- TIESAYMAY IA1, 192 -, 1,14ZMTCHICAN DAITEYI MORE THAN 2,500 REGISTERED TO VOTE TOMORROW ni VOTERS WILL ELECT EIGHT OF- SEVENTEE[N CANDIDATES CHOSEN TO. RUN FOR UNION OFFICES;J ONLY MEN, STUDENTS TD VOTE Ir Where To Vote Lits : -In front of Library. Physical Eds:-In front of Library. Bus. Ads. :-Tappan hail. Graduate students:--Tappa n ' II E s i i i f i 3 t j TWO, NOMINEES LITE IN STUDENT CHITA ZINK AND WEBSTER REMAIN IN RACE FOR PRESIDENT OF ORGANIZATION BOTH CANDIDATES ACTIVE Vice-Presidential Office Draws Candidacy Of Taylor And Brumm j i i E i f . i How To Vote Present registration receipt which was received last Tuesday or Wednesday to the official at the votingsbooth.He will ex- change this for an unmarked ballot with a detachable stub at the b ttnm iO. ,n r nmp nn i H~F, ORS N WILHN PESIDENCY Of STUDENT COUNCIL, WHEN POLLS OPEN FOR ALL CAMPUS VOTE JACK WILCOX AND KENNETH POLLS TO OPEN hal. LLOYD ARE RUNNING 'Pharics:-Tappan hall. FOR pRESIDENCY AT NINE O'COC haic-Tpnhal Foresters:-Tappan hall. COMPETITION lS KEEN Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock Engineers:-Engineering arch. 11 campus polls will be opened to Architects:-Engineering arch. James Thayer And Robert S. McCoyreiv the votes of more than 2000 I Seek Office Of Recording receive Dents.:-Dental building. students who have registered for Secretary this year's all campus election. Stu- Medics,:-New Medical build- Eight offices in the Michigan dents from all schools and colleges ing. Union, sought by 17 nominees, will in the University will elect officers Laws:-Back. of Law school. be filled by tomorrow's all campus for six campus organizations. elections. Ly yero20 men an As on all previousoccasions, the for these officesewhich includelection this year will be held for o'clock in the ,morning to 12:10 at president, recording secretary and one day only, an4. the ballot boxes noon; and will reopen at 1 o'clock to px -residentrdisewill be placed at-strategic psitions receive ballots until 5 o'clock, after six vice-presidents. Ion the campus so that they will which time no votes will be accept- Jackson A. Wilcox, '30, and Ken- }be most convenient to all, students ed. These booths will be in charge neth M. Lloyd, 30, are the presi- I dential candidates. Wilcox was a member of un- dercass commit- tee in 1927-28, as well as the lead- er of the fresh-I man group. In this capacity he was responsible for many inno- vations in the handling of in- coming fresh- men, having or- Wilcox iginated the idea of pep rallies for the class games, re-established the traditional freshman banquet which had not been held for several; years. He was given the chairman- ship of the underclass department of the Union this year and served as organizer and leader of the Union freshman groups. He is al- so a member of the Executive Council. Lloyd held a post on the Recep- tion committee during 1927-28, and was active in the organization and direction of the Fathers and Sons banquet of last year. During the past year he has held the chair- manship of the Publicity commit- tee of the Union, besides which he is an active member of the Exec- utive Council. Robert S. Mc- Coy, 130E., and James Thayer, '30, are compet- ing for the office irk Recor4dng Secretary. rdng McCoy was nominated by a petition signed: by 200 names and accepted by the nominating committee with Lloyd the approval of Kenneth Schafer, present Record- ing Secretary. Thayer has been active as an assistant in the department of Re- cording Secretary for the past two years. He has just been chosen: next year's manager of the 'track team. With the exception of Medical vice-president, for which three ien have been nominated, only two men are running for each of the other five positions consisting of Literary, Engineering, Law, Dental, and combined vice-presidents. William A. Murphy and Frederick C. Widman are running for Liter- ary vice-president; Charles R. Wood! and Charles R. Waddell for En- gineering vice-president; Robert Bartlett, Walter Scott and James H. Allen for Medical vice-president; I and Manly K. Hunt and Robert Heaney for Law vice-president. Dental candidates are Charles Wal-. do and Maynard B. Scover, and for Combined vice-president, John M. Felton and George H. Tidswell. The management of the Union is supervised by a Board of Direc- tors. The president and the six vice-presidents from the various schools are members of the board. The recording secretary is also a member of the board. The organi- zation also includes an alumni sec retary and a financial secretary,' and the past year there have been! two alumni members. Two faculty members, the dean of students, and a representative from the Board of Regents complete the or- ganization. One of ,the president's most ex- acting duties is the selection of members for the various commit- tees of the Union. There are four such committees in the present or- ganization, and these groups look! after the activities in each of their