PAGE FOUI , THE MICHIGAN, D AILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1929 I I r r, nsr r nnriwri pi .= ^r Published every morning except Monday dnng the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en-1 titled to the use fo. republication of all news 1ispatche credited to it or not otherwiset credited in this paper and the local news pub-, fished herein. Entered 'at te postoffce at An Arbor,' Michigan, ss second class matter. Special rateI of postag' granted by Third Assistant Post-1 master General. Subsciption by carrier, $4.00; by mail,! .5fcies: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.! Bard Street. Phones: Editorial, 492; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 492 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor...................Nelson j. Smith City Editor.... ...... Stewart Hooker News Editor...........Richard C. Kurvink Sprta. Editor.............W. Morris Quinn Women's Editor..............Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor ............George Stautet Muic and Drama...............R. . Askren Assistant City Editor.........Robert Silbar Nigh'Editors Tseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe Dlonad J. 'Klne Pice Rosenberg Lawrence R. Kin George E. Simon George C. Tilley Repflrters Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman Morris Alexanda? Charles A. Lewis C. A.Ask en Marian McDonald . erttam Askwit ' Uenr= Merry Louise Behy e o Elizabeth Quaife Arthur Bernste~a Victor Rabinowit Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell Isabel Charles Anne Schell . R. Chubb, Rachel Shearer Frank t.' Cooper Howard Simon 4 elen Domine Robert L Sloss MargAret Eckels Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swansen Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer Marjorie Folmer Edith Thomas William Gentry Beth Valentine 4 Ruth Geddes Gurney Willam David B. Heuipte d Jr. Water Wilds Richard ung '.George V. Wohgemuth Charles R. Iaufnia Edward L. WarnerIr. Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSNEsS MANAGER ~EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers Advertising.D....... Alex K. Scherer Advertising...........A. James Jordan Advertising.............. Car W. Hamer service.".................Herbert E. Varnum Circulation.................George S. Bradley Accounts...............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications..............Ray M. Hofelich e.istants Mary Cae -Marion Kerr Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovinsicy " Vrnon. Davis' Bernard Larson Bessie Egelwnd Hollister Mabley Sally Faster I.A. Newman Anna Goldberg Jack Rose Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemm Gcorge Hamilton George Seater J ckHorwichMShewod Upton )ix Huraphrey Marie Wellstead WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1929 Night Editor-FRANK E. COOPER HONORING PRESIDENT LITTLE Those students whose good for- tune it has been to come in per- sonal contact with President Little have found his friendship a joy and an inspiration. Wishing to honor their friend now that he is unfortunately about to leave, and at the same time to enable others in some small measure to know him, they have conceived the idea of an; all-student dinner dedicated to him. It is peculiarly fitting that; this event' is solely by and for that student body which has been for four years closest of all University groups to President Littles sym- pathy. This tribute is little enough. Despite his unpopular stand on au- tomobiles and fraternities Presi- dent Little has captured' the imag- ination and won the hearts of many students. He has typified1 the courage, brilliance, and good-' fellowship of youth so unusual and so fascinating to find in company with the dignity, prestige, and re- sponsibility of a university presi- dent. And finally beaten down by those same appealing attributes of youth grating against the desires of1 older men, President Little has won his way more than! ever to the ap- preciation of his student body. The proposed banquet affords a limited number an opportunity to pay a more personal tribute; to our' departing chief executive than is ordinarily possible in a large Uni- versity where presidents are prone to lose contact with student per- sonalities A duty remains to those who admire President Little to make their response to this oppor- tunity, as befits the man to whom tribute is being paid, whole-heart- ed and genuine. -o-- THE CASUAL X Any movement on the campus that involves a considerable group and has a definite purpose is meat for the desk of The Daily's editor. It is in this spirit that we recog- nize the political phenomena now disturbing the campus and urge one plea, though politics in gen- eral we regard as a rather unsavory excresence on student life in par- ticular. On the ballots today will be the names of several gentlemen who hono in honmo elehrities more or There are, however, two positions to which candidates will be elected that are fraught with consequences for the campus. These, it is gener- ally recognized, are the presiden- cies of the Student council and the Union. The council president is in a position, if vigorous, thoughtful, and able, to accomplish much tow- ard securing for the student body greater autonomy in governing their own affairs. With able lead- ership the council may easily be- come a representative power charged with regulating student functions and advising the ad- ministration instead of a rather pusillanimous assembly fearful of tackling knotty problems and vot- inga unanimous yes or no on a flock of petty questions. Upon the president of the Union devolves the duty of securing the greatest pos- sible return to students on the in- vestment that the: valuable Union plant represents. To do this he must have executive ability, a warm personality, and a faculty of leading others to follow him, for the Union presidency means the leadership of a large social club as well as a juicy political plum. It is needless to point out this morning that party lines have al- ready been established. A small army of politicians with no better way to spend its time has told practically every one of the 2,547 registered voters how to