PACE F 6.un
Published every morning except Monday
duning the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
_. 1
become reasonable enough to elim-
inate the necessity of a special
dean and a squad of patrolmen.
Member of Westers Conference Editorial "DON'T SEND MY BOY
Association. TO HARVARD -"
The Associated. Press is exclusively en- ilamJBnhmdr trof
titled to the use fo republication of all news William J. Bingham, director of
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise intercollegiate athletics at Harvard
credited in this paper and the local news pub- university, has intimated that the
fished ;herein. uiesthsitmtdta h
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, trend at Harvard is toward a di-
Michigan, re second class matter. Special rate nminution1 of intercollegiate compe-
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o pota grneyLastssanro
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ix Humphrey Marie Wellstead
TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1929
Night Editor-Gurney Williams, Jr.
Itis not in a youthful spirit of
outraged freedom or of antagon-
ism to all control of students that
The Daily again takes up its cud-,
gels on behalf of a modified auto;
ban.' It would be' absurd to pre-
tend that in the two years it has;
been operative the auto ban has,
produced, along with the invective,
heaped on its head, no praise-1
worthy results. On the contrary,;
it has helped to make the campus
more democratic, eliminated a
moral temptation, and taken a
dangerous plaything from the
hands of a fe/ immature students.
But along with these reforms1
has come hardship and injustice
for a limited number whose ability
to order their own lives wisely,
with or without an automobile;
cannot be questioned. They have
had to be brought under the sweep-
ing injunction in order to demon-
strate its enforceability. Upon
members of the professional schools
and other graduate students this
blow hasfallen most heavily.
By this time, however, rigid and
not too sympathetic enforcement
has created a wholesome respect,
if little sympathy, for the ban.
The dean's office has demonstrat-
ed effectively both .its willingness
and its ability to enforce any sort
of automobile regulation dictated
by the President and Regents. It'
would seem that enforcement
against undergraduates could be
successfully prosecuted on the
strength of its reputation without
continuing the hardship now be-'
ing worked against members of the
graduate schools.
President Little at the time the
absolute ban went into effect
promised that a scheme of modifi-
cation would be adopted as soon as
feasible. To The Daily that feasi-
bility seems now to be reasonably
established. Enforcement has
reached such a degree of efficiency
that violations have come general-
ly to be recognized as the shortest
cut possible to meeting the deans
professionally, and fear that a1
gradual relaxation would incite at-
tempts at violation by those re-
maining under the ban is ground-
.The ultimate aim of this grad-
ual modification policy should not
h- t nvrmita ver oin rtodrive
tion in athletics. And he has in-;
timated still further that the ulti-
mate outcome of the policy would
be a severance of all athletic re-
lations except those with Yale, a
traditional rival whom she has met
since the middle of the previous
It is dangerous to say that the
Harvard plan is an attempt to be
British, an attempt to ape the Ox-
ford-Cambridge program of vigor-
ous intramural sports and one
annual inter-varsity meet in
each sport. It is dangerous be-
cause it may not be true. And if
Harvard were accused of some-
thing that was not true, and ac-
cused by a university they refer to
as "one of our better provinces,"
the resultant reaction might be a
race riot between Harvard stu-
dents and the hinterland. In all
events, Harvard, would be fortify-
ing her athletic record, which of
late has been none too rosy.
But whether the Harvard plan is
consciously British or not, the pro-
cess of acclimating it to Americai
custom and even to New England
hauteur is not without anticipation
of untold difficulty. In the matter
of the British plan there was no
tradition to buck. Oxford and
Cambridge have concentrated
their athletic relations to dual
meets with each other ever since
the inception of varsity athletics
at the two universities. In the
matter of the proposed Harvard
plan there would be the necessary
break-down of nearly a century of
tradition. The Dartmouth and
Holy Cross games have become a
tradition strongly entrenched in
the minds of Harvard men. And
aside from the local tradition, there
is the doubly strong national feel-
ing for intercollegiate sport. Na-
tional sentiment is strong not only
for intercollegiate sport but also
for inter-sectional competition.
There is a word to be said for
inter-varsity competition. It may
not be British, but it is invigor-
ating and manly. Annual big
games are exciting and fun for
both the spectator and participant.
