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February 19, 1929 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-19

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flIA NPAL AT Boxers Are Training VFISHER STARTS NINTH YEAR AS Purdue Also Victim
LJtUI~lJ 41~!U 10 For Campus Tourney[UL\I[~Y!LU~O COACH; CORRIDEN TO LEAD NINE Of Wildcat Quintet:I
With twenty-three men already (INorthwestern, continuing in her
t signed up for the all-campus box- ( THI ADG[S II RI(role of giant killer, and maintain-
ing tournament which is scheduled ing her belated spurt for western
for the middle of next month, conference basketball laurels, hum-
Coach Fisher Orders Short Hitting Coach Let Philbin hopes to make Coach Lowrey's Squad To Oppose . F* ~bled another league leading rival B
And Fielding Practice For the show this year even more sue- Cardinal Ice Team In Second by bouncing Purdue out of a three
Over 60 Tryouts cessful than last year. The men Game On Madison Rink way tie for top honors in the quest
already entered are working out: for the Big Ten cage crown.
TEN VETERANS AVAILABLE under the direction of Coach Phil- SCONSIN IS FAVORITE With Captain Gleichmann in the
bin at the Intramural building in % chief scoring role the Wildcats an-
With more than 60 candidates re- order to insure that the matches swered every challenge of the
porting for the first regular base- will be well-contested. PROBABLE LINEUPS .hampions and demonstrated suf-
ball practice in the cramped field Training Is Given Wisconsin Michigan ¢ .ficient scoring punch in the finali c
house cage Coach Fisher was Each man who signs up for the Biegel ..........RW.......... Shea ....-. quarterto negotiate a 35-30 win. p
forced to send half the tryouts to tournament is required to enter a Krueger......LW.......Nygar d ?While their blonde leader was starw
the showers after a light limbering class of instruction at the Intra- ThMek . R........Joseph ring;,"the :ffenses n.d ".p
up workout while the remainder of mural building, and although the msen.....LD.......Bryant gacet turnedin thn defeie
Frish ...... Go ......... artgames by hlding the Boilermaker
the aspirants for diamond honors newcomers are not assigned stiff Frisch........Gol.........Hartsharpshooters, Murphy and Cum- w
took part in a short fielding and workouts as yet, Coach Philbin .iD. Meiklejohn..Cahe......Grace mins in check. The Purples win e
batting practice. promises harder work in the near REFEREE: Ed Wayte (Winnipeg) Don Corriuen was the more remarkable for the d
Although the batterymen have future. Several men in the classes '--- t Michigan. In the past his Lonberg men were again without in
been out for some time, this was at present are boxers of experi- Seil' To.i .I" I); Ray L. Fisher teams have won four champion- the services of Rut Walter, center a
the first appearance of most of (he ence who rank well up in amateur MADISON, Wis., Feb. 18.-An Wolverine baseball coach and the ships, finishing in the first division and high point scorer. ti
diamond candidates, and their lack ranks in the state. other Big Ten hockey game io a in the other four years. Corriden a high point se
of practice manifested itself in The competition in the light- the books for Johnny Farquhar's captain of the 1929 team. Coach is a hard hitting outfielder, but was from the lead the other two lead-v
weakness at bat against the Wol- weight divisions at present seemsWisconsincsi Fisher is starting his ninth year used at second last year. rs, th lad e or we th
Wisconsin___________sextet_______tonight______ ernicignhndWicosi,-er m
Yerines' experienced hurlers. Hit- to be stiffest of the tournament Wicni itttngto h having much difficulty in staingm
tin practice will feature the daily with Russel Hobart and Berkowitz, lower campus rink. Michigan, the TANKMEN LOOK AHEAD TO MEETS off defeat at the hands of Minne- ri
indoor workouts until after the defending champion, already en- third conference school that fea- sota and Indiana respectively. The C
first cut, according to Coach Fisher. tered in the latter class with the tures hockey as an organized sport, W T W CON INNORTHWESTERN crippled Wolverine team owe their .T
Many Lettermen Back promises of several others. In the will furnish the opposition. The victory to the play of Bob Chap- an
With ten letter men from last lightheavyweight division also two teams met here last night. With the Toronto Y. M. C. A. the Canadian champ by several man while Chimselki was the big i
year's Big Ten championship tean Coach Philbin feels that there will Comparative scores, if they mean meet a matter of history, Coach yards. The time of 2:41 was fast factor in the Cardinal win.
again in uniform, prospects for an- be many good bouts, with Larry anything in hockey, would seem to Matt Mann's swimmers will begin for the event. Illinois, enjoying one of her off.