mark their ballots. But we continue to hope that a decisive bloc of those with- out irons in the fire and not too violently bigoted in favor of one party or the other will pause a mo- ment to weigh the respective mer- its of the several'nominees before inserting the casual X where indi- cated. "QUEST FOR GENIUS" Thomas A. Edison's plan to se- lect and educate a promising youth cannot be strictly be termed a "quest for genius," nor can' Johns Hopkins proposed venture be call- ed an institution for the education of genius. But Mr. Edison's plan will at- tempt to provide a worthy suc cessor to himself in order to carry ion the remarkable creative work he accomplished during his life. There will be a committee in each of the States which will choose a boy who has shown ability in school. To the forty-eight eligi- bles he will submit a questionaire and decide their respective values for himself. Johns Hopkins, too, will employ the selective method in filling their special classes in sci- ence. In this way all drones, inferior intellects, incorrigibles will be au- tomatically eliminated, but the weaness is that more will be elim- inated than produced. It is diffi- cult at best to select geniuses at such an age, for their powers are not yet ripened, their latent pos- sibilities have had no opportunity to come forth. Society will, however, benefit by the training given to these youths, and perhaps once in awhile a gen- ius will appear. But genius is un- accountable anyway, and it is the capacity for hard, earnest labor that is a characteristic of produc- tive genius. Mr. Edison's plan and the Johns Hopkins plan are both praiseworthy projects, so what is the difference whether or not prodigees'are discovered? 0-x- The prevailing mode of student conduct designated as "collegiate" lends some color to a' current su- perstition that the three R's have become Rah! Rah ! Rah ! 0 A hill-billy of Pennsylvania has just revealed under pressure a magic fluid eight drops of which is equivalent to aging a gallon of liquor one year. This seems to take the point out of that aged blind-pip quip, "Just a minute while we age it." Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to he brief, confiing themselves to less than 3o words if possible. Anonymous com- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of the Daily. MAY FESTIVAl MUSIC To the Editor: I heartily agree with Mr. Mor- rissey's communication in today's Daily regarding the inferiority of most of the programs of the May Festival. This applies especially to the orchestra numbers. One ought to expect to hear at least one solid symphony during the course of the I u~u~srere..el... .., ... ...b.s e~ea... sru~rsarwu. uer+ s' Music and Drama """"."""". """""""""""". """"".""""""."s.. .. . ..... . ... . TONIGHT: Play Production presents "The Beggar on Horse- back," by George S. Kaufman and Marc Connelly, in the new League Theater, beginning at 8:15 with the curtain at 8:30 sharp. UNIVERSITY PLAYS An innovation is nearly due up- on this campus. The Division ofS English is publishing the prize- winning one act plays resulting from the recent contest under its sponsorship. The plan is to make this an annual event-to have such a contest each year and thus start a continuity of student plays, the best available. In this way rep- resentative efforts will be publish- ed, comparisons can be made and improvements in university drama and playwriting can be noted and encouraged. Advance proofs indicate that this years' book will be a highly attractive volume, it will contain five plays, and will be illustrated and bound to make an interesting addition to anyone's library. There will be an added interest in the fact that it is the first in a series and that some of the plays have already been produced. Here is something constructive, an effortl to give voice to student expression, a chance offered to every embryo dramatist in the university to gain recognition and the impetus which might lead to a serious bid for fame. Taken in such a way one can see how this pioneer vol-I ume must be valued as the begin- ning of a growing movement to develop student ingenuity and freshness of approach instead of the ordinary mimicry which now prevails. The Division of English is to be highly commended for this first step. It has meant a great deal of work for those who have been most active in the makeup and organization, as well as a certain amount of courage necessary to start something new in the face of conservative academic principles. They have expended a great deal of effort in producing what the student body will be prone to take for granted. Such extracuricular effort is not required of them, it has been done simply out of inter- est in the growth of the Univer- sity Theater. It is the crux of the first weary years of effort to es- tablish the theater on a laboratory I basis, where expeiiments may be dared and innovations in writing given expression. It will have faults, of course, but it should be welcomed the first evidence, the cornerstone of a worthy move- ment. L.P.1B. - - - _ __. _ ----- - - . t fir. i Y," t , N +i '. ' t°. F. s. ,R r, .i; "',g " r' j . "f j3 A y., .: # :. . ... i {. . X . .. . . THIS NEW LEAGUE THEATER Many kinds are needed Some weeks ago a rumor was quoted in this column. The pro- phecy now seems to be coming true. And when it does, actually,.a monkey-wrench of considerable size is thrown into the local dra- matic situation, the effects of which will probably reverberate for a number of years. The rumor quoted was to the effect that an outside stock com- pany would be imported to fill va- cant weeks in the new League Theater, Robert Henderson just back from Pittsburgh, via New York, is maturing plans in that direction. For further information see the news columns of this is- sue. The size of this monkey- wrench is in direct proportion to the importance of Bob in campus dramatics-or perhaps, the ratio is inverted. The reason behind this an- nouncement of a short stock sea- son seems to be mainly a financial one for the directors of the League destinies The management must look to their beauty parlors, dining rooms and what not-money mak- ers-to keep the building open and cut the