of the pro-
posed Campus theatre which will
be constructed some time in the
near future and designed to house
a larger production than can be
accomodated in this new house.
The theatre is designed for campus
productions, University lectures, il-
lustrated talks, and School of Music,
concerts, Mrs. Henderson explained
and is to be used to serve the

Boesche Places Second;
Urist Takes
Prof . Hollister Pleased
With Interest
Culminating several weeks of pre-
liminary drill and contest elimina-
tion, final judging in the Thomas
E. H. Black oratoricals resulted in
a victory for Chester C. Bennett,
'29, Sundayrevening, at the First
Methodist Church. The winner's
oration on "Life More Abundant"
netted him $100 as first prize, with
the addition of the Black medal,
presented by Thomas Black, found-
er of the contest. Second place was
won by Fenelon W. Boeshe, '31,
who used "The Crossroads of
Christianity" for his subject. The
award for runner-up was $50. Carl
H. Urist, '31, won a fine edition of
the Bible in recognition for third
Five Reach Finals
Bennett's oration was based on a
quotation from the New Testament,
and its theme and development
were of sufficiently high character
to warrant a first place among the
stiffest competition in the history
of the award. Five survivors from
the elimination contests made ora-
tions for the final judging.
Profesor R. W. Hollister, in charge
of the competition, was pleased
over the interest which has been
I shown in this year's contest, when
interviewed, following oine Sunday
evening orations. He stated that
each successive year has seen keen-
er cmeiif~frth 10i
prizes, and that an attempt will be
made in the future to begin earlier
In the season, in order to give the'
'contestants time to revise portions
of their orations before the final
Large Crowd Present
The judges for the Sunday con-
test were Professors Thomas S.
Trueblood and James M. O'Neill,
and Dean Edward H. Kraus. A
large crowd attended the final try-
outs, which were held in a church
building rather than on the campus
because of the nature of the con-
test. All orations entered were
aither based on or concerned with
the New Testament, according to
specifications of the donors of the

When from out the paleface
From behind the staring moon-j
f ace
Come the slow and solemn five
I booms
Telling that the Evening spirit
Wanders over woods 'and
Lights the campfires of the
Then the Michigamua warriorsj
In their feathers and their war-
Soon will gather 'round the oak
'Round the oak tree called the
There to greet the trembling
Many in number wait the bid-
Of the loud rejoicing redskins,
For before they take the long
To the home of Michigamua
Many trials and many tortures
First must prove their strength
and courage
'Ere the red man bids them wel-
'Ere he calls each paleface
'Ere the peace-pipe smoke goes
Activities Will Center
Around Bandstand
At Flagpole
Donned in cap and gown, tradi-
tional senior garb, members of the
class of 1929 in the various schools
and colleges of the Universir will
gather under the Campus flagpole
tomorrow night to lift voices in the
annual senior sing. Arrangements
Sfor the event are,hnow complete, ac
coringto Herbert Palmer, 29.
chairman of the, committee in
c harge:
The Varsity band will be present
in full uniform to furnish music
for the occasion, it is promised, and
the Men's Glee club will aid them
by leading in the singing. A large
illuminated stand has been erected
on the campus at the base of the
flagpole for the accommodation of
I the band and glee club. It is ex-
pected that Theodore Harrison, of
the School of Music, will be on
hand to direct the mass singing,
according to Palmer.
The purpose of the annual senior
sing, say officials, is to give grad-
uating students an opportunity to
gather for a final get-together at
a time when the campus is more
beautiful than through the rest of
the year. Senior sing has a certain
informality and joyousness they as-
sert, which properly is lacking at
Swing-out and which is not ap-
proached in Commencement.
Besides the traditional Michigan
songs, such as "Victors," "Yellow
and Blue," "Varsity," and College
Days," a number of other songs of
popular or comical nature, such as
are sung at the dinner tables of
fraternity and sorority houses will
be on the program, Palmer says.


