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May 19, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-19

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- SUNDY', MAY 19, 192w'


1T~ ~ TT~7A YrTY

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Published every morning except Monday
durinjg the University year by the Board in
Control of Studeat Publications.


In announcing that suggestions
for next year's lecture series will
be gladly received the Oratorical
association is inaugurating a plan
that should make the program even
more popular than those of the

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The Associated Press is exclusively en-
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Entered at tke postoffice at Ana Arbor,
Michigan, us second class matter. Special rate
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Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-,
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Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
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Sditor......... ......Nelson ;. Smiti
City Editor.......... . Stewart Hooker
Mnw Editor............... Richard C. Kurvink
S prts Editor.....,.....W. Morris Quinn
Women's , .ditor. ..... ...Slvia S. St one
Tele.raphW Eitor............George Stauter
Music and Drama.........R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor.........Robert Silbar
Night Editors

Heretofore the lecture committee
has exercised its own judgment in
making up the list, and while the
speakersuhave as a whole been
highly entertaining, in one or two
cases the audience left Hill audi-
torium with the feeling that the
lecturer was not all he was crack-
ed .up to be. This was particularly
true in regard to one speaker who
sang baritone solos during the
greater part of the time he was on
the stage.
This, of course, was not the
fault of the Oratorical officials,
who are to be highly commended
for the consistently good program
of, this year, but the point to be
made is that the patrons in sug-
gesting. lecturers, will be getting
what they want, which will make
far more satisfactory programs. If,
then, the speaker they choose
proves to be somewhat under par
the Oratorical officials cannot be
entirely blamed.
Perhaps the plan will not prove
successful, but at least it is worth
a trial.

TOMORROW: Wm. Archer's critic confounding melodrama, "The
Green Goddess," opens in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, begin-
ning at 8:15, with the curtain at 8:30 o'clock.
Reviewed by Prof. Erich A. Walter

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SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1929
Night Editor-HENRY J. MERRY
The Harvard board of trustees,
following the recent collapse of the
Carnegie foundation's pension en-
dowment, has come handsome to
the rescue of its faculty, arranging
'to make good out of the Univer-
sity's treasury the difference be-
tween the pensions promised in
1915 and the amount the founda-
tion has discovered it can afford
since the January overhauling of
its accounts.
Hereby has Harvard, with a rep-
utation for doing consistently right
by its faculty, set a precedent that
the rest of the universities on the
Carnegie list must follow. Com-
paratively low salaries, painfully
slow promotion, and constant de-
mands for more and more esoteric
research have already brought the
teaching profession into bad
enough repute without adding the
prospect of a penniless old age.
Some financial provision must be
made for the retirement of devot-
ed servants who have divided their
activity between expounding the
learned book and worrying over
the account book.
The necessity and humanity of
this old-age provision for men who
have given their best to education
without sufficient pecuniary re-
muneration to provide for their
own retirements scarcely needs
further exposition. Nor do we
need to dwell on the inconvenience,
not to mention the cruelty, of
making professors with their
families change their standards of
living as soon as released from the
active payroll. The fact, as has!
been accused, that professors live
like nabobs, travel all over the'
world, and die without leaving a
cent should not be invoked to show
they could, if more provident, re-
tire in comparative luxury without
assistance. If a teacher is to in-
spire the admiration, respect, and
coperation of his students in this
material, age, besides fulfill the so-
cial obligations of a university
community and preserve the ex-
ternal tranquility that precedes
Mental efficiency, he must hold to
ahigher standard of living than
the day laborer, the artisan, or
even the average merchant.
At least part of this plea for
ensionnthat will nreserve the

