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May 15, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-15

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Work On Spirochaeta, Extndg
Over 35-Year Period, Has
Given Speaker Fame
Delivering the Henry Russel lec-
ture for 1929, Prof. Aldred S. War-
thin, director of the pathological
laboratories, recounted some of
his researches on Spirochaeta Pal-,
lida yesterday afternoon in Natural1
Science auditorium.
John Alexander, assistant prd-
fessor of suirgery was named as
the recipient of next year's Henry
Russel award for his contribu-
tions to the field of thoracic sur-
gery, especially concerning tuber-
culosis. Emoluments of $250 were
given both Professor Warthin and
Dr. Alexander.
Has Worked Long
Dr. Warthin, whose work on
spirochaeta has progressed for
more than 35 years and has placed
him among the authorities in this
field, narrated the results of his I
laboratory researcheson the prob-
lem of proving the causative action
of, spirochaeta on syphilis by per-
ecting a method of islating the
micro-organism for purposes of ex-
amination. Doctors handling pa-
tients with all the characteristics.a
of possessing this disease were in-
ale definitely to diagnose the
eases beca'k e of their inability to
locate the spirochaeta.
Proessor Warthin's first accom--,
plishment was to devise- a meansr
of isolatink the'spirochaeta throughl
the use of a powerful, dark-field
microscope., Following this, he im-t
proved the process of staining the'
spirochaeta, which closely resembleF
slides containing sections of the
drawn-out wire springs. At first the
process of staining took several
days, but through successive exper-
iments, Dr. Warthin and his assist-
ant are now able to complete the
staining within three hours.
Sufferers Widespread
As a result of these two principal
contributions, between 75 and 80
per cent of the patients in clinics
thought to be syphilitic are found
to be stiffering from the effects of
spirochacta pallida.
Dr. Alexander's work in tuber-
cular surgery has been extensive in
receit years, the chief results of
which have been publshed in hist
book, "The Surgery of Pulmonary
Tuberculosis." Following his grad-
uation from the University of
Pennsylvania in 1916, he took certi-
ficates from the universities oft
Lyons and Paris. He served during
the war in the medical corps, first c
at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, and
later in France with Base Hospitalr
115 at Vichy. At the close of the
war he returned to the Universityf
of Pennsylvania medical school asn
assistant instructor i surgery. He4
came to Michigan in 1920 as in-
structor dn surgery.
Only Faculty Prizes ,
TIhe Henry Russel prizes are the
only annual recognition the Uni- f
versity accords its faculty. Estab-
lished in '1920 by a bequest of

$10,000 from 'the estate of Mr. Rus-i
sel, who was a Detroit alumnus, the
fund was allowed to lie idle forl
several years. The annual income
of $500 is divided into the equal.
prizes, one to be given to a seniorf
member of the faculty of full pro-i
fessorial rank, chosen by a com-
inittee of the Research club on thet
basis of his original contributions
to an important field; the other
emolument is given to a youngerX
man of the faculty who is designat-t
ed by a committee of the Univer-t
sity Senate because of his re-t
Henry Russel lecturers of pre-1
vious years are Prof. Moses Gom-c
berg, of the department of chemis-
try, Prof. Henry A. Sanders, of theI
t~nl .-.4 ~,n~m~f.-nne P~rE P~rpr