that copies be made for distribu-
aiy In tion to European scholars. Copies
1924 As Part Of were made by covering the surface
>f the stone with printer's ink, and
Colcto then laying upon it a sheet of paper
which was rolled with india-rubber
Forgeries are sometimes valuable, rollers until a good impression had
Prof. Warren E. Blake of the Greek been made.
department and Prof. James E. One copy thus made fell into the!
Dunlap of the department of Latin hands of a native, who guessing;
and Greek are coming to believe what it was attempted to make a
since their solution of the mystery "fake" antique by copying the let-
of the Michigan "Rosetta" mirror, ters, as best he could, on the mirror
which turned out to be a forgery Being unable to read, the forger
of an antique which is now wellon copied the characters inrtheir re-
its way to becoming an antique in verse form, as they were on the
its own right. lithograph. The entire inscription
The mirror came to the University forms exactly the first line of the
in 1924, part of a collection which Rosetta stone: thus its fragmentary
had been gathered during a period nature.
of years by an American medical The results of the study of this
missionary resident in Egypt. He stone, are published in the current
rarely made any purchases through issue of "Art and Archeology."
the regular channels, but received
various objects from time to time as
tokens of appreciation from the na-
thus supposed that all the objects OHOSS A A
tives whom hie attended. It was
given him were genuine antiques,
since it is commonly assumed that I
even native Egyptians would not be
likely to cheat a man when giving 1
him presents.
But a forgery the mirror turned
out to be. After puzzling long over Planes Will "Bomb"
its reversed characters and the ap- Two Seaboard
parently meaningless fragmentary 1
inscription contained on the mirror, I Points
Professors Blake and Dunlap de-
cided that the true history of the ( 'nc'ciated Press)
mirror was something like this. WRIGHT FIELD, DAYTON, Ohio,
When Napoleon heard of the May 20.-New York, Atlantic City
Rosetti stone, he ordered it to be! and other easteri points, will get a
taken to Cairo and placed in the glimpse of Ohio's war in the air to-
Institute National which he had re- morrow night and the rest of the
cently founded, and commanded country will hear about it first
hand when a giant Keystone bom-
ber accompanied by a plane equip-
pod for radio broadcasting, will set
out from here to "bomb" the two
coast cities
iTeplane is scheduled to make a
non-stop refueling flight, speeding
to New York to drop imaginary
bombs on the metropolis, taking a
side trip to Atlantic City, and then
~eturning to Wright Field. Th
Contains Five Best radio broadcast plane, an army
Plays In Contest -transport, will fly with the bomber
and broadcast its -activities ontwo
Last Winter rwavelengths, 1150 ieters and 80
"Michigan Plays," a book contain- To Be Refueled Twice
ing the five best plays 'entered il A refueling plane will also ac-
Play Production's one-act play con- company the bomber. At Bolling
test of last winter, will appear on Field, Washington, the bomber will
the campus this morning, it was an- be refueled from the accompanying
nounced yesterday I plane and it will receive another
Bound in blue and black, the book stock of fuel while aloft at Bolling
will'be illustrated with photographs Field on the return trip.
of significant moments in the pro- I Uncle Sam's war game came
duced plays. Lee Blaser has drawn down to earth tonight as 800,000
Scartoon to illustrate "Puppet," the imaginary soldiers "dug in" along
wich beau of techfnical inns the shores of Darby Creek, near Co-
which buIlumbus, in preparation for the
ties was not produced. Ijoint air-ground maneuvers which
George Wahr has published the start tomorrow.
new book. Its exact price has not The maneuvers thus far lave
yet been announced, but it was m- consisted solely of air tactical ex-
timated last night that this would ercises, but at midnight tomorrow
be someplace between $1.50 and hostilities will be resumed in which
$2.00. An introduction has been both air and ground forces will co'-
written by Prof. Louis A. Strauss, of ! ordinate. They will be preceded to-
the English department, which sets morrow by observation flights,
forth the idealism behnd the book through which the attacking blue
and discusses the historical aspect army, with headquarters here, and
this step in the progress of the Uni- the defending red army, with
versity. The book was reviewed in headquarters at Columbus, will at-
Sunday's Daily by Prof. Erich A. tempt 'to locate each other's dvi-
Walter, of the rhetoric department. sion headquarters and other sta-
The authors whose work is pub- tions of ground troops.
lished in the book include Dorothy Country Has Military Aspect
Ackerman, R. Leslie Askren, JeromeI While most of the ground troops
MacCarthy, Arthur Hinkley and are imaginary, there are enough
Helen Adler. actual flesh and blood soldiers en-
- ---ogaged to give the countryside near