[They have become American in-
stitutions. They are colorful, in-
spiring, even cultur; they are
colossal symbols of our national
Harvard may change all this, for
they clutch so closely to the skirts
of mother England. But it is
doubtful whether any of "the bet-
ter provinces" ever will. They are
a thousand fortunate miles farther
One efficacious method of law
enforcement has been discovered
by the United States' competent
crew of prohibition officers: the
murder of the consumers. By this
expedient the huge rings of boot-
leggers which seemingly cannot be
touched, will be cut off from their
Of course, citizens of this coun-
try may become outraged when
murder of this type includes col-
lege students with flasks in their
hip-pockets, but a slight disturb-
ance of this nature can easily be
quelled by the use of political
gags. That three persons, two of
them "alleged bootleggers" and one
a seventeen-year old freshman at
a Virginia college, were killed
within three weeks by dry officers
should cause no particular dis-
tress to our sense of justice, which
is avowedly blind anway.
The officers who killed this col-
lege boy protested that they were
aiming at the tires of the car hQ
was driving, not shooting to' kill.
Men who are unable to handle
guns any more proficiently than
this should either be put on a tar-
get range or else relegated to the
pop-gun squad.
This boils down to the question:
Is prohibition an enforceable law?
From the appearance of the situa-
tion and from the totals compiled
after innumerable killings, both
among gangsters themselves and'
by our officers of the law, enforce-
ment does not appear to be worth
the expense and effortnecessary.
And 'why support the bootleggers?
Prohibition began as a farce,
reached the more mature stage of
infringing on personal and proper-
ty rights, and now becomes nothing
less than a legalized excuse for
murder. This state of affairs can-
impromptu little comedies, but
these are rarely good for more than
a local chuckle; it takes an old-
fashioned, unadulterated funda-
mentalist board' of Baptist trustees
firing a modernist president and
faculty to set the country laugh-
Some day, possibly, the Baptist
die hards may be sufficiently im-
pressed by modern science to for-
sake their medievalisms. Along
with modern doctrines of surgery
physics, chemistry, and biology
they may concede the modern doc-
trine of evolution-and by admit-
ting the monkeys to their family
trees lose more and more of the
ancestral resemblance. That many
baptists are now "unsound" on the
infallibility of Genesis the Des
Moines fiasco shows; what is
laughable is a board of university
trustees quibbling over the point in
all ea-nestness, meanwhile stop-
ping the wheels of education lest
some student escape their clutches
tainted with the mire of modern-
John the Baptist must be turn-
ing handspriings in his grave. Not
only education, which did not much
concern him, but the Christianity
he taught is being held in abeyance
while a board of trustees, stub-
bornly. refusing to admit they live
in the twentieth century, raise hob
over a doctrinal issue of such little
importance that the rest of the
country laughs.
From the Yale Daily News comes
a warning against junior colleges
to the effect that "here lies the
danger of producing the half-
baked college man with a general
smattering of knowledge but
without the more mature powers
of analysis the university upper-
classman is supposed to possess.'
The point of view, however,
which hits directly at the Univer-
sity college projected for Michi-
gan, neglects to consider the gross
failure of the present system to
produce anything more in four
years than a "half-baxed college
man with a general smattering of
knowledge." In the interestsi of
economy some system is needed to
weed out at the half-way mark,
with a minimum of hard feelings,
the student who lacks inherently
the "mature powers of analysis"
postulated by the Daily News for
upperclassmen. The need is em-
phasized by simply looking at an
average class of fourth-year grad-
0- o0
j Musi And DramaI
The marvels that the undergrad-
uate mind gives birth to will never
cease. I suppose we can all thank
God for that. At least one source
of amusement remains as fresh
and stimulating as the perennial
"frosh." A series of amusements
began with the advertising that
ballyhoo-ed "Granite" to fame and
fortune for Comedy Club.
"Take Mamma and Pappa to the
Drama" was the greeting that en-
couraged a show-hungry populace.
Various variations on the theme
followed each day. In defense of
the advertiser it must be admitted
that "Mumma" and "Puppa" were
important factors at the box of-
fice. The show played to many
Yesterday some bright mind in
Play Production conceived the
idea of promoting business for
"The Beggar on 'Horseback" by
sending just such a person around
the campus on a horse. A tour of
f the sidewalks ended downtown
shortly after noon where compli-
mentary tickets were presented to
the Mayor of our fair city.