departments. The house commit- tee, reception committee, under- class committee and the publicity committee are the official desig- nations of these four organiza- tions. The president is also an ex-officia mnember of the Stuident council. vuer" f and under the direct super- The - poll's will' be open from 9 ]vision of Student council members. -OF-I- Voting for the candidate for the resident of the Student Christian! Association has been narrowed down to the selection of one of the two candidates. Julius A. Zink and I John E. Webster are the nominees for the head of the organization. Laverne Taylor and John M. I Brumm are the candidates for the! position of Vice-president.I Both Zink and Webster have been active in the work of the or-l ganization which they wish to head and are both qualified as its leader. The entire cam-1 pus is allowed to vote for the manc whom they thinki is best fitted to' discharge t h e i eLa e, auLAom. ign your name on the tub nd how o te el c-cil for compiling a voters' list. The the stub and show to the elec detachable blank was retained by tion official for comparison with the voter for the purpose of iden- the signature on the registration tification at the polls tomorrow. blank. Then mark ballot berg At the polls the registration limifu t t cain egru.bear blanks will be exchanged for bal- limitincertainhtheouTerlots carryinga detachable stubbon the stub from the ballot and which the voter must write his sig-, jdeposit the ballot in the recep- nature for purposes of comparison the official at the booth for fil-; with the signature on the certifi- tacle. Return the signed stub to cate stration He w i ing. The registration receipts cate of registration. He will then are also to be kept for future mark the ballot under the scrutiny rareene astoof the election officials, tear off the reference . blank bearing his signature, and __hand the stub to the election offi- NEW FOOL-PROOF cial for filing. He will deposit his ballot in the receptacle for that SYSTEM DEVISED!purpose. He must surrender at the Ssame time his registration receipt which will be filed with the signed The system of registration and stub from the ballot. voting which was used this year In addition to his signature the has been derived by the Student voter was required to provide at council in an effort to eliminate the registration booth last week the graft and insure a fool-proof elec- number of hours credit he has tion. earned in the University. This will The plan called for the identifi- also be required in the casting of a cation of each voter seeking- -toreg-. vote tomorrow. ister through the presentation'of a The plan also provides for a Union card, treasurer's receipt, or careful checking of the registered certificate of registration in the voters against the ballots cast and STUDENTS WILL ELECT SIX NEW MEMBERS TO COUNCIL THIRTEEN NOMINATED More than 2,000 students are ex- pected to go to the polls tomorrow to choose a president for the Stu- dent Council, three new members from the Class of '30 and three from the Class of '31. The council consists of 13 men and includes three seniors that were elected last year, three new men from the Class of '30 to be elected tomorrow, and three from the present sophomore class. Ex-officio members include the managing editor of The Daily, the student member of the Board in Control of Athletics, and the president of the Michigan Union. Three candidates are this year A.ltCampus Election, Wednesday, May 15 Kline, Kloster, Cochran, Gage And Norville Are Seniors In Race Rice, ) before INSTRUCTIONS:-Place a the name of the candidate cross in the square ( for whom you wish to vote. Student -Council (All Men Vote) PRESIDENT (Vote for One) GEORGE SIMONS JENNINGS MCBRIDE ERNEST C. REIF Michigan Union f. 7 1 ]l SENIOR REPRESENTATIVE (Vote for Three) ]. l L. I- STANLEY COCHRAN LEO T. NORVILLE DONALD J. KLINE JOHN F. RICE EARL A.,KLOSTER ALEXANDER GAGE { I E 1 j ,c i 1 ( I } (' alt it t ( l F. I [ [ [ [ RECORDING SECRETARY (Vote for One) (Ali Men Vote) PRESIDENT. (Vote for One) ] ] JAMES THAYER ROBERT S. M'COY l l JACKSON A. WILCOX KENNETH M, LLOYD LITERARY VICE-PRESIDENT (Vote only for one and only in your department) JUNIOR REPRESENTATIVES (Vote for Three) : f . I WILLIAM MURPHY FRED WIDMAN ENGINEERING VICE-PRES. II .1 THOMAS BALDWIN FRANCIS H. BEEBE GEORGE RYERSON JERROLD W. CURRY BRUCE PALMER MATTHEW C. HADDON ] CHARLES WOOD CHARLES WADDELL MEDICAL VICE-VVES. ROBERT BARTLETT WALTER SCOTT JAMES A. ALLEN r Student Christian Association (Entire Campus Vote) PRESIDENT I .,i } J1 LAW VICE-PRESIDENT I MANLY K. HUNT DENTAL VICE-PRESIDENT association du- University to be secured from the unmarked Pallots returned fron\it vieing for the office of president. ties, but a re- Recorder's office. The registering the polling places, as well as a non- George Simons. Jennings McBride, quest has. been voter then filled in a stub and i partisan custody of the registra- and Ernest C. Reif