SATUJRDAY;'MAY- &,- 1929--- 'THE M IC HI-G A N- D-A T :Y PAGE SEVM7 r t ^ VARSITY INE MEETS THNCLADS WILL WOLVERINE COURT STARS. BIG LEAGUE O NOARSTYHINWEETS I ',S1HOW AT ILLINOIS TO PLAY ILLINOIS TODAY 'SCORESNRH ETR OA 1 ______ (Continued F'rom Page Six) (Continued From Page Six) (Continued From Page Six) o o_________- rounding the "giant killing" crown Hills to accomplish this feat., the same as the front that op- Ralyin lte n he ametoscoe! worn by the Purple and the undle- ' Bud Poormnan will be the favorite! posed the Gophers. Mary. :Bacon ~ix run of t e oferng of Ear Inable fact that they play their :1i the shat put, with Brooks a ' will dipl c eih r ch fer o Whitehill, Chicago came from be- best brand of baseball against the C~lkely second( place winner. flarpei- Moore from the singles competition. hind to ef'eL te DeroitTiges ;is the best bet for Illinois. Th The doubles combinations of last yeserdy, t 2.Fabr cmestrongest opposition, the Michigan Wolverine trio of Brooks, Carlson,! Sat-urday will remain intact. ,yeteray;t; o . Fbercam !invaders wvill be heavy favorites to{ and Sanderson in the discus is ex- Barton Meets Schoaff' through with his second win of the take the game this afternoon. pe(eted to score: heavily. BurdickI Captain Bartoii wil] meet season as tl~e White Sox trounced The lineup of the Michigan nine h~ so nte bs o lios cof, vtrn Tln ci h ph e gh o t e fr t t m t i ~ n f ~ t a l e'fia~t singles matc h. Spencer o f wilb.r ct c l y t e a e a Coachi G ill has a pair of star poi hialsol t d r c m p tt o y e a r I t h F u d ~ e e s t r d a yI a. p o i. i t h T o p p e r 1o f t h e 1f I n d ia n s in t e Despite two home runs by gmerwihtvautersceptionottthat ~bekwilse e' ',second ,singles encoun-iter. Thoml')- 'A erl, e sa i na oo i c n er th xc p io ha1sb c w l (se both capable of clearing 13 feet or Averll, enstionl rokiecensr ison, the second Suc ker ve teran and fielder of the Cleveland Indianis, action on the mound. It is also better. They are expected to place 'a winner over Algye-r in las't year's* the St. Louis Browns nosed out the 'possible that Montague, sopho- ahead of Erickson, Michigan's lone, I nt y. Fe er o M ch ga a d M ic higan - Illinlois nc u te , w ill Tribe in a free hitting battle, 7 to 6. more hurler will be given an op--=entry.oFlkeroisoaveMbohigahownSeato g~m Iamro fWally Schang also connected for1 portunity to gain. some experience about the samne calibr~e in the high I Michiganr in the third singles. the circuit. New. York was given a in this contest. They were both arnong the Beal of Michigan will meet Tburner 12inn trouncing by the lowly jump. of the Ilrini. in the ftotmrth singles. 12 ir~~ning Heid mian Will Hurl five min who tied for first in the B c n o ihg n wl, i l Red Sox, while Lefty Grove held teBcno ihgnkil ial Washington in check to increase Les Heideman, veteran pitching indoor meet. Leonard is also likely roailyseatonnth fih the Athletic's hold on first place. ace for the Purple, will start the to place for Illrinois, j{singles with either Schaffer or See oern etrdtegame for Northwestern. Heideman Simon is regarded arriong the Moor'e m usfetmdte or eetinig Brumgartnrer, the National League games, Wilson and is largely responsible for the "gianti best broad jumpers in the Confer- third Titini veteran in the sixth Grimm of th Cubs, Hafey of the killing" tactics of the Purple, hay-. ence, but Chapman and Arendt are4 singles. Traynor Will be Coach Cards, Herman, Hendricks, and Gil- ing pitched in good style all sea- likely to make it an interestingl Cahn's choice for the fifth singles. -bert of the Dodgers, and Jack- son and is counted on by the Wild- event. This will be the first coT n the first doubles feature sonof he iats ll ettngcir- cat fans to upset the Michigan nine petition for Chapman sneh Captain Barton and Hammirer will ~o f t e G a ts al g ti gtoday. pulled a tendon at the Drake re= o p s t m frt Mi h g n d u *utsahs____lays.f bles team ag~ainst Schaoff and Tope. * AMERICAN LEAGUE DETROIT.-Because of an injury pr o h lii to his scheduled opponent, Andre SAN DIEGO, Cal.---A report pub-' Spenrcer and Moore will draw the R H ERoutils, World's f e a t h e r w e i g h t 1 lished by the New York Evening second doubles assignment for the Chicago...... 