Forged Antique Mirror Proves
Reversed Copy Of Rosetta Stone


the Washington state supreme
court; Paul J. McCormick, federal
judge for the southern district. of
California; Henry W. Anderson of
Richmond, -Va., and Miss Ada L.
Comstock, president of Radcliffe
College, Cambridge, Mass.1
Announcemeilt was made that
appointment to the commission
had been tendered to Associate Jus-
time Harlan Stone of the United
States Supreme Court; Charles
Evans Hughes, former secretary of
state; Owen D. Roberts of Philadel-'
phia, of government counsel in the
celebrated oil prosecutions. and
Benjamin Cordoza, judge of the
New York state court of appeals.
. In making his selection, Mr.
Hoover did not name a recognized
leader either of the drys or the
wets- of those who had been sug-
gested from some of the leaders of
the prohibition forces that he do
so. In general, the public careers
of those names have been identified
with either the dry or the wet
At the outset, at least, members
of the commission will serve with-
out pay. Congress 4as failed to
make any appropriation either for
salaries or expenses.
The chief executive has conferred
with a number of the members of
the commission who are familiar
with the work he has in mind. This
consists of a thoroughgoing survey
of the whole subject of law enforce-
ment, including enforcement of the'
Eighteenth Amendment, with a
view toward a reorganization of the
whole federal judicial and enforce-
ment machinery.
Extended hearings will be held
on many phases of the general
problem with both drys and wets
given ample opportunity to present
to their chosen spokesmen theirl
,arguments as to the efficiency of
the Volstead Act as a medium of
enforcing the Eighteenth Amend-
ment and other views pertinent to
the commission's work.
In pursuing its work the commis-
sion will seek the cooperation of
state enforcement agencies which
have been . studying the organiza-
tion of state judicial processes and
which has prepared a number of
recommendations to the state legis-
lature. The commissioners also will
seek aid- from the American Bar
Association. The national crime
commission and other bodies have
had experience in this line of work.

Sophie Braslau, Richard
Crooks Will Be
Nevada VanderVeer Is
To Take Place
Of Telva
Opening the thirty-sixth annual
Jay Festival tomorrow night in Hill
uditorium, Sophie Braslau, con-
ralto, and Richard Crooks, tenor,
ill provide a concert with the Chi-
ago Symphony orchestra and Fred-
ick Stock, conductor, as back-
Miss Braslau has won great dis-
inction in her former appearances
n Ann Arbor, and on this occasion
will sing miscellaneous 4rias and
hort numbers. Crooks will also ap-
>ear in several arias and songs on
omorrow night's program. He is
a member of the Chicago Civic
)pera company, and Miss Braslau is
Prom the Metropolitan Opera com-
Stock Will Conduct
Fredrick Stock, who has been with
bhe Chicago Symphony orchestra
Por twenty-five years, will conduct
hat band of players as an accom-
)animent to the two soloists.
One change in the list of artists
who are scheduled to appear was
nnounced yesterday. Nevada Va-
derVeer,contralto, is to take the
lace of Marion Telva, contralto, in
he Saturday night concert. Miss
VanderVeer's appearance is brougt
about as the result of the recent
marriage and honeymoon trip
broad of Miss.Telva. MisV yande -
eewho has nt assumed a stage
tame, comes from one of the oldest
Dutch families in New York state.
Studied Abroad
Following her musical training in
America, she studied in France and
England and made her debut in
London. Since that time she has
had many major engagements un-
der American orchestras-the most
outstanding being that with Walter
The concerts in the evening are
scheduled to begin at 8:15 o'clock
and the two afternoon, programs
are scheduled for 2:30 o'clock. Pa-
trons are requested to be in their
seats by the time for the scheduled
openings, so that the artists may
not be bothered by late comers.
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, May 20.-Nomination
day for the British Parliamentary
elections, May 30, anticipated today
in seven cases the suffrages of the
Four Conservative candidates and
three Nationalists, including "Tay
Pay" Q'Connor, "father of the
House of Commons," were returned
unopposed to the next Parliament
by the simple act of filing their
nomination papers.
Conservatives jestingly claimed a
"plurality of one' in the new house
and took it as an augury of success

