OUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~ -- ---- - .. t r ;Pditay eatsg Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatchescredited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. . Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, asecond class matter. Special rate of postag granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May nard Street. Phones: Editoral, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor......................Nelson T Sn City Editor....... ..Stewart' 1~~- News Editor...........Richard C. Kurvi, Sports Editor.............. W. Morris Quit Women's Editor.. .. .....Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor..........George Staoter Music and Drama......... .... R. L, Askren Assistant City Editor........Robert Sil i Night Editors Joseph E. Howell Charles S. Monre; Donald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg , Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons George C. Tilley Reporters Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman Morris Alexandr Charles A. Lewis C. A. Askren Marian McDonaldi Bertram Askwi'9x Henry Merry Louise Behyme Elizabeth Quaife Arthur lernste'.4 Victor Rabinowitz Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell "Isabel Charles Anne Schell L.' R. Chubb Rachel Shearer Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon Helen Domine Robert L. Sloss Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart Valborg Egeland "Cad well Swanson Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer Marjorie Follmer Edith Thomas William Gentry Beth Valentine Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams David B. Hmpstead Jr. Walter Wilds Richard Jung George R. Wohlgemvth Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr. Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers Advertising..............Alex K. Scherer Advertising................rA.JamesJordan Advertising............Carl W. HammerI Service ..............Herbert E. Varnum Circulation............. .. George S. Bradley Accounts...............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications.................Ray M. Hofelich izations draw men from every type on the campus. They thus increase the range of acquaintances of every man who tries out, both widening his experience and bene- fitting him socially. Further, the' practical knowledge gleaned while competing for the executive offices of the various activities quite sure- ly proves of sound worth. It is expected that this year's freshman class, held inactive and ineligible for a semester, will be ready and eager to answer the calls for tryouts that will be issu- ing from the various organizations on the campus within a few days. ..Music, andDrama TONIGHT: The Mimes offer "The Marquise" by Noel Coward, in Mimes Theater, beginning at 8:30 o'clock. / f / ~ // / I, / G 1 ///J f II Editorial .Comment i Mary Chase Jeanette Dale Vernor Davis Bessie Egeland Sally Faster Anna Goldberg Kasper Halverson George Hamilton TackHorwich Dix Humphrey Assistants Marion Kerr Lillian Kovinsky Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley I. A. Newman Jack Rose Carl F. Schemm George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead Night Editor-JOSEPH E. HOWELL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1929 NEXT! Two unfortunate coincidences have conspired to bring President Coolidge's name under considera- tion for the presidency of this Uni- versity. First is the fact that he will be hunting a job about the time President Little steps out. second are his personal qualifica- tions: he is untroubled by danger- ous originality, his utterances have the happy quality of saying the safe and mediocre thing, and he is full of deference to the majority opinion toward which he cherishes a..perfunctory loyalty. There in the brief compass of a proverbial nut- shell we have the prerequisites for n extended tefm of office in Ar Arbor. But those partisans of Mr. Cool- idge who are booming him for the presidency of Michigan should con- sider, among other things, the lat- ter's feelings, Imagine the world's foremost disciple of prosperity face to face with a Republican guberna- tor who could afford only a million and a quarter a year for education- al improvements, even when a -Re- publican legislature could see a four-million-dollar need in the five millionsi asked. Imagine ari ex- president of the United States, kept waiting an hour in the ante- room of a governor-a courtesy that Lansing extends to obscure peti- tioners, lesser office-seekers, and presidents of the State university. And then imagine the man whose idea of exercise is a half-hour ride on an electric hobby-horse consult- ing the best interests of the largest athletic plant in the country. .But more impossible still, try to conjure up an image of a Vermont sense of humor tackling such petty annoyances of University adminis- tration as fraternity jealousy of drinking privileges, therdemands of students to drive their cars, and that fecund butt of administrative excoriation, The Daily. No, a Ver- mont sense of humor couldn't do it: Boy, bring on the next victim! 0 THE FRESHMAN STEPS OUT Permitted for the first time thus 'ar in their university career to participate in extra-curricular ac- tivity, the members of the class of, 1932 will begin this week in corn- petition for positions in campus or- "WITH THE COURAGE OF HIS CONVICTIONS" (The Nation) An able, outstanding, liberally minded university president was Clarence C. Little of the University of Michigan, whose resignation has just been accepted by its regents. For four years he tried to work with the machine which has made of Michigan one of the most rigid of our great State educational in- stitutions. He failed, and no more discouraging news. has come out of the college world for some time past. The lesson of it is that here is another place where a man of charm, distinction, intellectual courage, and advanced thought in the field of teaching is not wanted. It is said that he went too fast; that he was too far ahead of his time; that he .wanted to introduce Eastern college methods into the Western college world; that he was too outspoken. The truth is that he believed in birth control and said so, with the result that the Catholics in the State rose in arms against him. He did not believe in the narrow nationalism of the Daughters of the American Revo- lution, and he said so, and there were the inevitable vindictive re- plies. He thought that respect for the law should be upheld on the campus, and therefore he invited in the prohibition officers to dis- cover violations of the Volstead law, if they could, and that made the students angry. He opened the university to all kinds of opinions, and that was resented. In other words, he was a reformer with the courage of his convictions, and he paid the price in this reactionary age. Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to he brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words i possible. Anonymous com- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, he regarded as confidential, upon re- qu st. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of the Daily. THE STUDY OF GERMAN To the Editor:f Although Germany was defeated in the Great war, she is still in ex- istence, and German civilization is am .Iong the foremost in Europe. S-ermany is great in literature, sci- Se~n,, art, philosophy, and music. i, 1he art of writing history as well as in educational theory and prac- tice she is preeminent. As for thoroughness in every branch of human activity one may doubt whether any country can equal her. Perhaps the greatest contribu- tion by Germany to the advance- ment of the world was the Protest- ant Reformation ushered in. by Martin Luther. Among the coun- tries which, outside of Germany, accepted the Reformation most readily were England and America. As for literature, yesterday it was Goethe-not inferior to Homer and Dante-, it was Schiller, Lessing, and Heine. In philosophy it was Hegel, Kant, Schopenhauer, and others; in music it was Mozart, Bee- thoven, and Wagner. Today it is Einstein, Emil Ludwig, Feuchtwan- ger, Thomas Mann, and Count Keyserling. The greatest psychoanalysts, Jung, Freud, and Adler, although not Germans, w.write their books in the German language. As regards German-American re- lations it may not be generally known that from 12 to 15 million persons of German descent helped build up our country. There is an- othir fact that one is apt to for- get, namely that a goodly number of our best scholars received their training in German universities. As a token of gratitude and esteem, the recent gift of $500,000 to Heid- elberg university tells its own tale.- Incidently it may be noted here that in Europe German is studied more extensively than any other "THE MARQUISE" A Review by R. Leslie Askren Mimes, with "The Marquise" as, the opener of their stock season, have done two. things wonderfully well, and one lamentably badly.1 The combination of the three, for the first two acts at least of Noel Coward's charming comedy, almost compelled a not at all blase critic to leave the theatre. But not quite, principally because the repu- tation that Mimes have built up and the fine writing with which Coward has purveyed his piece on the charming artificialities of court life forever revived hope that the show would pick itself up in the not too distant future and prove somewhat amusing. It really could be if given half a chance. The re- vival occurred in the last of the second act and carried through to the last. The lamentable situation is un-: inspired students trying to do high comedy when they should stick to melodrama, or at least the straighter forms of drama. Perhaps "The Marquise" is a fair index of Mimes' abilities under the present circumstances of only mediocre student talent. Mr. Shuter's suc- cess could go no further than pro- viding a gorgeous st and magni- ficent costumes-the original cos- tumes, it is said, though the pro- gram said nothing. Certainly it did not extend to directing, nor for that matter, to casting. Outstanding for performance is preeminently Dick Kurvinck who gave magnificent grace and sparkle to his interpretation of the cour- tierly Esteban de Santaguano. His version was distinctly consistent with the lines which playwright Coward had given him, something which could not be said for Mlle. Rankin as La Marquise, nor for Norman Brown, the unwisely lov- ing Jacques Rijar. Miss Rankin's conception of her role is certainly the one most within her range but it brings serious inconsistencies without compensating with any- thing approaching the charm which Billie Burke gave. Miss Thelma Lewis as fatuous Adrienne who rebels against conventional marriage of convenience can only be judged as inadequate,-which is most damning, but yet most true. James Cash is an iiteresting study of a proper interpretation ,marred by limited capacities. His I idea of the role is indisputable but he cannot make emotion real. It becomes borcsome because his voice has no range. And his stiff- ness of bearing violently belies his younger reputation as a hell raiser and the marquise's final profession of love for him. A Puritan is strangely unlovable, even in spite of himself. As foil to Esteban and la Marquise he had his merits, however, particularly with Miss Rankin's interpretation which made the charming courtesan a much more scheming, crafty per- son than one might suppose from some of the lines. From this point of view Coward's play becomes Comedy of Manners with brittle artificiality and immor- ality for the play's sake, rather than high comedy with more subtle motivation for such realities as childien and similar embarrass- ments to passionate love. George Preihs again, as Father Clement, made much out of noth- ing, while Tremble in. the role of the faithful Hubert did rather bet- ter than his employer at times. Charles Marcotte as Miguel, just another illegitimate and not at all in love with the ditto Adrienne, was most illegitimately stiff and wooden. The appalling puritannical fruit of a delightful paganism, and the audience insisted on laughing where they really should not have. Kurvink makes the show worth- while, not the least o. his fine points being his legs which are distinctly in the period, while the setting design and the furniture combine to round off an evening of very mixed pleasure. - * *.