.I 'E ..BRARhY 19~, 1929 THE F M IC III GA N DIL I.Y m s a x. " e x a. w n,. x n w ..e. #-x t "" #d F l d !>e A -- . i Aft -sue mw AIM JIMIMI, Wall M- MART COOK N 4 YELLY D'ARANYI, NOTED VIOLINIST, RUHCOPRSINSWORLD FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE IS CBOQ ___B___ATLTI ERO AI MAKING PLANS FOR NEW SEMEST ER gYrian D'Arnis, heill Hpp able b and rings out a Bcfore handing its work over to tian Association and the Women's ..EMA DT EA WNgaiian volinist, whoilwill appear the beautyo andtredorn oft the !Iv i NINGt [PST nl Adrm dn ym a new committee at the end of the League was held. I4M4D I Ti M ng Hill Auditorium Wednesday modernPLmuPOiT. The committee made prepara-. Inight, is possessed of a personality There is nothing to be said of! year, the World Fellowship Com- tn fomChristmado asa ZETA AUALPHAS AND MAR- that bespeaks itself in every sweep Miss D'Aranyi's style that is not Placard To Be Used for Advertising mittee of the Women's League with tining tplans o Loegu THA COOK PORTIA TEAM of her bow, and carries to Miss already well-known; her rhythm is "Forward March," Annual Bettina Bush, '29, as chairman, women for the holidays. Co-oper- D FALL IN FAST GAMES DAranyis audience a vivid under- ------ Junior Girls' Production hopes to have evolved some plan ative arrangements were made for standing of her rich and varied l hoesohaeeolvesoepln______rragemetsereadefor TEAM N RSSEMIINALSexperiences. fh.. ...rI whereby all banquets that they women not having friends with TA E E For some years this youthful FIGURES ARE REALIST1 sponsor for foreign students in whom to stay to visit homes in Bir- tIELE future years may be financed by a mmingham and Detroit for three or An overwhelming defeat which artist has been the toast o e "Forward March," a travesty on definite and efficient system. An- four days during vacation. As far Tick did not at all indicate the speed of European capitals and such com war and women and the Junior other aim of this committee is to as possible, friends were invited to forma the game was given to Zeta Tau posers as Vaughn Williams, RaveI Girls' play of the class of 1930, will put the leadership, interest, and stay together. On December 19, a Helen Alpha by the Martha Cook Venus and Bela Bartock have all dedicat be brought vividly before the pub- initiative of world fellowship into Christmas party of a small group ented team yesterday afternoon, at Bar- ed works to her. The same en lic eye in the course of a few days the hands of foreign rather than of American and foreign women theate bour gym in the intramural bas- thusiastic welcomes greeted Yelly with a poster designed by Ruth I American women, so that the for- was held i the Martha Cook sew- at Wa ketball tournament. The game was DAranyi on her first American Cooper, '30, the winner of the pos- mer will feel an interest and re- ing room. A, in, one of the fastest that has been tour in 1927-28. ter contest which closed last week. sponsibility in the work Investigations were also made as recent plydA skin of ivory tint and ebon It h osblt fhvn played in the tournament this year, a ak of a atind on Miss Cooper's poster was judged General plans of the committee to the possibility of having a D. Her ° and although the final score was hair are evidence of a hLateorigin' he best of the six submitted byI for second semester work include bazaar for the foreign women at Detroi 39 to 13, the Zeta Tau Alpha wcut it is thembrillt le of heypla members of the jnyinoraclass.rHon-!t kwhichyht ell anti- women temfuh.Mrhloksoe ing and the vitality of her style cbcsfthjnircalIon.te keping of a world fellowshipetes which would make attractive o C team fought. Martha Cook showed that reveal in Yelly D'Aranyi a orable mention for the second best journal, which will recall all work Christmas gifts but as there seem- of " s engh m h i temperament. Despite the poster went to Helen Parmenter. I from September till June, and con- ed to be no desire for the bazaar1 pIgng ^' and forward positions. Ann Zauer The winning poster, which is done tain newspaper clippings and state- the plan was abandoned. After troige played her usual excellent game at' ofan has a sim licity in oils, portrays a militant and ments. Three parties are sched-. Christmas, the work of the com- troitc 5forward, entirely evading all guard- young tomanna atapicry exceptionally aggressive looking uled, each