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May 12, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-12

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SUNDAY, MAYt12,1929


Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
{ember of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press, is exclusivelyen-
titled to the use' for republication of all news
Dispatches credited to . it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at tke postoffice at Ana Arbor,
Michigan, us second class matter. Special rate
of postag' ngranted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subsr'iption by carrier, $4.oo; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
sard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 0214.
Telephone 4925
Editor...................Nelson J. Smith
City Editor..... .........Ir. Stewart Hooker
News Editor.............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor ..............W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor..........Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor..............George Staute:
Music and Drama..............,. Askren
Assistant City Editor.......... Robert Silbar

Jseph E. Howell t
Donald J. Kline 1
Lawrence R. Klein e
Paul L. Adams
Morris Alexaadfl
C. A. Aakren1
Bertram Askwit
Lobuise Behymr
Arthur ernste '
Seton C. Bove
Isabel Charles
L, R. Chubb
Frank E. Cooper
Relen Domine
Margaret 1ickels
Douglas .Edwards
Valborg Egeland !
Robert J. Feldman
Marjorie Folmer
William Gentry
Ruth Geddes+
David B. Hempstead Jr.
Richard Jung
Charles R.Kaufman
Ruth Kelsey

Charles S. Monroe
Pierce Rosenberg.
GeorgeE4. Simons
C. Tilley
Donald E. Laymsa
Charles A. Lewis
Marian McDonald
Henry Merry
Elizabeth Quaife
Victor Rabinowit
Anne Schell l
Rachel Shearer
Howard Simon
Robert L. Sloss
Ruth Steadman
A. Stewart
Cadwell Swansca
ane Thayer
Edit h Thomas
Beth Valentine
Gurney Williams
Welter Wilds
George E. Wohlgemuth
Edward L. Warner Jr.
Cleland Wyllie

Telephone 21214
ssstant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising ................:Alex K. Scherer
Advertising ..............A. James Jordan
Advertising..............Car. W. Hamner
Service.................Herbert E. Varnum
C irculation.................George S. Bradley
Accounts:..............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications............... Ray M. Hofelich

Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
eriror Davis
Bessie Egeland
;sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
'gasper Halverson
Gq-orge Hamilton
Sack Iorwich
ix Hurphrey

Marion Kerr
Lillian Koviusky
Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
1. A. Newman
Jack Rose
Carl F. Schemmur
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wel stea

SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1929
Night Editor-FRANK E. COOPER
When President Little's footsteps,
retreat from Ann Arbor next fall,
no one will deny that Michigan is
losing, whatever she may be gain-
ing in peace and quiet, a man pro-
lific in ideas. In the four years he
headed this University he probably
did more original thinking along
educational lines than any man In
the country. Some of his brain
children, overdeveloped for their
age, have been unable to survive
the chilly campus environment into
which they were born, but one now
hovering between life and death
should not be allowed to pass to
its last resting place in that ex-
clusive cemetery reserved for the
ideas of men who see in advance of
their times.
For this particular brain child,
called by its father the University
college, is bound to be resurrected
in one form or another by all uni-
versities seeking an escape from
mass-production education and
standardization of thought. Bal-
ancing the demand of' today for
more college-bred men and women,
the need of some device will be'
recognized in the next 25 years to
let the intellectual aristocracy,
with powers of thought beyond
those of the mob, develop- their in-
dividualism in a collegiate sur-
rounding. The literary colleges of
today will have to be split some-
where into one unit which will ap-
ply cultural veneer and another
which will liberate the minds of
those who have good minds.
When Michigan's next leader is
picked by the Regents he will find
the foundation already laid here;
upon which to erect a system of
true higher education. Let us;
hope that he will, be progressive
enough to realize his good fortune
and diplomatic enough to realize on;
The Detroit city fathers are seri-
ously considering the installation
of radio broadcasting equipment
in th2 council chambers of the
city hall so that verbatim accounts
of all meetings may be transmitted
to the populace through that
agency. The act would be not at
all astounding nor would it be al
startling innovation. It is merely
infusing the "onen door" nrivilegel