May 30.
Those elected by acclamation in-
cluded the speaker of the House, A.
E. Fitzroy, Conservative candidate
for Daventry, , Northamptonshire
and the Nationalist, T. P. (Tay Pay)
O'Connor, who will continue to rep-
resent the Scotland division of Liv-
erpool. He first represented this
constituency in 1885.
The Conservatives o b t a i n e d
through acclamations in northern
Ireland were Major Ronald Ross,
who was unopposed in Londonder-
ry, and Col. T. Sinclair unopposed
as a candidate for Belfast (Queen's)


CLEVELAND, May 2.-Nitrogen
dioxide formed from the decom-
position of the nitro cellulose X-ray
films caused the death of 124 men
and women in the Cleveland Clinic
disaster last Wednesday, Dr. Wil-
litm E. Tower,eco-founder of the
clinic and one of its directors, de-
clared late today.


This was the first oflicial state-
ment to come from a director of
the clinic regarding the actual
cause of the deaths.
This statement was given in the
oresence of Dr. George W. Crile,
founder and director of the clinic.
"It was horrible, I still am dazed
by the tragedy of it all," Dr. Crile~-
said. "I have not had time to de-
termine just what the cause was or ( B Associatcd Press)
how the deadly gas was generated. . FRIEDRICIISHAFEN, Germany,
"There is no one quite so anx- May 20.-Dr. Hugo Eckener, com-
ious to get every fact in connection mander of the trans-Atlantic air
with the explosion and fire, but we liner Graf Zeppelin, hopes to bring
have not had time to investigate. is ship acketoreshafen
That must come later. his ship back to Friedrichshafen
"When I arrived in front of the from Cuers Thursday or Friday of
building and saw the condition of this week.
the patients being carried out, it At the same time he told the
was evident that they were victims r
of gas. What it was I do not know correspondent for the Associated
and have had not had time to find Press that a trans-Atlantic journey
out." was out of the question until it has
---- --- - -been definitely determined what
Senior Invitations caused the failure of four of his
five motors last week when the ship
Will Be Distributed was well on her way on a second
voyage to the United States.
"I arrived Sunday night in order
Invitations and announcements I to confer with Ludwig Duerr, direc-
for Commencement exercises will tor of Maybach Co. (manufacturers'
be passed out in return for receipts of the motors), before bringing the

MUSIC AND DRAMA EDITOR Columbus a military aspect. These
I APPOINTED 1jtroops will manipulate the "panels"
According to an announce- that indicate the vast armies in
ment made last night, William1 the battle. Detachments of the
J Gorman, '31, has been ap- Tenth Infantry from Fort Thomas,
pointed Music and Drama edi- Ky., and Fort Hayes, Columbus,
tor of The Daily for the coming and of the 11th Infantry,.Fort Ben-
year. I' jamin Harrison, Ind., are on the
o - --- ------0 front.

Appearing on the campus for the
irst time with a colored cover, the
/Iichigan Technic will go on gen-
;ral sale today. Many new fea-
tures have been incorporated in
this magazine, including a numbei
>f excellent photographs of inter-
Dst, as well as stories written by
students and faculty men.
The cover design is the archi-
tect's drawing of the Ambassador
bridge now under construction be-
tween Detroit and Windsor, while
the first article in the issue, by
Edward R. Nell, '30E, discusses the
bridge and presents an accuratel
descriptions of it.

ried out along this line.
"The Metal Art--Wrought Iron,"
by Harriet J. Thoms, '29A, reviews
the art of the ancients, while L.!
Verne Ansel, '31E, tells of some of'
the interesting things to be seen
in the new museum in an an article
entitled "A Glance at the Neu Mu-
Concluding a series of features
on books, Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson,
of the English department, discuss-
es great sea stories in "What Shall I
I Read." Conrad, Melvinne, Dana,
Lubbock, and others come in for
Professor Nelson's praise. "The
Collegiate Shavetail," by Patrick
E. McCaughey, '29E, tells of some

Conterence Bjasebaii
(By Associated Press)
MADISON, Wis., May 20.-Wis-
consin took undisputed possession
of second place in the Big Ten


n I

An xit fci ,,nnt. rlic~hir o +n 4nilrof.


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