* RACHMANINOFF CONCERT Sergei Rachmaninoff, the distin- guished piano composer, will be heard for the second time in Ann Arbor, on Wednesday night, Febru-! ary 13, when he will give a recital engagements with the leading sym- phony orchestras as soloist and visiting conductor. The popularity of his music, sym- phonic, choral, for the piano, and for the voice have also aided him in securing a suddenness of recog- nition which has hardly been ac- corded to any other musician in i recent years. Mr. Rachmaninoff is chiefly noted as a pianist for his fine in- terpretative and imaginative abil- ity. Whether he is employing his powers upon a transparent, ancient piece, a many voiced sonata of Beethoven, a tone-poem of Chopin, a pictorial or lyric fancy by a fel- low Russian, his playing is a mir- ror of the chosen music. Ann Arbor should be especially interest- ed in hearing some of his own com- positions which will be doubly in- teresting for their merit and the illuminating interpretation their own composer will be capable of giving them. The program which he has built for his Ann Arbor concert will appeal, to the artistic minded. It follows: Sonata, No. 14............ Mozart Allegro Adagio Have you selected your Valentines, Don't wait until the last moment-choose your Valen- tines now, while our assort- mnent is complete. We have the very fine st cards-the cards you will be proud to send. We have children'scards, cute and amusing-Valentines of sweet sentimentality for the sub-deb-Valentines with ma- turer phrasing for her elder sisters-Valentines for every- body. 0. D. MORRILL . 17 Nickels Arcade The Stationery & Typewriter . Store Want Ads Pay Allegretto (a) Sonata, D-minor.... (b) Sonata, C-major....Scarlatti Carnaval ...............Schumann Preambule-Pierrot-Arlequin Valse noble-Eusebius-Florestan Coquette - Replique - Sphlynxes Papillons Lettres dansantes-Chiarina Chopin - Estrella - Reconnais- sance Patalon et.Colombine-Valse al- lemande Paganini - Aveu - Promenada-j Pause Marche des Davidsbundler (a) Nocturne.......... (b) Valse................Chopin (c) Ballade.. . (a) Moment Musical.Rachmaninoff (b) Liebesfreud...... ...........Kreisler-Rachmaninoff "JARNEGAN" Holding the boards for the bal- ance of this week at the Shubert Lafayette is Jim Tully's "Jarne- gan," as dramatized from the novel by Charles. Beahan and Garrett Fort. Richard Bennett and the, complete cast from New York make Overcoats TODAY-WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY i AT THE = f Ing fKbng I 25c Shows at 7:00-8:40 25c rtittutttti# tlittitttltiuttltrnrrltrrlrnu #nrirrnrrrurrrrrrrrnrrrrur rrrrrrrrrruR rll tl ri t I 11 the show an exact if sensational interpretation of Tully's occasion- ally lurid ideas. The only excep- tion is Joan Bennett. Before her father was successfully hounded into accepting the role of Jarnegan the young lady spent some nine months futilely wandering from one movie casting office to an- other. "Once an extra, maybe a star"-but the charming Joan did not get even so far. Then came her success as Daisy with Daddy Rich- ard. This time the movies offered so much that a Broadway success seemed piddling, financially speak- ing. A sober mind would have ac- cepted the offer; she did. The show carries on with only Bennett pere to represent the family, another dancer actress daughter, Barbara, having deserted spinsterhood to marry tenor Morton Downey. She, however, was not in "Jarnegan." The virtue of the sensational ele- ments in "Jarnegan" is the -con- trast they afford in the struggle that goes on in the character Jar- negan, poet-bum, and movie direc- tor extraordinary. Tulley boasts exact drawing from life throughout the show with the single exception of Jarnegan who is a compgsite of three men-one is tempted to suppose, Jim Tully, Tully, and Jim. R. L.A. DALIES FRANTZ CONCERT Dalies Frantz, talented young pianist, will again appear in con- cert this evening in the auditorium of the School of Music. Mr. Frantz has appeared twice previously this year, one in a full Brahms program, and later on a Sunday afternoon concert ii Hill Auditorium. His program this evening will include works of Bach, Beethoven, and others. Mr. Frantz has just returned from a series of six children's con- } i, No More From cks N the not so distant future, a time is coming when the check from home will be only a fond memory. You probably look forward to those days with mingled feelings. You wel- come the idea of being on your own, knowing that money earned is doubly satisfactory for it represents accomplishment. Contrary to popular conception, you'll find that not all busi- niess men are exclusively interested in dollars and cents. You'll quickly distinguish between the narrow and the broad view- point in business just as you do today in college. Stone & Webster, Inc., has gathered an organization of men whose breadth of vision, whose ideals of service, whose ability are recognized in all business and professional fields. No mat- ter what profession or business you choose, you'll meet Stone & Webster men-financing utilities, operating gas, electric and transportation -companies, building power and industrial plants. They're wide awake, alert, progressive. You'll find the Stone & Webster organization is worth knowing and worth doing business with. in the Choral Union series in Hill certs in Kansas City where he play- Auditorium. ed with Mr. Guy Maier, his teacher. The appearance of Mr. Rachman- inoff will undoubtedly be pleasing1 to Ann Arbor concert goers. His reputation as a composer andt pianist has steadily grown in this This week he will make his debut in Boston as well as playing in Detroit, Springfield, New York, and Brookline. Probably one of the most bril- i I