of which is to be in mittee consisted in welcoming new- Ticks Ing. Although the Zeta Tau Alpha i gityo anr woman marshaling along a puny, charge of a group of foreign wom- comers for the second semester. seats, team was a very well balanced one, aes plau. . timid man. Black, goid, and blue en, the first being Chinese. The stir they were not able to overcome the Phaps the grd teissttriiute - are the predominant colors. Miss parties are, of course, open to all stairsi . fast playing, and accurate passing, one can a g Cooper has succeeded in making foreign women on campus.Dgss5eTO seatsi and shooting of the dormitory figure is that Miss D Aranyi easily -- her figures very lifelike, and the I During the past semester, theL and $2 team. Winning this game puts the and completely adapts herself to poster is unusual for its realism, as i first work of the committee was in . forma Martha Cook \enus team in the her audience. Her first visit to YEILLY D'ARANYI well as for its use of oils of thei meeting the foreign women at the tation semi-finals of the tournament. Spain was characterized by Ra-. i--Iusual water colors. beginning of the year and aiding comed Martha Cook Venus Zeta Tau Alpha vel's dedicating to her a piece of well-marked and her tone is deep The poster contest was judged by them in registration and in getting that t Ar7h music stimulated by the Gypsy and clear as a result of her tech-.s' eisthio nd inrgeting been1 the members ofth Junior Girls' settled in their new surroundings.i T.hZauer.....RF.....M. Raine attitude as a result of the cor- nical sureness. All of this, accord- Play committee, with professional A Hallowe'en party was sponsored Margaret Bush, '30, president of ofgthe T. Christenson .LF.... M. Cassidy poser's rapture in Miss D'Arany'sj ing to Warren Storey Smith of the advice from the printing comany I for the foreign gopi coe, group. F. Neyer.......JC....M. Ohlson fervent art. This, though unique Boston Post, makes of Yelly D'Ar- which is reproducing the poster. and in November following a yvern, made the announcement presen D. Fenneburg ..SC.D. Litzenberger in the artist's experience, was in- anyi a vrsatile artt, v: makes Their comment was that Miss tradition established early in the yesterday that Miss Grace Rich- pledge A. Kunkle ....RG.... H. Gustine terpreted by her with a delightful her ardent musical nature the Cooper's poster was considered the history of the committee, the sixth ards, chairman of the committee of ing t D. Berkowitz ..LG.. D. Ellsworth and extraordinary piquancy that servant, not the master, of the best because it was most suggestive annual international Thanksgiving deans, naa accepted an invitation from Substitutions-For Martha Cook, provoked from her Spanish au- (music in hand. of the nature of "Forward March."|sponsored by the Student Chris-. to become the adviser of that so- dent a H. Lightfoot; for Zeta Tau Alpha, dience a wealth of applause and 1___Not only will the winning poster i ciety. In spite of her many duties, states M. Ellsworth. I appreciation. +abe used for advertising purposes, Miss Richards expressed an interest Detroit Kappa Alpha Theta defeated the In such a manner Miss D'Aranyi gpOra O Jps but it will also form the cover of Women's Rifle Team in Wyvern and a willingness to many Martha Cook Portia.team in the while playing Mozart so as to' the "Forward March" programs. Loses To Maryland sponsor its social activities. Ilife four o'clock game by a 47 to 17 bring out the classical grace of his Really, my dear, I have the Rapid progress is being made in' _The announcement was made at I that o score. The excellent teamwork and compositions still allows no meas- cleverest idea-I do get them once the preparation of the contents of In a teegraici meet held with a breakfast held Sunday morning to co the accurate shootig of the Theta ure of it to be dull, and no re-. the programs, according to Dorothy the University of Maryland last at the Cozy Corner Tea Room. It forwards, especially Rachel Flem- straint dulls the vitality of her in a while, you know, either by Bloom, chairman of the committee week-end the University of Mich- Since its inception, about 40 years alumn ing, completely baffled the Martha style. 