proval, would do no little good
toward the elimination of crooked
and dishonest dealings on the part
of some of our notoriously wicked
city governments. Once the coun-
cilmen became acclimated to the
strange atmosphere of uneasiness
that a microphone is prone to in-
spire, meetings would be carried on
with accustomed ease and feasi-
bility. And then, too, councilmer
listening in will be ever so much
more wary of what they say and
knowing their constituency are
The one rather humorous de-
fect that might be an outgrowth of
the plan would be the tendency
toward lengthy and widened
speeches, a defect that could be
erradicated by a light cloture rul-
Should Detroit adopt the policy
and "air" their meetings, they
would be pioneering on a worthy
Although the sixth session of the
Preparatory Commission on Dis-
armament which met at Geneva
came to a close without any defi-
nite action on the proposed limi-
tations of armaments, the session
proved to- be highly successful.
Paradoxical as this statement
seems, its truth is evident to those
who take into consideration the
fact that he meeting has admirably
cleared the path for a disarma-
ment conference which will be
more fruitful.
The sole object of this gathering
of representatives from many pow-
ers was to exchange views and col-
lect data which would lay the
foundation for future action as
well as establish closer relations
between the nations of the world.
As yet no agreement on this
question has been reached. No
basis of limitations or formulas
have been approved. But a possi-
ble method of determining what
the strength of the respective ar-
mies and navies should be has been
found, and the conciliatory atti-
tude of the United States has led
to more openmindedness on the
part of others regarding the prob-
If the conference did nothing
more than bring about an accord
that will hold in leash wastefulness
and expensive competition in
building armaments, even though
it failed to effect a final settle-
ment, its work should not be re-
garded as another fiasco, but as an
outstanding success.
The projected cooperation of the
University and the Tropical Plant
Research foundation of Washing-
ton, D. C., with the government of
Brazil to build up a forest serv-
ice for that country constitutes a
move both of local and interna-
tional significance. The University
in general and the School of For-
estry and Conservation in partic-
ular deserve our commendation.
Brazil is reported to have over
a billion acres of timber land, and
the Amazon valley is said to con-
tain the greatest solid body of
timber in the world. This acreage
includes 3,000 distinct kinds of
timber trees, a more limited num-
ber of which constitute the bulk of
the forests. The more important
of these timbers will be tested at
the new Wood Utilization labora-
tory of the forestry school here,

and when their properties are
known through this experimenta-
tion, they will be of great value and
This new source of timber will
be manna and a salvation to the
various wood-product manufactur-
ers of the country and particularly
of Michigan, which with its furni-
ture and automobile industries
stands head and shoulders above
the other wood-utilizing states. Al-
ready the hardwood manufacturers
have been clamoring for some re-
lief before they are left high and
dry in an abandoned industry.
The opening up of this vast re-
serve has come none too soon.
The University will further
strengthen the economic tie that
binds between the two nations.
Brazil is important to the United
States as a source of raw mate-
rials as well as an export market.
Our importation of raw materials
is bound to increase, while at the
same time the solution of Brazil's
forestry problem at the request of
that government will materially
strengthen our beneficent attitude,
the altruism of which attitude
seems to be greatly in question of
late. Further, their sending of
students to our schools and our
placing of graduates in the field
will put the University, and espe-
cially the forestry school, in a po-,