are the three m a d e by the detachable blank at the booth and tion blanks and ballots after the candidates for this office. A present officers the stub was retained by the coun- closing of the booths. Simons was a of the organiza- ~~member of the ' tion thati only Daily staff from Webster those students [1927 to 1929. He who are inter- !1ST1DETSITO H09SE I1U NOIN!I1L y was a night editor ested in the work of the Student asin 1928-29 and is Christian Association and the per-; lthe present news petuation of its ideals, express I Ufl bI L editor of this their choice for its officers. All paper. He was a students on the campus who regis- (.member of Sphinx tered during the.two days allowed Eight Candidates Are L i st e d Nine Candidates Listed For Board and is a member for that function will be allowed to In Race For Association In Control Of Student of Sigma Delta cast a vote for Positions Publications Chi, national pro- the association ! fessional journal- president a n d I FOUR POSTS ARE OPEN THREE TO BE CHOSEN istic society. vice - president, TOGeorge Simons M c B r i d.e is a but the majority - member of the of the ballots Officers for the Oratorical Asso- From a ballot of nine students, Student council, Freshman football cast it is hoped ciation, of which the nominees to- all of whom have served either in and on the Varsity squad for two will be from thwh tal eight for the four offices; are to an editorial or business capacity on years. As a member of the coun- be chosen along with the other one of the student publications, cil he had charge of the visit of have the inter- three will be chosen in tomorrow's the students from the various eOi- ests of the or- student offices on the campus to- all-campus elections to fill student leges in South Africa and is the ganization a t morrow. positions on the Board in Control chairman of the cap night activ- heart and are The two candidates for president of Student Publications. ities tivel ngagedof the organization are J, Ormond Composed of seven members, Reif is also a acin its work.Zink Drake and Rus- four of whom are University facul- member of the LavernekTaylor and John M. sell M. Sander- ty men, this board has supervision present council son. Drake was over the three leading campus and has been a vice-president of the Student amember of the publications; the Michigan Daily, two letter man Christian association and have also Freshman base- the Gargoyle, and the Michiganeh on the Varsity Crsinaocainadhvaloball squad dur- sian. The editors and business been engaged in its work for the alsuddrsa.Th edtsan bsms swimming team. ing his first year managers of each of the three pub- H m t past several years. Both are quali- in school. Dur- lications are chosen each year by e was in arge fled as officers of the organization. ing 1928-29 ho this board:of btween thneaeb a abine whichn us gothepres participated in Nine Men Competing freshmen a n d ident, vice-president, secretary, the activities of The folloing students were sophomores last and treasurer of the association, a the Varsity de- chosen by the board at a recent Friday and Sat- dreasr of the anoitio a bating team. He j.meeting: Stanton Todd, Robert d director of publicity, and this last woais lc rk rwCalsRtLwec rda. McBride year, there have been eight co-Won first place Drake I Brown, Charles Roth, LawrenThe position of president of the yea, terehae ben igh c m the all-cam- (Klein, Fred Bauschard, ThomasSTuentconcil in noe mittee chairmen. A general sec- sxsspeech con-T Student council is an honored oe retai-y and an office secretary arep etemporand aspeecon- Thoma, Joe Howll, Don campus and is much sought- employed to take care of most of irst in ha lo ceived Klieand Todd Bas nafter by those interested in the the executve work. first place in the local contest of Stanton Todd was connectedgoen ntfthsudtbdy the executive work. 'the Northern Oratorical league- with the 'Ensian having served on gvernment of the student body. The trustees of the association Lth Norhe torird plae ith teiEian avinfrvedn He controls in great part the poli- numbered six this past year. Of- Last year he took third place in the editorial staff for two-and-a- cies and activities of the students fices included a chairman and sec- te s andthe position is therefore full of retary. President Little was one of contest Robert Brown ha aso been con unusual responsibility. the embis f te Bord f Tus- Drake is the vice-president of the neted with editorial side of the Sxmnhv the members of the Board of Trus- local chapter of Delta Sigma Rho, 'Ensian for more than two years Six men have tees, and the present outgoing the national honorary forensic so- Charles Roth has served on the from the Class presdet _ws __s__emer ,ciety, the treasurer of the Men's business side of the c-argoyle since f or pos Educational club this year, and a February, 1927. of'30 for - Two Candidates 'Vie member of the Alpha Nu literary Lawrence Klein has been