Alpha Epsilon Mu Fetes Neophytes
With Semi-Annual Ceremony
TAnd Banquet At -Union
The, semiannual initiation of
Alpha Epsilon Mu, honorary musi-
cal society, was held at 4:15 o'clock
yesterday afternoon in room 306
of the Union. Following the initia-
tion, the initiates and members ad-
journed to the Union terrace,
where they were served dinner.
Sherwood Winslow, '29, officiat-
ed as toastmaster. A brief speech
of welcome to theinitiates was de-
livered by James Auer, '29A, and
George W. Johnson, '30, replied
for the initiates. In addition to
the speech of welcome, several im-
promptu talks were given. R. A.
Campbell, treasurer of the Univer-
sity, gave a talk which was in line
with the program of the evening.
The recently installed officers of
Alpha Epsilon Mu were present, in-
cluding Gilbert Saltonstal, '30,
president; Roland Catchpole, '30,
vice president; and George, B. Dol-
liver, '30, usher. In addition to the
several impromptu talks of the
evening, entertainment was pro-
vided by the society in order to
furnish a break in the program.
Business Manager Of The Daily
Appoints Assistant For
Next School Year
Alex K. Scherer, '30, will be the
assistant business manager of The
Daily for the coming year, it was'
announced yesterday by James Jor-
dan, '30, business manager.I
The upper business staff also was
annouaced at this'time. Those who
received appointments are as fol-
Kasper Halvrson,'31, local adver-
tising department, Hollister Mabley,l
'31E., contracts department, Jackt
Rose, '31, accounts department,
George Spater, '31,
s e r v ic e depart-..
ment, Sherwood
Upton, '31, nation-
al advertising de-t
partment, Georget
~ aHamilton, '31,a
publications t
department, andt
Vernor Davis, '31,
c i r c u 1 a t i o nc
s Schererr has
--_- __- -served for two andI
a half years in thet
Shierer business staff ofi
The Daily a n dI
this year held the position of con-F
tracts manager. He will be theI
second in charge next year.L
The new staff members will as-t
sume their duties at once and willc
take over the books at the end ofr
this year. All department manag-c
ers have worked a year and a half.
There will be a meeting of all
upper staff appointees this after-
noon at 4 o'clock. At this time plans
for the coming year will be for-
mulated and policies determined.
French Are Mystified
At Delay Of Eckener


Professor Fra
fore Ita


yer Will Lecture
lian Club This




Prominent University Organizations
Take Part In Sponsoring
Farewell Banquet
In order that the students may
manifest their appreciation of the
good offices in their behalf of Pres-
ident Clarence Cook Little, an all-
2ampus dinner will be given Thurs-
day evening, May 23rd, in the ball-
room of the Union. Tickets for the
banquet, which will be strictly a
student affair, nave been distrib-
uted to the fraternities and soror-
ities, and may also be secured, at
the main desk of the Union, at the
Women's League, and at Lane
Sale of tickets will be limited to
300, of which 200 have been al-
toted to Mary J. White, '29, for dis-
tribution among the women. Sev-
ral houses have reserved large
blocks of covers for their mem-
bers. These tickets will be left on
sale until Saturday night, after
which time they will be definitely
withdrawn. The p: ice of tickets is

The last of a series of lectures
sponsored by the Italian club of the
University will be given at 4:15 this
afternoon in room 103 of the Ro-
mance Language building, it was
announced yesterday. Prof. William
A. Frayer, of the department of
European history, will give the lec-
ture. He will speak on "The Settle-
ment of the Roman Question." Pro-
fessor Frayer intends to give the
historical background which led to
the signing of the concordat be-
tween the Italian government and
the Vatican. Arrangements have
been made so that all persons in-
terested in this subject will be given
an opportunity to attend the lec-
Anyone interested in European or
Italian history will be welcomed at
this lecture, it was announced, with
the exception of small school chil-
dren unaccompanied by parents or
other adults.
"Beggar On Horseback" Is Last
of Current Productions By
Laboratory Group


Three Weeks' Run Will Be Climax
Of Present Theatrical Season
For Local Play-Goers
Taking advantage of the opportu-
nity to obtain well known artists
due to the closing season of the

Campus Officials
Will Be Selected
For Comn Year,.
With the awarding of 25 highly-sought student positions in
their hands, nearly 2,500 students of the University will take up
the ballot today in the annual all-campus elections. Vieing for the
offices which will last throughout the coming school year, will be
some three score students, most of whom are prospective seniors.
Commanding the primary position among the offices to bb
determined today is the presidency of the Student council. Com-
petition for this office will be a three-cornered race among George
r" n . 9n^ XR 1 s, + ..r ., ',

To i
I com
n ad
by Bo
tion t
also b
the U
the M
On t
by me
his oif
the pr
is in t
A Aga-