Music And Drama


The editor, who thinks lie knows
humorous things when he sees
them (we never notice that which
we are closest to, Mr. editor), told
us that our column was not "up-
roariously funny" yesterday morn-
ing. To our disappointed sub-
scription we say that we are sorry
that we broke our trust, and offer
the following alibi, to wit:
It's no easy job to bang out
twenty inches of humor every day
the paper comes out for a solid
year, and along about this time of
the year, when the days become
sticky and ideas become just as
sticky, it is ever so much more dif-
ficult. And this particular day,
being a Saturday and especially
sticky, will produce a column that
much worse. It must be lots more
fun writing a music and drama
column; you can write a bum col-
umn every day and no one cares
because that is just what every
one expects. But when we are
drained of ideas, we have to run
a big splurge like this and crave
your indulgence.
If any one thinks that writing
this stuff is a cinch, he's crazy. It
doesn't pay much of a salary,
either, and we have to starve in an
attic, as do all genuises, between
pay checks. It's a bum job; in
fact it's the bummest job in the
world, and we're glad for your sake
that no one of the tryouts was
good enough to get the job for
next year. We'll have to do it
against next year, but maybe we'll
get an idea during the summer re-
Today was one of the worst we
ever have had since they begged us
to take this job. The first thing
that happened was when the edi-
tor, who is probably our worst con-
tributor, bawled us out and told
us that yesterday's column wasn't
worth setting in type and that if
we couldn't improve, we could walk
right down to the Washtenaw
Tribune and get ourselves a new
job. But he was just fooling there,
because after you take out the
headlines in the Washtenaw Trib-
une, what room is there anywhere
in the paper for a column?
And then our dearest friend and
severest critic told us that we had
better "lay off this Mary Gold
stuff" because it was stale and no-
body gave a damn about her any-
way. Some people never have any
respect for the dead.
Our mental capacity today is
absolutely nil. We asked Gumley
for an idea, but all he could offer
was a joke we couldn't print. It
wasn't funny anyway. The Wash-
tenaw Tribune doesn't come out
.until Tuesday, and so one more
sure-fire resource was missing. We
looked in all the good papers, but
we guess headline writers aren't
wha they used to be. There wasn't
anything wrong with any of them.
We looked over our cuts and there
wasn't anything "uproariously fun-
ny" in any of them. There was
nothing in The Daily this morning
that was worth writing about, un-
less it was the fact that three
sophomores were hurt in class
games. But what's funny about
three sophomores, sick or well?
But are we going, to lie down on
the job, just because the editor
thinks he knows good humor? No.
We'll keep slaving away to satisfy
our patrons.

And so, bracing ourself the best
we can and consoling ourself with
visions of running a knife under
the fourth rib of the editor, we
place below the Rolls column for
tomorrow morning's edition.
* * *
The educational plant here at the
University or the past year has
been valued at $32,302,776.76. We
presume that the $.76 covers the
valuation of the Romance lan-
guage building.
N. B.: Not "uproariously funny.")
* * *
E. Haldeman Julirs, purveyor of
the Little Blue Books, has changed
the titles of some of Shakespeare's
plays to improve sales. "Macbeth,
we suppose, became "The Murder
Racket" and "Romeo and Juliet,"
"Passion's Storm."
(N. B.: Not' "uproariously fun-
Two Cambridge University stu-
dents recently paraded the streets
of Cambridge in a car, drenching