other strong aggregation for the Hobart, brother of Russell, already give the Badgers the edge on the training for the remaining Con- fro e wlmitymnas taken its tov nights, went down before thefast
brht a- on the lists. Wolves. Wisconsin obtained an I from the swimming squad, as two moving Buckle es by a score of 35-
though based on the always fallible Carl Schultz and Vic Heim are even split with Minnesota here last ference dual meets with Wiscon- good men have been lost through 130. Fessler, Ohio's All-American
Conference dope. Coach Fisher has also expected to give a good ac- week, winning 2-1, and losing, 2-0. sin and Northwestern. Dual com- scholastic grades. Clarence Boldt1 end, gained the scoring honors by
veterans available for every posi. count of themselves in the coming Minnesota trimmed Michigan twice, petition with the Grand! Rapids promising sophomore back stroker, spreading the meshes on five occa- r
veteans vaiablefor ver pos- gand Meyer Rosenberg veteran, diver l ions. Iowa continued in the run-,
tion other than first base and tournament. This meet will be run 4-0 and 6-0. Y. M. C. A. at Grand Rapids to- and letterman from the 1928 team, ring by winning over Chicago inb
shortstop and present plans call for off in preliminary bouts, with the Two victories over Mi iigani morrow night will help keep the wil ntemable to coepetefo , nissame arked bycerati c
juggling the lineup to fill both semi-final and final matches run State College are the only triumphs Wolverine natators in trim. the Maize and Blue this season. ball handling on both sides. Coacho-
holes with lettermen. off in the all-campus boxing show on the Wolverine record to date. in
McAfee and Asbeck, mound stars which will be put on about the The loss of Capt. Fisher, regular Although they lost four of the Boldt was a national interscholas- Barry used his entire squad to d
of last year, are expected to assume middle of the semester. The win- center, because of an injury and six individual events to the Toron- tion-whehh ol areo the first lap of an ambi- w
most of the hurling duties again, ners of these bouts will be award- operation, did much to weaken the to natators, the Maize and Blue .aWildcats Are Threat aeon d trip Virgil Gist, Chi- n
while there is ample reserve mate- ed with trophies to be presented by team. Nygard and Shea, a pair of'tankmen made a good showing Michigan's water polo team show- cago's center ad captain, contin- t
iial to make up for the loss of the Intramural department. good wings, were added. to the winning the meet, taking enough ed a vast improvement Yform ued to shine despite the mediocre
Gawne, third Varsity pitcher. Stiff Bouts Expected squad Saturday when they passed seconds and thirds to offset the Ca- I play of his teammates.
Keagler, Compton, Cean, and For the second time in the his- their last semester examination, when they broke loose to score' 10';l
their CintiljCa, adnadians' victories. Bob Walker's I--.
M9ontague, all members of the 1928 tory of this tournament bouts will l Farquhar will rely on the same defeat by Gibson, the Maple Leaf goals. The team play was much E
yearling squad, have shown prom- be held in all weights, and accord- Ilineup _he used against Minnesota. sprint champ, in both the 50 and better than the ragged style ex- ERNIE NEVERS QUITS
ise in early workouts, while two 11g to Coach Philbin, there will be - ---- ----- 100 yard races, came as a surprise. hibited against Indiana. The Wol- TiBALL CUACII
juniors, Holzman and Hill, who competition of the stiffest kind in WRIGHT AGAIN TOPS Walker is considered one of the agreaton, ut the Do-
made one spring training trip last most of the bouts. In addition to - I best collegiate swimmers in the teo utplyed the awe - (DY, Associated Press)
year, will also make bids for the the amateur stars already men- I. CANADIAN NET STARS country. He lost both events by pletely outplayed them as well. SAN FRANCISCO Feb 18
mound roles. Reichman, hard hit- tioned Coach Philbin stated that inches, a bad turn causing his de- 8,Tsched etberd ee hou r Na r as a
-he xmee, adtrncusn hsde scheduled to be eld here should Ernie Nevers,. has resigned as as-
ting Varsity catcher, will again e expec Sam Beer, Herold (1iv A-s:ociated Press> feat in the shorter race. prove to be one of the highlights sistant football coach at Stanford
take charge of the backstop duties. Knap and William Stephens to TORONTO, Ont., Feb. 18.-Jack Phillips Is Good of the 1929 season. The Michigan 'University to devote all of his time I
Infield Should Be Strong I frnwh ome ineresting moments Wright of Montreal again is ranged Phillips' experience in the fancy and Wildcat teams are by far the to professional baseball. Nevers, a
Despite the fact that both Wol- o ver opposes them. at the top of Canadian tennis play- diving proved too much for the two outstanding tank squads in the pitcher with the San Francisco
veries losses were in the infield, SPORT WRITER es.ichigan entries. The Canadian Big Ten if not the country. North- Missions of the Pacific coast league
Olympic diver gave a wonderful western is at present on a trans- planned to report today for spring
Coach Fisher expects to be able to __PR _RTES__h_99 aknanone y1lmpccg ie 'aeetis
rsnassrnaqureasaIIthe Canadian lawn tennis associa- _I- prsn o rns rinn-tStctn
present as strong a quartet as ap- or other students, eligible for tion, plades rig ate No o exhibition on the springboard. The continental tour, having won all its training at Stockton.