Students To Speak
nsure that the dinner will be Concluding the current season of
iplete expression of the stu- campus productions, Play Produc-
good will for the retiring tion is offering the "Beggar on
ent and Mrs. Little, a pro- Horseback" which opens tonight for
of student speakers is being a four day run at the new Women's
ged under the guidance of League 'theatre. This is the first
as C. Winter, '30 B.Ad., Pres-
Little has -consented to give public performance that Play Pro-
dress at this time,. 'which will duction has put on this year, and
K the evening's program. A the proceeds of the showing will be
musical program will be pro- used to further the policy of free
by the Varsity quartet and private laboratory performancesI
b Carson's band. An invita- next year. Nine private perform-
o speak at the banquet has ances have been offered to the Play
een extended to a prominent Production patrons during the pres-
er of last year's graduating ent season, and this policy is to be
furthered n7ext year with the money
dinner is being sponsored by derived from the current produc-
s campus organizations and tion, according to Valentine B.
societies, including the Daily, Windt, director.
Jnion, the Student Council, The "Beggar on Horseback" in-
Student Christian associa- eludes 14 scenes and calls for a cast
the Oratorical association, of 50. The technical staff of the
[ichiganensian, the Women's organization has been busily en-'
e, the Women's Athletic asso- gaged during the past several
n, and by Michigauma. weeks constructing the intriguing
Press To Entertain but difficult sets. Such congruities:
the day following this dinneri, as a rising court room, the widget
ent Little will be entertained I art factory, the execution chamber,
mbers of the press who have a jazz wedding, multiplying butlers,
reted the news issuing from and duplicating stenographers will
ice the past year. Last year, be seen in the performance this
ent Little gave a dinner for week.
ess, and the banquet this year Assistance from Orchesis, the
he nature of a reciprocal tes- girls' glee club, and Troop 3 of the
al. It is expected that various local Boy Scout aggregation has
pments attendant upon his been obtained in creating atmos-
e at Michigan will be forth- phere for certain of the stage ef-
g a t that time. fects.
--__ Tickets play be obtained by call-
ing the box office of the Women's
_onstrate Plane League theatre. Good seats are still
With Diesel Egi available for all performances. They
WDE gin are priced at 75 cents. -
rd Built Plant Perfected After Banquet To Replace
Ih ULA r ,. ' R q I U

