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May 15, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-15

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Notice: Senior Employment:
The diploma fee of $10 is payable now! Early settlemnent is neCes- Mr. E. B. McKillip of Wilson and Company, Chicago, will be in 201
sary for the preparation of diplomas. In no case will the University Mason Hall at 11 o'clock, today, Wednesday, May 15, to talk with
_confer a degree at Commencement .upon any student who fails to seiors interested in the meat packing industry.
Publication in the Bulletin is contructive notice to all members pay this fee before 4 o'clock p. M., May 23. In case the Faculty does W. E. Parker
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the. Presi- not recommend any payer, the fee will be refunded on surrender of
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) receipt for payment. The above applies also to fees for all special Meeting of the Detroit Branch of thc American Pharmaceutical
'ccrtiticatcs Association:
Vol. XXXIX WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1929 No. 166 hCandidates for degrees or certificates should at once fill out card The annual joint session of the Detroit Branch of the American
-- at ofice of the Secretary of their college or school (College of Litera- T Pharmaceutical Association with the College of Pharmacy will be held
University Lecture: ture, Science, and the Arts, Recorder's Office), pay the Treasurer of at 7:45 Thursday evening, in room 165, Chemistry Building. Dr. Cyrus
Prof. Ernest Barker of Cambridge University, England, (Lowell the University and have card receipted, and file indicated section of C. Sturgis will give an illustrated lecture on the work of the Simpson
Institute Lecturer, 1929), will lecture on "American ideas during the this receipted card with the Secretary of their College or School. Memorial Institute for Medical Research. All who are interested are
Revolution," on Saturday morning, 11 o'clock, May 18, in room 1025 Please do not delay till the last moment, but attend to this matter cordially invited to attend.
Relution, at once. We must letter, sign, and seal approximately 2500 diplomas C. C. Glover;-Secretary, College of Pharmacy
Jesse S. Reeves, C. 11. Van Tyne ;and certificates, and we shall be greatly helped in this work by early
payment of the fee and consequent longer period for preparation. All Women of All Classes in the University:
Lecture: Shirley W. Smith, Secretary of the University. Lantern Night has been postponed until tonight because of the
Professor Avard T. Fai banks will lecture on T Technique of The treasurer's office will be closed each Saturday afternoon condition of the field after yesterday's rain. Schedule will be the same
Sculpture," and give a demons; ration of modeling, Wednesday, May 15,f Wk a- sas announced yesterday: Picnic supper at 5:30, freshman Pageant at
at 4:15 p. m., in the West Lecture room, Alumni Memorial Hall. The Advisers for Freshman Week and Assistants: 6:00, Lantern Procession at 7:30.
public is cordially invited. There will be a meeting of the Advisers for Freshman Week and Lantern Night Committee Chairman

J. G. Winter

University Loan Committee:
The University Loan Committee will meet on Wednesday, May 15, at
2:00 p. m., in room 2, Unive sity Hall.
All students applying for loans should call at Ihe office of the Dean
of Students to arrange for an appointment with the committee.
W. B. Rea, Acting Chairman
Boulder Dam Lecture:
Professor D. W. Mead, Member Colorado Board, will give an illus-
trated'lecture on the Boulder Dam Development. The lecture will be
non-technical and economics, state riparian rights, conflicting interests'
and engineering features of this big project will be discussed. All
interested are invited to attend. Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in
Natural Science Auditorium.1
L. M. Gram

their student Assistants on Thursday, May 16, at 5:00 o'clock p. m., room
103 Romance Languages Building.
This will be the only meeting of the group before next fall.
Advisers are requested to inform their own student Assistants of
the hour and place of this meeting.
r. E. Bursicy, Chairman
School of Education: Registration for Summer Session:
Students now in the School of Education who plan to register,
for work during this summer session may do so on Monday, Tuesday,
and Wednesday (May 27, 28, and 29).
Registration will take place in the office of the School of Education,
room 105 Tappan Hall. Hours: 9-12, 2-4.
Gretchen Krug, Recorder
June Seniors-School of Education:
All Diploma and Teacher's Certificate fees must have been paid
before 4:00 p. m., May 23, and the receipts returned immediately to
the Recorder, School of Education, if candidates expect to be recom-
mended for degrees in June. Blanks for this purpose may be secured
at the office of the School of Education.
Gretchen Krug, Recorder

Women in the Freshman Pageant:
All members of the pageant will meet at the Women's Athletic
Building at 5:00 o'clock today for announcements.
lone Johnson, Director
lmgineering Council Members:
There will be a meeting of the Council Wednesday, May.15, room
304 Michigan Union, at 7:30 p. m.
F. H. Bebee, Secretary
Mechanical Engineers-Juniors and Seniors:
Mr. L. E. Hosbein, representing the M. H. Detrick Company of
Chicago, will be in room 221 West Engineering Building on Thursday,
May 16, for the purpose of interviewing and employing Senior and
Junior Mechanical Engineers.
H. E. Keeler, H. C. Anderson
Senior Education Students:
The Class Day Banquet will be held tonight at the Women's League
Building at 5:30 p. m. Please wear caps and gowns. The banquet
will be over in time for the Lantern Night Senior procession.
Velvia Johnson, Chr. Social Com.