000 011 242-6 14 0 champion, will not get an opportu- World says that Jack Dempsey Courtwright coached team against Detroit-...... 200 000 000---2 9 3 nity to make his debut before the plans to return to the ring at Tia Thompson and Traynor of the Il Faber; Whitehill. I Detroit ring fans Friday night as Juana under the direction of James {Ilini. In the third doubles t hel R H E the Olympia officials could not get Coffroth, president of the Tia JuanaE Illinois pair of McElroy anid mil-j Cleveland.... 004 010 001-6 10 2 anyone to replace Roger Bernard, Jockey Club. Coffroth declined to hler will meet Schaeffer and 8a- St. Louis..... 131 100 01x-7 12 -0 Michigan featherweight. comment. con. Miliuis, Ferrell, Holloway; Ogden, - --. STATE TRACKMEN LA 1SSIFILE AT EAST LANSING',ADER1ISIN (By Associated Press)- - - - EAST LANSING, May 17.-The tWVE ARE takii! tw ~oi tt f.,, t ,Ow l cream of the track talent in Michi-I for renovatinguittese ad h gan college circles is due here to-i lows diruv 8nlec VL'tIJl ~~~~d -ii, morrow to compete in the prelii i fReduced pii< w li~e odr naries of the 14th annual state hi- '. ~ i/ tercollegiate track and field meet. a Pliuiii £w S t-C1- Ralph H Young, director of ath- letics at Michigan State college who Y E LTTiG l IIMIA is in charge of arrangements,. mdi- I (IJ -[i l"1( cated late this afternoon that iU. College word p-i =cii L: 5iiL -tI ~r(3a. Iwould be necessary to hold prephimi - 0. D). Morrill; 1'1 Iiw 1. lCISAr cao naries in 10o f the 15 events orrithI'i program. ,NV1N A swollen entry, easily the 11uigest ; UAVIN ever to be filed, has co mnplicated IG osod wf[Ir t L, !: t ne, I iv i t:! ; i2,I early preparations. For instance ArrntouJ1I rt.csrLi fl ., t(:alit i1 C:ctd;I there are 31 entries for the 880a-yard should be n-ieW-ted :o'0, c 1.t(iavoid; run. As it would be impossible to; the last iniiule u rtri, ', 1 ct win(_ start that many in a championship a speec altY. race, the half milers must go 0O D. VMoririll, 1 7 ii irt-12 ArV ;de through their paces this afternoon IC along with those in the field events --__ and competitors -in the dash an ld )IJ~-B atti'i IIIU h e I 'hurdle numbers. The program sars Heutite ,ide. itri i' at 2:30. Kc 1tie i (i E S t ft} t E t j I TENANT WISHES TO LEASE-Uni- Unfurnished house or apartment; 3 bedrooms necessary but 4 pre- fer~red; 1 bath satisfactory but 2 preferred. Write full particulars lim mediately. Michigan Daily Bux I ;R REN''- -For summer months. Attra jc ti ve futr rislied terrace in t estricted residential district ixri Detroit. Twvo baths and four bed-- i-ooms including servants quar- t;-:,. 1ichigant Daily Box 60. 5612 FOR SALE i )t l?. S/LE-'I I rFee May Festival ti(-c.-Cs; mlaini floor; center sec-- [io~n. Entire se r ies or single per- oitnamices. Phione 9562. 5 : opick the car your want while low prices pl-ovail. 1 921; Chievrolcl, coach. 1 92( Ford c u e 1 9:-7 Ford coupe. 19):5 Ford touring. 1;)25 Ford roadster. iu23x Overland coach. 19!125 Overland touring. 1 924 Chevrolet touring. Mu in tstore, Huron and Ashley Lot. '1.:12 E. Liberty LOST I -PD-i bet Ilamnpden w r i s t wautch iin Michigan Union wash room W dii sday evening. Find - er return to 625 Church or call 73f~57; Riew ar. ~A.456 tTPAYVED. Tuesday morning from fr ont Southi Fifth-Avenue. Brin- dle, bull pup. Eight months old. IPhone 9571. Reward. = C 13laeholder, Collins._ Boston... 200 000 Zew York 001 200 Morris; Hoyt. R 010 002-5 000 000-3 H I 11 H 7 0' 1 Y Track Is Fast Finishing touches were placed on the Cinder path and pits by a small army of workers today in antic ipa- tion of the invasion Friday. If the weather continues as favorable as. it has been today, some very excel- I lent performances are being pre- dicted in the preliminaries. On the eve of the start of con- petition, Coach Yourig declared that there will be a four way battle for the championship that has been , held by the Spartans for three years. He sees Michigan Normal, Western State Teachers college, Die- troit City college and Michigan{ State all making 6L serious bid for the title. Those who have watched the per- forrnances of the teams this spring,, declare that team balance will count more than first places in the final tally. If these observers are correc