reportory companies, a stock com- E. Simons, '30, Jennings McBride, '30, and Ernest Reif, '30. All
pany under the direction of Robert three have been active in campus activities. Approaching the coun-
Henderson will be seen in the audi- cil presidency in the priority of
torium of the new Women's League
building beginning May 20, and position is the presidency of the
playing for three weeks. Recent Union. Jackson A. Wilcox, '30, and
Broadway productions will be seen I I Kenneth Lloyd, '30, are the candi-
presented with settings and effects dates. Coupled with the fight for
originally created for each play. the chief executive position is the
Evans' Work Praised one for recording secretary of the
RknasEvnI1LIeMVLUsUnion, 'the race being between
Ornulf in "The Vikings" was praised McCoy, '30E.
by critics, will be seen in leading Athletic Association to Present "M" Six vice-presidents, who repre-
roles. His work in classical produc- Blankets to 21 Winners at sent the student body on the Union
tions with Walter Hampden and in Can Night Program executive council, will likewise on
' modern successes under William A. chgenbu t e tuntody tk day.
Brd wilbrn to the opnyan CPLNDchosen by the student body today.
Brady will bing at company Ten PELAND TO GIVE SPEE Ci William Murphy, '30, and Fred
actor of wide ability and proven !___Wda,'0 ilb otsat o
worth. Since playing a short roper- n Widritan, '30, will be contestants for
tory season here several years ago, As a final note of appreciation for literary vice-president. Others
it has been Evans' wish to appear their athletic attainments while at seeking election in the various
in Ann Arbor with an organization the University, Varsity "M" blan.. schools and colleges are: Engineer-
producing plays which have had a kets will be presented to 21 gradu- ing, Charles Waddell, '30E, and
good reception in their original run., ating seniors, Friday night, at the;
Opposite Evans as leading lady Cap Night se.'vices, it was an-H E
will be seen Suzanne Freeman, who nounced late yesterday by the Ath- WHERE TO VOTE
has been with the Arthur Hopkin's letic association which is making Literary college, pharmacy col-
New York success, "Machinal." Ar- the awards. loge, forestry school, business ad-
thur Kohl, who has finished his Presentation of the blankets is ministration school, school of ed-
work with "That Ferguson Family," traditionally a part of the annual ucation: In front of Main Li-
a play which has just finished a ceremony denoting the advance- brary (inside if rain).
year's run in New York, is also ment of classes. The blankets arl I Law school: Back of Law
scheduled to appear on the boards given to each senior who will be school.
with the new company. Elberta graduated at the end of the pres- Engineering college: Engineer-
Trowbridge, who was with last sum- ent semester and who has been ing arch.
mer's company, and Ralph Menzing, awarded two Varsity letters in at Architectural college: Lobby of
of Chicago, will complete the cast. least one sport during his college Architectural building.
of C a will complete career. Dental college: Dental build-
Program Partly Completed Those eligible for the rewards and ing lobby.
The program of presentations for the the sport in which they have Medical college: Medical build-
the first week has been completed won thei' letters are: Freedrick M. ing lobby.
and is as follows: Monday and Asbeck, '29, baseball; George E. University hospital doctors and
Tuesday nights, Wednesday mati- Hubbell, '29, swimming; Wilford H. clinics: Hospital lobby.
nee and night, William Archer's Ketz, '31L, track; Allen C. Lamont, Students seeking a ballot must
melodrama, "The Green Goddess," '31L, track; Ernest B. McCoy, '29, present registration receipt re-
will be presented. Bernard Shaw's basketball and baseball; Randolph ceived last week. No one will'be
farce "You Never Can Tell" will be B. Monroe, '29B.Ad.; Raymond G. permitted to ballot without this
seen Thursday matinee and night. Nebelung, '29Ed., baseball; Otto P. slip, Counciman David Wheeler
Friday, "The Green Goddess' will Pommerening, '29; Daniel F. Rose, stated last night. Balloting will
be repeated, and Saturday matinee '29Ed., basketball; Louis Weintraub, be from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. today,
and night Shaw's comedy will be '29Ed., baseball; Robert F. Warren,
repeated. Programs for following '29, wrestling; Theodore C. Wuerful,
weeks include "Nightstick" and "Thp' '29 track; Alfred Watson, '29, wrest- Charles Wood, '30E; medical,
Spider." ling; John M. Palmeroli, '29E, foot- Robert Bartlett, Walter Scott, and
Seats for the performances will ball; John O. Berglin, '29, golf; James A. Allen; dental, Maynard
be 50 cents for the matinees and Glenn Copeland, '29, hocley; Ga- Stover and Charles Waldo; law,
75 cents for the evening showings. briel Joseph, '29, hockey; William L. Manly K. Hunt; and "combined,"
Reservations may be made begin- Maney, '29, hockey; Horace Barton, J. Mar Felton and George H. Tids-
ning today by calling the Women's '29, tennis; Kingsley Moore, '29, ten- well.
League theatre. nis; and Kenneth Schafer, '29, ten- Six Council Candidates
Six councilmen, three juniors
'" 'Awarding of these blankets will and three seniors, will be chosen
Former T. uBe 1clll 1be one of the most significant fea- to make up the remainder of that
tures of the Cap Night program, it j body. In the race for senior coun-
is promised. Of note, also, will be cilmen are John F. Rice, Stanley
the talk by Senator Royal S. Cope- Cochran, Donald J. Kline, Earl A.
!)r. Alexander Rewarded For Work land, of New York, speeches by stu- Kloster, Leo T. Norville, and Alex-
To Cure of Disease That dent leaders of the University, the (ander Gage. Candidates for the
H~e Once Suffered spectacular burning of the "Frosh junior councilmen are Bruce Pal-
pots" and then the mad rush of the er, Francis H. Beebe, Jerrold W.
j Behind the recognition accorded newly made sophomores for Hill Curry, George Ryerson, Matthew
to Prof. John Alexander, of the auditorium, where a special show- Haddon, and Thomas Baldwiri.
department of surgery, who was ing of a feature film will await Traditionally imbued with con-
yesterday afternoon named as the thdm. b siderable . political rivalry will be
recipient of the Henry Russel award F rmlating plans for the collec- the competition for positions among
for 1929, lies the fact, almost ironic, tion of a huge quantity of wood Ithe Oratorical association offices.
that he himself was compelled to for the bonfire into which they will RussellSanderson, '30, and Ormand
leave the University in 1922 and go throw their pots, Friday night, the J. Drake, '30, are the candidates for
to Saranac, New York, to receive members of the' class of '32 will president; Lawrence Hartwig, '31,
treatment for tuberculosis, toward hold amass meeting tonight at the and Howard Simon, '30, are run-
the cure of what he has largely Union. . ning for vice-president; John Lan-
contributed. He was on leave of gen, '30, and Irving Cooper, '31, are
absence for thre years. ginck A Likely candidates for treasurer; and Dor-
During these years, Dr. Alexander .c. othy Miller and Lois Webb, the only
published his book, "The Surgery Prospect For Position women candidates in the races to-
of Pulmonary Tuberculosis," which day, are running for the secretary-
has been given wide recognition. In ! According to a dispatch in the ship.
order that he might cor~tinue his Grand Rapids Herald, Senator Christian Association Candidates
research and writing, even though Charles A. Sink, of Ann Arbor, is Candidates for the Student Christ-
himself a patient under strict treat- being boosted for the position of ian association offices are: John E.
ment, he devised a means of Lieutenant-Governor of Michigan Webster, '30, and Julius A. Zink, '30,
suspending a typewriter from the in the next eelction. The report for the presidency; Laverne Taylor,
ceiling of his room so that as he states that Sink is one of the most '30, and John Brumm, '31, for the
lay in bed he could look up at the popular men in the Michigan Sen- vice-presidency,
machine and write down the results' ate and his candidacy for the posi- Nine candidates are on the ballot
of his findings and the methods he tion is a popular one in Lansing. for the three student positions on
hairt nritrinntar fur ,. 41-a .nfmpnti --i-'o'the Board in Control of Stdnt