Daily Tryouts:
There will be a meeting of all Da
this afternoon in the Press buildin
expect to work on the paper next f
for their work this spring be presen

ily editorial tryouts at 3:00 o'clock
g. It is important that all who
fall or who wish to receive credit.
George E. Simons, News Editor !

Nursery Section, Faculty Womea's
There will be an important nie&'
ing for parents-both mothers an t
fathers-Wednesday, May 15, at 4
o'clock, at 226 S Ingalls, to di ,
cuss the nursery school for next
Jessie M. Taggart
Scabbard and Blade:
There will be a regular mcetin
Wednesday, May 15, 1929, at 7:0
p. in., in the Union.
Fred C. Fenton I
Juniors-School of Education: I
There will be a short meeting of
group chairmen today at 4:00
o'clock in room 4017 U. H. S. . i
Gladys R. Merlin, President.
'Varsity Band:
Due to the postponement of Lan
tern Night from last night to to-
night, Senior Sing has been post
poned until next Wednesday. For*
mation tonight at 7:05 at Morril
Hall in full uniform to march to
Palmer Field. a
Gilbert B. Saitonstall, Manager. L
Miss Harriet Mahnke, nationa
president of Athena, will be in An
Arbor Saturday, May 18, to instal
our chapter. Every member must
be present and in good standing t4
become a charter member of Epsil1
Ion chapter.
Lois E. Webb,
Varsity Band:
Members of the Varsity band will
assemble at Morris Hall at 6:40 to
night to play for Lantern Night
R. A. Campbell. (
Alpha Kappa Delta:
The initiation banquet will sb
held at the League Building at 6:3
today. Dr. Kimball Young of Wigh
consin will speak.
E. S. Guckert, President.
Michiganensian Business Staff: '
A meeting of the entire business
staff of the Michiganensian is to
be held this afternoon at 4 P. M. at
the Press Building. All try-o.ts
please be present.
Sam Atkins, Business Manager.
There will -be a meeting of thes
Gargoyle Editorial Staff and thy.
outs at 4:00 Wednesday afternoon,
May 15.
E. Jerome Ellison, Editor.
LONDON.-Eight American. yours
women were among those present
at court to the Queen Mary and the
Prince of Wales. They are i Helen
Wills, California; Elizabeth Bein,
New York; Alice Coonley, Illinois;
Lillian Emerson, North Carolina;
tMrs. Albert Halsted. Ohio; Joselyn
Pierson, Maryland; Harriet Walker,
California; and Virginia Willys,
men students in the college of En-
Sgineering and Liberal Arts' made a
scholastic record of 3.79 percent
higher than the men. x '