'Tzigane," the lovely bit of original thought or by suggestion on programs. igan's women's rifle team lost to ago, Wyvern has been without an tion o Cook guards. The dormitory for-. Gypsy music of Ravel's is, perhaps from other people, the latter being' _ _--______ o the eastern institution, the final advisor. Due to the fact that the fromE wards also showed great ability, I because of its dedication to her, a in the minority, of course. Well,! I'score being 496 to 427. As yet no personnel of the society changes the M but they so seldom received the favorite piece and allows Yelly anyway, this idea is actually clever CANDY BOOTH 1 word has been received from the with every class of Juniors, the ball that they were unable to make D'Aranyi to play with an irresist- and I feel that it should be carried, IThere are still some vacant 11Oklahoma Agricultural and Me- traditions of the society are NEW points. -~--- out. I think there should be rooms hours in Woman's League candy1 chanical College with whom the lo- comparatively slow in developing. Footb Kappa Alpha Theta. provided in the new League build- I booth. All girls who can take it cal team was also firing a contest. Among the most outstanding at long Martha Cook Portia F O V ER FLA \Sing where a girl could take her Ifor an hour or more are urged The match was the first one for present are an annual house party culum R. Fleming RF.E iddlewood L Uboy friend when they wanted to to call Dorothy Mapel, 21616. all of the Michigan women with the and a joint party held with Mor-.' vaded Hartman LF MDIstdudy a together,dImeanactualyexception of the captain of the tarboard and Senior Society. Miss count W. mn . .... . Demaree study Iogethey Id m a ctinnualn team, Irene Cook, '29. As aresult Richards, as adviser of the group, as do' L. Murray .....JC...... N. Beckeryy l tudy, really doall anin --the individual scores were unusual- will sponsor these and aid in the try, a E. Grinnell ....SC.... J. Saurborn to the contrary notwithstanding. development of new traditions. tural GS. White ....... RG...... M. Sabom You know, probablyNotresm elo- G. Coan ......LG.... K. Riman perience, that it is practically im- There will be a meeting of the X AM||m r~ .A./ /9./. G Con LG K. ipma Mie. Eizaeth uypr, ntedpossible to find a place to study in central committee of the Penny' Substitutions-For Martha Cook, conductor and composer, is nleue ous at plaest u mCanial amtt o'c Wednesy J Ferguson, M..Kitson. the United States interesting her-. a league house, at least, when you Carnival at 4 o'clock Wednesday FOR YOUR ,w e e oce ant to huve aho-fienrdgto ai heplp a 1igo'ssr yEERAH & I self in the formation of a profes-.p ftrnon i Brburgyntiu.0 you beaue smeoe lsealwysIt is extremely important that the ! sioaiwoans ymhoy rces iyou bcasesoeoe ls awas ashingons BitdyEBER BA C H I sona woan'Osmphny rchs-I wants touse the living room for peet s tra which will be the first of its whole committee be presentFavas 'hAsomething very much more vital to meetings are difficult to arrange, kind in the world. An interesting them at least. And rules being due to varied schedules. e ESTABLISHED and varied 'musical career has ade- wa eoain n hat quately prepared the Madame for wat they are, there isn't any other C a__a place where you can go in the The executive board of the W. A. Tale the unique experiment she is at- house, I mean there really isn't, A. will meet at 7 o'clock tonight atTales Born in Holland, this woman has And then for another thing, you the Women's Athletic Building Financial returns from the Won- had all the advantages of being can't study out loud in a league All members of Wyvern must call ending Library en League and InterchurchrBa-.I able to study under a number of house, at least in the ones, if any, Arliene Heilman immediately. Call All the Newest Books LABORATORY S zkar have netted $1,100 in round.the greatest teachers of music on where quiet hours are enforced. 