peared last year in the coming Big b tuns ,ewhore tion; plard.WrigkerttheNo.2 showing of the Wolverine divers meets to date. Oregon State, Ore-
Ten race. Weintraub, playing his publications work, who areI sition; Willard F. Crocker at No. 2.;a
thirearas egar, ll bes ainterested in sport writing are Gilbert Nunns- of Toronto No. 3was not especially encouraging, al-Igon, Stanford, and Southern Cali- NEW YORK-Pennsylvania is
third year as a regular, will be a asked to report at the Daily and Arthur W. Ham, Toronto, No., though Grimshaw who took third, fornia are numbered among the again the champion of the Eastern
fixture at third base, while Straub, 1 1 office at 5 o'clock today. 4. Thus the first four ranking! showed flashes of form. Bob Gold- victims of the Purple swimmers. Intercollegiate court league unless
football quarterback, will hold IiI Morris Q'uinn, Sports Editor !players also are members of Can- smith gave Aubin a good battle in j Stanford lost a close decision to a sudden reversal of form is ex--w
down the middle sack. for his sec- I :o I ada's Davis cup team. . the breast stroke. before losing to the invading Wildcats, losing 34-33. perienced.,
ond season. Kubicek, 1927 regular
infielder and now again eligible to
play, will probably fill the short- I
stop position vacated by Captain+
Loos. Ernie McCoy, who is at pres-.
ent leading the Varsity basketball
team, will' be given a tryout at the! ml
first base position. McCoy, start-
ed last season as regular catcher U
4nd later played in the outfield,
may be used behind the bat, at
first base or shortstop, or in I
the outfield, according to coach}; ....... .. Yr.....
If McCoy is shifted to the infield, A Shipment of New :
(Continued on Page Seven)

uckeyes Come Here Next Friday;
Wolverine Squad Appears
To Have Balance
After administering a rather de-
.sive beating to the Purdue grap-
lers last week, the Wolverine
restling squad is entering into
ractice sessions with a grin't1 de-
rmination to repeat in the meet
ith Ohio State next Friday befoe
ngaging their chief rival ,forthe
ivisional championship, Indina,.
a match that promises to have
n all-important bearing on the
Although these two matches are
ery prominent in the 'foreground,
fe wrestlers are concentrating
ost of their attention on the h-
zon wherein looms the Western
onference championship meet.
he chances of the Maize and Blue
re better than ever before. Grow-
ig strength with no sign of stale-
ess characterizes the work of the
Volverines this year and seems to
idicate that the time is at ,hand
hen the time honored rivals, the
Ilini, may bow to the supremacy
f Michigan.
"The boys are developing sone
eal strength and seem to have the
est chance in years to capture the
onference title," was the opinion
f Coach Keen following the show-
ag made by the team in the Pur-
ue meet. With two Olympic
restlers and several who have
ever or seldom been defeated on
he squad the hopes of the Wolver-
(Continued on Page Seven)
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Pipe Smoker
Has Kick
All His Own
St. Paul, Minn
Larus & fro. Co. June , 1927
Richmond, Va.
(Cen tiem en:
About five years ago, after trying
out many different styles of pipe
from the Missouri meer schaum ito the
genuine meerschaiim, including the
upside-down style made popular by
Vice-President iDawes, and experi-
menting with just about all the t0-
baccos then on the market except
Edgeworth, I finally decided that pipe-
smoking was not for me.
For the last year or so I noticed the
boys around the office here using
Edgeworth to the exclusion of all
other tobaccos and evidently getting
real pleasure from their Pipes.
In April of this year I was in Canada
on a business trip and decided to take
another whirl at pipe-smoking. So I
invested a good share of my savings
in a pipe and a few cents additional
for a can of Edgeworth.
From then on I have been figura-
tively kicking myself around the block
about once each day when I think of
the five lean years I put in trying to
get along without a pipe. Ifowever, I
am trying to make up for lost time
and am succeeding quite well. Why
I failed to try Edgeworth long ago will
have to go down in history as an
unsolved question. But now that I
have found it, thk years ahead look
rosy to me.
Very truly yours,
lien Bayer
1" t71.1

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