-~TUESDAY, -MAY i14,11020 ,[HIE M C H I sA- MD IL I -: AQ fl . PYLE'S BUNIONEERS NEAR GOAL IN LONG RACE ('By dAssociated Cress) MINERAL WELLS, Tex., May 13. --C. 0. Pyle's bunion boys today had 55 miles to cover to reach Breckenridge, the next control point on the cross-country race. Giusto Umrrek, of Italy,. third in elapsed time, won yesterday's 53-1 mile lap from Forth WNorth. TO IJSTN ..AUAI6 Choolse ]from 45 creI dityi e rLding ou ;1~'i1 the ,ocial Sciecet tsthe'Lcanguages, theN atural Sciences, Mathemnatics, Education arnd Theological subjects. "Turn spare~ time to account. For detaied circular addlre~s ~th~J~iv ~* t I.~j, . ~ t ~h i ~y ~for 37 yevA~u 1 Jl][-IIIS ds 1 CLASSIFIET C/ ADVERTISING JD SAND and GRAVEL. Washed and dry screened. Telephone 7112, Killins Gravrel Company. C' WE ARE taking the contracts now) for renovating mattresses and p11-I jMACK TUTORING AGENCY jTommie Mack; A.B.,' Directo r 310 S State Phone 7927+ C Read The Classied Ads ~u y,)1 9) .5 ~- I V ~ ~ ('21 ~ I ~, U (~9~ 0 (P ~ ~ dli ~ ~ ~ N~ C 0 Part of Your Service In addition to the electric current the customer buys, he is entitled to satisfac- tory service froni his electric lighting, his vacuun cleaner, his electric cooking jopphces, and All of hi electrical house- hold gervantq: Customers should know that (without extra charge) they May ex- change olcf lamps for new (usual house- hold sizes), small l amps for larger sizes, defective appliance cords for cords in good repair, fuse retewals and trouble ser&iee (day or night), repairs to ap- pliances (no labor charge), and light- ing counsel for effctive illumination, THE D E R IT- D ! 'sO ~ \a Lam " .Y " " pA,.. Jt a lows uuring summiier vaclonL~.FO E1t- Reduced prices for large order.FRRN T. S COLIN {FOR RENT-Apartment. Call 5800i Phone_____ 6652_____ C__ 35_ or evenings, 6858. C NOTICE ' WE BUY USED CLOTHING FOR SALE 235IEWas nonMIne41 FOR SALE-Conn Eb Alto Saxo- 215 . Wshinton Phoe 410fphone. Silver with gold bell. In. 134 c good conditioP. $50 cash. Te'le- NOTICE-We have a large selection1 phone Mr. Oarr', 6017. 123 of Greeting Cards and Mottoes FOR SALE-36-foot Carlton canoe'. Francisco-Boyce, 719 N. Univ. 13c New paint job; A-i condition. FACULTY member and wife would; Call Muller at 8632,.6 like moderate sized single or twoI family house September first., Address Pox 54, Michigan Daily.1 4611 TYPEWRITING and MIMEO- y GRAPHINGI College work a specialty since 1908. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade C WITH ICASH CARD-?. DIAL 3916, MOE LAUNDRY, 204 N. MAIN. c PRINTING and ENGRAVING Good work takes timhe. Invitations, Announcements, Calling Cards should he ordered at once to avoid the last minute rush. Social work a specialty. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade C1 NOTICE-Beautiful spring line o2 Axminister and' Wilton rugs. Koch & Hlenne. c PERSONAL ATTENTION LIKE Ht OME AT A SAVING OF 10% TYPING -~Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387. I -~CI TYPEWRITERS J All makes of portable and large m achin e3, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired.. Large assort- ment and best service. 0. D. Mor- rill, 17 Nickels Arcade. C ti , , .: -_. tri ittj te Lifam4 pnby this I LOST jLOSTPair of shelled rim glasses in soft leather case. Finder Call 3859. Miss Osborne. 123 WXANTED_ WANTED-A Sousapho ae BB. Price must be right. Calf 223 96, be- tween 6 and 9 p. m. 551 SAXOPHONE--Will trade good alto for tenor. 