7614. numbers, which is to be turned the continent, the first with whom and so it doesn't do you much good 1THIE ART & ther oendegaguefuMafre n a rc tte oa huocpebcas1uta o H R over to the undergraduate fund for she came in contact were H. Barth even if you do find the living room The schedule of rehearsals forGT he Women's League, Margaret and Max Bruch at the Royal Highn unoccupied, because just as youth JuirGr'Payhsbe GIFT SHOP t1-22E BR announced , azaar treasurer, has School for Music at Berlin. get nicely started on a calculus changed. The new list will be 218 S. State St.0 2 The articles themselves brouht Following a few preparatory problem or an economics theory or posted downstairs near the locker in over $455 of this total. Of uhe years of teaching theory and com- something else equally as erudite, room. separate features, the tea room position at this music school, Ma- someone yells down stairs that_ _ known as the Shiny (Knife an dame Kuyper founded and directed quiet hours are on and will you Uit lti tl knon a sbythe AlpS Phiny~if andthe Tonkunsterinnen-orchestra in, please pipe down and oblige theI y maa by the lpha Pi or Berlin. Then there followed a sim-. other inmates. And then, if you7 i . The undergraduate booth filarn position during which time she do cont ue your study imhanwhrc turedonduerd time aag ie-V- she dor mt hing, the rs of thee P ZCk dk i booth with Laura Joslyn, , easd bd of the German Lyceum club. girls will draw false conclusions W e chairman, made over $100. The Throughout these years Mme. about the nature of the work. door proceeds were $190. KIuyper devoted much time to or- ~-~- I* *S tOt I The total returns were about iginal composition and as a result I A he_ _ ,r $200 less than last years, but the we have a number of noted orches-I-Ae difference was almost entirely in trations, among which ar x violin the door receipts which netted sonata, violin concerto, ballad for iEAR LY SPRING around $400 last year. Ithe cello, and a serenade for the (. OUETTE" TICKETS NOW__AVAILABLE e Benefit Performance Is Detroit Alumni Effort To Complete Pledge N LAVES IS STARRED ets for a League benefit per- nce of "Coquette," starring Hayes, which will be pres- next Monday at the Cass *r in Detroit, may be ordered hr's book-store and in Room Alumni Memorial Hall. In a communication to Mrs. W. aderson, the president of the t Association of Michigan announced the sponsoring oquette" as a means of rais- he remainder of a $20,000 , taken recently by the De- women. ets are priced at $3.00 for box and the lower section or- a seats; the other down- seats sell for $2.50. Balcony may be had for $1.00, $1.50 ..00. The Monday night per- nce will be a regular presen- of this popular musical ly, the only difference being he house for that night has bought of the management Cass theater by the Alumnae The Detroit women are at t completing their third the two previous ones hav- otalled $20,000. In a letter Alice Currie Siebert, presi- f the Detroit Association, she that the Michigan women in t have been canvassed so times for the purchasing of emberships to the League, nly benefits remain by which nplete their pledge. is expected by the local ae that a fairly large delega- f students and townspeople Ann Arbor will be present at onday night performance. YORK UNIVERSITY.- all, basketball and track, emphasized as extra-curri activities, have finally in- the regular curiculum and just as much toward a degree Greek, Mathematics, Chemis- nd the other so-called cul- subj ects. Coe 843 UPPLIES a sion Y U- iNs 'orchestra. Mu Phi Epsilon, musical sorority, All of this has, however, been' gave a benefit bridge Monday eve-. subjugated to Mme. Kuyper's great ning. It was held at the home of achievement of 1908, when she faturing orthopedc Mrs. John Worley on Olivia. There founded a woman's orchcra and ~ footwear at were' tables for 68 including both singing society which she directed f active members and guests. Ap- with skill, in preparing her for the ( pointments suitable to Valentine's stupendous undertaking she is now Day were used. engaged in. _ Distinc tile Footwear lto IJANE T TE CS Sunburn beige kid high one straps; round toe, - I turnback on the strap heet dark The Token I AI. a and Gay Frills -add youthful charm to frocks for semi-formal wear. Bright splashes of prints are yours to choose - or frocks; of plain colors in brilliant high shades or of dainty pastel colorings. Priced $19.75 - $39.75 Ten Dollars Low-heeled walking oxfords with all the rarity of style and beauty that is so char- acteristic of the more formal J. Murphy footwear. Springtime having inspired many charming new effects for the infor- bE E u)rJ AR~ROW FEEL STEEL ihat Bcauty! whatS1yle! what Comfort! ithese foot-fitting modes predicted and approved by leading orthopedists , t /_ - i I i r' r - a A DAETTE Lido sand calf one strap;med .: um- heel and round toe-a Pf smart walking shoe- 10 Widths AAA-C Sizes 3/- SHOE DEPARTMENT MAIN FLOOR I: f '' es '0~ wA El. H ( iti