Teachers' Certificates: Romance Club:
Health Lecture: Members of Staff and Graduate Students of the Department of
Louis H. Newburgh, M.D., Professor of Clinical Investigation, will Blanks for the payment of the Teachers' Certificate fee may be Romance Languages are reminded of the regular meeting of the
speak on "A Scientist's View of Vegetarianism based on recent investi- secured at the office of the School of Education. All students who Romance Club in 408 R. L. on Wednesday, May 15 at 4:10 sharp.
gations at the University Hospital," Thursday, May 16, at 4:15 in I expect to be recommended for the Teachers' Certificate in June must Lafayette Dow will speak on "A Recent Edition of the Sainte Foy
Natural Science Auditorium. The Tolstoy League and the Vegetarian pay their ree before 4:00 p. m., May 23, and return the receipt immedi- Manuscript" and Julio del Toro on "Jose-Maia Heredia and the United
Society invite the public. Reservations for a vegetarian supper in honor ately to the Recorder, School of Education, 105 Tappan Hall. States."
of Dr. Newburgh, Friday, May 17, 6:00 p. m., in Lane Hall Tavern, Gretchen Krug, Recorder W. F. Patterson
can be made by calling 21751.-
L. Singh Graduate Students: Research Club:
Students who expect to receive a degrec in June should bear in The Research Club. will meet in' room 2528 East Medical Building
University 'Conunittee on Accredited Schools: mind that the diploma fee of $10 must be paid by May 23. Blanks for on Wednesday, May 15, at-8' p. m.- The following, papers will be pre-
The University Committee on Accredited Schools will meet on this payment are available in the office of the Graduate School, 1014 sented:
Wednesday, May 15, at 2:00 o'clock, in the office of Registrar Smith. Angell Hall. "The Vibration of Bridges,' by Professor Stephen Timoshenko.
George E. Carrothers, Secretary Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder "The Michigan Expedition in Mesopotamnia"' (Illustrated), by Pro-
-._____lessor Leroy Waterman.
Todd Prize in Economics and Sociology: Geography 33: A meeting of the Councikwill be held at 4:30 p. m., in room 1053
Contestants are reminded that the essays ar due on or before May i A make-up examination in this course will be held on Wednesday, East Physics Building. '
20. They should be handed to Miss Mabbs in the Department office May 15, at 3 p. m. in room 18, A. I Everett S. Brown, Secretary
before 5:00 p. m. of that date. Please follow instructions in original K. C. McMurry
announcement..- 11 Circolo Italiano:
Carter Goodrich Final Examinations: Prof. William A. Frayer will give the last lecture of the year on
All cases of conflicts between assigned examination periods in the the subject: "The Settlemet of 'th Roman Question." The lecture
Moving Pictures of Industry: Colleges of Engineering and Architecture, should be reported at once is to be given in room 03-RomaceLanguages Bnlding, at 4:15 Wed-
The twentieth moving picture program by the School of Business f by the students affected. ncsday, May 15. The public is invited. ,
Administration will be held in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:05 C. H. Fessenden I - Helen M- Latting, President
p. m., Wednesday, May 15. Please note that the program will begin:-------
10 minutes earlier than many afternoon meetings. The following English 208: Speech Defective Group:
films will be shown: I shall not be able to meet the class today. Take for Thursday the The Wednesday interviews will, be held as usual this week, the
The Story of' Bakelite (showing various stages in manufacture of first hundred lines of the selection from Gawain and The Green Thursday interviews will be held Friday at the usual time.
Bakelite and a wide variety of finished products)-2 reels. Knight in Brandl and Zippel. . ... P. D. Swann
The Romance of Rubber (scenes from the world's largest rubber Samuel Moore -
plantation, showing America's part in the production of crude rubber)!-- Exhibition of Competition Drawing Phi Lantbda Upsilon:
-2 reels. Geology 2: for George G. Booth Traveling There will be a Business Meeting
All persons interested are invited to attend these programs which An examination will be given Wednesday, May 15, at 4 o'clock, in- Fellowship in Architecture: "'Wednesday evening, May 15, at 7:30
are designed particularly to give business students background ma- eluding the subjects of folds, faults, and unconformities; earthquakes ihed Architectural designs sub- In room 303 Chemistry building.
terial. will not be covered. Rooms: the bythe 12 competitors for Franklin D Smith, Presiden
Carl N. Schmnalz Surnames-th Booth prize are now hung in ________________
CrGhmnclusve, 205- N. S.room 301 of the Architectural build-
A-G,.inclusive, 2054 N. S. ing. They will be on exhibition,
Geology 2 H-L, inclusive, 2082 N. S. until the evening of May 21. and
A second supplementary examination for the second examination M-P, inclusive, 3056 N. S. untilhthe evepinof M ay ny
of the semester will be given Thursday, May 16, at 4 o'clock, in room R-S, inclusive, 4054 N. S. eseendaily from 9 a. m. to.5ap.
4054 N. S. inclusive, 2042 N. S- m. The public is cordially invited
I. C. Hussey R. C. Hussey Professor Emil Lorch.



- - v

i avgooA ALAKAA lJ;44.

----------- -- a

Comedy Club: Try-outs:
The spring try-outs for Comedy
Club will be held Thursday, May 16,
f om 4 to 6 o'clock in Sarah Caswell
Angell Hall in the Barbour Gym-
nasium. Try-outs must be pre-
pared to give a three minute se-
lection from some play..
Second tryouts, by invitation on-
ly, will be Friday;from 4 to 6.
Thurston Thieme, Pres..

Your Work
is solicited purely on a
quality basis.-When you
sit for a portrait at Dey' s,
your picture will be one
that you take pride in
giving to your friends.

New LEAGUE Theater
Three Weeks of Plays beginning
Every night except Sunday at 8:15
Matinees Wed., Thur., Sat. at 3:15

8 to 10
- - 75c per couple

Robert Henderson presents the
Arliss vehicle


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Private wires to all

Conservative margin accounts
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334 So. State St. Phone 5031
P c Fbre vet

The Green Goddess
Bernard Shaw's gay farce
You Never Can Tell
The stirring melodrama
The mystery thriller
The Spider
Including: Reynolds Evans, Robert Henderson, Suzanne
Freeman, Arthur Kohl, Ralph Menzing, Edward Everett
Hale III, Elberta Trowbridge, Lillian Broason.
Prices: Evenings 75c, Matinees 50c
Buy tickets in advance
Now on sale at box office. Phone 6300,

At Whitmore Lake
Friday and Saturday
$1.00 per couple

7th Floor First Nat'l
Bank Bldg.



- ---.



The Kaufman-Connelly Comedy Hit-




11 44v






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