9853 at noon. tf THE GREAT ATLANgTIC &PACIFIC We ofler exceptional oppor- departments of our organizaion, tunities tcy June graduates in all including sales, office, purchasing, and operations depts. We prefer men of outstanding college success in business administration. Grocery experience valuable as all canidi- dates will work in retail stores at start. Hard work, long hours, good pay and attractive future to those who qualify. Address Personnel SDept. 5470 Hecla Ave., Detroit, for interview. 16 DIAL 21214 FOR CLASSIFIED, DEPARTMENT, Headwork Student's of America have overwhvlt(_ ii y f chosen Sheaer pens and pencils as; their fhoI,'- A surte performer, always unconditionaljly guaranteed, free of all repair chargesIefl Lifetime* pen has been picked as the, choice of forty-one per cent of Amaeri-ca s leadia8uivr sities and colle ges. Its dependability en economy, genuine pleasure and the ability t o produce easily three clear carbons of l-,tters, nts etc. And Titan is the perfect pencil coainpanion. "Lifetime" pen, $8.75 Lady "Lif'etime", $7.50 Odwers lower{ Lifetime,'Titan oversize pencil to mnctch, $4.25 At bietter stores everywhere W.A.SHEAFFER PEN COMPANY "- I7;ORT f4 aitN,iJOWA IV SEn0 Donate to the Fresh Air Camp I .- -mm! '' WY. f. EAM IFS, Crei 't'c h, ' 1 P . . MN. 21'F C. Mt. PCRE. i 1 ,tezdepnJ-lt~erafl L'unt+ !].t ft d,,0 ,,sitrytiofl, \', '1 i / _ ; .-- -,,' ' if ' h Yf l i I t- i; I 5 7 J t ut i"T it #1 6 ! i t 6 IN's. ry } 1 a. I a ,; i I,, . t , 1) _ 51' ,,, 'I "~~1 Al / 'I) 19 I I 1A1Ij~ Iii I' I fl i R. P. 7JENSEN, (on.ste uf nll .Supernnttendtent. Armotur institule of. W. R. TIARDIN(', (-,.f N ait~Aw~ 1,4 I Pr2TP R srLN, control Engineer, U. ofXVA Wubngtonl.'26 ,1 It I l), '~ its that Iff 71YO'UNGER COLLEGE 'MEN ON RECEINT WESTINGHOUSE JOBS SkiesO'wuh Jci1oIMUerce, THE air mi p of Amieiica is now its the mat inkgon the _ tioun Il .Ten years' ago, L1l I.c wre 21 miles of air m-ail, routes with two station stops;I to-day, a netwXok of skay roads bridges the country from the Atlantic to thle Pacific and from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. rra ww :w Wliere dlo young college men get in a inadustrial ortganiz tjon? llave opportunity to exercise crealrve to Is indlividlial -work rvecognized, r r r I rchitctura beauty an comleenssof accomm, tions for all classes of buis and professional activities, tro its mAgnificent new Fi Building has been pronou fully ten years ahead of the ti: TheFisher Building lire story tower and the r--story kind they wings. Iwentv-five elevators are vanct lent.? installed, all with au tomatic con- inight I rl which b rimgs each car to a withl( ,t-noth stop ex~actly level with tire s A in the floor every time. A master 111 oda-- control system~, in addition, en- fans mess Malr, the chief operator to ad- Iby V De- vrance or retard speeds from his TI isher own station and to main tain of tI riced accur~ate service schedules. sort mes. Lighting equipment, installed an or f its under the largest contract of its hand. / ever placed, is qually atd- ,d. More than i 2,000 West- louse Sollux units give light lout glare throughout the en-- structure. 'he pu~mps and venti ating in the building arce(driven Westinghouse motors. e complete electrification, h~e Fisher Building is the of a job that must go to )rganization large enough to ie it. Westinghouse offers A majority of the beaconi lights used in airport and airway illumination have been designed and manu- facturedby the General T+nti [dm a v y nt Can you imag'Iine this growth without electricity-without illuminated airports-without trunk lines studded with electric beacons? Men of vision are huLilcdn orce;ivg traffic of the air. Soon, thdies will. be filled- i hcomece An important f aturc of l A tro n r I t--tl rlivA nn- a4.w"iw- . .a. ra ., Yrau i C