Campus Opinion1
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words i possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should nut be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
To the Editor:
It may be that I am too easily
pleased, but I confess that Michi-
gan student performances, both in
Mimes and in Play Production, do
not seem to show "an emphatic
lack of good actors and actresses on
this years' campus" On the con-
trary, as a confirmed playgoer who
4ived seventeen years in New York
City, I can testify that if there is
any appreciable difference between
I a Mimes or a Play Production per-
formance and a Broadway pro-
fessional performance I can bare-
ly detect it. Each year I am more
amazed and delighted at the skill
which Michigan students show in
dramatic technique.
As to the choice of plays, there
will always be difference of opin-
ion but I for one cannot see the
inferiority of a keen piece of po-
litical satire like "The Queen's
l Husband" to a similar satire of
marriage like "The Constant Wife,'
Both are keen, bright, workman-
like sketches in the Shavian man-
ner. I concede, of course, that
"The Beggar On Horseback" and
"The Green Goddess" have mor
originality and power. And
equally of course, Ibsen or Barrie
(why not Shakespeare, for thai
matter?) are better known thar
any of these. But each play mus
be judged after its own kind
Granting that "In the Next Room'
and "The Spider" are only melo-
drama, they may be justified i
good of the kind. Not every limer
ick can. hope to grow up and be-
come an epic, but there is room
in the world for both epics and
limericks! And at least once thi
season we have had .Ibsen and the
clavilux. If the students of Mich
igan are poorly served dramatical
ly, is there any American com
munity outside Gotham which can
be said to be served well?
The excellence of student dram
seems to show that it is the natura
medium of expression for th
American student of today, especi
ally as it contrasts rather pain
fully with the neglect of other in
tellectual self-expression. Th
disappearance of The Chimes an
the Sunday literary edition of th
Daily leaves almost no channel fo:
the expression of student opinor
or aspiration. One almost long
for a return of the good days o
that "bad boy" G. D. Eaton! Eator
rarely told the truth but at leas
he had something to say. The In
lander is good enough to deserv
more popular favor; one has a
uneasy feeling that It makes' n
contact with nine-tenths of th
campus. The Gargoyle may b
a financial success but it produce
the cheapest, dullest, most me
chanical sort of humor possible t
imagine never having the sparkl
of the local topical hits in "Toast
ed Rolls"-the only real wit tha
our over-serious students seen
capable of producing.' Debating
has became a dull and stiff exercis
in legal technicalities; set speeche;
and "the burden of proof is now o
my oDonent" and that sort o:

