THE MIC444G N .D-A-1- L Y SATURDtAY, E-A"-8,42--t . . . TH..M.C...........L... ___ imwmmw. mill 11111111 AIR STOCK PURCHASED By GENERALI MOTORS Acquisition Of Control Of Fokker Concern Makes Company Third To Enter Air Field THREE CONCERNS IN DEAL NEW YORK, May 17.-(R)-The Genral Motors corporation today was in virtual control of the Fokker Aircraft corporation, mak- ing it the third large automobile company to enter the airplane field. Purchase of 400,000 shares of 'common stock of the Fokker con- cern, representing a 40 per cent in- terest, was announced by General Motors. The remaining 60 per cent is scattered. Sophomore Pyro-Maniacs Wreak Disaster On Wood Pile Collected By Freshmen Disaster reared its ugly head in ' the second year men, but their only the direction of the frosh early weapon-a lone fire extinguisher- vPtrra mrc r ri soon petered out and enabled the TPtld; .. ~A ra Wflomr nd _ri etri i ( Professor Aubrey Tealdi and As- cities. Although the Conference is sistant Professor H. O. Whittemore predominantly a national affair, will leave next week for Buffalo Mexico and Canada are also to be and Niagara Falls to attend the represented. The Conference will National City Planning Conference deal mainly with transportational which is to take place in those and regional planning. 1! j 7 j t 1 I a y er_ ay IIMornng, ara suI , ay ! ing waste all the enthusiastic ef- work practically unhampered. This forts expended by the class of' 32 bit of strategy, accomplished at in preparing for last night's bon- about 4 o'clock in the morning, en- fire. I abled the sophomores to chalk up a Thirty sophomore pyro-maniacs, victory over their traditional ene- armed with several bottles of gas mies--the first victory of the year. oline, invaded the traditional pre= Yesterday, after a call for help cincts of Sleepy Hollow, broke had been posted by the frosh com- through the frosh guard of seven mittee, several truckloads of new men, quickly drenched with gas the combustibles were seen rumbling huge pile of inflammable iaterial ithrough town headed in the direc- gathered for last nighVs blaze, ap- Lion of Sleepy Hollow and manned plied a match, and cheered tri- by all the frosh who could cling to umphantly. the vehicles. By nightfall enough The. frosh, outnumbered more stuff had been assembled and the than four to one, fought valiantlyI annual blaze shot skyward on to check the fiendish onslaught of 'schedule without further diffich'y. William docarein & Sons Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating, DO YOU LIKE TO EAT, Excellent Home Cooked Meals in Pleasant and Attractive Surroundings IF, SO, Then Try THE WOLVERINE RESTAURANT 329 S. Main St. Quick and Courteous Service Private Booths Radio Music I Repairing fI l-I I i The transportation gives General Motors a position in the airplane field equal to that of the Ford in- terests, its principal rival in the automobile field. The Ford corn- pany, throughthe Stoutrairplane! division, has been manufacturing tri-motored metal planes for some time.. The Packard Motor Car Co. has been experimenting for months with a Diesel oil-burning airplane engine, the first successful demon- stration of which took place this yweek. Incorporated In 1927 In payment for the Fokker stock General Motors turned over to the airplane company all the capital, stock of the Dayton-Wright .Co., the assets of which consist of Mc- Cook Field, Dayton, O., a number of valuable patents, and cash as- sets of approximately $6,500,000. Anthony H. G. Fokker, a large stockholder in the concern, will ocntinue in charge of engineering and design. Mr. Fokker, a native of Holland, came into prominence during the war, when he built hun- dreds of fighting planes for Ger- many. He came to this country in 1919, and has become a citizen of the United States. Fokker planes have been used in many notable flights in recent years, including the Byrd trans-At- lantic, Arctic and Antarctic flights. Detroit Theaters CASS THEATRE The All-Star Fun Classic The Royal Family Nights, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3 Wednesday Matinee Best Seats $2 Phone 5014 211 S. Fourth Ave. \ Last Times Today WUERTH Shows Continuous 1:30-11:00 aI r MAY McAVOY-CONRAD NAGEL in CANHT INTHE FOG How Crooked Can Crooks Be? I I Adi 11 ;°C,, Aliso ROYAL HAWAIIAN SINGERS SOUTH SEA SONGS AND DANCES FOR-GET-ME-NOT-A MOVIETONE ROMANCE I I LAFAYETTE SHUBERT THURSTON The Famous Magician and his daughter Jane Prices: Nights, Sat. and Sunday Mats., 50c, $1 and $1.50 COMVNC SUNDAY George Bancroft Baclanova i "Wolf of Wall" Street" a i, I A RIOT of LAUGHS from START to FINISH I A night of the night- stick has his Paris nights New York, Paris, Mu- nich - what a beat for and cop! The station- house phil- osopher g o e s to Paris to get his man, but the prisoner brings him home- cock - eyed! w PRESENTED BY WILLIAM -ON TH The Popu Head OALD T4 I - A E STAGE- ular R.K.O. diner Im 7 111I 7 ",