asso tions on the society. ciated with the editorial side of ct niates For Athletic Board Sanderson, who The Daily for more than two yearshdd is o pposi n g and was this year's editor of Rolls, are to be chosen Drake for the as well as a night editor. Patten And Wheeler Are Opponents presidency, has ( Fred Bauschard has been active- t o m o r r o w for For 1929-30 Student been the speakerm s ly engaged on the business side of seorhip as Positions of the Adelphi the 'Ensian since his freshman seior represent- House of Repre- inyear.ees Thude The entire campus will be allow- sentatives. H e Thomas Thomas was the Manag- Reif nees n c u d e ed to vote tomorrow for one of the has been the ing Editor of this year's 'Ensian. Earl Kloster Alexander Gage, two candidates for a position on c h a i r m a n of Joseph Howell has been connect- Stanley tCochran, LeoTNrGage, the Board in Control of Athletics. elections, ushers, ed with The Daily for two-and-a- y Do Leo T. Norvlle Robert J. Patton and Jack Wheel- and local con- half years, and was a night editor Tnd are J. and er are the two nominees for the tests committees this year. the three positions as junior rep- new position on the board. of the Oratorical S rDonald Kline was a night editor h resentatives ton the council. The The board is composed of nine board. In 1926 Sanderson on The Daily this year, having seven men include Thomas Bald- faculty members, and three alumni and again this year he was a mem- served on the editorial staff since e win, Francis H. Beebe, GeorgeRy- members, and two student mem- ber of the Intercollegiate debating February, 1927. , Jerrold W. Curry, Bruce Pal- bers. The student who will be se- squad. George Bradley has just comerson, and w C. Haddon. lected tomorrow will hold a mem- The two candidates for the posi- pleted more than two years serv- A difficult task is presented to bership on the board for two years. tion of vice-president are Lawrence ice on the business side of the the voters in the election to The two candidates were selected Hartwig and Howard Simons. Hart- Daily. rhr-othath electintethree several days ago at a meeting of wig is a sophomore and Simons is Four Faculty Men On Board --en from each of the above groups the Board of Managers in the Ad- a junior. ; The Board includes in its mem- cndirte ho are be quf ministration building at Ferry Hartwig was a member of the bership four faculty members, to carry on the constructive w k field. The men on the board are debating team from 1927 to 1929.! making a total of seven. The fac- o teStude consfr ter managers of football, basketball, Last year he won the Thomas H. ulty members include Prof. Morris All of th baseball, track, intramural and in- Black Oratorical contest. For the Tilley, chairman, Prof. Edson R. ever, are equally qualified for the terscholastics. past year he has been the speaker Sunderland, business manager, posiioand are all capable of of the Adelphi House oft Represen- Prof. Roy W. Cowden, and Carl G. dischaingthend tiesaofathe of BRITISH CAMPAIGN tatives and the treasurer of the Brandt. Professor Cowden was ap- ces for which they are running. Oratorical association. He is a pointed by President Little to fill SPEECHES B E G I N member of Delta Sigma Rho, na- the vacancy left when Prof. Robert tional honorary forensic society. C. Angell was given.a leave of ab- MEAD TO SPEAK (Iy Associated Press) Simons is a member of Alpha Nu,sene. Mr. Brandt is fillin the FBOULDE LONDON, May 13.-Campaign i was a member of the debatingl vacancy left when Dean Joseph A. speeches fell like autumn leaves to- (team this year, and has served on Bursley was also given a leave of day on the British electorate as The Daily staff for five semesters. absence. Neither one of the last Lecturing on "The Boulder Can- the major parties ioined battle for The candidates for treasurer are two mentioned members of the yon Project," Prof. Daniel W. elections on May 30. John Q. Langen, and Irving Cooper. board will serve next year. Dean Mead, consulting engineer to the Sir Austin Chamberlin, foreign Dorothy Miller and Lois Webb are Bursley is returning next year, and i University of Wisconsin, will a i '1 CHARLES WALDO MAYNARD STOVER J j JULIUS A. ZINK JOHN E. WEBSTER . COMM1NED VICE -PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDEiNT . [ f J ] J. MARI. FELTON GEORGE H. TIDSWELL - - ] LAVERNE TAYLOR JOHN M. BRUMM Oratorical Associ I: I I (Entire Campus Vot PRESIDENT ORMAND DRAKE, RUSSELL M. SANDE VICE-PRESIDENT LAWRENCE HARTW HOWARD SIMON atlon e) I RSONf IG .I Board In Control Of Student Publications (Entire Campus Vote) (Vote for Three) LAWRENCE KLEIN STANTON TODD ROBERT BROWN CHARLES ROTH FRED BAUSCHARD THOMAS THOMAS JOSEPH HOWELL DONALD KLINE GEORGE BRADLEY [f [C 1 TREASURER I JOHN Q. LANGEN IRVING COOPER Board In Control Of Athletics (Entire Campus Vote) (Vote for One) SECRETARY J J DOROTHY MILLER LOIS WEBB J i [ J 1 JACK WHEELER ROBERT J. PATTON 1. f " " y r r . r