University of Michigan Plays (with an Intro- are unmistakably a part of the
duction by Prof. Louis A. Strauss). Edited byjplay. They carry it forward, they
Kenneth Thorpe Rowe.. Ann Arbor. Michigan. pycryI owrte
George Wahr i69 pages. 1are worth reading for themselves.
The usual procedure is to read a I"For a moment they both tie up
play and then go to the theater to oose ends of thought; then, the
see it. My experience with the Uni- lgoees of "
versity of Michigan Plays (with the play goes on."
exception of the puppet play) has "John (As if he wer throwing
exactly reversed the practice. "John's apartment, the sort of
saw the plays on March 15an place where a man can be a gen-
'read them two months later. I tleman without having to insist
shall therefore consider the ex- upon it."
ception to the rule first. I am sure that all playwrights
Miss Adler's Puppet attempts not should give much more attention
only a puppet show but uses the to the writing of stage directions.
puppet stage as a part of the set- The ones in this volume are defi-
ting of a large stage. The pup- nitely a study in contrasts.
peteers are as important in their When I attended the perform-
acting as are the puppets. The dif- ance of "Outside This Room" by
ficulty of syncronizing the move- Dorothy Lyon Ackerman, the con-
ments of the five-foot actor, the clusion came as a surprise. I did
three-foot actor, and the one-foot not feel the inevitability of Betty's
actor can be imagined when one death. When I reviewed the per-
remembers how the spell of a pup- formance, I still felt certain that
pet show is destroyed by the sudden there must be an insufficient num-
appearance of the manipulator ber of preparatory lines. I know
who cries "Ladies and gentlemen, now that. I was wrong. There are
here I am." Granted even that nearly a dozen preparatory lines.
the audience would accept the gro- But I also realize now that the
tesque scale there is still another Betty of the performance looked
difficulty and that shows itself inm much too strong and well to be the
the problem of presenting many "ghost" that Madame Blackman
tiny figures (almost a chorus) con- mentions. If I should see the play
vincingly on a puppet stage. Could again, I am quite certain that un-
even the most skillful technicians less Betty's physical weakness were
effect an acceptable production? definitely emphasized I should
These obstacles of course face again feel that something was
only the director and producer. The about to happen rather than the
reader of Puppet naturally makes definite thing that does happen.
all of the adjustments for him- Possibly if Steineslaus were to re-
self. His pleasure in Pinocchio is ceive less attention Betty's death
that Pinocchio knows a puppet would be more convincing.
should be born as he is pleased to Certainly "My Man" by Jerome
be born; in Hevihand that he is F. McCarthy and "The Joiners" by
"Poor Independeice;" in the Soul- Arthur M. Hinkley are written to
spinners that they are "slight and be seen rather than to be read.
lovely and dim" and "have the The rate of movement in Mr. Mc-
beauty of great emotion, and the Carthy's play .seems slow and
sorrow) of broken dreams." The dragging to the reader but not to
reader likes the fantasy. But need an audience. The conclusion is too
that he his only source of pleasure? sentimental to be -accepted from
_I think not. Miss. Adler's play the reader's point of view, but when
could be fully and adequately one sees and hears the sincerity of
staged through the flexible medium a Rose Varkle, the apparent weak-
of the moving picture. Her play ness is translated into her kind of
offers remarkable possibilities in strength. One must feel that "He
that direction. (Look at Mr. Blas- was her man." - This need of see-
er's illustration if you need a spe- ing the thing--toappreciate its
cific suggestion.) Through the use value is even more evident in "The
of skillfully constructed miniatures Joiners." To read about lodge de-
and expert photography all of the grees is about as dull an entertain-
potentialities of the piece could be ment as one could think of but to
exhibited. And' why should this found a new fraternity and to wear
not be done hereat Michigai? a 'flowing robe are important mat-
Surely this is what moving pictures ters which Mr. Hinkley has used
will eventually manage to do- to the best advantage.
why should it not be done at our A word about the format of the
University? volume is to the point. Professor
From the reader's point of view Rowe has chosen a format of com-
Mr. Askren's play, "Passion's Prog- fortable size which I hope will not
ress" is the most readable of the be changed as future volumes are
zpieces in the volume. It depends added to the series. The arrange-
less upon the actual stage and real ment of type, text,, iiustrations,
- actors for its success. That may and decorative material is thor-
'possibly mean that the play is not oughly pleasing. May this volume
- built for the stage, in any case it be the first of a long list!
f also means that there is splendid
- imagination shown in the writing. It does not necessarily follow that
- Certain points* which were noted students in the Architectural school
z at the time of production are em- are getting a sketchy education.
I phasized in the reading of the play. _rg__g_____h__uc___
s The marked unevenness in the A gentleman rushed to death re-
e quality of the lines, the division in- gentlb acrhed to dank
- to two scenes (the play is over at cently by a car he tried to crank
the end of Scene I,the two min- while i gear can hardly be said to
- ute intermission kills the unity), have died in comfortable circum-
1 and the quite deliberate digression stances..
for the sake of. a "wise" remark are-
a weaknesses. Still I find the play Economic collapse is said to be
J most readable. This is due I be- facing'the South Sea islands if can-
e lieve very largely to the clever nibals continue to eat up their
- handling of stage directions. They prophets.

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Shaw said, "He who can, does; Major Crespin ........ Arthur Kohl
he who cannot, criticizes." And Watkins........Robert Henderson
that has been the concensus of The Raja of Rukh
Reynolds Evans
opinion ever since as regards play An Ayah. . Elberta Trowbridge
writing. But Archer confounded Lieut. Cardew .... Howard Stillman

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the early Georgians by doing both.
He established himself as a scholar-
ly critic of the drama; he wrote a
book on dramatic writing, "Play-
making"; he translated Ibsen and
acted as godfather to him in in-
troducing him to the English pub-
lic; and then, he wrote "The Green
Goddess." His critical colleagues
in London went to it out of re-
spect to "Dean" Arclher; they came
out awed by the Rajah of Rukh,
and the play has remained a classic
in melodramatic writing. A thrill-
er in every sense. of the word, it
puts the cold-bath-and-a-brisk-
walk Englishman into the vile
clutches of a polished but doubly
nefarious oriental on the outskirts
of civilization.

Priests, Villagers and Servants..
..Joe Bates Smith, Donald Ved-
der, George Priehs et al.
{Every one who is acquainted
with Kipling will recognize the
ubiquitous Ayah as that delight-
ful Indian prototype of the South-
ern "Mammy,"' except in this case
where all the servants in the place
are beautiful. It is difficult to
imagine anything but beauty in
the magnificent palace of the Ra-
j ah even though it is placed on
the wild edges of Afghanistan.
This delightful gentleman is a
brilliant character in "thriller"
literature. 'For all his' polish he is'
not treatedi in the conventional
"Yellow Peril" fashion; perhaps
there is some Ibsen in him. Cer-




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