PARI1 h(By Associated Pres
PARIS, May 14.--(IP)- The French NEWPOIRT NEWS, Va., May 14.-
foreign office said tonight that it The first public demonstration of
was mystified by the statement of an airplane powered with a Pack-
Dr. Hugo Eckener that failure to ard built Diesel engine was the fea-
over ture today of the fourth annual
Frce hadive pmsaeronautical conference of the Na-
rance h caused postponement tional Advisory Committee for Aero-
of the start of the Graf Zeppelin nautics.
for America. , The airplane, a Stinson Detroiter,
The foreign office insisted that j was flown from Detroit to Langley
authorization had been given some Field in approximately seven hours.
Captain L. M. Woolson and W. E.
time dgo and that there had been j Les of the Packard Motor Car

Class D~ay E.xercises
Instead of their usual Class Day
exercises, the graduating class of
the School of Education will hold a
senior Education banquet at 6:30
this evening in the dining room of
the Women's League building.
The banquet will be addressed
' by Dean James B. Edmonson and
Prof. Stuart A. Courtis, of the
school of Education, and all at-
tending seniors will be expected to
wear their caps and gowns, A
large turn out is looked for and
those intending to be present, who
have not vet made reservations

no question of revoking it. It was
pointed out that on the last flight
to the Mediterranean not only did
the French allow the dirigible to
cruise over their country but pro-
vided an honorary escort of French
planes during part of the trip.
o RHEo

company, put the plane through its
paces for the aeronautic delegates,
but they refused to discuss the de-
tails of the power plant.
Airmen who witnessed the exhi-7
bition flight said the plane per-
formed perfectly. It was said that
tests conducted by the Packard
company have shown the new Diesel,
motor to be 25 per cent more eco-
nomical than the g'asoline burning

are urged

to do so by calling Helen
at 8913.

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#;is im~iipra~tive t~Im e ver'v



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