In Detroit this advertising
scheme might be more or less to
the point. The I. Q. of Detroit
population is undoubtedly lower
than of Ann Arbor; they may
conceivably need some startling
symbol to awaken them to the
realities of theatrical advertising.
But locally there seems to be some
protest against thi insult to the
undergraduate intelligence.
In fact, the protest took actual
shape. Of course, it was among
the younger, just-from-high-school
element, the freshmen, but the
eggs they threw were nione the
less vigorous with protest. The
diagonal still bears witness to the
stains on the student 'scutcheon,
and the manner in which the eggs
were thrown was undeniably earn-
est, even if the aim was bad-la-
mentably bad.
The only fact remains, that if
theatrical advertisers sist on
hoodlum methods of ballyhoo,
they can only expect a similar re-
action, unfortunate as that may
R. J4. A.
This month there appeared a
magazine. "devoted to the art in-
terests of Detroit" entitled the
"Fine Arts. Forecast." The editor
cites the aim of the magazine as
being an accurate and critical re-
port of the artistic events of each
The book's structure is clear and
logical and not to ambitious. it
contains ,one feature article on
"The International Exhibition of
Ceramic Art" and a page each for
Art, Music, The Theater, Editorial,
and Books. In addition to these,
probably standard pages, there is
a full announcement of the pro-
gram of the May Festival here, and
a complete and accurate Calendar
of Events. The articles in this is-
sue are a little thin on the critical
side, tending a little toward gossip,
but improvement in this way is
certain to come with later issues
devoted to months in Detroit a lit-
tle more rich artistically than this
The mere publication of the
book, as the editor states, assumes
a wide and vital art life in De-
troit. The value of the magazine
for those people -who really pos-
sess a keen and enthusiastic inter-
est in art is evident; it provides
them with some valuable and en-
tertaining critical material and
an accurate calendar of events.
Edward Reinig, a new student on
the campus, is associate editor of
the magazine and writes the the-
atrical page. For this reason and
for' the definite hole in the art life
of Detroit that it gives fair prom-
ise of filling satisfactorily, the mag-
azine deserves all the support that
students can give it.
W. J. G.
* * *
An etching exhibition is proud-
ly displayed in the ground floor
gallery of the Architectural Build-
ing. Of the two artists, Marshall
easily has the best group to dis-
play. Watts is what is known in
the field as an inherent scribbler.
His biting in is carelessly done, he
has tried to work with a soft
ground and has succeeded in being
merely fluffy. In one street scene
however he shows a nice play of
light and fair silhouetting. His
one lithograph is out of drawing
and has nothing to express.
Marshall has a clear live point in
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Phone 22571
Read the C1assifile d A ds
Campus Opinion"
Contributors are -asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than Soo
words it possible.e' Anonymous com-
munications will be' disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
To the editor:J
As a subscriber to the Choral
Union Concert series and to the
May festival I feel that. some pub-
lic comment should be made with
regard to the extraordinary
amendments to the originally an-
nounced May Festival program.
" The most painful change, of
course, is the substitution of the
Rimsky Korsakoff "Scheherazade"
for the Mozart Symphony in E
Flat. In the original program,
which, indeed contained enough
commonly played music, the Mo-
zart number stood out as a pros-
pect of novelty and excellence. But
now it appears we must listen to
the overplayed and inferior Rus-
sion work. To those who have been
looking forward expectantly to the
E. Flat Symphony, the Rimsky
Korsakoff will seem sorry stuff in-
Then too, one wonders why it
was necessary to replace thej
"Prize Song" with the "Flower!
Song" from Carmen. Certainly the
Wagner song is superior musical-I
ly, and one suspects that it would
be as well received by a Festival
audience. The Carmen number
not only suffers in comparison
with it, but has been further les-
sened in interest by being bawled
by vaudeville. "artists" until one is
bored to death with it.
If the program changers had felt
that they must change something,
they might have given Hofmann
something worthier of his talentI
than the, Rubinstein Concerto.1
While I have never heard this
opus, I strongly suspect that if it
adheres to Rubinstein's usual style
it will turn out to be a showy, sen-
timental, and basically empty piece
of music.
But it is the matter of the Mozart
Symphony which rankles most, and
I do not believe that I am alone
in feeling that the substitution of
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