debt. The $200 weekly rental of the theater, for all Mimes' $75 a night charge, is an im- portant sum, and if no campus or- ganization can be secured to pay the rent an outside company is fully justified. Financially, it be- comes an indirect service t the University to keep the theater running; from an amusement point of view, the same holds true. But this indirect service to the University has (another angle to it that to a considerable extent may be considered as cancelling the benefit. If the League is to be considered, at least indirectly, a University building and its opera- tion a University function, there is a definite objection to the ex- ploitation of its facilities by out- side, non-University, agents. In a recent [I'nterview on the proposed University Theater, Mrs. W. D. Henderson, Executive Sec- retary of the Alumnae Council, suggested the desirability of the University's bringing to Ann Arbor the best shows from the Detroit season, so that Ann Arbor-bound students may get the best plays available off Broadway. The sug- gestion is thoroughly sound, and the University is already doing this thing, only, in the lecture field. At thee same time Mrs. Hen- derson expressed the idea that it would be an advantage to campus amateurs if they could appear in local productions with a nucleus o professional actors to give them the benefit of their experience. This sort of production could be put on in the League Theater, whereas the Detroit importation business could not be. The ques- tion of advantage from amateur acting with professionals is an open one. But the present move seems to be directly in line with the suggestion. Thereare a nn'mhpr nf ano'1a fnt ing the theater pay its way in rental. And yet this is true, that the introduction of professional stock into the local amusement situation is a great unfairness to amateur productions. This ques- tion alone has numerous ramifi- cations. ;But essentzlly it is a minor one, because amateur pro- ductions must and should be able to stand a certain amount of rea- sonabl. competition. The main question is whether or not it is justifiable to introduce profession- al stock into University buildings and to give such companies the advantages that amateurs alone deserve. The trouble is that by this very gift the achievement of a true Uni- versity Theater has been postponed almost indefinitely, while the the- ater as it stands now is a University gift, a symbol of the loyalty of thousands of Michigan graduates, which is run along commercial lines without being directly under the supervision and the control of the University. And now the immedlate question arises of its use. If outside pro- ducers are to be leased the theater -and Bob Henderson can hardly be called a University officer-the benefit to the League is the rental. The profits go to the producer. The proposition would then seem on a profit making basis, for the pro- ducer, with all the advantages of low rates and University prestige- designed to help amateurs-thrown in for nothing. But if the Women's League sponsor the production and take the profit, maintaining Henderson on a salary basis, then-"it's in a good cause."' But this does not seem to be the case as matters now stand. The publicity matter, on file yesterday in this office, stresses the fact that; "Bob Henderon Presents." It does not seem to be a League matter at all; purely one of Bob Henderson presenting. If the facts which are available permit this inference, and there seems to be no other pos- sible, then the presentation should be stopped at once! In all fairness to Mrs. Henderson, in whose hands the theater is run- ning at ptsent and who has earn.- ed widespread respect for her abil- ity and tireless perseverance in raising the money for the League and making the building an actual fact for this year's graduating class, a great deal of sympathy must be given her. Undoubtedly she has her family just as much at heart as she has the interests of the League, but the present action in renting the theater to Bob gives immense weight to the criticism that loyal Michigan spirit was vic- timized into donating a theaterical "pied a terre" 'for the use of the boy in his theatrical ambitions-a criticism which should be prevent- ed at once. But the most important criticism possible is that Mrs. Henderson has been influenced by family ties into permitting an outside pro- cnr.or on dcrivPro n rnoi f f rnm One man supervises the construction of a new telephone line, a second is responsible for cflcient service on that line, a third con- ceives an idea for its greater scope and shows the public how to use the service., Each is furthering an important side of the many-sided business of rendering reliable, uniform and economical tele- phone service to every corner of the-nation. Bell invented the telephone; Vail made it a servant of every-day life. Today, the widely different types of ability represented by those two men are still essential. What is more, as the Bell System develops in complexity, opportunities for interesting life-work become constantly more varied. k^ . >;, ; . BELL SYSTEM 4 nation-wide ryrtem of inter-connecting tep/:ones .ATED a E G~ "OUR PIO N E E R I N G WORK HAS J U S T ----- l rrrrrr, rrrri- AY FESTIVAL 4 Days - MAY 22,23,24,25,1929 -6 Concets HILL AUDITORIUM - ANN ARBOR EARL V. MOORE Musical Director FREDERICK STOCK Orchestral Conductor ERIC DELAMARTER Guest Conductor JUVA HIGBEE Children's Conductor Edith Mason Soprano Chicago Civic Opera Company Jeannette Vreeland Soprano Distinguished American Artist Sophie Braslau Contralto Metropolitan Opera Company Marion Telva Contralto Metropolitan Opera Company Richard Crooks Tenor Premier American Concert Artist Paul Althouse Tenor Metropolitan Opera Company Lawrence Tibbett Baritone Metropolitan Opera Company Richard Bonelli Baritone Chicago Civic Opera Company Barre Hill Baritone Chicago Civic Opera Company William Gustafson Bass Metropolitan Opera Company Josef Hofmann Pianist Polish Virtuoso Efrem Zimlaist Violinist Hungarian Master The Chicago Symphony Orchestra The University Choral Union Children's Festival Chorus Samson and Delilah Saint Saens The New Life Wolf-Ferrari The Requiem Brahma I II 11I I