Reviewed By R. Leslie Askrn
There is a double pleasure in re-
viewing the work of a friend. To
the pleasure of recognizing a
friend's efforts is added the satis-
faction of discovering it well done.
Paul Adams' story in the latest is-
sue of Inlander is the source of
this pleasure for me, and his suc-
cess with his theme of "They Cele-
brated Christmas" permits me to
recommend it to those who have
followed his articles in this column
in the hope that they will draw the
same pleasure.
The story is a study' in the
1 drama that lies behind the gifts
that greet the family on Christmas
morning. It is told in episodic
form and catches very sympathet-
ically the lives of a family of four
people, hot brilliant but very real.
He has built his story simply, out
of straightforward sentences that
drive cleanly to the point of char-
acter, and his analysis of char-
acter is sound, though it does oc-
casionally lack brilliancy of in-
sight. In other directions, too,
immaturity of attack is evident,
but the general success of his at-
tempt overbalances any flaws.
In the course of his story a num-
ber of things come out to stimulate
a little reflection. Adams has
chosen the abominable table man-
ners of the father as a symbol for
the lack of intercourse between
him and the rest of his family. The
ill manners have been made almost
unpleasantly real, and their sig-
nificance is sound. But the re-
lection comes that table manners
in this country actually have de-
teriorated to the point of being a
source for drama. There would
seem to be some sort of fallacy in
falling back on such apparent
trivialities as manners for char-
acter motivation, but the appalling
ubiquity of minor unpleasance
makes me wonder why others have
not hit on it before.
Another point'is in the way Ad-
ams has brought out the fact that
the father was sufficienly impor-
tant in his community to be elect-
ed mayor. That information comes
only casually, half way through
the story. At the end of the tale
the old man, hurt, wonders "Was
it a game of politics, even with
one's family?" But the story car-
ries on,,tb another paragraph;
which suggests i that Adams has
only partially realized himself, as
well as iri-his character, the deli-
cate interplay of relationships in
famili life, and the need, or per-
haps the obligation, that love im-
poses to "play the part" in human
intercourse. The cynical conclus-
ion to this suggestion is that a
character, half mountebank, makes
the best friend dii lover.
Two other stories, "Busy" by
Ben Wells and "Winter Afternoons"
by Frank Roellinger, are up to the
high standard which Inlander has
set for itself this year.
But the wonder comes, just gen-
erally, if the conception behind
these efforts does not assert the
truth of the criticism recen ly lev-
elled against the short story, that
it is a trick form and its virtue is
in the trick. Wells has not sur-
passed O. Henry; but he could
learn from Sherwood Anderson, or
fron3 Tchekof.
Otto Graf, a junior on the cam-
pus, occupied the outstanding po-
sition in a recital given Friday

night in Detroit by artist students
of the Detroit Institute of Musi-
cal Art. Some five hundred of the
Institute's friends, attending by
invitation, enjoyed a rich musi-
cal evening; given by the most ad-
vanved pupils, assisted by the De-
troit Ensemble tinder William
Graffing King. Mr. Graf is carry-
ing his musical studies with Mr.
Boughton of the Institute in addi-
tion to his work in the literary col-
lege here. He has previously ap-
peared in recital in Indianapolis
and last fall rendered the difficult
Palmgren Concerto with fifty mem-
bers of the Detroit Symphony or-
The Friday night concert, how-
ever, demanded even a more solid
proof of his artistry as the compo-
sition he offered was the Liszt So-
nata in B Minor. By clever ma-
nipulation of thematic material,
Liszt arranged this sonata into one
continuous movement, thirty-five
minutes in the playing. It is one
of his most mature and serious
works, containing much of genu-
inely original impulse and a suave
tenderness in the slow section not
ordinarily associated with the fiery


I 41



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PO -0 R :./,/./,/


4 Days - MAY 22,23,24,25, 1929 - cone

EARL V. MOORE Musical Director
FREDERICK STOCK Orchestral Conductor
JUVA HIGBEE Children's Conductor
Edith Mason Soprano
Chicago Civic Opera Company
Jeannette Vreeland Soprano
Distinguished American Artist
Sophie Braslau Contralto
Metropolitan Opera Company
Marion Telva Contralto
Metropolitan Opera Company
Richard Crooks Tenor
Premier American Concert Artist
Paul Althouse Te or
Metropolitan Opera Company
Lawrence Tibbett Baritone
Metropolitan Opera Company
Richard Bonelli Baritone
Chicago Civic Opera Company
Barre Hill Baritone
Chicago Civic Opera Company
William Gustafson Bass
Metropolitan Opera Company
Josef Hofmann Pianist
Polish Virtuoso
Efrem Zimlaist Violinist
Hungarian Master
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra
The University Choral Union
Children's Festival Chorus
Samson and Delilah Saint Saens
The New Life Wolf-Ferrari
The Requiem Brahms
The Hunting of the Snark (Children) Boyd




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